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~This event is open to all players of Heroica RPG, whether or not they are on a quest. The event will run from the 14th to 29th of February, 2011, after which this topic will be closed. During this event characters can send letters to anyone within the Heroica RPG world, whether that person is another player character or NPC. Please post in-character, any questions related to this event should be asked in the Rules & Discussion -topic.~




Upon returning to Eubric from a quest that took place on an enchanted island, Ellaria Arbour was surprised by an approaching wolf. The lupine was carrying a letter with her name on it. Having no idea who had sent it to her, Ellaria opened the letter with some trepidation.

  On 2/13/2012 at 7:18 AM, TheBoyWonder said:

Dear Ellaria,

My name is Leo Aragon. I too am a hero. I am leaving on a quest, so I could not deliver this in person.

I love you.

Hearing about the Z-Mail offer, Ellaria decides to respond to this Leo. She was unsure how the letter would reach its destination, but she had learned to believe anything when it came to wizards and their tricks. So she grabbed a quill and a bottle of ink, and began to write.

Dear Leo,

I do not believe we have been formally introduced. If we have met at a passing in the Heroica Hall, I must beg forgiveness that I do not remember such an event. What you wrote me is touching, nevertheless. I might be wrong about this, but you sound very young in your letter. Surely a man of more age and experience would not be so quick to use words as strong as "love" to a lady he hasn't even met properly.

I would have you know that without even meeting you I cannot respond to your feelings, although I am of course flattered by your letter. I am sorry to tell you that at the moment I am in no condition to rush into a romance with anyone. I bear a heavy burden that I do not think a man as young as you seem wishes to carry with me. I am with child, you see. Out of wedlock, conceived with hatred and blood. I pray to Sylvania every day that my child will be born hale and healthy, but I fear for the worst.

I am sorry to open up to you like this, but I'm in need of a friend, not a groom. If you can accept that, I would be pleased to continue exchanging letters with you, but if you cannot, I wish all the best for you. I hope you find love in another place.

Sincerely yours,

Ellaria Arbour
, a Cleric of Heroica

PS. Cute wolf.

With shaking hands Ellaria drops the quill, seals the letter into an envelope and utters the magic words:

"I've got Z-Mail!"

In a blink of an eye the envelope disappears. Ellaria lets out a long sigh. Half of her is hoping that the letter will never reach its destination, but what's done is done.

Dear Ellaria,

I understand. May it be born healthy. I hope we can be friends.

Leo Aragon

I've got Z-Mail.

I also send another letter.

Dear Nyx,

I have seen your portrait in the hall.

I feel you are beautiful. Fiery, but with a dark hint. I too am fiery and passionate.

I hope you receive this and reply.

Leo Aragon

I've got Z-Mail!

To Haldor, Guts Holla - Mercenary or any other name he might be using.

If I understand correctly, you used my name as an alias, while doing certain business,

While I think it is incredibly rude to use another man's name, especially when they have never met, I want to thank you for doing it!

You must know, that I am being searched by a dozen bounty hunters and assassins, which have now got a description of a bearded norseman.

Maybe I would have preferred if these gentleman would not have been aware that I have my base in Eubric, but them finding that out would just have been a matter of time, a matter of bribing the right people. With you being their target now, it will be easy picking them off one by one. I hope you stay alive long enough to act as bait for a reasonable amount of time, because if they kill you, they will find out that you weren't you know... me!

Guts Holla

PS: I don't trust this magic mail, if you receive this, burn it, to be safe.

"I've got Z-mail!"

Remembering his two previous Employers, Isaac Shawe and Lord Kapriel, he decides to send them a letter each.

Dear Isaac Shawe,

I hope you are doing well, and profiting from the Brobric Elf-Lion Knight war. How is the head of the house of Shadeux?

A hero who has the surname of Shadeux is a hero. Dak Shadeux.

Your Ally,

Leo Aragon

Lord Kapriel of The Paladin Order,

How is Tanco? I trust it is holding up well with you at its helm.

You have inspired me to serve Ennoc. Thank you for my Shield, It is serving me well.

Leo Aragon

I've got Z-Mail!

After the hard battle with the Automatons, Maurice remembers another battle that involved fighting enemies made of metal. That happened during his quest in the Academy of Enlightenment and the heroes had company with the Academy's night guard, Jensen. Maurice decided to write him a letter to see if everything was still all right with the old orc.

Dear Jensen,

How are you doing? I hope the situation at the Academy of Enlightenment has improved since we got rid of that Wight and all the other evil creatures that lurked inside and under the school. I told the provost Darlavon Lector to give you a pay raise for all the hard work you did, did you get that?

