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Night has fallen upon the castle. Cecily stands by the gate, looking off into the distance. She wonders if perhaps, tonight of all nights, her prince charming will come. He certainly isn't one of the men in the throne room.

From in the distance, she hears some shuffling footsteps.


"Oh, hai. Are you single?"

The creature looks her up and down and mutters its battle cry.

"Walla walla bonga!"


Cecily takes the beam straight to the face, and instantly becomes not one of this world.


Her body transformed into gelatinous lumps, stays by the gate.

The green monster giggles as it slinks off into the night.


Cecily was Town.


Meanwhile, at the home of Franklin Holmes, Holmes has taken off his human mask. He is Witchbreed!


He mutters to himself in a strange language, hereby translated for the sake of our gentle readers. "These stupid beasts, they have no clue where to even start looking for us. God, they are so utterly stupid! In a million years, they couldn't figure it out!"

He lifts his glass to his mouth, for a pint of lager.


"They do make good grog though. Amazing that such a small-brained species could have latched onto the way to make poison get you high without killing you. It's such a delicate balance."

He swigs it deeply... "Strange, the aftertaste is..."


He falls to the ground, his lager splashing beside him. If his secret guest could tell him what the aftertaste is, they would tell him it is arsenic.


Franklin Holmes was Witchbreed Scum.


In the very early hours of the morning, Biskie Partsy cleans the throne room. The Boy King is very particular about things being spotless, and isn't opposed to beatings to show the importance of cleanliness.


Biskie mutters to herself, confident that her voice is unheard. "Boy, the royal tush sure does dirty the throne."

Stepping down, she hears an echo to her footprints, coming from beside the throne. As she turns, a wailing voice cries,

Poundsie poundsie!


She screams, and before she can defend herself, she is already taken down. The masked figure cackles,

Me pounds you down, yous hits the ground!

Me smash your head, me makes you dead!

The figure stops and looks at the green blood that has splattered everywhere.


Before him, Biskie's head transforms into one like the one that the king had killed two days ago.


The black clad figure tries to puzzle out what it ultimately means. Undecided, they decide to high tail it out of there.


Biskie Partsy was Witchbreed Scum.


When morning comes, the Boy King is typically annoyed. "You're telling me my maid was one of these beasties? Lord Wolverton, I am particularly unimpressed with your hiring practices."

Wolverton takes a deep breath and replies, "Yes, I'm terribly apologetic, sire. I have no idea how these things could enter the castle in the first place."


Wolverton continues, "We had some fortunate news though, another of these so-called Witchbreed was found dead this morning. It appears the Manciple was somewhat less than human. Unfortunately, lady Cecily was found, or should I say, not so found, by the castle gates."

The Boy King turns to Gilly Wooks. "And how about you? What be thee, dear miller? Be thee one of these terrible blights on my kingdom?"


Gilly stammers out a reply: "My Internet~"

The Boy King swings his sword through Gilly's jugular and upon that, Gilly expires.


"Well, it appears Gilly was as he so claimed. I wonder what this 'Internet' he spoke of is."


"Oh well, we have more pressing matters to attend to, such as who you will deliver to me tonight. Consider well!"


Gilly Wooks was Town.


Mafia School lesson:

We are at a very interesting point in the game. Past votes can be reexamined, and there is a lot to be gauged from reactions. The scum will have to pretend they are thrilled about this turn of events, while secretly they are incredibly frustrated, as a week of scheming will be somewhat lost. Even typing, lying will be a hassle. Look for cracks!

Scum, I suggest looking at other older games, look at the final tally, and who was Town, and who was Scum, and try to mimic the Town from those games.

I wish all sides good luck! :sweet:

Non-Player Characters

6337714292_d18d6f25fc_t.jpg The Boy King - Your lord. Show him the respect he has been granted by God.

6336960957_35d5ea0d35_t.jpg Mother - The Boy King's mom. Fear her.

6337714252_e02149c106_t.jpg Lord Wolverton - The Boy King's adviser. Stay on his good side.



Sir Carrots, The Knight (scubacarrot) - The ideal of a medieval Christian man-at-arms. He has participated in no less than fifteen of the great crusades of his era. Brave, experienced, and prudent.


Dragus, The Pardoner (darkdragon) - Dragus grants papal indulgences—reprieves from penance in exchange for charitable donations to the Church. He often collects profits for himself. He excels in fraud, carrying a bag full of fake relics.


