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New Year's Eve at The One Brick at a Time Clinic. A light snow falls outside, flakes sticking to the window briefly before they dissolve into small drops and trickle down and freeze back into ice. The Clinic is almost festive. The patients there are by no means happy people, but manage to forget themselves, and take a rare indulgence. The champagne is flowing liberally.


Next to the fireplace, poor Putnam is making notes in his journal, not to be published until his death. Of everyone, he is the one with the least happiness in his life. He writes page upon page, day after day, until the staff take his book away from him at bedtime. Being New Years, he's allowed to carry it around with him until late. If he could be happy, this would make him so. Rather, he is less emotionally wrecked than usual.


That is, he Is less emotionally wrecked than usual until that repugnant bully Imes da Booey takes notice of him.

"Feckin' bookworm's at it again! Har! Don' tell me, li'l Pelly cain't even drop his book for once, when the whole place is haven' a party! Har!"

Da Booey snatches Putnam's book from him.


"So, whatcha writtin' there then? Nuttin' bout me, right?" Da Booey laughs in the upper part of his throat, letting out a snort.

Putnam panics. The lights are on, but he doesn't have his book. What can he do with himself? His jaw wavers, as if he's about to say something, but of course he won't.


Dr. Jackson intervenes. "Mr. da Booey, what have we told you about tormenting Mr. Putnam. We've been particularly lenient on everybody tonight, let's not make us regret that, shall we?"

Da Booey performs a well rehearsed feint of innocence. "Doc, c'mon, you know me and Putty are friends. I'm just yanking his chain."

The doctor has more than enough experience than to deal with this though.

"Look at him, he's a wreck. Have some compassion and let him keep his book."



On the floor, everybody goes quiet.


"It's time," a voice calls. A number of people, together, yell,



With the next number, the crowd grows larger:



By the next number, the people are nearly chanting in unison:


















But before the last syllable is uttered, the lights go black.


The lights come back on, and all the patients look around. There really is no easy way to process the sight of four dismembered bodies lying on the rug before them.


Actually, not all the patients. Putnam is thinking about the effort involved in picking up his book.


The grand doors swing open and a striking Teutonic woman enters, followed by an armed entourage.

"What, isn't anyone going to wish me a happy new year? HAH!"


"I suppose you're wondering who I am…"

She surveys the splattered remnants on the floor.

"This place isn't at all like I remember it from the photos father used to send. Of course, everything changes. There really is nothing you can hold onto, is there?"


She boldly strides toward the center of the room. The patients try to smile, and some make brief eye contact with one another.

"My father was a good man. He didn't deserve the fate he was given. He had so much left to do."


The crowd doesn't make a sound. The lights make a hum which fills the void.

A vein throbs at her temple.


"You know what night it is, of course."

She glares around the room.


"Why, 25 years ago today, you people began down the road that killed my father. Your apathy and stupidity, it destroyed all that he had worked so hard to establish." She pauses. "You all carry that weight of responsibility."

A voice speaks from the crowd.

"I wasn't even born yet. How could I be responsible? I don' know your father."


The confident woman halts. "Vas? Does someone have a question?"

Young Marcy Maeby raises her hand and steps forward.


"Yes, I ~"



Marcy Maeby (bob) lies dead on the floor. She was an insane patient (town).


"Does anyone else have a question?"

A voice comes from the crowd, "Do we have to call you Blut~" before another shushes them.


"Where was I? Oh yes, 25 years, you killed my father. Now, I'm going to give you the same chance you gave him."


"In this ward, I have specially chosen five of you as my agents. And they are going to kill you, one at a time. And each day, you're going to send one of your own to me, who I will personally kill myself."


"It's really quite simple. Back then, there was death. Now, there will be death again. It's a beautiful circle."

She purses her lips and chokes back a tear.


"And I'm nothing if not fair. Should you catch all my agents, you shall go free. This is not revenge… no, this is poetry."


"And let us not forget why you're here… Why we're here… Why I'm here…"


"Oh father, you will be proud."


She turns to address the stunned crowd.

