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In the spirit of Halloween, share your most spookiest moment. What has scared you the most? What has kept you up at night? What spooky thing has left an impression on your soul to this day? Share your thoughts. I have a few that I'll share once a few people respond. *skull*

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Despite all the sarcastic comments that will undoubtadly come, I'll be serious ;-)

Since many people here probably don't believe in the supernatural, or at least what I'd say, I'll skip number 1 on my list :-P

Knives. I got a serious cut when I was younger, left a bit of an impression on me (pun not intended)

Since many people here probably don't believe in the supernatural, or at least what I'd say, I'll skip number 1 on my list :-P

Same. In fact, I'll skip the first few numbers. I have a few different identities online. The first is the Lego one. The other biggie is the supernatural one.

If I went into the things I've seen & been part of, I'd only be taken seriously by but a small handful.

So yeah, I like to keep the 2 separate.

...and with that, I'm not really sure what to say scares me that goes bump in the night. :-|


Since it's more of the supernatural and creatures that you want to hear of, here are a couple that have given me a good spooking..


Honestly, if you can tell me one person that has read in scary story books of Tailly-Poe and is not afraid I will be pretty impressed. Just totally spooks me out! 8-


Edit: Lamanda...maybe you shouldn't read this

Well...if you insist, though I'm sure quite a few of you will leave here thinking me a complete nutjob :-P

Let's get the big one out of the way

I come from a family of spiritually aware people (psychics). And no, I don't mean the kind that everyone on the internet claims to be, I mean the real kind (my friends have all pretty much come around to the idea, and ask me for feelings, follow my "suggestions"...even people who I just meet tend to think something's up). I generally don't like talking about it since it's...well, so far out there, most people just don't and it gets awkward. If anyone wants to talk about it feel free to IM or PM me. Since I was little we've seen thing, and I've talked to people (I remember talking to my grandparents long after they had died (and still do), and it's sorta given me no fear of death (though the pain of dying sure must hurt!)). I get feelings about things that will happen, and they usually do. I'm from a particular kind of psychic though, the healer. That's probably why we have a history of people in my family being doctors, but I can't ever remember a time I was hurt for more than a day. I also have a tendency to be able to see into a person. I know if someone's good or bad before I even talk to them, I know who I can trust and who I can't, etc. I always get told I have to give someone a chance, but they always come to me admitting I was right later, no matter how sure they were that I was wrong :-P (man you guys are gonna think I'm crazy...)

Now, nothing I've really seen has been too scary. My grandparents, the occasional random spirit. But recently in my apartment there was this girl. I'd guess 8-10 years old. Long dark hair. When I looked at her eyes...well, she had none. It's not like they were gouged out, it's like there was just a black mist where they should've been. She was walking towards me, but not getting any closer. She was a dark soul. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep that night...

Ever since then I've been feeling her, and...well, a lot of "bad luck" has happened. I was getting bad "luck" right before I saw her too. I stepped on a piece of glass that shouldn't have been there twice, opening my foot. And when I went to take the trash out, the bloody tweezer that I used to take out the shard that I had left in the bathroom sink was laying right outside my doorway for me to find.

Freaky? Hell yeah.

Then I saw her.

After that, my power has been going out sporadically (the power company says it's just me, all my neighbors are fine. Also all record of my account other than that it exists is GONE. My cable and internet are gone too, the cable person is supposed to come...but they keep losing a record that I ever called to set up an appointment...

Edit: forgot a part

When I went to take the trash out (this was about two weeks after the tweezer thing) I noticed that the cable box (which is in the garbage chute room) was opened. It wasn't broken, but it was uncovered. I thought "what the hell?" and checked. Lo and behold my connector for cable was removed. Now, it's not like someone was stealing my cable, since it wasn't placed in anyone else's connector, it was just hanging there. So I fixed it, walked back to my apartment with a triumphant smile on my face, turned the TV on...and nothing. I went back to tighten the connection, except when I tried the lightbulb blew and I got the hell out of there <_<;


Anyway, she's still here. She's still mad.