Voltana Panana, The Prioress (volcanicpanik) - Modest and quiet, this Prioress (a nun who is head of her convent) aspires to have exquisite taste. Her table manners are dainty, she knows French (though not the French of the court), she dresses well, and she is charitable and compassionate.


Christos Knight, The Summoner (Chromeknight)- Knight brings persons accused of violating Church law to ecclesiastical court. A lecherous man whose face is scarred by leprosy. He gets drunk frequently, is irritable, and is not particularly qualified for his position. He frequently attempts to sound educated.


Zam Kuric, The Clerk (zakura)- Kuric is a poor student of philosophy. Having spent his money on books and learning rather than on fine clothes, he is threadbare and wan. He speaks little, but when he does, his words are wise and full of moral virtue.


Skip Pudding,The Man of Law (Skipper)- A successful lawyer commissioned by the king. He upholds justice in matters large and small and knows every statute of England’s law by heart.


Wully Tintin, The Merchant (Wuntin)- Tintin trades in furs and other cloths, mostly from Flanders. He is part of a powerful and wealthy class.


Pirelly Dabito The Shipman (Piratedave) - Brown-skinned from years of sailing, Dabito has seen every bay and river in England, and exotic ports in Spain and Carthage as well. He is a bit of a rascal, known for stealing wine while the ship’s captain sleeps.


The Merchant's Wife, Yulie Yodie (Yumiyoshi) - Yodie focuses on propriety and appearances, maintaining a happy home. New to a life of wealth, her working class roots sometimes show through.


Master Hale, The Summoner's Assistant (halomaster96) - Hale is a shy boy that has been taken under the Summoner's wing. While there are certainly unpleasant aspects to his position, he hopes the experience will give him freedom in life moving forward.

The Dead


The Wife of Darth (Darth Nihilous) - Lynched on Day One. Town


Cuslo Mizzle (The Customizer) - Bludgeoned on Night One. Town


Flanagan (Flare) - Vapourized on Night One. Town


Gilly Wooks, The Miller (Gingerwookie) - Lynched on Day Two. Town


Cecily Seas, Soiled Dove (Cecilie) - Vapourized on Night Two. Town


Franklin Holmes, The Manciple (fhomess) Drank arsenic on Night Two. Scum


Biskie Partsy, The Boy King's Maid (Bricksandparts) Pounded into pieces on Night Two. Scum

Rules (These are 95% the same as the EB standard; deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). Proxy voting is allowed, with the format Proxy: Character (Player) and Unproxy: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the first to achieve their vote will be lynched. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death on your second offense.

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Thank goodness I changed vote yesterday and let wully live. Nice kill by the way.

Two scum one night. This means two more to lynch and we win.

For the kittehs

they seem to kill all the high value players who get good infomation

i feel as if master hale is suspicious. Wonder what he is

Voltanna what did the cop tell you ?


Ha! I knew, I knew it! Franklin... you, scum!

A weight has been moved from my chest.. when I was attacked for doubting him I felt bad, but now, I'm glad that only 2 scums are around!

Townies, let's put our brains at work!


2 scum down, 2 to go!

Too bad the scum got Cecile though.

I got a message from the Cop, he investigated Franklin last night, and he came up as town, this means that he was the godfather, naturally.

For now I am going to read back on what has happened until now.


2 maf 1 certified third party and most likely 6 townies

But there were 4 kills last night. cecille was killed by maf, we lynched gilly and biskie was killed by serial killer poundie AKA Wully.

but who killed the godfather .

Is there vigalante or is this another serial killer ?

So what is the last role ??????


Cecily! No....

But the plan to keep Wully around bares fruit.

Well done to our friendly neighbourhood serial killer

If there were four, there are two left. Excellent!


That certainly was a night to remember. I'm very surprised to see another

non-witchbreed killer out there, but whoever it was: Good job!

2 maf 1 certified third party and most likely 6 townies

You, sir, should seriously consider joining our dear boy King in his lessons

with the abacus. There are ten of us still, not nine. Which would (most likely)

make it two witchbreed, one independent and seven townies.

Well done to our friendly neighbourhood serial killer


Buy your classic black bowler hat today! Tomorrow, they may be out of style...


