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Melaena Stools had been chosen by the group to be the second sacrifice to IMHOTEP on their second day of this hot and dusty ordeal.

As had happened before, her clothes fall from a chute to the side of the statue.


As had also happened before, but equally unwitnessed by the group, the statue's eyes flash!


Bleurgh!! You feed me the corrupted!!


Later that night, another camper is up late, this time preparing his placard for the next day.


"Stupid desert, there's nowhere to put this damn thing! How am I supposed to create art around a political statement under these conditions! This is intolerable!! Do I have to do everything myself?!? I will not stand for such substandard conditions!!"


Fortunately, there's a helpful sort of person around, ready to hold his placard for him.

"I'll hold that placard for you!" Says the helpful sort of person, uhm, helpfully.


"Well, yes, I suppose you could" mutters Patrick Fitzwilliam (for it is he) "but you could at least try to hold it straight. And still!!"

"Whatever" mutters the dark, dark, yet helpful figure.

"Hold on a minute.." exclaims Patrick, as realisation dawns "I've been around long enough to know what happens when I'm visible and you're not! That means I'm.."



"Yes. Yes you are. You very much are." mutters the dark, dark figure.


The dark, dark figure looks at their concoction, looks at Patrick and looks at their concoction once more.

"Eh, what the hell" says the dark, dark figure as they do their dastardly deed.


"Oooh, who knew this stuff removed a dirty sanchez? Cool.." mumbles the dark, dark figure as they drag the limp body of Patrick Fitzwilliam towards the statue of IMHOTEP.


Patrick is fed to the great god IMHOTEP, and once again the clothes of the terribly dashing Patrick Fitzwilliam slide down the side chute.

IMHOTEP's eyes flash once more...


Yum, a pure one! Certainly an amuse bouche!


The following morning a smell pervades the makeshift camp; a smell so dreadful that it could only be caused by the ingestion of vast quantities of scorpion balls and their subsequent gaseous excretion.

The campers convene around the source of the stink: Mehmet, who has attempted to partially bury himself in the sand at some point in the night.


"Nice sand boobs" notes an unidentified camper.

":hmpf_bad:" replies Mehmet.


Meanwhile Ossie and Is are hard at work... building a rocket?

"Are you sure that's Mawhrin-Skel?" asks Is, pointing to the small white drone behind the rocket

"Yes, of course it is, how could you possibly doubt that?" replies Ossie, somewhat affronted

"It just looks absolutely nothing like I imagined it to look, that's all" mutters Is.

"Next you're gonna tell me that this magnificent ship looks nothing like the (Eccentric class) Labtebricolephile!"

"...." says Is, keeping her counsel.


"What the hell is going on with you two?!? cry the frustrated campers "Don't you care about us?!"

"We're just doing what we usually do, and having a bit of fun.." mumble Ossie and Is

"Sowwy" :blush:

[tight beam, M32, tra. @n4.28.972.1010]

xROU Killing Time (Torturer class)

Frank Exchange Of Views
(Psychopath class)

I really was expecting more violence, weren't you?



The Rules

  1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Innocents or the Cultists. To win the game, the Innocents must eliminate all the Cultists, while the Cultists need to sacrifice ... Virgins. Any Third-Party (neutral) characters will have their own win conditions outlined in their roles.
  2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. There is no limit to the number of unvotes. The player with the most votes at the end of a game day will be lynched. If there is a tie then the first player to achieve this vote count will be lynched.
  3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end after 72 hours, unless the group are decided on a lynch. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host, using the initial character PM thread only, in the first 24 hours of the night stage. They will not be accepted after this deadline has passed.
  4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.
  5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game hosts via PM. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.
  6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. Any reference to previous games or “games... of life”, potatoes, books that people have read, pigeons, films or plays that people may have seen, Harriet, sluts, mathematics, 2pid Rouges or figurative suspense will be treated most harshly. Metagame at your own risk.
  7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.
  8. You may not edit your posts.
  9. You must post in every day thread.
  10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the hosts using your character information PM. No other communication with the hosts will be accepted or acknowledged.
  11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty against you on your first offence, and the death of your character on your second offence.