I'm currently on a mission that I don't think I can reveal anything about but when I get home to Eubric I suggest that we go get a drink together, I have some questions about orcs that I would like to discuss with you.

Best regards,

Maurice Ratibor, Cleric of Heroica

Maurice put the letter in an envelope and wrote "to Jensen the Night Guard, The Academy of Enlightenment, Eubric" on it and said:

"I've got Z-mail!"

  On 2/14/2012 at 5:10 PM, TheBoyWonder said:

Dear Isaac Shawe,

I hope you are doing well, and profiting from the Brobric Elf-Lion Knight war. How is the head of the house of Shadeux?

A hero who has the surname of Shadeux is a hero. Dak Shadeux.

Your Ally,

Leo Aragon


Master Aragon,

Don't deceive yourself into thinking that, just because you supported our actions to instigate the Elven-Lion War, you actually know someone in the Shadeaux ranks well enough to inquire about our profits and the condition of our leaders. You're not the first hero we've deceived, and you certainly won't be the last. Whether you support our deception or not, you're just another hero, to be hired and forgotten once the job is done.

Isaac Shawe

Slightly Less Dearly Beloved Second in Command of Security, House of Shadeaux

Hearing Valentine Ziegfried's announcement about the new magic mail system, Tomas looks up at the ceiling and thinks to himself for several minutes. "It's a nice idea in theory, but there are a million things that could go wrong with a mail system like this." he chuckles to himself.

After sitting quietly for a few more minutes, Tomas shrugs. "I might as well take this opportunity to write to a few old friends." he says as he takes his feet off the table and prepares to write some letters. He stifles a yawn as he produces a quill, some parchment, and a small jar of ink from his bag.

Dear De'kra,

How are you? It's been quite a while since we last spoke in person. I trust things are going well on your latest adventure?

Just a few weeks ago, I went out on another quest with young Leo Aragorn, and I was finally introduced to Cronk (he was our party leader at the time). Despite his reputation for 'bashing' things, he's really a gentle soul and a very good friend. I think you'd like him! If you haven't met him already, then I'd be happy to introduce you two when you get back to the Hall.

I still feel responsible for what happened on Quest 4. It was my poor judgement that started that needless war, and it's been weighing heavily on my conscience ever since. I just want to say that I am very sorry for what happened.

Your Friend,


"I've got Z-Mail." Tomas mutters and the envelope evaporates in a pink flame.

Tomas then leans back in his chair and breathes a heavy sigh. This next letter was going to take several drafts to get right.

  On 2/14/2012 at 5:10 PM, TheBoyWonder said:

Lord Kapriel of The Paladin Order,

How is Tanco? I trust it is holding up well with you at its helm.

You have inspired me to serve Ennoc. Thank you for my Shield, It is serving me well.

Leo Aragon


Greetings Sir Leo,

Tanco went back to normal life pretty soon after you left. Me and the 1st Battalion of Light and Justice stayed for a couple of more days to make sure the area was secured but by now we have left the island of Moone and are sailing towards the High Kingdoms. We are going to launch a raid on some greenskin's fishing camps by the coast. It will sure bring me and Ennoc, the Righteous Light, great pleasure to see those filthy creatures exterminated, even though it's just a small retribution for all the evil they have done throughout the history.

Keep walking in the Light, young knight. Ennoc always defend those of honour!


Lord Kapriel, High Commander of Light and Justice

I've got Z-mail!

Isaac Shawe,

The Shadeux decepted us all. But I was willing to serve the Shadueux. Perhaps I should assassinate Umbra Shadeux, Like you made us do to Ricroar and Keveak.n

I thank you for letting me kill them though. Any chance to kill my evil Kinsmen I would accept.

Leo Aragon

Dear My Brobric Elf Kinsmen,

I enjoyed killing Ricroll and Keveak. Send some assassins after me for treason.

Oh wait, I would kill them too. I may be A Brobric Elf, but unlike you I am not worshipers of Zoot. May the Lion Knights and other Heroes whittle down your numbers, Leaving the rest for me to kill.

My Best Regards, Leo Aragon

I got Z-Mail!

Edited by TheBoyWonder

The battle seems to grind to a standstill, as though time itself has stopped. Haldor's mind blacked out, and he found himself standing in front of a writing desk, complete with parchment and ink. A shining pink mage was speaking, but Haldor payed no heed. He felt compelled to do something, to express his inner thoughts. He remembered the gnome girl Ameli, and what had happened, he heard she was pregnant after what had happened between them. Haldor felt guilty and responsible, she was young, and it wasn't her fault. Haldor sat down and used his l33t skilz to write a letter...

