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Later that Night Petra was waiting for the end. She knew how close they had been to getting it all figured out, and also how horribly wrong they had been.


And to prove her right little Rupert entered carrying a minigun. "Good evening cousin, I've come to kill you!"


Ratatatatatatatat. And then little Petra went to join her parents in the afterlife, if there is such a thing.


Elsewhere Tammo had was hiding in the bathroom, trying as best he could to shut the world out.


Unfortunately for Tammo his wife knew just where to find him.. "Oh hi baby! Surprised to see me? And would you look at this, a gun! Time to say goodbye sweetie!"


Blam! Blam! Blam! And thus died Tammo, shot in the gut.


At which point Quentin entered along with Rupert. "Congratulations, you have proven that you're more than worthy of taking over the business empire once I'm gone, and seeing as I don't have much time left it looks like you'll be taking over pretty soon."

So, congratulations to the winners, Rufus and Ricecracker, Not Loyal!.


Quentin de Belle-ville, head of the Belle-ville family (NPC, host character)

played by Quarryman



Richelle de Belle-ville - married to Tammo

played by Ricecracker, Not Loyal


Rupert Spalkowa - son of Irena and Sammy, brother of Amy

played by Rufus, Not Loyal


Petra Steinethaler, only child of James and Cornelia

played by def (replaced Peanuts), Loyal


Tammo de Belle-ville, second son of Quentin from his first marriage, married to Richelle

played by Captain Tamamono, Loyal


Sammy Spalkowa, married to Irena, father of Rupert and Amy

played by Sandy, voted off on Day 1 Loyal


Henry de Belle-ville, oldest son of Quentin from his first marriage, married to Dragana

played by Hinckley, killed during Night 1 Loyal


Irena Spalkowa - only child from Quentin's second marriage, married to Sammy, mother of Rupert and Amy

played by Shadows, voted off on Day 2 Not Loyal


Jacob Steinethaler - married to Cornelia, father of Petra

played by JimButcher, killed during Night 2 Loyal


Dragana de Belle-ville - married to Henry

played by Dragonator, voted off on Day 3 Loyal


Daniel de Belle-ville - youngest son of Quentin from his first marriage, married to Fuchsia

played by dannylonglegs, killed during Night 3 Loyal


Amy Spalkowa - daughter of Irena and Sammy, sister of Rupert

played by iamded, voted off on Day 4 Loyal


Cornelia Steinethaler - younger sister of Quentin, married to James, mother of Petra.

played by CorneliusMurdock, killed during Night 4 Loyal


Fuchsia de Belle-ville - married to Daniel

played by Fugazi, voted off on Day 5 Loyal

Okay, so that was it. I hope my beloved players don't hate me too much. :blush:

First of all, yes, the Loyals didn't have any Night Actions, and the only Night Action the Not Loyals had was that they could kill one person each Night. So this game was the purest form of Mafia as it was played in the 80s. I wanted to run this as an experiment to see if it worked, and as it all came down to just 1 vote deciding the outcome I think it worked decently well. (I'm confident that if Rufus had been convicted Ricecracker would have followed the next Day and the Loyals would have won). I'm not sure if 13 players was perhaps too few though, that probably could do with some discussion.

Second, I'm really sorry for all the delays there have been, and the crappy quality of the pictures, I really should have known better than to attempt to run a game in July, a month where a lot of stuff happens. (and that I had to find a new place to live during this month certainly didn't help either). But, everything's done now, so I can take a break from EB Mafia for a while. At least that is the plan.

Thanks to everyone for playing, it's been great fun to host. :classic:

Now, feel free to flame, praise or whatever, I'm sure there are some players who have a lot they want to say. :wink:

Well, damn. :laugh: I really thought Fugazi and def were scum, and not just because of my gut instinct either. Very sorry to the two of you, and to all the other townies I doomed! :blush:

Congratulations to Rufus and Ricey! I have to admit, the two of you had me fooled!

Anyways, thanks for letting me play, Quarry! I'm really grateful I had the chance to play with some of the best mafia players on EB, and I hope I'll get to play in another game with you all soon!

Here's my role PM:

  On 7/5/2011 at 6:56 PM, Quarryman said:


Tammo de Belle-ville, second son of Quentin from his first marriage, married to Richelle

Heading the family's clinic for cosmetic surgery you have made sure the family's empire have grown into a new area with great success. You have very few moral scruples, but puts family above all, so clearly you are Loyal to the family. You have no Night action.