The Players


The Great God IMHOTEP (NPC)

Do not upset him. Address him correctly or face the consequences. You have been warned.


The Guardians – Ossie and Is (Rufus and Pandora - NPCs)

6643855363_8b360b470f_t.jpgSheila Suxsumb - Played by Tamamono

6643866653_4a754df087_t.jpgJohnson Cox - Played by Cecilie

6643864133_808f92d91b_t.jpgOphelia Balls - Played by fhomess

6644030399_ecddbc1907_t.jpgHans Gubernaculum - Played by Bob_

6643859703_f7d8d9390a_t.jpgMellifluous Murgatroyd - Played by Scubacarrot

6643857563_3a5bb3c64d_t.jpgJennifer Taylor - Played by Sandy

6643868821_4816072ce7_t.jpgNicholas Hoare - Played by Fugazi

6643908649_06d0ebdf53_t.jpgPenelope Farago - Played by Waterbrick Down

6643906041_e0e2cdb15e_t.jpgBetty Swallocks - Played by TinyPiesRUs

6643903693_86a441ba32_t.jpgRoger Goodenarde - Played by Professor Flitwick

6643899145_7dc6d6505c_t.jpgWilliam Fitzpatrick - Played by CorneliusMurdock

6643896727_d0a5b79221_t.jpgHugh Janus - Played by Eskallon

6643872007_a540288c82_t.jpgAloysius - Played by ADHO15

6643894663_ba76ac5d06_t.jpgGordon Bennett - Played by KielDaMan

6643892345_562243cfd9_t.jpgToulouse Leplot - Played by WhiteFang

6643884843_01fa344f66_t.jpgMehmet Attabar - Played by Hinckley

6643882069_4410626746_t.jpgIshaq Ettaq - Played by Wuntin

6643879525_886a9c9fd0_t.jpgMustafa Nidia - Played by Brickdoctor

6643876663_3e05a57276_t.jpgAhmed Apu - Played by Zepher

6643874135_2269a1f9af_t.jpgNadir Zenith - Played by JimButcher

The Departed

6643901415_4a4bced4a4_t.jpg6716294687_ff1f02c69b_t.jpgPatrick Fitzwilliam - Played by def - Innocent (Virgin) - sacrificed Night Two

6643861959_d0d3342c85_t.jpg6716295661_f9150f4706_t.jpgMelaena Stools - Played by CallMePieOrDie - Cultist - lynched Day Two

6643889967_39698bff68_t.jpg6690511125_1e30f47815_t.jpgPercy Pantwitter - Played by Rick - Innocent (Virgin) - sacrificed Night One

6643887385_770c61c721_t.jpg6686096621_6d83839c76_t.jpgFather Thomas “Tomato” Thomson - Played by Ricecracker - Innocent (Virgin) - lynched Day One




We got a cultist! Nancy the snake, indeed.

Sad that poor Patrick had to go just when we started making progress.

Well, I don't think anyone is surprised we caught a cultist. Hurray for us! :classic:

On the other hand, it's a shame that we had to lose one of our most proactive members. Right after he caught the first Cultist, too. :cry_sad:

Hooray, we got a cultist! :sweet: Although it's not very surprising - Melaena's claims were incredibly weak. Especially the part about the snake curing mental illness. :roflmao:

It's too bad about poor Fitzdef, though. :sad: He might not have been the nicest guy around, but he worked hard for our camp, and he shall be missed.

Ooh... The satisfaction of nailing one of the Cultists is tarnished by the death of Fitzdef, who led us to this successful conviction. He laid the groundwork for the organisation of this camp, let's build upon this and find the next Cultist.

Yup, we were right. Of course, I was expecting as much of the Cultists, to take their revenge on Patrick. :hmpf_bad:

Indeed, I did have my doubts about the psychologist story, but then, it's safe to anything ever. I'm just glad we lynched that damned Cultist.

I suppose I'll just wait until Mehmet comes around, he probably knows something. Otherwise I'm moving down the list of suspects. :devil:

Phew! I'm so relieved yesterday took a turn to the right direction! I'm also surprised to see myself still alive, but I had a hunch it was going to be either me or Patrick who'd get sacrificed. At least we now know that Patrick was telling the truth all along, even if he was acting all high and mighty about it. I feel confident that we innocents stand on a firmer ground this morning, all in all.