Dear Miss Ameli Szalinski,

I hope this leter finds yoo wel. I am righting becoz I feel reelly bad for the terrible things I did, and for turning yoor world upside down. When I came with my frends to rescu yoo and yor brothers I was foolish and stupid. I shood have stopped myself, I shouldn't have given into yor requests. But I was foolish, and didn't reelise how the actions of a few minoots wood ruin yor life. I wish I cood undo wat I have don, but it is in the past now. I want to say that I am trooly sory for my actions and how they destroyed yor youth. I am sory with all fiber of my existance.

May I be so bold to ask the names of our children? But feel free to tel me to never right agen. If anyone asks who the father is, you are welcom to invent a person better than me, or say that I died, as yoo don't have to bear the shame of a passing 'hero' making false promises and leaving you in misery. I wood send gold but I have little to spare. I am so sory dear Ameli. If yoo reply to tel me how yoo are then I can try to help, but I will understand if yoo forget about me.

I don't expect forgivness, I just want yoo to know I still care how yoo are.

The cruel failure, Haldor.

Haldor hoped that all was well for Ameli, otherwise he couldn't bear the guilt. But at least he had Jess to comfort him, and hoped that Ameli had found someone too.

Haldor sealed the letter and looked around nervously.

"Uh, I've uh, got Z-Mail!?" :look:

And then Haldor was rushed into the cruel and bitter combat once again, he saw Jess, and prayed she would never know what he did.

Jeb, if you don't mind, please reply to this in-character as Ameli. :classic:

Alisha runs into the strange place, eager to send a letter to someone she saw in a vision.

Dak Shadeaux, she writes hurriedly.

I assume you have had somewhat the same vision as I, and though perhaps yours was different, I assume you saw me in it as I saw you. I saw your picture in the Hall, but I can't shake the feeling that perhaps you'll be different if we ever meet. I hear you are on a Quest, in a cave somewhere, but I know nothing more about you.

I'll wait for you in the Hall if you aren't back by the time I am.

Alisha Mortek

"I've got Z-Mail."

Edited by Poison Ivy


Dearest Byblos,

You me and more Banana Daiquiri than a humanoid should be able to drink?

Love and Kisses


I've got Z-mail!

Dear Alisha Mortek, I regret my actions. I should not of flirted with you. I wish I had not done that. Let's hope this Viking will die at the 2 blades of Draken. Remember to give it back at the end of the quest.

Leo Aragon

Atramor's blank mind focused just long enough for Valentine Ziegfried to explain her message system. Waiting for his fellow heroes to explain the situation to Phillipe Bonaparte, he scuttled to a corner. He ran a hand over his hair, and with some difficulty considering his lack of experience in writing, scribbled up a letter.

It was to Umbra Shadeaux. She'd been spiralling through his mind hours after McCafferey's sudden revelation, on a subject of utmost importance...

Dear Umbra Shadeaux,

Where did you buy your hat?


He mumbled the required "I've got Z-Mail", and the letter disappears in a snap of pink light, leaving behind only the scent of various flowers. Hopefully this would solve one of his many issues at the moment.

Edited by CallMePieOrDie

After mulling it over in his mind for a while, Tomas decides to write another letter. After dipping the quill in the ink, he writes,

Dear Cinna,

How have you been? Are you enjoying working for the Ziegfrieds?

It's been far too long since we last spoke in person! I hope you'll return to the Hall again soon so we can catch up over dinner and drinks.

Your Friend,


"I've got Z-Mail!" he says, and the envelope evaporates in another pink flame. Tomas leans back in his chair again and sighs. He certainly hopes he'll get letters back from his friends.

Edited by Tamamono

To Sorona and General Haroka,

I am writing this letter, to ask how your 'plans' are going. Last thing I heard from you, was you on a beach, sipping from expensive drinks.

If I recall correctly, I was promised gold and a position of power for coming with you, instead I got a sunburn, a lousy trip back to Eubric in the hold of a fisherman's ship, and a piece of magic scrapmetal.

Guts Holla

"I've got Z-mail!"

A letter pops into existence in front of Dak, and he clumsily catches it, tripping over a rock as a quill and paper pop into existence above his head, soundly hitting him. He sits up, rubbing his head, and opens the letter.