"Where are my manners? I've completely forgotten to introduce myself. In the fatherland, I had a different name, but now that I'm in this wonderful land of suburbs and cowboys and Rubix Cubes, I feel so, how you say, Americanized. And in that spirit, please, call me--"




"You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow! Get some rest!" She chuckles to herself and leaves the patients to figure out how to clean the mess she's left them with.

Day One has begun. Good luck to all players. May the deserving players win.


The players:


Pelly Putnam (NPC) Putnam is a mute suffering severe paranoia and displaced anger issues. Despite this, he is essentially harmless, and is given a certain amount of freedom in the hospital. Putnam checked himself in.


Bell Bastage (Badboytje) - An OCD case, always obsessed with perfecting her surroundings. She developed an obsession with right angles, and frequently refuses to communicate with anyone until all furniture and decorations in the surrounding area are straightened. As such, she abhors natural settings and is deeply agoraphobic.


Pandufus Randora (Pandora & Rufus) A split personality type, with both a male and female identities. Both consider themselves themselves the dominant personality, and "Pandoo" frequently argues with 'herself.'


"Tammo" (Captain Tamamono) While definitely of Pacific ancestry, it's not known if 'Tammo', as she refers to herself, is born in America or not. Though highly fluent in English, she lacks a grasp of social mores. When apprehended by police, she was surviving by bartering herself as a 'fun-time' girl in New England. There is debate among the staff of whether she is actually mentally ill or simply ill-informed about the nature of Western society.


Sassy Cooter (Scouts) A well-documented case, Cooter was the top solo female singer of 1983, until an obsessive fan doused her with acid. She has yet to acknowledge the degree of her scarring, and is a deeply vain person. Her parents have checked her in at our facility for the time being.


Ali "Periscope" Perry (Alopex) Perry was the sailor who famously hijacked a nuclear submarine in the summer of 1982. She has a deep obsession with Russia, and is suspicious of any person who doesn't consider the 'Russkies' the dominant focus of any American's life. Ironically, by commandeering the submarine, she was dishonorably discharged from the Navy and was charged with treason. Being a declared enemy of the country she loves was too much for Perry to handle.


Heng Lewley, "The Fantabulous Kresmo" (Hinckley) - A hypnotist of some renown, he left a trail of bodies across the eastern seaboard. Accompanied by his bullied partner, The Alluring Draxia, the two used the power of hypnosis to induce suicidal states in victims, in part to deceive the police into ruling the deaths as something other than murder.


Rolly "Cracker-man" Crackerman (Ricecracker) A sad man with a sad boring life. After waking up one day and realizing there was nothing about himself he liked, he donned his superhero costume and went to fight crime. On his first night out, he was brutally beaten, and after waking up in the hospital, he was more adamant than ever that he was the hero, Cracker-man.


Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley (Rick) A delusional young man from the Vermont suburbs, who has adopted a "street" identity in hopes of becoming famous. A short-tempered lout, with a tendency to bullying and an unfounded belief in his inherent superiority.


"Lumpy" Zed Furby (Zepher) An aggressive brute of a man. Formerly a regional leader of the Brick Angels biker gang, he was brutally beaten and left for dead as a rival member usurped his position. He is in a state of denial about his feebled position. He still imagines himself a leader.


Imes da Booey (imaded) A demolitions 'expert' who destroyed a city block during a routine building demolition. He claimed it was accidental, but psychological tests have shown he receives obscure pleasure from watching things implode. A compulsive masturbator.


The Alluring Draxia (Dragonator) Kresmo's partner in crime. She suffers the delusion that Kresmo is a demigod, and is slavishly devoted to him. It has been suggested that the two should be kept separate, but the pair's lawyers have managed to guarantee they are housed in the same wing of the institute.


Shinobu Shiroba (Whitefang) A Japanese national staying in America at the time of hospitalization. Shinobu suffers a chemical imbalance causing deep dissociative tendencies, heightened by her lack of fluency, making her feel a heightened form of depression and loneliness.


Officer Sunny Day (Sandy) At one time, one of the most decorated police officers in Vermont. On the job, she was exposed by a crime syndicate to am obscure "panic" drug, which has altered her nervous system in such a way that she cannot relax. The condition is further aggravated by sleep deprivation as a result of her condition.


