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It was late in the evening when Great Grandfather Lloyd summoned his family. They met him in his temple, where he spoke to them. 'Dear family, last night I had a vision and I must share it with you.'

Cue flashback


'I found a magic lamp. It didn't contain 1, but 5 extraordinarily beautiful virgin genies. But that is not the reason I summoned you here. After that first vision, I had a second one.'

Cue second flashback


'I was alone, all by myself. The last remaining Yakuza. Something, or someone had put a stop to our criminal organisation/lovely family. Surely this can not be our future. Therefor I have summoned you all to come here. You are not allowed to leave this temple until we rid ourselves from this evil force.'


Great Grandfather Lloyd left the room and his family. All sorts of thoughts were running through their heads:

Has he finally lost his marbles?

How can I do business when I'm locked up in a temple?

Who or what is trying to ruin our Yakuza family?

Who will feed my fishes during my stay here?


Welcome to Yakuza Family the C&D topic.

As we speak I am sending out the pm's to those who get to participate in this game.

I want to thank everyone who signed up.

Choosing who gets to play and who doesn't is always one of the hardest things.

So if you didn't make the cut, thanks for signing up anyways and I hope you enjoy watching this game from the sidelines.



Great Grandfather Lloyd - NPC

The old wise great grandfather of the Yakuza family, not to be messed with.


Nobuo – Played by MetroiD

Nobuo is the leader of the Yakuza. He’ll be handing the family business over to his 4 sons at the end of this year. He is looking forward to his retirement.


Chieko – Played by Scubacarrot

Chieko is one of the last remaining traditional Geisha’s. She runs her own Geisha school so that the art of being a Geisha will not be lost. Because being a Geisha is not a profession, but a way of life Chieko only has one student a year so she can devote all her time to that one student.


Ichirou – Played by Tamamono

Ichirou works for his father in the Yakuza family company. He’s Nobuo’s first born son so he is most likely to be the successor to the family business.


Shizuko – Played by CallMePieOrDie

Shizuko is the owner of a Chinese takeout corporation. She is the inventor of the famous Chinese takeout boxes which made her richer than anyone could imagine.


Tadao – Played by The Legonater

Tadao is a super gifted wiz kid. He broke into the governments database. When they found out he was snooping around they tracked him down and contracted him to work for them. This is where he met Akio who was a delivery boy at that time. Tadao and Akio make sure the government remains clueless about the identity and whereabouts of the last remaining Yakuza.


Akio – Played by Rumble Strike

Akio is Tadaos partner. They met at work when Akio was still a delivery boy. Ever since Akio managed the ladder, some say it has to do with all the little ‘favors’ he does for Tadao.


Jirou – Played by JimButcher

Jirou once was a very talented Sumo wrestler. After winning the world championship 3 times in a row he decided he needed a career change to keep him motivated. He went on the subway diet and lost all of his extra pounds. He is now a professional nutrition specialist and health coach.


Noriko – Played by Eskallon

Noriko is the head of the elementary school. She battles truancy , lice control, bad grades and annoying parents.


Setsuku – Played by Fhomess

Setsuku is a leading martial arts specialist. She practices and teaches: Judo, Aikido, Jujutsu, Karate, Kendo, Nunjitsu and Taekwondo. First thing she teachers her students is to never ever use martial arts outside of the ring.


Kenta – Played by Nightshroud99

Kenta is one of the leading sushi chefs in the country. He’s won several prizes an is known all around the world for his delicious dishes. His specialty is the Koilette role.


Saburo – Played by Masked Builder

Saburo is the second successor to his fathers company. His brothers Shiro and Jirou never had ambitions to work for their fathers business. Saburo enjoys working for his father, but he doesn’t want to take over the company.


Yasuko – Played by RileyC

Yasuko was the first international top model of Asian descent. She is currently the host of Asians Next topmodel.


Minoru – Played by VolcanicPanic

Minoru is a car dealer and a big time fan of the U.S.A. There is only one thing he loves more than American suits an that is American cars. He’s well known for his talent. This one time he managed to sell a silent movie to a blind guy.


Yasu – Played by TheBoyWonder

Yasu is the owner of the biggest rice plantation in the country. Her profits are so high she donates rice to those who need it most. To those who can’t afford to buy food their selves.


Lloyd Jr – Played by ADHO15

Lloyd Jr was named after his Great Grandfather Lloyds. He’s full of mischief, but is a good kid deep down inside.