</tip of the iceburg>

Yeah...*wonders how long till he's banned* :-P


If you look at it, even in a scientific way, you might want to keep an open mind about some these "paranormal" things. So many theories are revised or prooven wrong throughout history and new discoveries cause re-examination of our current scientific beliefs even now. Unless we obtain Omnipotence, you cannont disregard anything as impossible, maybe improbable but not impossible.

Now as for my fear. *skull*

Alien abduction, if they're real and or any kind of tourture.

I also fear getting internal parasites :-X (the totally real monsters,)

and my Chihuahua getting ran over, eaten, or poisoned. I've had at least 2 nightmares where she was injured and in pain. In one of them a couple of protoceratops bit off all of her feet. :-D!... oh I made myself :'-( .

And my Chihuahua getting ran over, eaten, or poisoned. I've had at least 2 nightmares where she was injured and in pain. In one of them a couple of protoceratops bit off all of her feet. :-D!... oh I made myself :'-( .

Chihuahua's are cute.

Anyway,i haven't really experienced anything scary...But here in Sas van Gent (Zeeland,the Netherlands) there's a haunted ruin.Once,my mother was walking there with the dog,and when she walked past one of the basement windows,she had a weird feeling that made her feel depressive.Also,my dog kept barking at the window.

That ruin is freaky.


Lamanda: Who or what is Tailly Poe. I've never heard of this? I think the Quaker Oats guy comment is pretty funny though. He's a puritan- you can be scared of people like this.

Starwars4J: Very interesting story. This is the kind of story that I thought would be shared by asking about scary things. You know the saying, "sometimes truth is stranger than fiction".

Ghoulrealm: The thought of alien abduction is pretty freaky. Reminds me of the movie/story Communion. The movies always seem to portray aliens as wanting to probe us with nasty instruments (in the eyes, mouth, rear, etc.). Definately spooky.

When I was a kid, I was always scared of the Bloody Mary story. The "urban legend" says if you look in a mirror in the dark and say the name "Bloody Mary" so many times, her image will appear. I can't recall if I ever tried it, because just the thought always freaked me out.

I also recall a friend's older sister telling me about the story of Amertiville Horror (around the time the movie had come out. She was reading the book). The stories really scared me and for a long time, the media/TV stated that the stories were true. Later, it was discovered that they were a hoax, although the son did murder his family in the house. Scared the "kajeebies" out of me.

I have a lot more, but movies always seemed to scare me the most.

</tip of the iceburg>

Yeah...*wonders how long till he's banned* :-P

Like hell banned. I know about the "tip of the iceberg" as well.

Your stories are likely many, too many too even ATTEMPT to get it all out and not have 99% of those listening thinking you're nuts.

And really, just recounting these events might be exhilirating at first, but quickly shifts into an exhaustive task.

Ok, about you... No idea what the spirit's purpose is in playing around, but I can say you do have something that attracts such entities.

You know in the movie "Ghost", where once the spirits caught on that the medium could see them, she got hounded?

It's truly kind of like that. ...Just not as "Hollywood".

Have you messed around with ouija boards or other forms of "odd" communication?

I'm guessing it's not relevant, but it is worth asking. Especially with the more physically tangible events you're describing.

Also wondering... how much does your partially-seen friend "do", physically and what time frame passes between one occurence to the next?

As for electrical problems, that was not suprising to hear.

In cases where physical things are taking place... hey, what do you know... power drain.

Without too much detail, a few years ago my wife and I were under what can only be called a war.

An individual in the neighborhood who we didn't know was apparently influenced by the persons (and other things) that had issues with us. Anyway, this person was lead to try to do something to us in the middle of the night.

As he passed under each street lamp, they would flicker and go out until he fully cleared them.

You could say he wasn't alone. Luckily, neither were we, though at a disadvantage.

So power loss of surrounding electrical items is a common and expected part of your story.

But realize, it might not just be whatever's buzzing around you... it might also be you and any things you have on your own side tapping it. "Ghosts", like us, and rocks, and matter itself are electrical.

Speaking of which, I give you now a fun homework assignment... synchronize EVERY clock and watch you have available to the best of your ability.

Next time an undeniably supernatural event occurs, I can almost guarantee you will find discrepancies as long as possibly 10 minutes... you can also probably use some math and find the initial point from which the anomalies began / entered from.


