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And finally I am proud to present Jengo Fett's Planetary Prowler.

This treaded head turner is ideal for those who like to have their toys and be noticed.

The Prowler acts as Jengo's mobile planetary base of operations. Manufactured by Purple Pant Industries, this vehicle has everything you need.

It is powered by twin fusion reactors that also provide a recharging to the shuttle and speeder bike components.

The fusion reactors are outfitted with thrusters at the rear which allow for short bursts of additional speed when needed.

This feature is especaially advantageous on low gravity surfaces and can allow the Prowler to jump wide canyons. (think Amrageddon)

It is armed with the two G1-84 series blasters and 2 surface to orbit plasma missiles.

The tracking and scanning systems are second none. With this machine Jengo can hear a Bantha poodoo from 2 parsecs away!

Although the size and color make stealh movements improbable, the Prowler has a cargo bay that can hold a steathly speeder bike to close in for the kill.

There is also room to spare to bring back targets with bounties worth more alive.

The cockpit is also a space shuttle with limited speed and range. This feature allows it to act as an ejection pod.

Sadly the payments were too hefty for this vehicle as the interest rates offered by the Hutts were downright robbery.

This forced Jengo to trade in the Prowler for the Slave and sell his DNA to the Kaminos to pay off his debt.

Please take a look at the pictures for more discriptions.

I also have higher res photos on my flickr photostream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43769067@N08/

There is even proof that the treads are functional here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/43769067@N08/5737187145/in/photostream


in case you have ever wondered what to do with 180 purple pants


side view



rear view with cargo door closed


cargo area


perfect spot to stow a speeder bike


The Prowler was designed to have the cockpit component become a space shuttle that can dock with the Prowler to become a single entity.



Holy crap! how did you get so many to those basket ball legs. The treads looks awesome, and the design is really neat. I like you consistency of keeping the vehicles look similar. Good luck.

Great job :thumbup:


I was thinking the same thing, goodness so many spring-loaded legs.....Jengo must have a spring in his step ! :laugh:

He also likes purple and lots of it ! :laugh:

Excellent designing and clever use of legs as tracks ! :thumbup:

Great work and good luck......may the Sith Brick be with you 'soundwave_sw' always ! :grin:


I agree, maybe change the figure to a LGM bounty hunter?

I love all the Toy Story comments. Perhaps I'll convert this to a LGM machine for Brickcon. It is ironic that the lime green prompts people to think Toy Story when Stars Wars sets were an important pioneer for lime green lego (Bounty Hunter Pursuit for example)

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