Well, I would have enjoyed my short experience more if Rupert hadn't been scumming up the place :thumbdown:

Tammo, you really contradicted yourself that last day, stating that you wanted to hear arguments, but then also that you didn't want to overthink it and rather, follow your gut. You hit your peak here: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=58210&view=findpost&p=1037286

I know; there's a lot of evidence that points to <Rufus>, but it's all just too perfect, too convenient.

You know why it was perfect? Because he was guilty.

I don't want to take away from Scum's win, because they certainly won, but Rufus's reply to me was a total scum flail. The first half of the day, he was trying not to be active, then when I called him on it, he took the time to have a long reply. I say not voting is a scum move, so he votes. The town move would be to keep the position, and not vote Fugazi, out of fear of losing things for town.

And Tammo, that was why we wanted you not to vote Fugazi. Not a scum plot, but that we lost the game.

I'm kind of glad I didn't play from day one, or I would have been really heart-broken over this. Rather, I came in for Peanuts, but... As a host, active participation is one of those things I harp on about. So, even as a sub, I got up to pace. I created a Google spreadsheet looking at who voted and in what order. I tried to figure out what I could from the thread since that was all a no-action townie can do.


Rufus's vote for iamded on day two was super scummy. When he did it, the day could have gone either way, and he was trying to keep Shadows alive. Ricecracker was more unreadable. He did the same in Bloodbrick, I might add. When Rice voted on day five, he was stinking of scum, playing coy even though he had won with that vote. If it were me, I would've given the middle finger as I placed that vote, since it was too late for Tammo to see the light.

Thanks for the chance to play, Q-man. I enjoyed the 36 hours I put into it. I appreciate that it wasn't an ideal hosting situation for you. :cry_happy:

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:03 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

Well, damn. :laugh: I really thought Fugazi and def were scum, and not just because of my gut instinct either. Very sorry to the two of you, and to all the other townies I doomed! :blush:

There was literally nothing more Fugazi and I could have done to make you see the light, short of flying to your house, smacking you in the face and dousing you in ice water. You kept asking for a reason to change votes and you got plenty. But you weren't having any of it. :hmpf:

You have a lot of mafia studying to do :wink:

Haha, I'm in the lucky position of shouting out a big "TOLD YA SO". Ricey was reeking of Scum since Day 1, yet you let him slip by each day. The Town really hit the jackpot with Shadows on Day Two, with almost all the townies and none of the scum voting for him, but for some reason after getting rid of Draggy you proceeded to vote out the people who had voted for Shadows instead of those who hadn't.

I knew there was something fishy about the townies not being allowed to contact each other privately, but I didn't think that meant there were no night actions at all. Clever ruse, Q. :wink:

I must applaud for Fugazi for the "big move" to reveal the scums on the final day. It really was a perfect way to bring the game home for the townies, if it weren't for Tamamono and his "guts". I thought I taught you better than that in Mafia School, Tam. :sadnew: Didn't you know that you could actually see if someone is writing a PM by taking a look at their profile?

Seriously, I need more Mafia, right now. I need to get rid of this rust that affected my performance. :tongue:

Sorry if that sounded like me being a poor sport, I was just frustrated that day and was bubbling over with stuff to say. Literally two days earlier, I finished playing another game that went down to 3:1, and me and another voted the last scum, but the mayor (1.5 votes) had different vibes, and sealed the deal for scum. Two nearly identical losses within days of each other.

And what I was saying about Rufus acting scummy, you can see a lot of difference in his behaviour here and in the last game he played as a town, The Forest. I think it would be the same for Hinckley. Once people get used to someone as an active town player, it's a lot easier to see them when they're scum, since it's hard to show equal enthusiasm.

Conversely, someone like Dragonator is almost always obtuse (though he got pretty outgoing in The Forest too). Simply playing his regular subdued game while surviving past the first day is almost enough to get him pegged as scum whether he's guilty or not.

Cheers to the scum :drunk:

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:32 PM, Sandy said:

I must applaud for Fugazi for the "big move" to reveal the scums on the final day. It really was a perfect way to bring the game home for the townies, if it weren't for Tamamono and his "guts". I thought I taught you better than that in Mafia School, Tam. :sadnew: Didn't you know that you could actually see if someone is writing a PM by taking a look at their profile?