Actually since then we've found out who send the damn thing (although it's claimed to have most likely been a subconscious thing)

As for ouija boards, are you crazy? Those things attract dark spirits like food attracts roaches. I'd never touch one.

I've listed all she's done, but the timeframes are REALLY sporadic. I mean it can be anything from several things a day, to nothing for three or four days. But it can be small, change in air pressure, screen door opening, etc. When my grandpa died he really played around with the electrical stuff in the house, so I'm used to that, I'm just not used to something so...aggressive.

It's really been messing with me emotionally too, and I've seen it do everything from grin, to freak out, to cry. By the way, just talking about it is making my heartrate go up like you've no idea, because when I think about it, I remember what it looks like...

not plesant!

And I actually have a decent handle on these things. This isn't me, this is something new. I've even tried "cleansing" the apartment like I've done before, and at other places. This is much different than once I've faced before...I've always been able to get rid of other ones, but I'm wondering if I'm having so much more trouble because it's just much stronger than the others, or because this one (first one I've encountered) is actually directed at me. Maybe that inherently makes it harder to make them go?

Believe it or not, my ex is the cause of this.

They do start at all times of the day though...except with the cable and internet. That always happens during the hour of around 9PM - 10PM EST for some odd reason.

As for ouija boards, are you crazy? Those things attract dark spirits like food attracts roaches. I'd never touch one.

Well that rules THAT out.

Yes, ouija boards are not to be trusted, no matter who's pretending to be what on the other line.

I ask because it doesn't sound very human, the power being shown. Moving stuff around is tricky, but to do it a few times a day with little "recharge" time in between?

It's not impossible, but this does sound like something rather larger and ugly.

It's really been messing with me emotionally too, and I've seen it do everything from grin, to freak out, to cry. By the way, just talking about it is making my heartrate go up like you've no idea, because when I think about it, I remember what it looks like...

not plesant!

You might not be using a ouija, but you ARE giving it emotional power. You're dedicating "attention" to it. Don't let yourself become depressed or exhausted over it's attempts to divert your attention from every day life towards ...it.

Understand, you're alive, much stronger than anything being thrown at you (well, usually), and when you start feeling weak and smaller after attempts to freak you out, you've got to stop and get a hold on the situation.

You're this bright, glowing thing that can scorch lesser creatures like this. They can do unexpected, unnatural things, but how it affects you and for how long is largely up to your perspective and reaction to it all.

Now granted, sometimes the other things are a bit... eh... well, I don't want to say "demonic", because religion really gets in the way of the truth of things, but yes, demonic... large, dark magnets, often with an intelligence and intelligent actions.

Assuming it's nothing like that though, I suggest you attempt communication next time she appears, being as courteous as a store employee would be to a customer, but stern enough that your intent of you being in charge is not lost. You're the more powerful being, no matter what manages up enough energy to blink in and out around you.


I was freaked out a while ago about a story my big bro told me.

There was this house and the girl was sleeping and she woke up and saw someone with a hook for a hand,and in a yellow raincoat(You could not see its face)She screamed but her parents were not at home but she looked again and the thing had gone.She went to close her window and she saw the thing standing in the rain outside.She looked to her left and saw the thing there and then she ran out of the room.She went into her parents room and saw the thing in the room.She ran downstairs and rang her mum's mobile to cal her parents hoe.When they came home the thing had gone.So they went upstairs to tuck her in,but the thing was in her room.So her dad rang the police.They came and captured the thing.They put it in the police car and went to comfort the family.They went back to the car but the thing had dissapeared......

Now granted, sometimes the other things are a bit... eh... well, I don't want to say "demonic", because religion really gets in the way of the truth of things, but yes, demonic... large, dark magnets, often with an intelligence and intelligent actions.

Assuming it's nothing like that though, I suggest you attempt communication next time she appears, being as courteous as a store employee would be to a customer, but stern enough that your intent of you being in charge is not lost. You're the more powerful being, no matter what manages up enough energy to blink in and out around you.

