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Batch Image Resize

Many users have been uploading extremely large image files to their Brickshelf folders or equivalent image hosting service. What they may not realize is images of this size are intended for large photogenic prints NOT transmission over the Internet.

In general most images need not be any larger than 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels high (800 x 600).

The problem with large image files is:

  1. They are too big to be viewed on a monitor (even the larger ones) without zooming out.
  2. They are too big to be posted in a thread which is very useful when discussing a MOC, and threads with images usually attract more responses.
  3. They take longer to download, especially for users who still have dialup internet connections.
    A 3MB image file on a 56K dialup connection will take over 10 minutes to download and this is an unreasonable demand for users of this connection speed (or lower), especially if you have many images.

There are numerous programs are capable of doing a “batch” image resize. These include Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Fireworks, etc.

“Batch” means the program can resize multiple images at the same time saving you the time and effort of resizing. If you don’t have one of the above programs then a freeware program called IrfanView is recommended. IrfanView is freeware which you may legally download and install without paying any money.

IrfanView download page

Download this tutorial in (Word doc format)

Using IrfanView

First install and launch IrfanView.

Step 1 – Open the Conversion/Rename dialogue

From the pull down menus select: File then Batch Conversion/Rename…


Step 2 – Locating and selecting the files

There are two ways of selecting the files you want to resize:

Method 1 - Using Explorer (the file browser not Internet Explorer)


  1. Open an Explorer window and locate the folder where the files are contained.
  2. Highlight the files you want to resize
  3. Drag the files from the Explorer window over to the “Input Files” box in IrfanView.

Method 2 - Using the IrfanView File Browser


  1. Locate the folder where the files are contained.
  2. Highlight the files you want to resize
  3. Drag the files from the IrfanView File Browser over to the “Input Files” box, or click the add button.

Step 3 – Basic Settings


  1. Set the Output directory (Directory is another name for Folder)
    Make sure it is something you can remember and find easily. Ideally you should set this to a sub-folder within the folder the source files are located.
  2. Ensure the Batch conversion – Rename result files check box is ticked
    This prevents the original files from being overwritten
  3. Ensure Output format is set to JPG – JPEG Format.
  4. Ensure the Use Advanced Options checkbox is ticked then click Set advanced options button.

Step 4 – Advanced Options


  1. Ensure the RESIZE checkbox is ticked, then the Set new size radio button and then the Set both sides to radio buttons.
  2. Enter “800” into the Width text box.
    “800” is the recommended value but you can enter something different.
  3. Ensure the Preserve aspect ratio (proportional) check box is ticked.
    This ensures your images will be the right height for their new width.
  4. Ensure the Use Resample function (better quality) check box is ticked.
    This prevents jagged edges in your images after resizing.
  5. Click the Ok button

Step 5 – Converting


  1. Before you convert you may like to specify names for the newly converted files. To do so enter the name you’d like in the Name pattern textbox followed by three hashes. I.e. ###
    The hashes represent numbers. For example the first file to be converted will be called chest001.jpg, the second chest002.jpg and so on.
  2. To begin the conversion click the Start button.
    While the files are being converted a dialogue box will appear informing you of the progress and report any errors. If something goes wrong be sure to read this as it will provide information to help you resolve problems.

Now you should have a basic understanding of using IrfanView to perform a batch image conversion. This process may seem daunting the first time but it will become easier the more you do it. It is much more efficient then resizing the images one at time.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Also you may provide feedback and vote on this tutorial so that it may be improved.

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