Boo Cameron (Big Cam) A true product of this go go decade. He made a quick rise on Wall Street to a position of great influence, before throwing it away on his cocaine addiction. A megalomaniac who will do anything for a fix. He was caught after stabbing two Colombian traffickers in a botched attempt to steal their wares.


Kelly "K-Girl" Mann (Kieldaman) A seemingly bright person, she is actually a sex addict, and has tried to use her sexuality to control most men and women in her life. A skilled emotional manipulator, without any conscience or remorse. She is pathological and requires constant surveillance.


Manuel Bukowski (Masked Builder) A particularly tragic case. A worker at the New Lower Brickton nuclear plant who miraculously prevented a meltdown by manually cooling overheated uranium rods. Though successful, that exposure has left him cancer-ridden, and quite mentally deranged.


Janie "Pun'kin" Beeswax (JimButcher) Nicknamed "pun'kin", not for her cuteness, but for her IQ. With the death of her parents, she went into the care of the state, which has placed her at our fine institution. Because of her difficulty at communicating with others, she has been given special permission to keep a dog, 'Charles' at the hospital.


Rickety Cannon (Roncanator) An emotional wreck. He dedicated virtually all his free time to the role-playing game, Beasts & Bricks. Two years ago, he lost his parents in a car accident, and subsequently flunked out of school. The resulting spiral of depression led him to fully adapt his character, and now lives in a fantasy world of monsters and magic, as the character Rascal Nate.


Shalonda Cunningham (Shadows) A crank that had been living on his own for years, as his paranoia grew unchecked. Convinced aliens are monitoring our mind's frequency, his gold brick apparently prevents broadcast wave interception. In other areas of life, he's competent enough, it's simply his belief that he's a target of alien interest that makes him a patient here.


Scally Wull (Sok117) The famous fish-boy of New England. His case needs little elaboration after the news uproar it had, but it's safe to say he had psychopathic tendencies before he was ever the alleged victim of bullying. Wull has a compulsive hatred of "yellow skins".


Stanley Spussemmin (Cornelius Murdock) The longest remaining patient of this hospital, he was a patient at the time of the scandal of 1961, when the Institute changed ownership and became the One Brick at a Time Institute. Though Spussemmen was a member of the party that finally murdered the staff and patients here, he was also heavily drugged at the time, and was left for dead shortly after in a gas station rest room. In the 25-year interval, he has been mostly docile.


Pearl Nuttin (Peanuts) A tragic figure. A hard worker who had intended to take over her family's farm, early into her 19th year, her face was caught in a wheat thresher. The intense scarring and prolonged surgery has seen her develop a whole new personality. The pleasant wholesome teen made a quick descent into drug abuse and criminal behavior, and is suffering a personality disorder wherein she is incapable of empathy.


Carl "Black Beast" Pie (CallMePie) At one time in the late 1970's, he was a leader in the New York punk scene, more famous for nailing his genitals to a board on stage than for musical talent. He adopted his 'beast' persona, having tattooed his entire body, and considers his birth name a lie.


Dr. Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor) An A-type personality with narcissistic overtones. Bovaary lost her license after it was found that she frequently overmedicated patients, until a large number of them became comatose. Bovary showed pathological judgement in deciding that the people's lives were better off in comas than in living their daily lives.


Poby Flanagan (Professor Flitwick) Found wandering on the shoreline muttering a faux-Inuit language. The son of a prominent politician, his therapy at our institution is currently being kept a secret. Flanagan is of a positive disposition, but suffers irrational fixations, such as his current one, a love of dead fish.

The Dead


Marcy Maeby (Bob) - Shot by Fraulein Bloodbrick on day one- Insane (town)


Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). Proxy voting is allowed, with the format Proxy: Character (Player) and Unproxy: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the first to achieve their vote will be lynched. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death on your second offense.

  • Author




In the first 24 hours of the game, all town patients must take medicine. Scum may or may not take medicine.

Medicine will be offered in two shifts, hours apart from each other. There will be two separate assortments for each shift. Patients may not take the same medicine on consecutive nights.

Patients who choose not to select their own medicine will be randomly assigned medicine from the remaining stock. Medicine taken by lynched or killed players will be removed from the asylum and not offered again.

