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Posted (edited)




So after my big purchase of the 5887 Dino Defense HQ, I started looking at the smaller sets but I was resolved to get them while they were on sale. So this past week Toys"R"Us was having a sale so I picked this set along with 5884 Raptor Chase. I was really drawn to this set by the cool Dinosaur that was included in the set along with the exclusive minifigure. And I had also started watching Terra Nova so I was drawn to these sets like a fish to water. :tongue: Was I ready for how cool the Triceratops would be? Read on to find out!

Name: Triceratops Trapper

Set Number: 5885

Pieces: 269

Price: $49.99

Ages: 6-12

Minifigs: 2

Theme: Dino

Year of Release: 2012




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The mighty Triceratops is on the rampage and headed straight for the city! Fire the tranquilizer weapons, lure it into the cage and load it onto the truck before it reaches the city and causes mayhem! Includes 2 hero minifigures and a Triceratops dinosaur.



Okay now to the box. The front box has the very cool new yellow and gray Dino color scheme that works very well with the sets. It really has a rugged feel to it.


On the back of the box we have a nice silver framed action shots showing the functions of the set as well as alternate poses for it.


Here we have the top of the box. We have the minifigures shown off with alternate tools as well as the 1:1 scale image. Hopefully you can get a sense of how large it is here, because the thickness is very important.



Now we can get all of the stuff out of the bag! We have three numbered baggies, four loose tires, the manual and sticker sheet, and the Dinosaur parts. The box seemed fairly full when I emptied it.


Here are the parts for the Triceratops. Again, we see the parts coming in separate compartments in the same bag to keep them from scratching each other.


I was happily surprised to find that the Triceratops head came in its own box. This explains why the box is almost as thin as the $100 set. But it does make sense as the horns are somewhat bendable.



The front of the manual has about the same art as the front of the box does. It's too bad that this set manual didn't come in cardboard as this one was bent up pretty nicely.


On the inside of the manual, we have a very nice gray "scratched" color scheme for the background of the page that works well with the theme. No Dino claw rips though.


Then we have the section of the manual with the ads for the other sets. Nothing to special to see here. LEGO does seem to be getting the hang of editing their pictures in a very cool way.



Now to the minifigures. On the left we have a great new minifigure with some cool lookin' shades, and on the right we have the "rookie" of the Dinosaur team. (At least that's what I call him.) Both have new head print as well as new torso print. The guy on the left really has a "let's do this!" look to him.


Here we have the back of the minifigures. I'm really happy with the print on both of these guys as it is so detailed. The guy on the left has one very well designed vest print.


This is the only minifigure with double sided head printing. A simple screaming face but it works well for the figure.



Okay first up in this section is the new/interesting parts. Again, we see the 1x6 gate piece but this time in black, we have the new gun piece, the green syringe, one of the new curved gate pieces, and one of the new cheese slopes on a 1x2 plate.


And here are our extras. Nothing too signifigant, but little parts are handy to have lots of.

The Build:


Okay now we can start building the set. Here we have all six parts for the Triceratops all of which have simple snap connections to connect them to the body.


The Triceratops completely put together. All simple snap connections like the other Dinosaurs.


After building the minifigures we start building the cage. It's built and finished pretty quickly, all simple studs up connections.


And here we have what the first bag builds. The minifigures and the cage for the Dino.


Then we break into bag two and start on the truck part of the set. The second bag only has the parts to build a strong Technic base.


After building through bag two we open bag three and start building the exterior of the truck. This is where we start all of those fine little details that keep the set interesting.


Here we have the completed truck. After three bags and some one hundred odd steps later we're done!

Complete Model:


All of the completed parts of the set come together to make a pretty nice looking scene. Just look at the strong Triceratops take on the diesel engine and steel! What a battle! :laugh:


Now I can show you a front view. The front of the truck has the flick fire missiles, the cockpit, and of course we have those really good looking wheel wells.


And a quick back view of the truck. Nothing too special to see here, LEGO has done a really nice job with that cage though.


This is the only set in the line with a Herbivore. So this guy is pretty significant in my book. That and he's just plane awesome! He has one heck of an amazing color scheme that is printed onto him so don't scratch it!


Here we have a back view of the Dino. He's probably my favorite Dinosaur from the line.


Hopefully you can get a sense of just how big that frill is from the minifigure. It is pretty impressive in person. (Notice that I've taken more picture of the Dino than of the truck.)


And lastly a comparison picture between the Dinos I have so far. He is the second largest Dinosaur behind the T-Rex. Which one is your favorite? Vote in the poll!



Okay now onto the functions. We of course see the always present flick fire missiles.


Then we get to the trapper function. I am very happy with how well thought out this function is. First you unload the cage from the truck.


