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Halloween 2006 Minifig Contest 59 members have voted

  1. 1. Most Original

    • Ghost Ship Helmsman - Ghoulrealm
    • Halloween Amazon - BaronSat
    • Skeletal Centaur - Chewie
    • Steve Ghastly - ImperialScouts
    • Vampire Skeleton - Sir Nadroj
    • The Dismemberer - Supaa Sayajin
    • The Drowned - Brick Miner
    • The Stanger - Sir Dillon
    • Ghoulish Death - Xwingyoda
    • The Lich - TheBrickster
    • The Necromancer - Starwars4J
    • The Head Hunter - Lost Viking
  2. 2. Most Scariest

    • Ghost Ship Helmsman - Ghoulrealm
    • Halloween Amazon - BaronSat
    • Skeletal Centaur - Chewie
    • Steve Ghastly - ImperialScouts
    • Vampire Skeleton - Sir Nadroj
    • The Dismemberer - Supaa Sayajin
    • The Drowned - Brick Miner
    • The Stanger - Sir Dillon
    • Ghoulish Death - Xwingyoda
    • The Lich - TheBrickster
    • The Necromancer - Starwars4J
    • The Head Hunter - Lost Viking
  3. 3. Best Overall Halloween Minifig (Overall Fig & Description)

    • Ghost Ship Helmsman - Ghoulrealm
    • Halloween Amazon - BaronSat
    • Skeletal Centaur - Chewie
    • Steve Ghastly - ImperialScouts
    • Vampire Skeleton - Sir Nadroj
    • The Dismemberer - Supaa Sayajin
    • The Drowned - Brick Miner
    • The Stanger - Sir Dillon
    • Ghoulish Death - Xwingyoda
    • The Lich - TheBrickster
    • The Necromancer - Starwars4J
    • The Head Hunter - Lost Viking

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On a dark and stormy night, within the creepy chambers of the Eurobricks Scary Laboratory, twelve individuals create ghoulish :-X and spooky *alien* minifigs for your Halloween delight.

Now it is your turn to vote for the Most Scariest Lego Minifig MOC. |-/

Three minifigures will be selected for Most Original, Most Scariest, and Best Overall (scary fig including description).

Lightning flashes once! :'-( Then twice! :'-( As thunder claps loudly in the background! *skull*

Vote for your favorites... Or the Halloween Spirits will be knocking at your door. >:-)


EDIT: Revkev is actually LOST VIKING (posted his entry under another name)

The Entry thread may be found here: Entries

Edited by xwingyoda

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Ghost Ship Helmsman: He is the helmsman of my ghost ship no one knows the names of the the crew or the ship. If you were unlucky enough to glimps this sight, you wouldn't likely live to speak of it. The most frightening aspect of the helmsman is that he has no eyes to navigate his cursed ship.

Halloween Amazon: She's a kind of dungeon keeper and as you can see trespasser are decapitated, she won't let nobody cross the door. Look at her big .... axe, isn't it scary?

Skeletal Centaur: For many years, there was a house atop a huge hill, in which it overlooked a tiny town. All the towns folk knew the owner rode a horse, but no one really ever saw him doing so. When this mans house burn't down, it was thought he perished in the fire. However, there are still some townsfolk who believe to hear a man riding a horse sometime through the night. That man has come back as the Skeleton Centaur...did he ever really ride a horse...or was he part of it?

Steve Ghastly: "It was 1623 when Steve Ghastly was born. He lived a long miserable life. Unfortunate events piled upon more unfortunate events. Steve had only one friend. But only a year into their friendship, did Steve's friend betray him and leave with his fortunes, the only other thing he had to his name. He comitted suicide days after the betrayal. He had left himself a little money for a grave at the cemetary. A few months later, witches dug him up and put a spell on his body that, on every Halloween night, he would come to life to take revenge on those who betrayed him. Steve was cursed for eternity to walk with the living every year on Halloween night. So on every Haloween night, Steve walkes with the living, taking revenge on people for the betrayal and suffering his friend had given him."

Vampire Skeleton: This is the Vampire Skeleton. He is the most evil of the evil! (Notice the fire.) He takes souls like any other vampire, by biting the victim. You do not want to get him angry! Thanks for the help!