Dak Shadeaux,

I assume you have had somewhat the same vision as I, and though perhaps yours was different, I assume you saw me in it as I saw you. I saw your picture in the Hall, but I can't shake the feeling that perhaps you'll be different if we ever meet. I hear you are on a Quest, in a cave somewhere, but I know nothing more about you.

I'll wait for you in the Hall if you aren't back by the time I am.

Alisha Mortek

"What the?"

Dak shifts his position, confused, and a small painting falls out of the letter as well.

"No... It couldn't be.... Could it?"

He picks up the painting, and even though he knew what was coming, he let out a small gasp as he saw who was painted in the picture. The girl from his vision. Damn it, she had to go and write this just when he was starting to dismiss this vision as a dream. He decided to write back, scowling at the treacherous quill that had spilled ink down the back of his neck when it hit him in the back of the head.

He wrote:

Hello Alisha,

I am sure you know who I am, as you seem to know more about me than I do. In fact, I recently lost my memory, so anything you could tell me about myself would be very helpful.


Suddenly, writing this letter, Dak has the strangest sense of deja vu, and something clicks into place inside his head. He realizes his surname, and the reason behind it, and immediately writes another letter.

Dearest Uncle Isaac,

Remember me? Dak, the one that got away? Yeah, you do. You know you do. I'm quite happy, thanks for not asking. I'm a Hero now. Nice how things come full circle, don't you think? First your mother, now me.

Your nephew,

Dak Shadeaux

Dak's past is beginning to click in for him, but he still feels a key part is missing.

"I've got Z-Mail," he mutters under his breath.

OOC: Brickdoctor, I hope you don't mind me creating a bit more backstory for Shawe, since I needed a reason for him to hate Heroica.

Edited by Darth Nihilus

  On 2/14/2012 at 5:25 PM, TheBoyWonder said:

Dear My Brobric Elf Kinsmen,

I enjoyed killing Ricroll and Keveak. Send some assassins after me for treason.

Oh wait, I would kill them too. I may be A Brobric Elf, but unlike you I am not worshipers of Zoot. May the Lion Knights and other Heroes whittle down your numbers, Leaving the rest for me to kill.

My Best Regards, Leo Aragon


Leo Aragon,

Keveak's followers are currently encamped somewhere near Bric'Bay Fort. Brobric itself is under my control, now. Keveak's army and his lieutenants have been driven out, while Ricroar's staff members have been given a fair chance at taking their old positions under this new rule.

In short, you have the wrong address.

Lord Normorn

Dear Follows Of Keveak camped At Briclin bay

I enjoyed killing Ricroll and Keveak. Send some assassins after me for treason.

Oh wait, I would kill them too. I may be A Brobric Elf, but unlike you I am not worshipers of Zoot. May the Lion Knights and other Heroes whittle down your numbers, Leaving the rest for me to kill.

My Best Regards, Leo Aragon

I got Z-Mail!

Dear Lord Normon,

I do not hate you. Just the followers of Keveak.

May Ennoc and Celebryon shine on you

Leo Aragon

I've got ZMail.

Edited by TheBoyWonder


To Haldor:

I'm not quite sure I remember you.
My parents are hovering over me.
Were you the knight?
I still love you.
Thank you and your friends for saving us. I know you did everything that
to be done and I don't regret anything. So there no reason for you to be sorry about anything.

The twins are great and you don't have to send us a copper. Just knowing we're in your thoughts is enough for us. Their names are-
Uh oh


Ameli! Are you writing that deadbeat Norseman?!


Mooom! I'm using dad's dictating machine! Everything you're saying is going to show up in my letter!


Good. Understand this, cleric. You are
the father and we'll take you to Mauricio Povich for a paternity test just to prove so and get you out of our lives forever!

"I've got Z-Mail!"



To Maximus Glacuis:

What in the world happened to you? Did you get smote or could you not reconstruct yourself after falling apart?

- Concerned Mage

"I've got Z-Mail."

Edited by Jebediahs

Monk Pretzel, growing weary with the conversation he is holding with his team members decides to write with his portable easel, that was one of his 99 pieces. He was very good at writing when walking, as he had done it many times on his many journeys round and round Eubric.

Dear_____ (he blank carbon copied the letter to all heroes and several others, so just add your name to the blank spot)

You may not know me as I most assuredly do not know you, but that needn't change anything.

Speaking of change this is a great opportunity for you to let loose some of that spare change of yours into a worthwhile "project", if you will.

I am very distressed over the state of your soul. It is not far away from a deep abyss.