What an eventful night, 4 kills .... 4!

We You lynched one, seeing I voted for Wully.

Wully got Biskie which was scum and an excellent kill for us!

Cecilly was "zapped" by scum, a great loss to our cause, may she rest in peace

And Franklin, who turned out to be scum, was poisoned AND investigated and it turns out he was the godfather! Which means we can now say for sure that anyone who gets investigated from now on will return a "true" affiliation

I would not usually exalt at death but we are truly blessed for taking out 2 abominations in one night.


Too bad the scum got Cecile though.

I got a message from the Cop, he investigated Franklin last night, and he came up as town, this means that he was the godfather, naturally.

I agree, Cecily was a great asset to the town, I can't help but think she had some information that could have been useful to us ...

Having the godfather, if he was the godfather, out is a good great thing for our cause!

Cecily! No....

But the plan to keep Wully around bares fruit.

Well done to our friendly neighbourhood serial killer

If there were four, there are two left. Excellent!

It seems that the plan to keep Wully around was indeed fruitfull, but how long will he side with us? How long before he goes on a townie rampage?

But there were 4 kills last night. cecille was killed by maf, we lynched gilly and biskie was killed by serial killer poundie AKA Wully.

but who killed the godfather .

Is there vigalante or is this another serial killer ?

So what is the last role ??????

That certainly was a night to remember. I'm very surprised to see another

non-witchbreed killer out there, but whoever it was: Good job!

I cannot help but wonder the same, ever since I woke up it has bothered me, I mean this unknown entity has killed a scum so I guess thanks are in order .... but who's next


I got a message from the Cop, he investigated Franklin last night, and he came up as town, this means that he was the godfather, naturally.

Do we know who's the Cop?

2 maf 1 certified third party and most likely 6 townies

But there were 4 kills last night. cecille was killed by maf, we lynched gilly and biskie was killed by serial killer poundie AKA Wully.

but who killed the godfather .

Is there vigalante or is this another serial killer ?

So what is the last role ??????


That certainly was a night to remember. I'm very surprised to see another

non-witchbreed killer out there, but whoever it was: Good job!

You, sir, should seriously consider joining our dear boy King in his lessons

with the abacus. There are ten of us still, not nine. Which would (most likely)

make it two witchbreed, one independent and seven townies.

To me, it's because he forgot to count himself.

He has a high % to be scum at this point.

Anyway, I killed Franklin.

I'm no vigilante... I had just a single glass of arsenic, and I gave it to him. I'm really happy I framed the Godfather!!

So, townies, now you all know I'm a townie too for sure.

Unfortunately I don't have more arsenic left. I had to really be careful choosing one (Franklin), and I'm glad I did right.

I had to keep my finger crossed, since I was worried that Wully would have pick the same, but he didn't ! :D


Do we know who's the Cop?

I wonder the same!

Furthermore, I wonder why the cop would trust 2 different persons to deliver his results not knowing or being able to assert without any doubt that either of them are scum or not ... To me this whole "the cop told me" story is becoming suspicious.

To me, it's because he forgot to count himself.

He has a high % to be scum at this point.

To me, either Zam or Carrots is lying and one of them is leading us on and by that logic we cannot assume that Franklin was in fact the godfather, my 2 cents!

Anyway, I killed Franklin.

I'm no vigilante... I had just a single glass of arsenic, and I gave it to him. I'm really happy I framed the Godfather!!

So, townies, now you all know I'm a townie too for sure.

So you say ... What tells us Franklin did not sacrifice himself, what tells us you did not poison him as part of a plan to ensure a scum survives, it's not unheard of for scum to sacrifice one of their own!

The way I see it is that we cannot trust Carrots statement that Franklin was the godfather, who says YOU are not the godfather. After all you now claim to be "town for sure", if you were the godfather and investigated you would in fact turn out as town and be "cleared".


Pirelly, it's suspicious to me that you're trying to obscure what for me and all the Town is a great result.

As you may read before - not wrote by me - the cop already investigate Franklin.

He came out as townie. I killed him and Tadaaan, he's scum.

The investigation about him was done, and he was not only Scum, but the Godfather since it's the role that under investigation would turn out as town.

So, wanna investigate me? perfect.

Wanna try to throw mud at myself? that's ok, it just mean your scum, trying to kill me.