Mehmet, what exactly are you doing buried in the sand? And with a rack bigger than mine... :tongue:

Well Miss Stools allegiance was to be expected, so it is a relief that we have managed to rid ourselves of our first enemy. Mr Fitzwilliam's death is a very sad one however, and one that also makes me rather suspicious of Mr Attabar. :sceptic:

We will see what today's discussions bring us...

Today's hat is my own design of a helmet for a kind of soldier from a distant galaxy. I call them 'stormtroopers'. Scary, no? I hope to make it into the film business one day with my marvellous ideas. :sweet:

Somebody lied to me about protecting Patrick Fitzwilliam last night and there had better be a good explanation as to why.

Somebody else asked me to take protection off of him too. Someone who said they wanted him dead. :hmpf_bad: I didn't like his attitude, but I am pissed that he's dead.


Nadir Zenith has some explaining to do otherwise. megablock Cultists.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:30 PM, Sandy said:

Mehmet, what exactly are you doing buried in the sand? And with a rack bigger than mine... :tongue:

I begged Ossie and Is to let me bury myself in the sand so I'd be protected, but I requested head-first so I could fart at potential killers. And Nancy the snake was supposed to protect me.

We got one! :thumbup:

Great job with Melena. Losing Patrick was a great loss but looks like you caught another in the act Hinck. I think it would be best to repost the voting tally's like Mehmet did yesterday so I shall go do that and repost it here.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:37 PM, Hinckley said:

Somebody lied to me about protecting Patrick Fitzwilliam last night and there had better be a good explanation as to why.

Not that I know anything about this, but couldn't the protector be blocked by the cultists? That would also mean that the cultists know more than they should...


Night pictures reflect what happened overnight. Day pictures are for fun only.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:37 PM, Hinckley said:

Somebody lied to me about protecting Patrick Fitzwilliam last night and there had better be a good explanation as to why.

Somebody else asked me to take protection off of him too. Someone who said they wanted him dead. :hmpf_bad: I didn't like his attitude, but I am pissed that he's dead.


Nadir Zenith has some explaining to do otherwise. megablock Cultists.

Are you saying that I asked for Patrick to not be protected? I hope not, because that would be a straight up lie. I said nothing about Patrick and protection neither here nor in any private conversations.

Otherwise, what would you like me to explain? How I drove the nail to lynch Melaena?

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:43 PM, JimButcher said:

Otherwise, what would you like me to explain? How I drove the nail to lynch Melaena?

:rofl: You drove the nail? You were defending "Freud" because you knew who it was! You believed that line of camelshit.

Anyway, Papa Smurf told me he protected Patrick Fitzwilliam, yet lo and behold, Patrick is dead this morning. Maybe he was blocked. Maybe. I'll come out and admit right now that I did ask Papa if he could switch his protection to someone else. Somebody made me really paranoid about Patrick's alignment and asked for him to not be protected. I contacted Papa and asked if he could protect me instead, but then changed my mind after telling the person who was nervous about Patrick that I had already had him confirmed. (Yes, I had forgotten, that cold had fried my brain.)

So, I'd like Papa Smurf to give me an idea of what he was up to last night and respond to my PM, even though all my PM says is "Scum!!!!!!!!!!"

Did that investigator investigate me again last night or not? Could you let someone know what you found please?

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:42 PM, Sandy said:

Not that I know anything about this, but couldn't the protector be blocked by the cultists? That would also mean that the cultists know more than they should...

I don't think I'll be listening to you about anything. We're still unsure about you.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:48 PM, Hinckley said:

:rofl: You drove the nail? You were defending "Freud" because you knew who it was! You believed that line of camelshit.

Are you shitting me? :laugh: I find it unbelievable that you still find me suspicious. Patrick voted first, and it was ignored for four pages a long time before I brought it up again, with Melaena's slip-up from Day 1. If I was a Cultist, don't you think I would've just left it alone and let Jennifer die?