Emi – Played by Brickdoctor

Emi was once a very happy woman. She was married to a lovely guy and was carrying his baby. Unfortunately she lost both in a car crash. Emi herself managed to survive the crash, although she was never the same. She adopted a pet lizard called Lizzy and breast fed it. Lizzy grew exponentially and even managed to learn and speak Japanese and English fluently. Emi treats Lizzy as if she is her daughter. She is very protective about her.


Lizzy – Played by Capt. Redblade

Lizzy is Emi’s Lizard daughter. The family has come to term with Emi’s condition and has accepted Lizzy as Emi’s daughter, if only to keep Emi sane. Lizzy has a warm personality, enjoys long walks on the beach and is a very passionate about sky scrapers.


Shiro – Played by Alopex

Shiro is a stay at home father. He dedicated his life to raising his kids and supporting his wife.


Hanako – Played by Professor Flitwick

Hanako is the families acupuncturist. She prefers everything to be peacefully and quiet. He is in total balance. Ying and Yang.


Akira – Played by Bob

Akira is the embodiment of a Chinese tourist. There is nothing he loves more than traveling the world taking as many pictures of it as possible. Even though he speaks English fluently he likes to use sentences like: ‘You take picture please’ whenever he is around locals.


Momoe – Played by Rufus

Momoe fell for Akira as soon as she laid eyes upon his collection of Hawaiian themed shirts. She loves to travel the world and meet new people. She’s a real peoples person.


Kin – Played by Rick

Kin studies hard so he won’t let his parents down. He’s a straight A+ student and wants to keep it that way. When he is not studying he is reading books.


Manga – Played by CorneliusMurdock

Manga is a college student. She is majoring in Chinese and Japanese language, culture and history. She’s a straight A+ student. She also featured in an adult movie containing octopus tentacles and girls dressed in schoolgirl outfits. She’s hoping her parents will never find out about that!


Maniko – Played by Swils

Maniko is Chieko’s last student, or young Padawan as she likes to call herself. Maniko is on her way to become a magnificent Geisha, but deep down inside she’d rather be a Jedi Knight!


Norio – Played by Def

Was once a double agent working along with 007. He left the British Secret Service when he met Maniko. However he still likes to dress up smart and prefers his martini, stirred not shaken. No diluted drinks for mister Norio.


Hiroki - Played by Etzel

Even though Hiroki is very young he already is head of the biggest Casino chain. He likes to gamble, but you don’t want to be in debt with this guy.


Yoshiko – Played by Cecilie

When Yoshiko was just a little girl she was trapped in an elevator for 24 hours. Unable to use the restroom she had to do her thing in a corner of the elevator. Ever since she has been a germofobe. She wears a mask 24/7 to try and avoid inhaling to many bacteria. She disinfects her hands about twice an hour.


Isamu - Played by Peanuts

Isamu is the families spy. He managed to infiltrate several major companies and even some government organs. He is currently trying to infiltrate the local police station. But his efforts so far haven’t been very fruitful.


Daisuke - Played by Scorpiox

Daisuke is one of the best Asian Elvis impersonators you’ll ever see. He travels the country going from gig to gig just doing his thing. Currently he is on a break to help his wife raise their kid. He is also the owner of a successful chain of karaoke bars.


Tamiko - Played by Zakura

Tamiko is a news reporter on the rise. She controls what news makes the press and what news dies on the way to the press. That makes her a truly valuable asset to the Yakuza family.


Aiko - Played by Iamded

Aiko may look very sweet and innocent but don’t be fooled. This girl knows how to defend herself. Her favorite weapons are words. With an IQ way above average she’ll always outsmart you.


Cherry Blossom - Played by WhiteFang

Cherry Blossom is destined to be a star. At the age of 18 she was recruited by Gwen Stefani to become part of her Harajuku girls. After touring with her for several years Gwen decided to take a break from making music and have multiple babies. So Cherry Blossom returned home to her family but she stayed true to her Harajuku style.

Family Tree



Those who didn’t make the cut in order of sign up.

The Rules

  1. Each player will be given a character to play who will be aligned with either Yakuza (town) or the Mutineers (scum). To win the game the Yakuza must eliminate all of the Mutineers. While the Mutineers need to outnumber the Yakuza. Any other party characters will have their own win conditions outlined in their roles.

  2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player Voting should be done in the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. Each player gets one unvote a day. The player with the most votes at the end of a game day will be lynched. If there is a tie then the first player to achieve this vote count will be lynched.

