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I'm in the process of finally putting the LDD mail train that I entered into a competition a while back into bricks. But because I'm waiting on bricklink orders I got a little bored and started looking at old art deco posters! My first thought was to do one with my mail train, then it occured to me that the Metroliner just lends itself to such a look, so out of the boredom comes these two! I quite like them and its helping me relearn some photoshop skills so I will probably do more! ^^





Any crits, comments and free gifts are welcome!


Edited by Catanas

These poster are really neat! I really like the Metroliner Poster. By all means, please do more :classic: What program did you use and is it Mac OS compatible?

The mail poster is very clever, but the Metroliner one is just stunning. I'd love to do something just of that sort with my Henry Dreyfuss Hudson, but it'd probably end up looking near identical to the real art deco posters of those locomotives. :)


... But because I'm waiting on bricklink orders I got a little bored and started looking at old art deco posters! ...

Hi Catty,

beautiful, simply beautiful. When I was 19, I decided to venture into the natural sciences rather than into art. It was a close call. Art Deco, Bauhaus, the Surrealists, etc. etc. really got me at that time (and even today).

Looking at your MetroLiner poster is very exciting and brings back the good old days. You really captured the Art Deco spirit and vision. Should TLC ever decide to do a comeback of the MetroLiner (just dreaming) THIS should be shown on the box. I'd buy the set just because of the box design!

Wonderful! Thanks for sharing, you should create some more. If they were available in high-res that would be great.

All the best,


Any crits, comments and free gifts are welcome!


I'd buy a large print of the metroliner if it were available for purchase. I'd be even more interested in similar products of the 70's blue era trains. I'm sure the 12V fans would like 7740 or 7760. The obvious Lego trains for this treatment would be the Emerald Night and the Santa Fe. Sounds to me there is a business opportunity for someone of your artistic talent if you have access to the printing facilities.

Totally AWESOME artwork 'Catanas', the Metroliner artwork is so 1930's retro. :thumbup:

Hope there is more to come ! :grin:

Heck, if you produce them as actual prints they'll sell like wild fire ! :grin:

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Woo, thanks guys! Means a lot!

Leg Godt Gud, I use photoshop for this, though I do find it quite tricky as I'm a very freehand drawer and this style likes lots of lines! I'm sure there are better programmes out there!

The metroliner is actually based off one I saw years ago but the style just stuck in my head :) And it seems to have worked well! Unfortunately I don't have prints nor have any idea of how to access such facilities. ><

I've added one for 7939, though I'm really not happy with the background. Maybe its the colours, but after spending a few hours on the background alone I went with this one!

Thanks again guys!


Very nice work. I really like your Metroliner artwork.

These are awesome, Catty.

Keep it up.

:classic: :classic:

Do you do requests? I have two LDD pictures here, and I don't know how to do these Art Deo posters, so I'm asking you to make it. Here are my photos:

My first one is based off a real life LEGO train I own called the "Great West".

My tagline could be the destinations. I orginally had this: "Brickville - Fort Legorado - Ironwood".


This one is a head on shot of my steam engine. This one is not as badley wanted as the first, but I still would like it. I haven't thought of a title for this one, so you can choose. My railroad's name is "Brick Railway", if that helps.


Thanks for reading!

Excellent work! I'm very impressed with the Metroliner one, it would look great on the side of a bus stop or in a train station. I do hope you do more if you can find the time!

@Murdoch17, these posters really only work because of how iconic these trains are - I'm not sure how successfuly those LDD renders would convert into art-deco artwork.

Fabulous work there. It really captures the feel especially the metroliner.

As far as the more retro modern posters like your metroliner, vector graphics are the way to go. A good application would be Adobe Illustrator if you have it. If not you can always download Inkscape which is a free opensource vector graphics editor. Otherwise try dabbling in pathing with Photoshop as that will give similar results howbeit without the ease of scalability like vector graphics. (With vector graphics you make the image and then print it at what ever size you want as the program can calculate the dpi (or dpmm-what ever it is internationally) for the required print resolution and size.)

My two bricks. I hope that helps.

More traditional older posters can be done easily through the hand input method as they were drawings, paintings or illustrations.

Hello Catty, nice artwork you have created! I especially like the metroliner poster. That would really go well as a desktop background (hint, hint) :-)

Would you consider a landscape variation of the metroliner poster?

I'm also really curious as to how a Santa Fe (10020) inspired poster would look like (using the techniques from the metroliner poster).

I never thought I would see something like this, it's just awesome. All posters look great. Could you tell me if you use any particular program for this? I would love to make one myself

I absolutely love these. They really remind me of the new Amtrak ad campaign.


I really hope you make more, especially with newer trains (Maersk, Emerald Night, even 7898 and 7897)

Also, I'm suprised nobody noticed that Fire Brigade is in the skyline of the Metroliner one! Fantastic attention to detail!

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Thanks for the comments! I've added one for the 12V fans now! :)

Still not happy with the Cargo train though :hmpf_bad:

Would you consider a landscape variation of the metroliner poster?

I will try and play around :)

Could you tell me if you use any particular program for this? I would love to make one myself

Its photoshop I use :)

Murdoch117 - I'm not really doing requests at the moment as I'm just trying to get back into the swing of drawing :) But that is a nice locomotive all the same!

3DLEGO - Thanks for all that advice, I've looked into Illustrator before but could not really get on with it, maybe its time to give it another shot :)

Again, thanks for all the commments guys, will keep doing them! Emerald Night next I think!

That really is a good one of the 12volt '7740' traindefault_thumbup.gif, I really like that one the best, the other's are great too but I feel you really capture the feeling with the 12volt one with the landscape details.

Keep up the great work Catty.default_laugh_new.gif

What the..? Again that poster of 7740 is awesome, the style, the look of the train, the mountains in the background. Everything is jsut well thought. I would love to see something like this with one of the more recent trains (because I own them and would love to hang these posters (with you permission) in my city!) :laugh:

Thanks for the comments! I've added one for the 12V fans now! :)

3DLEGO - Thanks for all that advice, I've looked into Illustrator before but could not really get on with it, maybe its time to give it another shot :)

The 7740 poster is great. You have a good sense of the Art Deco style.

If you do use a vector based program, I've just remembered the designer that does a lot of work for the local LEGO convention I help run has access to poster printers. I could check out the cost of a run of a posters if you'd like. I'm in Australia though so shipping might be an issue from here :-(

Amazing artwork, Catanas!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Alright, I've been inspired! Here's my version of the Metroliner one, but for the 7897 Passenger Train. Blockburg and Brickville are the names of the two separate areas of my LEGO City. The train has a loop between them.


Blockburg Express Art Deco Poster

Sorry about the link... Eurobricks tells me that "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board."

If anyone can help me here, it would really be appreciated.Fixed :sweet:!

Edited by CopMike
Inserted picture

Fixed :sweet:!

Thanks a ton!

The first one is fantastic, it has some kind of vintage look that i like a lot. :thumbup:

Love them :wub: Thats totally awesome artwork Jay Sathe :thumbup:

Captain Becker

Edited by Captain Becker

Love them :wub: Thats totally awesome artwork Jay Sathe :thumbup:

Captain Becker

Thanks!It didn't take me too long to do, and, I can do more based on pictures! Passenger trains are the best, but if you send me any picture, I can try to make it!

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