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It was early in the morning when 5 heroes set out from the Heroica Hall. The sun had just risen behind the city wall to the east and cast long shadows before the heroes as they walked towards the Temple of Ennoc of the Paladin Order. The heroes in the party that was going on the honourable and righteous quest were:



(Played by CorneliusMurdock)

Level 13 Knight

Power: 24

Health: 22/22

Gold: 111

Inventory: Zoot's Bane (Long Sword) (WP: 11, Light Damage, suitable for Cronk), Sword of Bashing (WP: 5), Mockthrill Shield (SP: 4), Healing Staff (WP:5, healing effect), Potion (2), Fire Bomb, Bedroll


Sir Glorfindel

(Played by soccerkid6)

Level 5 Knight

Power: 8

Health: 14/14

Gold: 1

Inventory: Ringil a sword (hollow blade [potion], Ice Elemental WP:3), Lion Shield (SP:2), Bedroll, Potion (3)(one in sword)


Leo Aragon

(Played by JediAnakin)

Level 10.5 Knight

Power: 15

Health: 19/19

Gold: 25

Inventory: Burning Draken Sword (WP:7, Fire elemental), Pongcanis Shield (SP: 3), Shadeux Sword(WP:4), Potion, Bedroll, Smoke bomb


Elgar Gligin

(Played by Jedi master Brick)

Level 5 Ranger

Power: 9

Health: 10/10

Gold: 19

Inventory: Mockthril crossbow (WP:4 Lightning elemental), Smoke bomb, Bedroll, Remedy (2), Orc venom, Potion



(Played by Captain Tamamoro)

Level 13 Cleric

Power: 18

Health: 22/22

Ether: 18/18

Gold: 100

Inventory: Shadeaux Staff (WP: 6), Gold Staff (WP: 4), Pongcanis Staff (WP: 5), 2 Potions, 3 Remedies, 2 Bedrolls, 2 Tonics, Bone, Grand Tonic, Fire Bomb, Shovel, Mead, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Topaz Elemental Gem

Outside the Temple of Ennoc, two well armed knights with the emblem of an eagle on their shields were standing guard. When the heroes approached they were examined by one of the guards.


"You're the reinforcement from Heroica, right? Well, I guess you will have to do. The High priestess is waiting inside to inform you about the details of your mission."

The party entered the temple were they found a woman dressed in an blue robe with lots of gold embroidery in front of the idol of Ennoc, which was shining in the morning light.


"Well met heroes of Heroica! I am High Priestess Alisameth of the Paladin Order. I'm happy to see our note gave result, we certainly need able warriors to carry out this mission. You will be sent as reinforcement to our 1st Battalion of Light and Justice who are currently stationed at the town of Tanco at the island of Moone. It is located in the southern inland of the island so apart from the boat trip you will also need to travel some distance by foot, but probably not more then one or two days.

Tanco is a town of great importance to us since it holds the tomb of Miekahl Lightbringer, the first High Priest and High Commander of Light and Justice of our Order. His bravery and honour was only surpassed by Ennoc, the Righteous Light, himself. Followers of the light pilgrimages frequently to his grave which has made the town of Tanco the centre of our North influence area.

Problems started earlier this year with repeated harassments of pilgrims when then travelled through the forest on the island. Our local representatives managed to restrain the initial problem by ordering out our knights as escorts but recently we were reached by the news that we have a real was upon us. The enemy is a mercenary company made up by though and experienced soldiers which threatens to overthrow our forces. At this moment we don't know who is the payer of the company or why this attack has been ordered. If you can find this out it would be good and useful but your most important mission is to help the 1st Battalion defend Tanco.

We have arranged a transport by help of one of the local families here in Eubric, the Bonapartes. The ship Feather Breeze is waiting down in the harbour near the Fishmarket to take you to Moone. Here is your paper of transportation, show it to the captain to get on board."

Alisameth hands over an envelope.

6383613805_0c3d76b2fc_t.jpgTransportation paper. Will give the party free passage to Moone with the Bonaparte ship Feather Breeze.

"Before you leave, do you have any questions?"

OOC: Please check your stats and report to me if something isn't right.

Elgar excited to be on a quest again looked roung the magnificent temple. He then looked at the high priestess and asked "Do you have any idea the size of the enemy forces" he then waited to see what Cronk wanted to do

"I'm ready to head to Tanco if everyone else is."

OOC: All my stats are correct. :thumbup:

"I'm ready to head off if everyone else is.Lets hope this quest is a good one!"

OOC:All my stats are correct.

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  On 11/22/2011 at 5:02 PM, Jedi master Brick said:

Elgar excited to be on a quest again looked roung the magnificent temple. He then looked at the high priestess and asked "Do you have any idea the size of the enemy forces" he then waited to see what Cronk wanted to do

"The reports differ on this point, sometimes the attacks are just made by small bands of 5-6 soldiers, but lately there has been some large scale attacks with over a hundred. Be prepared for the worst."

Hello High Priestess Alisameth. Cronk happy to meet such important fellow follower of Ennoc. Cronk and party will do best to help defend Tanco. Do not worry. Who will party report to once it reaches Tanco?

Also does Paladin Order have any enemies that would like to see order embarrassed? Or is Tanco significant to another faction besides Paladins?

OOC: Cronk's stats look correct.

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  On 11/22/2011 at 6:26 PM, CorneliusMurdock said:

Hello High Priestess Alisameth. Cronk happy to meet such important fellow follower of Ennoc. Cronk and party will do best to help defend Tanco. Do not worry. Who will party report to once it reaches Tanco?

Also does Paladin Order have any enemies that would like to see order embarrassed? Or is Tanco significant to another faction besides Paladins?