I'm so sorry, Sandy! I didn't think check Rufus's and Ricey's profiles at that point (although I really should have :facepalm:).

I would've switched my vote over to Rufus when Fugazi said that he was writing a PM, but earlier in the game (maybe Day 2?) I checked iamded's profile after he responded to one of my accusations, and it said that he was using the Personal Messenger, which was one of my main reasons for voting him on Day 4. After he came up as town, I figured that people using the Personal Messenger could easily just be a coincidence. In any case, I thought the scum used Writeboard? :wacko:

One of the reasons I voted for Fugazi was that he and def kept disappearing into what their profiles said was 'the portal' which I interpreted to be the portal between EB and Writeboard/IRC.

I suppose I was also overestimating my intuition. I should've just looked at the facts instead of going with my gut on everything.

Once again, I'm so sorry that I lost the game for you all!

  On 7/31/2011 at 2:43 PM, Quarryman said:

So this game was the purest form of Mafia as it was played in the 80s.

With the twist that the players didn't know that none had night actions! I assume that the scum weren't aware of this either?

While it was a very interesting game and a new experience for me, I can't help but feeling that a game where players do have night actions but can't communicate privately would have made an even more interesting setting. Next time perhaps! :wink:

It's not my place to comment on individual players performances, but I do want to commend def for taking on the game as if he had been with us from the beginning, giving his very best for his team. Well done def, thanks! :sweet:

  On 7/5/2011 at 6:35 PM, Quarryman said:

Fuchsia de Belle-ville - married to Daniel

Just another gold-digger who achieved your life's only goal when getting married to Daniel de Belle-ville. The marriage has been good to you, Daniel's wealth has allowed you a life in luxury and you couldn't possibly comprehend going against his family. Clearly you are Loyal to the family. You have no Night action.

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:48 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

One of the reasons I voted for Fugazi was that he and def kept disappearing into what their profiles said was 'the portal' which I interpreted to be the portal between EB and Writeboard/IRC.

What? :wacko:

IRC and Writeboard are entirely separate websites from EB. That's why I prefer Writeboard to PMs, since nobody on site can tell we're using it.

As far as I know, I brought Writeboard here during the Werewolf game in February, after using it on a few games elsewhere where it's standard. But it's never been standard here. It's case by case. Same as IRC. Some members live by it, but others don't use it.

There is no portal between Writeboard or IRC. If there is, this is the first I heard of it.

That afternoon, I spent a lot of time refreshing the the day five window, skimming through the first few days and looking over the remaining player's posts.

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  On 7/31/2011 at 3:55 PM, Fugazi said:

With the twist that the players didn't know that none had night actions! I assume that the scum weren't aware of this either?

Of course they weren't aware, but they did figure it out after a while. But yes, that no one knew that there weren't Night Actions in play wasn't exactly classic Mafia, good point.

Also, I was for a while pondering assigning all sorts of useless, but real, roles that couldn't influence the game to give the impression that there was a lot of Night Actions involved. Things like having enablers and reserves for roles not in play, but I decided against it. It would also have caused a lot more work to go through all those PMs and reply to them. :laugh:

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:59 PM, def said:

That afternoon, I spent a lot of time refreshing the the day five window, skimming through the first few days and looking over the remaining player's posts.

That's weird, when you were replying to my post, your name suddenly disappeared from the thread, and your profile said that you were 'Viewing the Portal'. Does anybody know what this means? :wacko:

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:48 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

One of the reasons I voted for Fugazi was that he and def kept disappearing into what their profiles said was 'the portal' which I interpreted to be the portal between EB and Writeboard/IRC.

'Viewing the Portal' means viewing the Frontpage. It is usually a sign that someone has opened a new window, often (in mafia) to disguise what they are doing; but equally they could just have joined EB, or be looking at other day threads etc. It doesn't mean they are scum, necessarily - I used the same tactic in The Forest to disguise the fact that I was using Personal Messenger (that game was played almost entirely in PM).

Fun game, thanks for letting me in again, Quarry. I'm glad I got to take down a scum with me, even if I was killed the second night. I must admit, I was suspicious of Draggy from Day 1, and probably would have voted for him had I lived to see Day 3. And I was also convinced that iamded was guilty after the split voting pattern was revealed. However, I was suspicious of Ricecracker all along, and my original list of baddies was Ricecracker, Shadows, and Draggy. Rufus definitely had me fooled, though. :tongue:

I personally thought the small amount of players was a nice change of pace, but no night actions made it much harder to pick out scum.