Then you leave it open so the Dinosaur can get in.


Next the Triceratops has to wander in for no apparent reason. Maybe LEGO could have included some bait?


Then you load up the caged Dino and can cart him back to the base to study him.


To unload the Dinosaur without deploying the cage you can just lower the steps so he can walk out.


Since this is on the front of the box I should include it. While the head joint is stiff enough to hold up the truck, he isn't heavy enough to hold it up. (My hand is on him)

Final Thoughts:

Wow, this set was just so much cooler than I thought it would be. I am very satisfied with my purchase even if there are only 269 parts, the Triceratops more than makes up for the piece count. Just look at all of the plastic on him! :laugh: I had expected everything in the set to be much small but LEGO surprised me and it is so much larger than it would seem from the box front. I would like to see some bait in the cage for the Triceratops to eat. A whole herd of Triceratops would be on the top of my list if they weren't so darn expensive!


Playability: 8/10 It has a great play function that works very well, and that I am very happy with over all.

Design: 8/10 It is fairly well designed, I really like the way the truck looks. Trust me it looks a lot better in person. It does seem small on the box though.

Price: 9/10 The set gets a nine here because I am pretty happy with the price tag for this set, looking at the set in the store you may think otherwise but trust me. Maybe $40 would have been a bit better.

Minifigures: 9/10 The only thing I'm not happy with is getting the dark red shirted guy. I mean come on LEGO! Why include him in every set I've gotten so far? I don't need four of the same guy!

Parts: 10/10 It gets a full score in this section because of that great new Triceratops. If not for him, this set really doesn't have too many interesting parts over all but nothing to bland either.

Total: 44/50 This set looks small on the box and somewhat expensive, but it really is worth the money.



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Edited by Rufus

Another great review. Thanks!

I just started building this myself about 15 minutes ago. I finished bag 1 and the Triceratops and already feel like I got my money's worth thanks to the TRU sale.

I'm not crazy about the "rookie" minifig, but I guess he can be the equivalent of a Star Trek red shirt away mission guy. The other dude looks pretty cool and tough, but I do question the logic of carrying a screwdriver on his belly. Lean forward too much and he won't need to worry about 3 horns poking holes in him.

On to bag 2 now. Thanks again.


I thought last year with its Alien Conquest and other superb sets was a tuff one to follow, wow, Dino 2012 looks amazing, I can't wait to get my hands on these :D

Ace review, love it.

Posted (edited)

Poor Rookie... :tongue: I love that Triceratops though! :wub: I'll probably pick this one up, but the minifigs, unlike the HQ, are just eh. I voted for Triceratops, because it looks more natural then the T-Rex.

Edited by K-nut

Thanks for the review 'Masked Builder', actually I'm impressed by this theme...though the line between action and sci-fi is getting mighty thin. :laugh:

The triceratops would be the real reason why the set will sell well....like I said before in another Dino review......looks like Terra-Nova inspired stuff ! :wink:

Now that truck.....man, it's big and that's another reason for the possibility of being a good seller.

I can't wait to read the next review for Dino. :classic:


This set resides in my loft for my kids christmas and alongside the excellent Earth Defence HQ two chunky fun trucks for my kids to build and play on Christmas day. I can see the ADU having to help out the Dino guys :laugh:

Posted (edited)

Nice review! That Triceratops is the best new dinosaur. When they become available on Bricklink, I might buy a few to make a herd of them.

Edited by Mr_Malfoy

This set looks much better built than it does on the box. I like the blocky, sturdy look to the vehicle. The dino is fantastic too. The only thing I'm unimpressed with is the minifig lineup, which is probably the theme's weakest imo.

Great review! I hope to see one of the helicopter soon. :sweet:


Thanks for another great review! :thumbup:

That triceratops is stunning, the truck less so but still pretty good. The rugged functional look is done very well, but something about the front looks off to me.

Only thing that really bugs me is the door to the cage, honestly the Triceratops could just shuffle out of captivity.


I am loving the truck in this set! It just has that perfect, rugged look to the front of it, and the huge wheels and wheel wells only add to that! I do think the back needs a little beefing-up though. If that triceratops is angry enough to attack LEGO City, then those tiny fence gates won't do anything!


Yes, this is quite a large set, and yes, it is a nice dino, but it definitely isn't worth $50 US/$65 Canadian. Maybe if it were $30 US and $40 Canadian, then it would be worth it...

Other than that, it is quite a nice set. The only other problem I have is the spinning spikes at the front, when they clearly shouldn't be able to spin


Thanks for the review!