The Dismemberer: The Dismemberer, is an angry guy that is infected with leprosy (you can see the small part of his body which is free of cloth, his face, you can already see the meat there, skin has gone nearly complete and he doesn't have much longer to live. He didn't have either a happy life or a happy childhood and got beaten buy his dad very often. His dad has been a bigwig of a pharmer concern and is very rich. Now he waits for all the big business man to dismember them, cause hes so angry at them. (he thinks everyone of these is just like as his dad) And when hes close to dead, hes going to go for his dad...

The Drowned: THE CURSE OF SHIVERSDALE: some say that when the gold mines of Shiversdale were dug, hollow ground was broken, unleashing menacing spirits. the supernatural forces embodied the natural elements which released them. No object that occupied the land was safe from the haunting

this is a really cool contest you put together... looks like a lot of work went into it on your end, as well as everybody who entered.


as for my votes:


mine :-$ i think i was the only one to used a custom designed torso. plus, i made the only zombie :-D :-P



Sir Dillon's... that alligator head and normal hair combo freaks me out :'-(

honerable mention goes to yoda for his use of lighting... it realy makes the minifig appear more scary than it would have been without *y*



again, SirDillon's... he actually fit a halloween ritual (trick or treat) into his story, which made him an obvious choice for "best halloween fig".

great job everybody X-D BrickMiner

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  Brick Miner said:

mine :-$ i think i was the only one to used a custom designed torso. plus, i made the only zombie.

I give you a strike for not using an official Lego torso (although permitted in the contest rules). It's similar to creating your own piece, or what some call "illegal building" (although I disagree with the term). To me, building with Lego has always created the challenge of working with the pieces you have, rather than making your own. Some would argue that creating a decal (which I have done as well), is creative and difficult, which I agree with. It just isn't a real Lego piece and rather tests your graphic ability vs. your creativity at working within Lego limitations.

In any case; however, I like your story the best which I think added a nice background and went beyond the limitations of describing the minifig. Nice job with the story.

I think these are all very good, and I'm very impressed with the imagery that the participants took time to create. I enjoy contests like this a lot, if the participation is there. I'd say 12 entries is pretty good. Thanks to all the participants!

1. Halloween Amazon (self-explanatory)

2. Vampire skeleton (Out of all of them, I'd want to meet him least an a dark alley!)

3. The stranger (the halloween twist to the story just won my heart in this catagory)

  TheBrickster said:
It just isn't a real Lego piece and rather tests your graphic ability vs. your creativity at working within Lego limitations.
very good summation. that was worth of mentioning, and im glad you did *y* as anyone who was thinking of voting for "The Drowned" should take into consideration where my creative efforts went.

its funny, that you mention working with the system's limitations... as i am a firm believer of not using "illegal techniques" when connecting bricks. i could see how one could view decals in the same manor. but it's different for me...

however, that sounds like a discussion for a whole other thread ;-) :-D

In any case; however, I like your story the best.

Could a Mod or Admin please change Revkev to Lost Viking, I accidentally posted my entry on my dad's (?) account. *wacko*

Thanks ;-)

  Lost Viking said:
Could a Mod or Admin please change Revkev to Lost Viking, I accidentally posted my entry on my dad's (?) account. *wacko*

Thanks ;-)

Looooool !! No worries at all LV ;-) I changed your name in the actual poll ;-)

BTW, beeing totally egocentric and narcissic I voted for myself in the 3 categories :-D :-P


  TheBrickster said:
I give you a strike for not using an official Lego torso (although permitted in the contest rules). It's similar to creating your own piece, or what some call "illegal building" (although I disagree with the term). To me, building with Lego has always created the challenge of working with the pieces you have, rather than making your own.
BTW, Brickster... im curious. would a person using this method of determining an illegal technique, also see BaronSat's minifig to employ an illegal building technique ???

in the case of a sticker torso, its not the concept of using a sticker that would make it unLEGO like... because LEGO used this technique in early sets. so it must be the fact that LEGO didn't make the actual sticker that would cause the torso to fall into illegalness.

the strings or bands in the Halloween Amazon are most likely not made by LEGO either (correct me if im wrong BS ;-) those could be some LEGO-made technic band that im not familar with)... so does the Amazon get the same strike that the Drowned got ???

which would be a shame, cause id say those two qualities make those two entries the MOST creative ;-)

but look who is talking here :-D


  xwingyoda said:
BTW, beeing totally egocentric and narcissic I voted for myself in the 3 categories :-D :-P
:-D now i don't feel so bad :-P (not that i did anyway ;-) )

- BrickMiner

Any Votes for my Vampire Skeleton are greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!