No, you're right, this thing is totally demonic (staying away from religious meanings of the word). And I have attempted communications with her. It's actually pissed her off, and I got a "how dare you" vibe. When I asked "how dare I what?" she freaked out <_< And I've been able to get rid of others before...this one is just different, like I said. It's an ongoing thing though, so I'm still getting advice on how to deal with it :-P

Thanks for the advice, Jinzo, I'll be sure to keep you guys updated here

I'll be sure to keep you guys updated here

Out of curiosity, have you had any dealings with:


--events with sound missing / distorted

Anyway, you've got a handful there. Likewise, your girl might not even be a girl at all, just a fake character that somehow further plays (specifically) on your attention.

As for your "you shouldn't be able to see things"... things rarely work like that. :-D

But if it's something new, you might just be getting a mild boost from things on your side, in light of the things on the other side. You might in fact REQUIRe what you're being given.

I too have had "external" help before, saving my life more than once.


No real dealings with portals, though I've had pretty constant situations with sound being distorted, replicated, and the like my entire life :-P I just figured sound is one of the easier things for them to manipulate.

And it's not new that I can see things like this...it's new that I have seen one LIKE this, and so aggressive. I've never ran against an aggressive one before...

I just wonder if this is part of that "bad feeling" I had awhile ago that something big is coming up. She isn't it, though, since I still have that feeling. May be a part of it though

No real dealings with portals, though I've had pretty constant situations with sound being distorted, replicated, and the like my entire life :-P I just figured sound is one of the easier things for them to manipulate.

Hee. Let me show you a diagram I made a long time ago, for someone similar on a different site:


Which brings me back to what I told you to do with your clocks. X-D

It's not that there's an intentional desire to mess up sound you hear, it's a side-effect of simply being present.

The more insanely abnormal things get, the stronger the physical interaction, the more entities you have trying to interact simultaneously... this junk happens.


Well, if THAT is what you meant by portals, there have been two instances in my life where time has seemed to go slower for me (thinking 5 minutes has gone by when in fact an hour and a half has gone by)


Definately some interesting stuff there, Starwars.. Nice and creepy halloween reading. (But this is true, so it's even freakier than most stories.)

thinking 5 minutes has gone by when in fact an hour and a half has gone by

Wow, I have had lots of times like this before.

...Oh wait, I was playing video games those times.. How the time flies when you play games :-D

Lamanda: Who or what is Tailly Poe. I've never heard of this? I think the Quaker Oats guy comment is pretty funny though. He's a puritan- you can be scared of people like this.

Never heard of Tailypo? (Yeah, aparently I spelled it wrong.. Oh well.)

Here, I found it on the internet, good thing, because I didn't really want to find the story book and type it all out myself. ;-)

The story I'm gonna tell you comes from the South...the dark places...the gloom places. And out this swamp comes a creature with a great long tail behind. And, when Tailypo comes outta that swamp, he's just a hoppin' and a skippin', and a dancin'. Why, he dances to the right and the Tailypo's left and he dances to the left and the Tailpo's right. Just hoppin' and dancin' havin' himself a good ole time, when he looks up on the mountain...and sees a cabin. Tailypo hadn't never seen no cabin before. So he climbs to the top of that mountain.

When he gets to the cabin, he starts in a sniffin' (sniff, sniff, sniff) at the cracks in the walls and scratchin' at the door. (scratching). Inside there is an old man sleepin' on a cot. Old man wakes up. "Who's that?" he yells. Old man looks out of a knot hole.

Eyes, eyes, eyes! Well, if you can call them things eyes!

Old man calls out, "How come? How come you most curious critter. You a standin' outside my door a hoppin' and a sniffin' and a scratchin'! Why I show you!"

And he went back into the kitchen and got himself a...butcher knife! He come out and snip-snap; slip-slap! He cut Tailypo's tail clean off.

Then, the old man he went back to the kitchen and got himself a fry pan and he took that tail and flip-flop/ flippity-flop! He ate that tale blood and bone.

Now I haven't met any swamp critters myself mind you...but I don't think I could have eaten that tale. And, poor ole Tailypo, he just run off into the wood on those little bitty legs of his. (boogidy-boogidy-boogidy) Well, if you can call them things...legs!

Then, that old man went back to bed...and he slept.