If I could be a dinosaur, I would be a triceratops, they are cool and have horns! :grin:

I also really like the vehicle design of this and when the price drops abit, I will buy this for sure! :sweet:


Great review of this awesome set. This is probably my favorite of the Dino line. It's nice that it comes with the exclusive Triceratops, but seems pretty pricy at $50. LEGO should have at least added some vegetation, since it seems kind of bare without it. Its also kind of ironic that the set with the herbivore doesn't have plants. Hopefully I'll get this set for Christmas, or when it's on sale.


Another fine review for another fine set. :tongue: Your reviews are so thorough and the pictures are just awesome, well done MB! That Triceratops is killer...er, should I say...planter. :laugh:


I had previously written this theme off in my head when I first heard about it. To be honest the dinosaurs are a bit too childlike for my personal tastes (yes I realise they are aimed at kids!) but the vehicle in this set looks brilliant! Kind of reminds me of Power Miners a little. Yet another set to put on next years wanted list :laugh:


Thanks for sharing yet another quality review Masked! :thumbup: Reading your review just reaffirms my initial decision to get this one.

To be honest the dinosaurs are a bit too childlike for my personal tastes (yes I realise they are aimed at kids!) but the vehicle in this set looks brilliant! K

But the kid in me never outgrew my love for dinosaurs! :laugh: In fact, my all-time favorite dino has always been the Triceratops, so getting this set is a no-brainer for me. TLG really did a good job with the dinos in this line, and this Triceratops is no expection - very accurate look and intricate print detailing. The truck will just be an added bonus (parts source) for me. :sweet:


As I told you elsewhere, Masked Bulder, I was lloking forward to this review. You did a spendid job, as expected, and condirmed my decision on this set. It's deinetly a must have for the paleontologist in me! :laugh:

Hat off to TLG designers for this dinosaurs! They look great, and not at all too childish imo.

Posted (edited)

I agree, the dinos look realistic enough for me, especially with all that stripey printing. I do hope this line will continue into the Summer, however unlikely that is.

Oh, and you left out the Pteranadon in your poll!

Edited by Lockon Stratos

Oh, and you left out the Pteranadon in your poll!

I believe it's because the poll is based on the photo showing the dinosaurs he owns, not all those in this series. :classic:


Poor Rookie... :tongue: I love that Triceratops though! :wub: I'll probably pick this one up, but the minifigs, unlike the HQ, are just eh. I voted for Triceratops, because it looks more natural then the T-Rex.

What don't you like about them? I really think the guy with the shades is great!

The triceratops would be the real reason why the set will sell well....like I said before in another Dino review......looks like Terra-Nova inspired stuff ! :wink:

Yeah Terra Nova really is pushing me to go ahead and buy these. :tongue: Not that they aren't cool already.

This set resides in my loft for my kids christmas and alongside the excellent Earth Defence HQ two chunky fun trucks for my kids to build and play on Christmas day. I can see the ADU having to help out the Dino guys :laugh:

Yeah I had my ADU truck sitting next to this one and they work pretty well together.

Nice review! That Triceratops is the best new dinosaur. When they become available on Bricklink, I might buy a few to make a herd of them.

Well I looked and they're $25?!

Great review! I hope to see one of the helicopter soon. :sweet:

Well I'm not going to be getting it for a while so it probably won't be me! :laugh:

Fantastic review again Masked! The truck is really big and powerful-looking and the Triceratops is just stunning. Not too keen on the minifigs but certainly a nice-looking set overall.

Really? I quite like the guy with the shades.

Only thing that really bugs me is the door to the cage, honestly the Triceratops could just shuffle out of captivity.

Yeah it looks pretty flimsy.

I do think the back needs a little beefing-up though. If that triceratops is angry enough to attack LEGO City, then those tiny fence gates won't do anything!

Yeah I can't say it looks to strong either.

Other than that, it is quite a nice set. The only other problem I have is the spinning spikes at the front, when they clearly shouldn't be able to spin

Oh yeah those really bug me. I tried to straighten them out before I took the next picture! :laugh:

LEGO should have at least added some vegetation, since it seems kind of bare without it. Its also kind of ironic that the set with the herbivore doesn't have plants. Hopefully I'll get this set for Christmas, or when it's on sale.

Yes that does seem odd. As all of the others do. :tongue:

Thanks for sharing yet another quality review Masked! :thumbup: Reading your review just reaffirms my initial decision to get this one.

Thanks a bunch Kiel! And thanks for Frontpaging it!

As I told you elsewhere, Masked Bulder, I was looking forward to this review. You did a splendid job, as expected, and confirmed my decision on this set. It's definitely a must have for the paleontologist in me! :laugh:

Oh what? You use paleontologist! I should have used that word.....

Oh, and you left out the Pteranadon in your poll!

Luxor has it right. I'm only doing the ones I have so far. :wink:

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