And did I even imply that I thought Melaena was innocent? No. As I already said today, there's the benefit of the doubt in case Freud wasn't Melaena, but why in the hell would I start a solid attack on Melaena and then try to change it around at the end of the day? You're either giving me way too much credit by thinking I'm a Cultist with a convoluted plan, or you're not thinking straight. Maybe you should lie down.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:48 PM, Hinckley said:

I don't think I'll be listening to you about anything. We're still unsure about you.

I feel so left out... :cry_sad:

Well, I guess you got everything covered without my input. :hmpf_bad:

Aww, the mixed feelings. Yey for the successful cultist lynch :cry_happy:. But loosing Patrick is not good at all :cry_sad:. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later though. I really hope the investigator has found someone else to trust.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:55 PM, JimButcher said:

Maybe you should lie down.

I am laying down...and buried in sand with real nice tits.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:03 PM, Sandy said:

I feel so left out... :cry_sad:

Well, I guess you got everything covered without my input. :hmpf_bad:

Christ. Sorry it's not all about you. :hmpf: Drama queen.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:05 PM, Cecilie said:

Aww, the mixed feelings. Yey for the successful cultist lynch :cry_happy:. But loosing Patrick is not good at all :cry_sad:. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later though. I really hope the investigator has found someone else to trust.

Thanks for summarizing.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:10 PM, Hinckley said:

Thanks for summarizing.

No problem :tongue:

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:42 PM, Sandy said:

Not that I know anything about this, but couldn't the protector be blocked by the cultists? That would also mean that the cultists know more than they should...

That's possible. Although I think we're in big trouble if our protector has been outed this early. :look:

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:48 PM, Hinckley said:

Anyway, Papa Smurf told me he protected Patrick Fitzwilliam, yet lo and behold, Patrick is dead this morning. Maybe he was blocked. Maybe. I'll come out and admit right now that I did ask Papa if he could switch his protection to someone else. Somebody made me really paranoid about Patrick's alignment and asked for him to not be protected. I contacted Papa and asked if he could protect me instead, but then changed my mind after telling the person who was nervous about Patrick that I had already had him confirmed. (Yes, I had forgotten, that cold had fried my brain.)

That sounds like a pretty confusing situation to me. I hope Papa Smurf can come up with a good explanation. We can't afford to have our protectors not doing what they're told by the camp leaders.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:55 PM, JimButcher said:

Are you shitting me? :laugh: I find it unbelievable that you still find me suspicious. Patrick voted first, and it was ignored for four pages a long time before I brought it up again, with Melaena's slip-up from Day 1. If I was a Cultist, don't you think I would've just left it alone and let Jennifer die?

I think you're ignoring the fact that Jennifer could still be a cultist too. If you three (Melaena, Nadir, and Jennifer) are all cultists, then you could have tried to distance yourself from your teammate by voting for her. Little did you know that you were helping Fitzdef push Melaena's bandwagon all the way down the hill. Although your defense of Freud would be pretty stupid considering that you were the second on Melaena's bandwagon. :sceptic: I don't know what to think about you. You've been acting pretty scummy so far this game, but you could still be town.

Did any of the campies who can help at night find anything out about Nadir or Jennifer? I think those two are the main suspects for today (unless Mehmet has someone else he's suspicious of).

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:15 PM, Tamamono said:

Did any of the campies who can help at night find anything out about Nadir or Jennifer? I think those two are the main suspects for today (unless Mehmet has someone else he's suspicious of).

Hello? What happened to not voting for the claimed virgin?! :sceptic:

I guess I'll just shut up now so I don't give Huge Anus more reasons to find me inexplicably scummy... :hmpf_bad:

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:18 PM, Sandy said:

Hello? What happened to not voting for the claimed virgin?! :sceptic:

I guess I'll just shut up now so I don't give Huge Anus more reasons to find me inexplicably scummy... :hmpf_bad:

Just because I'm hesitant to vote for you doesn't mean I'm not suspicious of you. :hmpf: It just means that I haven't got the balls to take a leap of faith and vote off somebody who could be helpful (or, in the very least, prevent the cultists from getting any farther toward their goal).