I don't think I played so badly, def.

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:32 PM, Sandy said:

I must applaud for Fugazi for the "big move" to reveal the scums on the final day. It really was a perfect way to bring the game home for the townies, if it weren't for Tamamono and his "guts". I thought I taught you better than that in Mafia School, Tam. :sadnew: Didn't you know that you could actually see if someone is writing a PM by taking a look at their profile?

The 'Fooooog Manoooouvre' was awesome. I fell for it completely. Only as I was PM'ing Ricey did I realise that it could be a trap, and even then I didn't fully see the potential consequences until a little later. Afterwards, I felt such an idiot. That, coupled with the post-adrenaline rush, made me feel rather ill, so having posted a little in a vain attempt to deflect from my mistake, I switched off the computer and watched some TV instead. I was rather pleasantly surprised in the morning to find the outcome!

Incindentally, I know full-well from my one time playing Town that when you've got someone pinned down, it really doesn't matter what they say in their defence - it'll get torn to pieces. Had I said I was in PM with someone unrelated to the game, it would (a) have been met with sarcasm ('how convenient at that moment') and (b) have admitted to the PM thing. My only hope was to convince Tammo - who was already suspicious of Foog - that it was megablocks, and then prod him into voting for Fooog, which he did.

The real spanner in the works for us was def replacing Peanuts. Our gameplay had revolved around keeping suspicious people in the game; we killed CM over Foog for the very reason that we knew Tammo was suspicious of him. This paid off, even if it did allow Foog's heart-attack manouvre. Peanuts had been under suspicion since day one, and - with the greatest respect - he isn't perhaps so skilled at talking himself out of trouble; def is an extremely skilled and experienced player, who could spot scum on the moon, and is additionally able to put forth a compelling argument. Had def been playing from day one, he'd have been one of the first night targets.

I'm glad to have won, but I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself for falling for Foog's trick. Nice one, fella - you have my greatest respect (and future fear) for that. :thumbup:

  On 7/31/2011 at 4:44 PM, Rufus said:

I'm glad to have won, but I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself for falling for Foog's trick. Nice one, fella - you have my greatest respect (and future fear) for that. :thumbup:

Thanks Rufus! :sweet: It was a dirty trick, but of course you know that it won't work twice!

And congratulations, you had me fooled until the end! I mean, had it not been for your reaction to my vote I wouldn't have known who to vote for on the last day.

Quarry, I love you. Never forget that as you read my acidic words that follow. Thanks for hosting the game and thanks for letting me play. I know this wasn't an easy time in your life and keeping the game running was quite a feat. Thanks for your dedication to the site and the gaming forum. Now on to other things :devil:

Oh, and Tammo, I love you too, but my words are very acidic towards you. That's a disclaimer. :blush:

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:03 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

Well, damn. :laugh: I really thought Fugazi and def were scum,

Duh! Every person reading the last day thread was slamming their head against a wall and cursing your name. The Foog ran a sting operation. You said yourself you thought iamded was scum because you saw him in personal messenger. When The Foog ran the same manouevre to find scum, you didn't think he was town????? :hmpf::wall::facepalm::hmpf_bad::wall: :wall: :wall: And as def pointed out, Rufus left the thread entirely and let you guys have the little spat. Wasn't it odd that he was reading the thread but not responding to anything?

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:33 PM, def said:

Sorry if that sounded like me being a poor sport, I was just frustrated that day and was bubbling over with stuff to say.

You didn't sound like a poor sport at all. Let me sound like one for you. That was so frustrating to watch The Foog pull a brilliant sting operation and have a noob mess it up by being irrationally obtuse.

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:48 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

I'm so sorry, Sandy! I didn't think check Rufus's and Ricey's profiles at that point (although I really should have :facepalm:).

I would've switched my vote over to Rufus when Fugazi said that he was writing a PM, but earlier in the game (maybe Day 2?) I checked iamded's profile after he responded to one of my accusations, and it said that he was using the Personal Messenger, which was one of my main reasons for voting him on Day 4. After he came up as town, I figured that people using the Personal Messenger could easily just be a coincidence.