But fear not, all is not lost. For just a few pieces of spare change (by the way, package this change in gold not silver coins, if you please, thank you!), your salvation can be sure. I will be collecting your cash on my return from the hall. Otherwise, which is actually preferable to me, you can simply send it straight to me via Z-banking. It is a good choice, I assure you. However, I provide no guarantee or tax refund on it.

Yours in faith,

Monk Pretzel and His 99 Pieces

Ummm...I had Z-mail...

No...just lost it...

Ah there it is! I've got Z-mail!

De'kra jumped back as a message arrived beside him. Glancing at it in the shadows by the light of his eyes, he nodded as he read.

  On 2/14/2012 at 5:23 PM, Tamamono said:

Dear De'kra,

How are you? It's been quite a while since we last spoke in person. I trust things are going well on your latest adventure?

Just a few weeks ago, I went out on another quest with young Leo Aragorn, and I was finally introduced to Cronk (he was our party leader at the time). Despite his reputation for 'bashing' things, he's really a gentle soul and a very good friend. I think you'd like him! If you haven't met him already, then I'd be happy to introduce you two when you get back to the Hall.

I still feel responsible for what happened on Quest 4. It was my poor judgement that started that needless war, and it's been weighing heavily on my conscience ever since. I just want to say that I am very sorry for what happened.


With a mod De'kra replied,

It has been some time since we last spoke, though not that long. Let me give you a warning, be wary of who signed up on a quest before you join it. One of the other Rogues has a slight attitude issue, and the other rogue has forgotten him identity. The latter I can sympathize with and I knew enough about him to help him remember the hall and his name, but the former has that attitude that slithers, "go to Karzahni." I wonder why someone with such lack of empathy would join these halls, he seems like he would rather be by himself, where he can mock others and mess with them without restrictions. But of course from what I have seen he is not that good of a planner, so perhaps he needs others to remind him of basic needs. He seems like someone who desperately requires unity, but hates it.

I am interested as always in the legendary Cronk, and I have read up on him a little. Has he reached Level fifteen yet? For that matter, have you? By the way, I am in contact with one of the heroes on the clean-up mission to our quest. I have been suggesting ideas for helping his group aid the Lion Knights, perhaps you could use this communication system to suggest ideas as well? The hero is question is a Mage named Arthur, if you care to do so.

If anything it was my fault what the group choose, as I argued the most to kill the elves. Ishould have seen it coning, my memories ooze with betrayal. I don't rememver what happened, but I was betrayed by something, or someone, I trusted completely. I should have learned from that, but I did not. One could also argue that the Shadeaux caused the war, which is true, but as I believe you know, the pawns are as guilty as the schemer. The only thing we can do now is make up for what is done.

With a nod De'kra clicked the words of sending, and resumed stalking in the shadows. Honestly he didn't understand why the others with stealth abilities were trying this. Sure the shadows weren't the best cover, De'kra knew that although his body blended in seamlessly to darkness, his eyes still glowed like twin stars. But still, his hands and his blades were cloaked by the darkness and their dull color. Even if a foe knew he was there, they couldn't perfectly identify a knife, or tell where an attack could come from. Not to mention that even torchlight was starting to feel uncomfortable, though it was not as painful as sunlight or the stars.

Dear Lord Grumpypants Kapriel,

Cronk is Paladin now. Ennoc blessed Cronk with beautiful angel. So there! :tongue:


Cronk, true follower of the Righteous Light

Cronk got Z-Mail!


Dear Guts,

Thank you for inquiring about myself and Haroka. We spent a lovely time in Miranda. All that scheming and being trapped for decades meant we thought that the sea and sun was very refreshing. I even got sunburn! Sorry you were bored, but then I guess you had more mines to explore and holes to dig. Our plans are going swimmingly and soon, cometh the fifth turning of the yellow moon of Goldfire there will be a new reckoning for all of Olegaia. If the hero business doesn't work out for you due to your curmugeonly ways, we will definitely keep you in mind when the apocalypse comes.

With fondest regards and highest expectations,


Dear Jess,

You are lucky to have Haldor, he will look after you, even if it kills him.

Leo Aragon

Dear Althior Emorith,

I hear you have every gem, and are one of the greatest current heroes. I just saw you portrait, and that you were trying to kill some Brobric Elves.

Can you do me a favour and send me one of there dead heads? I want to spit on it, cut it up and throw its brains into a bush and set fire to it.

The Brobric Elf Hating Brobric Elf, Leo Aragon

I have the most ZMail

Edited by TheBoyWonder

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