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:55 PM, JimButcher said:

Are you shitting me?

I shit you not. Voting second is a very convenient place to vote for a fellow scumbag when all the votes are on Jennifer. Makes it look like you made the right choice the next day. It's also a very safe place to defend the anonymous "Freud" from. And not just defend, but find a convoluted pile of camelshit perfectly reasonable. Then you went on to defend, linking us to a page on mafiawiki that didn't even back up your claim. Desperate defense? If you are Scum, you would know Freud was Malaena. Those were all incredibly safe Actions for Scum.

Who else can we look at? As pointed out to me in private, how about the person who garnered Big Butthole 5 penalty votes near the end of Day 1, by pointing out his mistake? That was rather close to lynching him considering how fast the votes were changing. I know that when I hear someone is worth saving for the Town, I try to make sure they get their penalty votes. :sarcasm_smug:

Papa Smurf is one of the ones who verified he "thought" he protected me with that mirrored cloak nonsense from yesterday, so I'm inclined to keep believing him, but... come on, Papa! Let's talk in private a little more please. Where'd ya go??

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:18 PM, JimButcher said:

Yup, we were right. Of course, I was expecting as much of the Cultists, to take their revenge on Patrick. :hmpf_bad:

Indeed, I did have my doubts about the psychologist story, but then, it's safe to anything ever. I'm just glad we lynched that damned Cultist.

I suppose I'll just wait until Mehmet comes around, he probably knows something. Otherwise I'm moving down the list of suspects. :devil:

This is one of my favorite posts in a hole in the desert ever. I love it. You expected them to kill Patrick? Wouldn't you expect him to be protected, rather? Did you expect it because you know the protector was blocked or lying to me behind the scenes and that you and your Cultist buddies targeted Patrick. Let's just wait for me and move down the list of suspects... to you.

  On 1/18/2012 at 7:30 PM, ADHO15 said:

Mr Fitzwilliam's death is a very sad one however, and one that also makes me rather suspicious of Mr Attabar. :sceptic:

This is my second favorite post. You're suspicious of me just because Patrick is dead? You think I would revenge kill him? You think if I was Scum and he was a Virgin I would go after him publicly so vehemently and again and again like that? What's your reasoning behind this suspicion. Wasn't I the one who announced yesterday that someone had confirmed him? Wasn't I the one that encouraged people to trust him, even though he tended to insulting their intelligence?

Good morning all, at long last we have taken out one of those pesky Cultists, but at the loss of the helpful Fitzwilliam it would also appear. However, now that we know some concrete facts about their allegiances, we should be able to determine more about those defending or attacking them these past two days. I am going to reflect on the previous conversations and will hopefully arise with some more evidence, though it would seem that Nadir is already under the gun for his previous actions. Also if I might mention, and if Ms. Taylor does not mind, I think we should have the dear Captain give us his say on her virginity, as it may clear up some of the din caused yesterday and keep us from straying into useless finger pointing.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:35 PM, Hinckley said:

This is my second favorite post. You're suspicious of me just because Patrick is dead? You think I would revenge kill him? You think if I was Scum and he was a Virgin I would go after him publicly so vehemently and again and again like that? What's your reasoning behind this suspicion. Wasn't I the one who announced yesterday that someone had confirmed him? Wasn't I the one that encouraged people to trust him, even though he tended to insulting their intelligence?

Fair enough. I guess your reasonings make sense and you have been quite active in helping us. I am still not completely convinced you are innocent, however.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:15 PM, Tamamono said:

That sounds like a pretty confusing situation to me. I hope Papa Smurf can come up with a good explanation. We can't afford to have our protectors not doing what they're told by the camp leaders.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:35 PM, Hinckley said:

Papa Smurf is one of the ones who verified he "thought" he protected me with that mirrored cloak nonsense from yesterday, so I'm inclined to keep believing him, but... come on, Papa! Let's talk in private a little more please. Where'd ya go??

If Papa Smurf cannot produce an alibi for his actions last night, he could be a possible lead today, if you have reason to suspect him.

Hopefully we also got a result on whether or not Miss Taylor's claim is true or not. Captain?

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