But The Foog told you that iamded and Rufus were using Personal Messenger at the same time!! :wall: He used the same tactic as you to find the scum and you didn't believe he was Town. Unbelievable... :hmpf::wall:

OK, sorry for being so belligerent towards you Tammo. I was incredibly pissed watching the last day. :blush:

As far as the "tactic" I mentioned, it was a rather lame one. I decided to play as strong as I could so I would be a target, since I had no night action. I didn't want the scum to target one of our precious night action players. But, the town had no night actions. :wall: This is the second Quarryman game I've played and honestly, Quarry, you seem to favor the scum. That's my opinion. I have no clue why you would give us no night actions. What was with Cornelia's gun? *huh* I barely want to hear the explanation. I guess I can't see how it would make sense.

This post makes me sound pissed off. :blush: I am, but I'm not really angry, just expressing my opinion in an intense way. That's how I do things. I can't believe I didn't interfere at all during the remainder of the game. Granted, I yelled at Rufus a few times since I knew he was scum, but I didn't really bug Quarry or yell at any living players or post in the discussion thread. Oh, and Rufus, the thing that clued me in to you being scum was when you put the nail in Draggy's coffin after that brilliant speech he gave about why he shouldn't be voted out. My favorite move of yours was starting the vote against iamded. "Scum never start the vote," people say, so of course eventually a scum was going to use that as a way to not look scummy. Iamded said 100 times, I don't think you're scum but your actions are scummy. :wall:

I hate this game. :tongue: Just kidding, it was just as enjoyable as any other. Aggravating, but it's a game and that's what games are for: fun. I'm one of the ones that takes it all too seriously, but I have fun doing that so thanks for putting up with me, everyone. Great game to all the players, especially The Foog! def, awesome job stepping in for that pudgy bitch who would've turned had the game gone one more day. She may have been loyal after all, but given time she would've stabbed every last one of the family in the back. Rufus, good scum game again. You're moving up in the "watch out for this megablocks" ranks. Tammo, better luck next time. Draggy, Cornelius, iamded, Jim Butcher, my lovely loyal family, we deserved better. :cry_sad: Thanks for being my afterlife rant buddies. I should copy the conversation between me and Cornelius while Tammo was voting for The Foog. But only if Tammo has an iron ego. :blush: It was more than acidic, it was vitriol. :grin:

I almost forgot, I'm hosting next. Sign-up will be on Wednesday. I have chosen a format that supports 17 players.

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:11 PM, def said:

There was literally nothing more Fugazi and I could have done to make you see the light, short of flying to your house, smacking you in the face and dousing you in ice water.

Some of us watching from the sidelines wished this was possible, too. It's probably a good thing that we don't know where you live, CT. :laugh:

It was a great effort, Foog. If I'd been around, you'd have convinced me.

Congrats to Rufus and Ricecracker. Well played. Great job looking helpful while actually distracting us from scum, Rufus.

  On 7/31/2011 at 4:44 PM, Rufus said:

I don't think I played so badly, def.

I don't think you played badly at all, after all, the proof is in the results. :sadnew: But, my point was that you were pinging my scumdar pretty heavy by the third page of day five. I've played two games with you before, on the same team, so I guess I'm getting attuned to your style. To be fair to Tammo, I doubt he memorized Werewolf and the Forest before playing this game.

  On 7/31/2011 at 3:33 PM, def said:

And what I was saying about Rufus acting scummy, you can see a lot of difference in his behaviour here and in the last game he played as a town, The Forest. I think it would be the same for Hinckley. Once people get used to someone as an active town player, it's a lot easier to see them when they're scum, since it's hard to show equal enthusiasm.

I can see how that's true, but we've both successfully played scum before. :tongue:

Captain, Tamamnonamao... :look: um ... Tammo, I gave you a title. I will remove it if it hurts your feelings. It's meant in good fun. :blush:

To be fair, I think I paid the price for leading the town on such a poor vote on day 4. I'm sorry iamded, I was so convinced that you were scum! :blush: I could hardly claim to be the towniest of town after that mess-up!

  On 7/31/2011 at 5:31 PM, Hinckley said:

Captain, Tamamnonamao... :look: um ... Tammo, I gave you a title. I will remove it if it hurts your feelings. It's meant in good fun. :blush:

:laugh_hard: Love it!

Well, the end was fun to watch!