If you ask me, SirCarrot and Zam are (in order) suspicious; and you're too thanks to this last words.

It's not in this the situation where a scum can kill himself (I didn't even know), plus someone working with furs can access to arsenic.

So, i did it.

Why should I ever tell something risking to be reveal as liar from someone that (in your opinion) could have been the "real" killer?

Please, think about this, and you'll see your accusations fall.

PS. it was nice helping the town, hope scums won't be too angry and try to kill me.


Pirelly, it's suspicious to me that you're trying to obscure what for me and all the Town is a great result.

Don;t get me wrong, and I have said it before, I think what you did was great for town, killing 2 scums in one night was excellent!

As you may read before - not wrote by me - the cop already investigate Franklin.

He came out as townie. I killed him and Tadaaan, he's scum.

The investigation about him was done, and he was not only Scum, but the Godfather since it's the role that under investigation would turn out as town.

I get all that, but I still say that we cannot assert for sure that Carrots "investigation" results are truthfull and that consequently we cannot say Franklin was the godfather, scum for sure but godfather, I'm not convinced!

If you ask me, SirCarrot and Zam are (in order) suspicious; and you're too thanks to this last words.

As stated previously, I feel that either Zam or Carrot is scum and am very likely to vote for one of them when the time comes.

So, i did it.

Why should I ever tell something risking to be reveal as liar from someone that (in your opinion) could have been the "real" killer?

Please, think about this, and you'll see your accusations fall.

I'm not sure I follow you here, but I never doubted you killling Franklin, I doubt the result of the investigation and I used the situation as an example to deliver my theory that it could be a scum setup. I admit that my use of you as an example was not the best given that you actually killed him and have secrets about it.

My logic may have been flawed but the fact still remains that Carrot claims that Franklin was the godfather, a claim I am not convinced of as of yet.

PS. it was nice helping the town, hope scums won't be too angry and try to kill me.

And we thank you for that!!!


Please explain why you suspect me? and I do not follow the logic 'either'?

Anyway, I have been given the result from last night's investigation, and I am relaying it here.

You do not really have a good reason to distrust it, but if that is what you want, fine.

For now my suspicion is on Pirelly, for trying to throw false accusations my way, and throwing nonsense ideas about suicide (?) around.


For now my suspicion is on Pirelly, for trying to throw false accusations my way, and throwing nonsense ideas about suicide (?) around.

Suicide? Did I talk about suicide .... I don;t think so! I was saying that Yulie could have poisoned one of her own to draw suspicions away from her (not that she needed to), was my explanation of that really that complicated? I think not!

I am accusing not only you, as others are too, but Zam as well. It would seem odd that the cop whomever he is (could be you!) would trust 2 different persons ,neither of which are confirmed town, to relay the results of the investigation.

You want to suspect me, fine by me, but I say there is more than meets the eye with you (and Zam).


If I am correct, you were talking about 'sacrificing himself'. Wether that suggests suicide or not, I leave up to you, calm down about this, it doesnt matter.

You still have not explained your suspicion.

Why would it be odd for the Cop to do that, you must know that the cop is naturally a prime target for the scum, if he or she can relay the message through people he or she trusts, that is good, right? It means that the cop self stays out of shot, choosing more than one person to do it is sensible, because one could believe the so-called messenger wouldnt be a messenger, get it?

You talk about confirmed town, would you explain who is a confirmed town in your mind?

If you want to lose my suspicion, you will have to do better than that.


If I am correct, you were talking about 'sacrificing himself'. Wether that suggests suicide or not, I leave up to you, calm down about this, it doesnt matter.

You still have not explained your suspicion.

Why would it be odd for the Cop to do that, you must know that the cop is naturally a prime target for the scum, if he or she can relay the message through people he or she trusts, that is good, right? It means that the cop self stays out of shot, choosing more than one person to do it is sensible, because one could believe the so-called messenger wouldnt be a messenger, get it?

You talk about confirmed town, would you explain who is a confirmed town in your mind?

If you want to lose my suspicion, you will have to do better than that.

Sacrificing himself meant "take one for the team"

I find odd that the cop would trust 2 persons, I can understand that the cop would trust one individual to relay info but 2 ... I find it to be a big gamble, I would not do it.