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  xwingyoda said:
BTW, beeing totally egocentric and narcissic I voted for myself in the 3 categories :-D :-P

If everyone voted like this, we wouln't have a poll. Now I can see one or two categories (at the most), but all three?

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  Brick Miner said:
BTW, Brickster... im curious. would a person using this method of determining an illegal technique, also see BaronSat's minifig to employ an illegal building technique ???

in the case of a sticker torso, its not the concept of using a sticker that would make it unLEGO like... because LEGO used this technique in early sets. so it must be the fact that LEGO didn't make the actual sticker that would cause the torso to fall into illegalness.

the strings or bands in the Halloween Amazon are most likely not made by LEGO either (correct me if im wrong BS ;-) those could be some LEGO-made technic band that im not familar with)... so does the Amazon get the same strike that the Drowned got ???

which would be a shame, cause id say those two qualities make those two entries the MOST creative ;-)

but look who is talking here :-D

To answer your question, No. It appears (at least to me) that BaronSat's Halloween Amazon uses what looks like a Lego rubberband to hold the lever pieces (without the lever) on to the upper torso. Could have been a Technic band (as you mention) that would have had the same effect (if it isn't). Also, the band is more like a cape vs. a Lego piece/brick which I think is something different.

In regard to a "strike". I set the rules and allowed the use of decals knowing that some individuals (like yourself) would most likely create their own torso. It's not that big of deal though, and this is just my personal opinion. For contests like this, I prefer to see the use of real Lego pieces (not fabricated parts with decals; just like purchased pieces, I hate the use of stickers). But had your figure been more scary, I would have probably voted for it even with the decal. A strike from me is nothing more than a comment. The use of the decal was permitted within the contest rules and I don't think it resulted in you receiving less votes overall.

  TheBrickster said:
If everyone voted like this, we wouln't have a poll. Now I can see one or two categories (at the most), but all three?

Well, he does need the votes :-P Hehe, thanks yoda... I do not know why the heck he had an account *wacko*

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True, I guess that makes it OK.

i think we need more voters... i don't think there is enough feedback to determine anything !!! *wacko*

well, i could say somthing cheesy like, "we are all winners here." but feeback is also a good thing ;-)

how about making a notation on the front page ???

however, there is some really good news on the FP right now... so maybe its not a good time.

- BrickMiner

  Brick Miner said:
how about making a notation on the front page ???


I quoted Brickster's first sentence and added his great image ;-)

I agree that we need a lot more voters for such a brilliant contest !! 13 voters do not render justice to Brickster's great organization and to the 12 participants ;-)

So you know what to do...

Vote ON !!


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Good idea. Let's see if the votes pick up.

Those boobs are genius.

It's something missing from minifigs, yet the first time I saw that configuration.

It will be emulated many times.

How did I miss this contest. I even have a couple of ideas for good figures. Guess I just wasn't paying attention. Oh well, there's always next year.


  JINZONINGEN 73 said:
Those boobs are genius.

It's something missing from minifigs, yet the first time I saw that configuration.

It will be emulated many times.

We already discussed similar boobies somewhere in the forum. The guy who first did it went for a boobs and bikinis theme.

I voted for baronsat because he made an awesome female fig, and the background is nicely designed. The Yoda for the scarryness and finally the pirate thing as an overall

  jipay said:
We already discussed similar boobies somewhere in the forum. The guy who first did it went for a boobs and bikinis theme.

Right, I didn't mention that but I'm not the inventor of "Lego minifigure chest enlargement". I just love the idea so much that I wanted to use it my own way and the contest was the good moment.

Thanks to have corrected.

And thanks for the vote :-)

NP you deserved it :-) And I don't think people should mention they're not the inventors of a technic everytime they use one ! :-D

  jipay said:
NP you deserved it :-) And I don't think people should mention they're not the inventors of a technic everytime they use one ! :-D

That could be very boring, specially on a large MOC. Imagine 10 pages of "... this technic is from Mr X and this one is from Mr Y etc... ". That remind me some forums, I won't mention the name. :-D :-D :-D

X-D *y* Guys and Gals! I need some votes! *y* ;-)

Most creative-- Halloween Amazon, for obvious reasons.

Scariest-- The Dismemberer, I think it's the DM face and the buzz saw that does it and the red glow and backround makes it look even better!

Best overall-- Help! I can't chose between Brick Miner, Xwingyoda and Sir Dillon!

EDIT: I voted for Brick Miner's The Drowned, The story is great, it's a nice concept and custom decal shows added effort and "coolness".

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