  3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end after 72 hours, unless the group are decided on a lynch. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host, using the initial character PM thread only, in the first 24 hours of the night stage. They will not be accepted after this deadline has passed or if the player doesn’t use the initial character PM.

  4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

  5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game hosts via PM. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

  6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game. Metagame at your own risk.

  7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

  8. You may not edit your posts.

  9. You must post in every day thread.

  10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the hosts using your character information PM. No other communication with the hosts will be accepted or acknowledged.

  11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty against you on your first offence, and the death of your character on your second offence. Plus losing your right to vote for that day.


I really wanted to get all the pm's out and get this topic online before I got to work today. Hooray I did it. But this means I won't be able to answer any of your questions for the next 10 to 12 hours. Not so convenient, but we'll survive!


Edited by badboytje88

はじめまして!ノリオと申します。ここから4649おねがいします  :laugh:


From here on in, I will use my best English though. I like to, how you say, practice my second tongue :wink:

(準備上場)- Ready to play :laugh:

Oh its actually modern yakuza .

Are we Yamaguchi-gumi ???

I would've been the first to confirm, but somebody sabotaged the topic... :hmpf::laugh:

Shizuko present.

I know it was locked.

  • Author

I had to add a few things to my first post. So I locked it for a bit.

Aiko, present and ready! :laugh:

  On 2/19/2012 at 8:07 AM, CallMePieOrDie said:

I would've been the first to confirm, but somebody sabotaged the topic... :hmpf::laugh:

I'm sure you can be first at something else :classic:

Chieko is ready, my host.

Yasu confirming, let's save the Yakuza.

Shiro here!

I'll do anything to protect our family!

Emi, here! :classic:

Does anyone else find it hilarious that def is playing the character that looks almost like Blutziegel? :look:

If only there was some takoyaki in this temple........ :hmpf_bad:

Kin is ready to help restore the honour of the Yakuza family.

Does anyone wonder what the different colours on the chart mean ????

I'm not going to lead a lynch because of a letter.

  On 2/19/2012 at 7:40 AM, badboytje88 said:

Hanako – Played by Professor Flitwick

Hanako is the families acupuncturist. She prefers everything to be peacefully and quiet.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Hanako is the families acupuncturist, but rather the (extended) family's acupuncturist, or the families' acupuncturist if you would prefer. Possessive nouns are a favourite of mine. :laugh:

  On 2/19/2012 at 7:40 AM, badboytje88 said:
He is in total balance. Ying and Yang.

Speaking of Hanako's total balance, does (s)he also have a total balance when it comes to gender? I can see she looks relatively female, but you can never be sure... :tongue:

  On 2/19/2012 at 8:33 AM, iamded said:

Speaking of Hanako's total balance, does (s)he also have a total balance when it comes to gender? I can see she looks relatively female, but you can never be sure... :tongue:

Please stop insulting my wife Aiko. :sadnew: We're all family here.

Lloyd Jr here and ready to do his little bit to help the family. :classic:

Ah, good day children, I see you're already up.

  On 2/19/2012 at 8:27 AM, Brickdoctor said:

Does anyone else find it hilarious that def is playing the character that looks almost like Blutziegel? :look:

Who is this def you speak of? Looks like Bluwho? I have no idea what you're talking about, my little girl... I'm really getting too old for all these new words young folk come up with these days. Now then, where's breakfast? I'll have me some sausages...

Minoru here to help the family. Or as the Americans put it, "Let's get this party started!"

Hey all! I am I ready? In the words or Mr. Elvis, Uh huh!

I'm a-ready to do my bit for the family, a-time to root out those a-nasty defectors!

This place is going to be crawling with germs with so many people in the same place! :sick:

We should divide the place into zones, so we can all have our separate space... aaaaaaah, don't touch me! *rubs antibacterial gel on arm*

hmm this might make it onto the news.....

Hanako here, ready to play!

  On 2/19/2012 at 7:40 AM, badboytje88 said:

Kenta is one of the leading sushi chefs in the country. He’s won several prizes an is known all around the world for his delicious dishes. His specialty is the Koilette role.


  On 2/19/2012 at 8:33 AM, iamded said:

Speaking of Hanako's total balance, does (s)he also have a total balance when it comes to gender? I can see she looks relatively female, but you can never be sure... :tongue:

Lets see you get to my age and retain your gender-specific looks! :tongue:

  On 2/19/2012 at 8:50 AM, Alopex said:
Please stop insulting my wife Aiko. :sadnew: We're all family here.

I'm not insulting anyone, just pointing some things out. :innocent2:

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