OOC: Cronk's stats look correct.

"The High Commander of Light and Justice, Lord Kapriel, is stationed with the 1st Battalion, he will inform you more about your duties when you reach Tanco."

"As for enemies of the Order there are several. Darkness is common all over the world and our mission to spread the light of justice and honesty have got us into conflict with lots of heretics. Especially all magic users except those of the Light. Tanco's main significant feature is its importance to the followers of Ennoc, but some trading can be found too and the area has rich mines. It has been a self governmental town for a long time tough and no factions have fought over it in recent times."

I don't think we will be able to learn much more here. So I am for heading out.

Party will head to docks to look for boat.

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Cronk takes the Transportation paper and the heroes takes leave of Alisameth and the Temple of Ennoc. The heroes head for the harbour as the sun rises in the east and more and more people are moving around in the streets. When the party reaches the Fishmarket it's very crowded and they loose each other during a few minutes. But since everyone knew were they were heading they meet up again down at the water and together they approaches the Feather Breeze. A gangway leads up to the ship were some sailors are preparing the ship for it's journey.


What will the heroes do next?

Well lets go aboard, I'm sure the paladins would like our assistance as soon as possible.

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The heroes walks up on the gangway but a tall Metasimian blocks the end.


"Hold it right there! We don't allow just anyone aboard our ship these days. Haven't you heard that there are pirates on the seas? Who knows what kind of tricks they come up with."

"Cronk, I think we should show him the transportation paper."

Greetings, fellow sentient! Cronk and party have orders from Paladin Order to travel on ship to Tanco. Cronk have travel papers to show ship captain to prove Cronk's claim.

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  On 11/22/2011 at 11:01 PM, CorneliusMurdock said:

Greetings, fellow sentient! Cronk and party have orders from Paladin Order to travel on ship to Tanco. Cronk have travel papers to show ship captain to prove Cronk's claim.

Cronk searches all his pockets and pouches but there is no paper to be found!

Cronk must have been pick-pocketed while the party was split up in the crowded Fishmarket. Not so surprising as the Fishmarket is a known haunt for the infamous thief Donny Dozenhands who is still on free foot.

The Metasimian looks suspiciously at the party.

"Without a travel paper you are not getting on this ship. I'm sure the captain would agree, though he is down in his cabin taking a nap at the moment."

:sceptic: Um, if nice metasimian will excuse Cronk for a moment. Must be in Cronk's other pants...

Ideas, friends?

Tomas addresses the Metasimian. "Good sir, we are but humble travelers on a quest to aid the Paladin Order at the town of Tanco on the island of Moone. We mean no harm to you! Are you sure you can't let us on board?"

If there is any way you can contact High Priestess Alisameth of the Paladin Order, she can verify our errand.

(using diplomacy) Nice metasimian, Cronk has checked Cronk's other pants, and cannot find the traveling papers. Cronk is afraid that Cronk was pickpocketed on way to ship. Cronk is sure that Cronk and metasimian can come to some kind of agreement for coming on board. What does friend metasimian say?

"If diplomacy fails it looks like we are going to have to find that thief.". Elgar stated as he shivered in the sea breeze.

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  On 11/22/2011 at 11:19 PM, Captain Tamamono said:

Tomas addresses the Metasimian. "Good sir, we are but humble travelers on a quest to aid the Paladin Order at the town of Tanco on the island of Moone. We mean no harm to you! Are you sure you can't let us on board?"

"That's many nice words but I'm not sure I can trust a cleric with all your hocus pocus healing and stuff."

  On 11/23/2011 at 12:06 AM, soccerkid6 said:

If there is any way you can contact High Priestess Alisameth of the Paladin Order, she can verify our errand.

"I've no time for such follies, good sir."

  On 11/23/2011 at 12:11 AM, CorneliusMurdock said:

(using diplomacy) Nice metasimian, Cronk has checked Cronk's other pants, and cannot find the traveling papers. Cronk is afraid that Cronk was pickpocketed on way to ship. Cronk is sure that Cronk and metasimian can come to some kind of agreement for coming on board. What does friend metasimian say?

"Oh. Well, when you put it that way...I guess I can let you speak to the Captain directly. If someone can come up with a way for you to board the ship it's him, Capt. O'Leon is a very ingenious man."

The Metasimian walks away and comes back a few minutes later with a still yawning Captain O'Leon.


"So, this is the gang who wants to go on my ship with out the correct papers? Well, well, well, I'm sure we can fix this in a way that will profit both of us.

Here mister Orc, please take a look in my spyglass in that direction and tell your friends what you see."

Cronk takes a look and sees a large red ship, lying at the harbour further down the coast.


"That is one of the ships of those strangers that call themselves the "Ji Pei". They brought us about as much trouble as the pirates these days. I want you to go and sabotage their ship for me. Cut down one of their masts and I'll let you on the ship for Moone."

Will the heroes accept the task?

I vote we do it. It could be our only option!

It doesn't look like we are going to be able to get anywhere if we don't. So I say we do it.

Cronk not so sure, friends. None of party exactly sneaky. Besides does any friend even have an axe? Cronk's teeth sharp but not that sharp. That said, Cronk not sure there is another way. Party not have much hope of finding thief in this crowd.

If party must do this, party need be smart about it. Cronk will think of plan. Any friend have idea first?

Cronk would like to ask nice Captain O'Leon if there are some axes that party can borrow to chop down mast. Cronk promise to return axes when party come back.

All right. Cronk think of plan. Friends follow Cronk's lead. Cronk will lead party down the docks to the Ji Pei ship after Cronk gets answer from captain.

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