Here's my post:

  On 7/5/2011 at 6:50 PM, Quarryman said:


Daniel de Belle-ville - youngest son of Quentin from his first marriage, married to Fuchsia

played by dannylonglegs

Having grown up with too much money and too little responsibility you have become quite an international playboy, which led to marrying the gold-digger Fuchsia. You don't care whether she loves you or not though, as long as the sex is good. And the little vixen Fuchsia knows a thing or two about how to have a good night. (or day for that matter). You realize that staying with the family is the best way of ensuring that the money flow doesn't stop, so going against your father's wishes would be a horribly bad idea. Thus you are Loyal to the family. You have no Night action.

I kinda guessed that the town had no night actions on the third day. I figured that an investigator would have popped up by then.

~Insectoid Aristocrat

  On 7/31/2011 at 5:38 PM, Fugazi said:

To be fair, I think I paid the price for leading the town on such a poor vote on day 4. I'm sorry iamded, I was so convinced that you were scum! :blush: I could hardly claim to be the towniest of town after that mess-up!

What was Amy thinking in being invisible on day 4? That was an absolute gift. I wouldn't have dared use it against him if he hadn't made it so obvious. Most players with any experience will keep an eye on who is reading the thread and refresh regularly, and for iamded to pop up with a post with the little face-icon greyed out makes it clear - it wasn't just me who spotted it. I would certainly have called him out on it if I had been town, too.

Hinck caught me logged on invisibly during Bloodbrick, and it very nearly cost me the game (and my sanity) - and I was scum. Sorry, iamded, but to do it when you're town is suicide :laugh:

Congratulations on (another) win Rufus and Ricey. I was away while most of the game was running, so I only really read the final day. And I'm really surprised you managed to pull it off in the end.

And Quarry, it certainly was an interesting variation you ran. At least you had no conflicting night actions. :laugh:

  On 7/31/2011 at 5:31 PM, Hinckley said:

Captain, Tamamnonamao... :look: um ... Tammo, I gave you a title. I will remove it if it hurts your feelings. It's meant in good fun. :blush:

Oh, Hinck... :laugh:

But seriously, Tamamono, I really hope you aren't upset. This really isn't anything personal, it's just a game. All of us have screwed up in these games, some worse than others, and usually we are the one's who give ourselves the worst beating over it (Hinckley's an expert on this). You may be mocked now, but I hope you take that as a challenge to sign into the next game and play some more. You did well in Mafia School, so please say you won't quit playing over this. :classic:

Looking forward for your game, Hinck! :wink:

I must say, I really don't like it when players become suspicious because of activity on Eurobricks (logging in as invisible, who's online, etc.). IMO, it's one of the worst ways to metagame (even though metagaming seems to be less of a concern lately...).


Looking forward to another Hinckley game, hopefully I'll be able to play in one finally. :tongue:

  • Author
  On 7/31/2011 at 5:14 PM, Hinckley said:

Quarry, I love you. Never forget that as you read my acidic words that follow. Thanks for hosting the game and thanks for letting me play. I know this wasn't an easy time in your life and keeping the game running was quite a feat. Thanks for your dedication to the site and the gaming forum. Now on to other things :devil:

Thanks, I love you too, you know that :wub:

  On 7/31/2011 at 5:14 PM, Hinckley said:

As far as the "tactic" I mentioned, it was a rather lame one. I decided to play as strong as I could so I would be a target, since I had no night action. I didn't want the scum to target one of our precious night action players. But, the town had no night actions. :wall: This is the second Quarryman game I've played and honestly, Quarry, you seem to favor the scum. That's my opinion. I have no clue why you would give us no night actions. What was with Cornelia's gun? *huh* I barely want to hear the explanation. I guess I can't see how it would make sense.

I can agree on this game favouring the scum slightly, but I wanted to try one without Night Actions, and having the distribution be 11/2 meant the town just rolled over the scum all the time. (yes, I do run simulations for this). I do not agree about the scum being favoured in Infection though, the town had a ton of powerful Night Actions, and reserves for several of them (both cop and vigilante for instance), but the town just sucked badly in that one. As for Cornelia's gun that was just thrown in to make the "yet another person killed in bed" scene being a little different and hopefully less boring. (as you can surely see my setups for this game were limited :blush: (note to self: Belville scale stuff needs to be insanely huge)).

  On 7/31/2011 at 5:14 PM, Hinckley said:

I almost forgot, I'm hosting next. Sign-up will be on Wednesday. I have chosen a format that supports 17 players.

Looking forward to that, though I don't think I'll be signing up. I'm sure it will be as awesome as your games always are. :wub:

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