My suspicion is based on exactly that, the fact that for the cop to have 2 "porte parole" (speakers) is odd and unusual to me. Then again, you could be the cop and have used Zam yesterday as a messenger .... I don;t know anymore!

By confirmed town, I mean that as far as I am concerned, I keep tabs and have talked to certain individuals and can assert certain things and affiliations as a fact (confirmed).


I must ask you to read back on what has been said yesterday, you seem to have your facts wrong.

What facts? I didn't see anything that jumped out, what are you refering to?

On that note, I shall now go to sleep, see you in a few hours!


Ok. Finished the voting analysis from the last two days.

Concentrating on who's left.

Christos Knight Day 1 Lead vote on Cuslo(town), changed to bandwagon Darth(town).

Day 2 Lead vote on Wully(SK), changed to bandwagon Gilly(town).

1 SK vote. Two changes.

Dragus Day 1 Lead vote on Flanagan(town)

Day 2 Lead vote on Franklin(scum) changed vote to Yulie(alive)

1 scum vote, 1 undetermined, one change.

Master Hale Day 1 Lead vote on Zam(alive)

Day 2 bandwagoned Wully(SK)

1 SK vote, 1 undetermined, no changes.

Pirelly Dabito Day 1 Lead vote on Gilly(town)

Day 2 Bandwagon Wully(SK)

1 SK vote, no changes.

Sir Carrots Day 1 Lead vote on Skip Pudding(alive), changed vote to bandwagon Darth(town)

Day 2 Bandwagoned Wully(SK) changed to Gilly(town)

1 SK vote, 1 undetermined, two changes.

Skip Pudding Day 1 Second vote on Flanagan(town), changed to Darth(town)

Day 2 Lead vote on Zam(alive)

1 undetermined, one change.

Voltana Panana Day 1 Bandwagon Darth(town)

Day 2 Wully(SK)

1 SK vote, no changes

Wully Tintin Day 1 Lead vote on Voltana(alive)

Day 2 Bandwagon Gilly(town)

1 undetermined, no changes

Yulie Yodie Day 1 Second vote Cuslo(town)

Day 2 Lead vote on Hale(alive)

1 undetermined, no changes

Zam Kuric Day 1 Bandwagon Darth(town)

Day 2 Bandwagon Wully(SK) change vote to Gilly(town)

1 SK vote, 1 changes


Man! Talk about conversation killer!

It must be tiredness from everyone staying up last night while four murders happened.

Anyway. Questions to ask from looking at voting patterns.

I'm going to be a little blunt. If you don't like that, tell me via PM. But I want to stimulate conversation. Talk catches scum!

Christos- Not going to ask myself any questions, that'd just be circular. But feel free to PM or ask me here!

Dragus- Heloo? You out there? Well done for leading a vote on Franklin. Why did you change it? I assume you think Yulie is more scummy that Franklin? Do you still think that? Will you try and sway others?

M. Hale- Another quiet one. I can't even think of a question to ask... And no, that's not a good thing.

Pirelly- Welcome to the game, it's nice to hear you speak up! You voting record is as plain as Hale's... What have you been up to?

Carrots- Voting so far has been a little predicable. Do you have anything original to contribute yourself?

Skip Pudding- Day two vote for Zam. With some good analysis of why also. Do you still think so? Will you try and sway others?

Voltana- Your voting is undistingushed. But there is much you can clear up regarding Biskie's failed vote for you. Was it a real vote and he's just a doofus, or was it a fake vote so you'd have an alibi and then he conveniently goes down. He would have started the day with penalty votes, was the plan to throw him under a bus today?

Wully- You don't need to vote, you can just act at night. Do you fear reprisal from the witchbreed for pounding on Biskie?

Yulie- Dear crazy Yulie. Well done again on slipping the old lace to the witchbreed. Yesterday you had a long list of mysterious people. Did last night help you any? Why Carrots and Zam?


Zam- You changed to Gilly because I asked you too, but you dragged your feet over it. Other than that, you bandwagoned on Darth and Wully. And you most recent cryptic comment has people confused. Speak up, speak clearly!

I know there's two scum in the list of people I've just addressed, so odds are, I've poked at least one hornet's nest.

All I can say is, bring it on. I am the day three Darth!

Talk people, Talk!

If you don't answer my questions, expect votes going your way!


I need to step out for a bit, so voting is open an hour early tonight. Good luck everyone :sweet:

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