Players select medicine by:

1. copying the entire updated list.

2. adding their name after their choice, and striking it off the list,


Medicine A

Medicine B def

Medicine C


Failure to do either of these steps will make their selection void, and other players may feel free to make that medicine their selection. <players, feel free to police yourselves on this, since I both have a job and sleep>

If this system is too confusing for you, simply do nothing and receive a random selection, with no penalties.


Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans

3. Powdered Rhino Horn

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies

10. Lemon Peel

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

Oh unholy moon squirrel, not again. Not again. I should have stayed on the moon this time. Why did I ever come back?

We have to put a stop to this cycle of killing. Let's find these agents and get back to our lives however pitiful they may be.

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans

3. Powdered Rhino Horn

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

Well that's no good. We haven't even done diddly squat and already one of us is dead... Good thing I'm here to stop the nonsense. I run s**t. That's what I do. 24/7. No rest for the runners of stuff. And I run a gang.

Now, pill time baby. I don't know what any of these suckers do but we're being given them anyway so I might as well lead the charge.

I'll take the red devil. Because I'm a devil.

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans

3. Powdered Rhino Horn

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

Hi there Bloodbrick. You've got quite a temper. Way to take control of this ward. Not so cool you and your agents want us all dead, though.

Medicine? I don't need that! I'll just have some Pink Pearlies instead.

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans

3. Powdered Rhino Horn

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

Oh dear! :cry_sad: But be brave my friends, we shall find our way out of this crisis!

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

  • Author
  On 9/15/2011 at 12:22 PM, Alopex said:

Oh dear! :cry_sad: But be brave my friends, we shall find our way out of this crisis!

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk



Oeh pills I love pills they are packed in a sterile environment. I love sterile things.

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

I'll go for the Magic Beans cause they match my lacking personality.

And now I'm off to clean the bloody mess in the living room. If you want to help me you'll at least have to wash your hands twice and wear rubber gloves before we begin cleaning up. Oh and fresh breath, you must brush, rinse and floss your teeth at least every half an hour. Otherwise I'm afraid you might get germs on me if you speak directly at me.

(edit: change of pills, my first choice was already taken)

Edited by badboytje88

  On 9/15/2011 at 12:32 PM, def said:



Sorry... :blush:

What a horrible sight! :sick: First someone cuts up our doctors, then Bloodbrick and her goons blow Marcy's head off, and now we're supposed to vote off on of our own to be killed by that insane lady to avoid being killed at night!?

I need some medication. :wacko:

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers "Tammo"

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

I think I'll take some Horse Tranquilizers.

This doesn't look good. She reminds me a little of an alien I read about once. An illegal alien. Get it? Illegal. Alien. :laugh:

Stop staring at me.


Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

Pour some sugar on me. :grin:

Oh my, what a strange turn of events! Protect me Fantabulous Kresmo, you're my only hope! :sing:

Pills? Pills... yes, maybe pills will help...

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties Draxia

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers "Tammo"

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk

SPONK! Sponk sponk sponk sponk. Sponk. :wub_drool:

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties Draxia

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk Pandufus Randora

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Ali "Periscope" Perry

4. White Crystals Boo Cameron

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties Draxia

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk Pandufus Randora

Thank God I got here in time, for the drugs, white crystals, that will take the edge off.

  • Author


Alopex has not selected any medicine since he ignored the format. In this case, the format is crucial to other players knowing their options.

Also, badboy has incurred his first voting penalty for editing his post! As always, make a new post! Don't edit!

  On 9/15/2011 at 1:29 PM, def said:


ALopez has not selected any medicine since he ignored the format. In this case, the format is crucial to other players knowing their options.

In that case, I believe this is the correct list:

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn

4. White Crystals Boo Cameron

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties Draxia

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers "Tammo"

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk Pandufus Randora

  On 9/15/2011 at 1:29 PM, def said:


ALopez has not selected any medicine since he ignored the format. In this case, the format is crucial to other players knowing their options.

Also, badboy has incurred his first voting penalty for editing his post! As always, make a new post! Don't edit!