It was long though before a moon rose up over that mountain. And. just as it did, it hid behind a tall oak tree...and there was darkness everywhere. And if you listened real careful you could hear..."Tailypo, Tailypo, I want my Tailypo" And that sound...that sound...it hurt!

Why it wasn't long before that sound was standin' right outside that old man's door. (louder) "I want my Tailypo!"

Old man woke up. "What is that sound I hear. Why that sound is a gray sound...that sound don't have no bottom to it." So, he reached under his bed where he kept his three fine hound dogs. "Here, Dogs!"

Those hound dogs jumped up and they started chasing Tailypo. Tailypo ran and ran until kersplash-a! He jumped right into that swamp. Right over his head...well, if you can call that thing a head!

The old man rounded up his dogs and went back to bed...and he slept. But it wasn't long before that moon that I was tellin' you about? Well, this was this cloud, like a hand that come over it and everything was in darkness. And if you listened you could hear a sound, a sound comin' in on little cat's feet..."Tailypo, Tailypo, I want my Tailypo! I'm a comin' closer...comin' closer!" It wasn't long before that sound was standin' at the foot of that old man's bed, (louder) "I want my Tailypo!"

Old man looked up. "How come? How come you most curious critter? How come you a standin' at the foot of my bed. Why your shape is a gray shape...why that shape don't have no bottom to it." And, with that he called for his three fine hound dogs. Those hound dogs come out like greased lightin'. They grabbed hold of that Tailypo's rear end and off all four of them went (brow-wow-woww!) All the way down to the swamp...where that most curious critter...lives. Well, dogs don't know...they just be...The old man waited for dog to come back...but they never came back. So he went back to bed...and he slept...and he slept.

Now, you remember that moon that I've been tellin' you about - well, it was there. It was! But there wasn't any light, 'cause all light had been gobbled up in the darkness. And, if you listened, listened real hard you hear, "Tailypo, Tailypo...I want my Tailypo. I'm comin' closer, comin closer. With the moon, with the moon, with the moon...darked out!"

It wasn't long before that sound was sittin' on that ole man. Ole man wakes up. "Who is that? Who is that starin' at me with them curious eyeballs?" Then, that ole man reached under his bed for his three fine hound dogs. "Here Dogs!" But, dogs don't know...they just be. "Where's my dogs?" Everything stopped. "Where's my dogs?" Everything listened. "Where's my daaaaaawgs?"

"Where's my Tailypo!"

Now, the people that lived down in the valley. They never saw that ole man again. But they do say that on a night when the moon is full, and there is cloud, like a hand, that comes over the moon. Well if you listen real hard you can hear, "Tailypo, Tailypo...I...got...my...Tailypo."

Well, there you have it.. Definately was always scared by the story, especially if you have a good story teller to read it with a scratchy voice for Tailypo. 8-

thinking 5 minutes has gone by when in fact an hour and a half has gone by

Wow, I have had lots of times like this before.

...Oh wait, I was playing video games those times.. How the time flies when you play games :-D

Well, I meant while meditating, or thinking, but that's happened with games too :-P

And that's quite a scary story! Though I'm sure the right storyteller can make it a thousand times worse *skull* (or is that better?)

Posted (edited)
Well, if THAT is what you meant by portals, there have been two instances in my life where time has seemed to go slower for me (thinking 5 minutes has gone by when in fact an hour and a half has gone by)

No, that's not portals. That's a time anomaly when intentional things are going on.

Portals are things you can see into, and sometimes deliver things through. (And no, I never tried entering one. Some of the ones I and others see aren't happy on the other side. Others are just small, bright openings that non-destructive things pass through). But I've really only seen the darker ones... and a sickly, depressing emotion emanated from them. The last time, I saw what looked like a landscape, at night time. Except everything looked black in it. The earth, the (tree?) and the thinking things hiding just off to the side of the opening.

Funny thing is, I used to work with a Filipino guy who knew of the things we spoke of.

...we BOTH saw these where we used to work once or twice, as well as dark, shadowy, humanoid figure(s).

After one event, I asked him where it was it took place (we worked in an underground data library vault).

I then walked him around the building, and showed him the clocks... all off, by minutes each, in a line.

He was mildly shocked, but not blown away by it. :-D

Edited by JINZONINGEN 73

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