I'm ever so sorry Fraulein Bloodbrick, it will never happen again. All I wanted was to keep this thread nice and clean. I just can't look at double posts, they give me the creeps.

  On 9/15/2011 at 1:37 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

In that case, I believe this is the correct list:

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Heng Lewley

4. White Crystals Boo Cameron

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties Draxia

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers "Tammo"

12. Salinie Infusion

13. Sponk Pandufus Randora

Powdered Rhino Horn for me!

Is anyone else completely flabergasted that this new Dr has shot one of our own before she was even able to speak to us about anything? I wonder why a player in this great game ... of life would be killed before they were able to metaphorically play. I hope it's safe to assume that she wasn't our investigator. :look: What the hell is going on? Yes, the staff is dead too, but that's no big loss, really. The Space Police are here now, I guess that's an OK replacement. Dr. Bloodbrick, your father was nice, he didn't go around shooting any of us...unless we were convicted...whatever that means. I wasn't here when all of that happened but I have a pretty good idea of what transpired.

I hope my powdered Rhino horn has the effect it's supposed to have. It doesn't seem like traditional medicine, but who am I to question the new Dr who came in and shot one of us? *huh*

  On 9/15/2011 at 1:53 PM, Hinckley said:

Powdered Rhino Horn for me!

Is anyone else completely flabergasted that this new Dr has shot one of our own before she was even able to speak to us about anything? I wonder why a player in this great game ... of life would be killed before they were able to metaphorically play. I hope it's safe to assume that she wasn't our investigator. :look: What the hell is going on? Yes, the staff is dead too, but that's no big loss, really. The Space Police are here now, I guess that's an OK replacement. Dr. Bloodbrick, your father was nice, he didn't go around shooting any of us...unless we were convicted...whatever that means. I wasn't here when all of that happened but I have a pretty good idea of what transpired.

I hope my powdered Rhino horn has the effect it's supposed to have. It doesn't seem like traditional medicine, but who am I to question the new Dr who came in and shot one of us? *huh*

As long as drugs are available to take the edge off, I don't really care who bosses me around mm.

I'm guessing she was making an example out of her and it worked, I'm scared.

Salinie Infusion for me then.

Day One, Shift One:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Magic Beans Belle Bastage

3. Powdered Rhino Horn Heng Lewley

4. White Crystals Boo Cameron

5. Opium

6. Black Beauties Draxia

7. Red Devils Zed "Lumpy" Furby

8. Sugar Pill Shalonda Cunningham

9. Pink Pearlies Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley

10. Lemon Peel Stanley Spussemmin

11. Horse Tranquilizers "Tammo"

12. Salinie Infusion Manuel Bukowsk

13. Sponk Pandufus Randora

Is anyone else's medicine...weird? I was thinking that perhaps the medicine would randomly assign people to Fraulein Bloobrick's "team" but if everyone else's medicine is similar to what I got, then it's just particularly...goofy, for lack of a better word. :wacko:

  On 9/15/2011 at 2:22 PM, Hinckley said:

Is anyone else's medicine...weird? I was thinking that perhaps the medicine would randomly assign people to Fraulein Bloobrick's "team" but if everyone else's medicine is similar to what I got, then it's just particularly...goofy, for lack of a better word. :wacko:

My nose burns a little, but that's common with drugs.

I'm getting Private questions (notes attached to potatoes) asking why my medicine is goofy. I'd rather not have any private conversations at this point, sorry, this place gets me on edge. So, I'll just tell everyone here. My medicine lets me do something that doesn't really seem to effect the game. It's just annoying. I think it's meant to just cause a little confusion and make the place seem like an insane asylum. :hmpf: I don't see the point...

  On 9/15/2011 at 2:22 PM, Hinckley said:

Is anyone else's medicine...weird? I was thinking that perhaps the medicine would randomly assign people to Fraulein Bloobrick's "team" but if everyone else's medicine is similar to what I got, then it's just particularly...goofy, for lack of a better word. :wacko:

Mine seems fine, although I am starting to feel a bit woozy. :wacko:

  On 9/15/2011 at 2:30 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

Mine seems fine, although I am starting to feel a bit woozy. :wacko:

Horse tranquilizers will do that.

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