Masked Builder Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Jedi Temple Mafia - Conclusion Judgement Of The Jedi All are welcome to post in this thread! "But they know I'm not scum! Can't they just re-cast their votes to get a scum?" "No, specify that, the rules do," "Yay! Now I think I tie with Kiel for shortest mafia playing time ever!" Aayla says. "What the hell are you talking about?" Coryn asks. "Damn you, Foul..." Aayla says. As Coryn starts to force choke Foul, Ashoka says, "Wait, if Yoda is the all powerful master guy and is strong with the force, wouldn't he know who the scum were?" "Best not to question. We won anyways!" Ili laughs. Ashoka runs up and slits his throat. "Come on! Foul gets to be the one stabbed with the long pointy stick? Lucky..." Ili pouts. Out of pure rage and jealousy, Ili chops off Aayla's head. Yoda and Gree walk back in. "Found that Master Koon is a Jedi, we have. Also see that you have killed the remaining Sith, we do," "Uh, Master Yoda..." "Clean this up now, you must." As Yoda gives the Sith looks of approval, Coryn mutters, "I think that Yoda spent too much time learning how to speak backwards and not enough finding out who the actual Sith were. Gree on the other hand, is spot on. He would make a worthy ally of us." "Now, tell the senate of this good news, I must." "Have you ever tried Schwarma? I have no idea what it is, but I want some..." The three remaining sith stand alone in the temple. "Great!" Ashoka says, "Now what?" Ili, on the other hand, can't stop staring at Coryn's butt. "I know exactly what I'm gonna do..." Congratulations Scum Team! Winners: Sith/Scum Coryn Kelens - Tamamono Ili Seosty - Sisco Ahsoka Tano - MacK Plo Koon (TheBoyWonder) - Mod-killed Night 6 Sith Hugar Ssiht (badboytje88) Lynched Day 2 Sith Mace Windu (Nightshroud99) - Lynched Day 1 Sith The Dead: Jedi/Town Eeth Koth (Alex the Great) - Killed Night 1 Jedi Roron Corobb (Flipz) - Killed Night 2 Jedi Anakin Skywalker (Swils) - Killed Night 2 Jedi C-3PO (Brickdoctor) - Lynched Day 2 Unknown Saesee Tiin (Zakura) - Killed Night 3 Jedi Quinlan Vos (VolanicPanik) - Killed Night 3 Jedi Euna Iladru (Jedi master Brick) - Lynched Day 4 Jedi Luminara Unduli (Peanuts) - Killed Night 4 Jedi R2-D2 (fhomess) - Killed Night 4 Jedi Voolvif Monn (JackJonespaw) - Lynched Day 5 Unknown Nahdar Vebb (Scubacarrot) - Killed Night 5 Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi (Palathadric) - Killed Night 5 Jedi Shaak Ti (Flare) - Lynched Day 6 Jedi Barriss Offee (Scorpiox) - Killed Night 6 Jedi Ki-Adi Mundi (Dannylonglegs) - Killed Night 6 Jedi Ithra Srryn (Macoco) - Killed Night 6 Jedi Kit Fisto (ADHO15) - Lynched Day 7 Jedi Foul Moudama (Kadabra) - Killed In The Conclusion Jedi Aayla Secura (Darth Nihilus) - Killed In The Conclusion Jedi Scum Writeboard PW: Genghiskongsrealm Dead Writeboard PW: ForceGohsts Role PMs: Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Aayla Secura - Played By Darth Nihilus/Piratedave84 Aayla Secura, born Aaylas'ecura, is a Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Master, who serves with distinction as a General during the Clone Wars. After Secura was promoted to the level of Jedi Knight, the Clone Wars broke out, and she was one of many Jedi to participate in the First Battle of Geonosis. She served in various campaigns, surviving such infamous battles as those on Hypori and Kamino. Indeed, such were her achievements that Secura was promoted to the level of Jedi Master near the beginning of the conflict. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Shaak Ti - Played By Flare Shaak Ti is a female Togruta Jedi Master, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order. Joining the Jedi High Council in the years before the Clone Wars, she took up the ranks of General within the Grand Army of the Republic and was tasked with the oversight of clone trooper training on the ocean world Kamino. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Ithra Srryn - Played By Macoco Ithra Srryn is a female human Jedi master. She is good friends with Coryn, and they spend time meditating together. Most of the time though, she likes to fly spaceships. She's pretty good to, though she doesn't go on about it. Ithra is an excellent mechanic to, as well as a bit of a germ freak. Night Action: You are the town Doctor. You may choose one person each night to protect from being killed. To win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Barriss Offee - Played By Scorpiox Barriss Offee is a Mirialan Jedi Knight and General during the Clone Wars. A skilled Jedi Healer, Offee utilized her abilities at a Rimsoo on Drongar during the galactic conflict. Offee is easily identified by the tattoos on her face. She is the apprentice to Jedi Master Luminara Unduli You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Plo Koon - Played By TheBoyWonder Plo Koon is a Kel Dor male from the planet Dorin who became a Jedi Master and a lifetime member of the Jedi High Council, holding the position from before the Invasion of Naboo to the beginning of the Clone Wars and on. During the Clone Wars, Koon served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Plo Koon was also an accomplished starfighter pilot. Serial Killer Night Action: You are the Serial Killer. Each night you may choose one person to kill. To win You must eliminate all other players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Ki-Adi Mundi - Played By Dannylonglegs Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Cerean Jedi Master who serves on the Jedi High Council in the Galactic Republic and played a major role in several battles during the Clone Wars. Born in 92 BBY, Mundi was discovered at age four by the Jedi An'ya Kuro and became of the few permitted by the Jedi Order to be trained starting beyond infancy. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Ili Seosty Played By Sisco Ili Seosty is a human Jedi youngling. Her best friend in the temple is Euna and the spend most of their free time together. She has found that she greatly enjoys cooking and is a most excellent one at that. But unlike what the Jedi code requires, she is obsessed with sex. Ili doesn't let this come through to prevalently, but if she gets close to someone, she starts hinting at it. Night Action: You are the Absorber. You may choose one person to target each night, not the godfather, and the next night you will be able to use their action. You may only do this on odd nights. To win, the scum team must outnumber any non-scum aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Ahsoka Tano - Played By MacK Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, is a Togruta Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and showed an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice. Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis, and was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth. Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic's safe passage through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans. Night Action: You are the godfather of the scum. You may choose one person each night to kill. One night during the game, you may choose one person to convert to the scum side. You may not kill and convert on the same night. To win, the scum must outnumber the town. Note: If investigated, you will turn up as town. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Coryn Kelens - Tamamono Coryn Kelens is a human Jedi padawan. His master is Hugar Ssiht, and he follows him around everywhere. He feels very honored to have been picked by one of the few remaining Thisspiasiana Jedi. He spends his time at the temple with Ithra Srryn, and they talk about various things. He's a calm, cool person and is a good friend to all. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Obi-Wan Kenobi - Played By Palathadric Obi-Wan Kenobi is a legendary Jedi Master who played a significant role in the fate of the galaxy during the Clone Wars. He was the apprentice of the late Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and the mentor of Anakin Skywalker, training him in the ways of the Force. He had a long and tumultuous career as a Jedi Master that helped shape the fate of the entire galaxy. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Voolvif Monn - Played By JackJonespaw Voolvif Monn was a Shistavanen Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars. After he was discovered to be strong in the Force, Monn was taken as an infant from a planet near the Arah asteroid belt by a Jedi named Paouoish Rahhdool. Rahhdool took his new Padawan back to Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the light side of the Force. Monn proved a keen Jedi, eventually becoming a Jedi Knight some time prior to 22 BBY. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Nahdar Vebb - Played By Scubacarrot Nahdar Vebb is a male Mon Calamari who serves as a Jedi Knight. Vebb was the Padawan of Jedi Master Kit Fisto prior to the Clone Wars, but with the outbreak of the war, Fisto became a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic and was unable to see Vebb's apprenticeship through to the end. Sometime around the beginning of the war, Vebb completed his training in his Master's absence and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. With the war still raging, Vebb joined the Republic's forces as a Jedi healer, enthusiastically working to combat the Confederate war machine. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Euna Iladru - Played By Jedi Master Brick Euna Iladru is a human Jedi youngling. She is getting close to becoming to old to become a padawan and is getting anxious to be picked by a master. With the anxiety over that, she has become jittery, jumps at anything, and talks in a fast manner. Her best friend is Ili and the spend a lot of their time together, talking about many things, and really have become the trouble-twosome. To win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to the Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: R2-D2 - Played by fhomess R2-D2, usually just called R2, was originally a repair astromech on the Naboo Royal starship. After saving the ship, he went along with Padme on all of her travels. During Attack of the Clones, he became Anakin's companion and also made a fast friendship with C-3PO, who became his constant companion. In The Clone Wars, R2 saw many battles, was captured and then rescued, and went with Anakin on many interesting trips. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win all of the non-town aligned players must be eliminated. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Foul Moudama - Played By Kadabra Foul Moudama was born on the isolated, uncharted planet Alzoc III, Foul Moudama was discovered to be Force-sensitive near birth and taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant; one of the only members of his species to leave his mysterious homeworld during the era. Knowledge of his species and culture were limited even within the Temple's vast archives. Talz have four eyes, which are also adaptations to their native environment. They use a small proboscis to eat and communicate, using a language of high-pitched chirps and buzzes, with variable pitch an essential feature. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win all non-town aligned players must be eliminated. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Luminara Unduli - Played By Peanuts Luminara Unduli is a female Mirialan who serves as a Jedi Master and Senior Jedi General in the Galactic Republic. She is a valued adviser to the Jedi High Council, the Supreme Chancellor, and the Galactic Senate. During the Clone Wars, she fought with her Padawan, Barriss Offee, and she was a common and formidable presence at points of crisis, on worlds such as Ilum, Nadiem, and Geonosis. Night Action: You are the town watcher. You may choose one person each night to watch to find out if anyone else preformed an action on them, but not what the action was. To win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Kit Fisto - Played By ADHO15 Fisto participated in and survived the Battle of Geonosis and led a team in the assault during the Battle of Mon Calamari. Fisto was also present at Kamino, where he pushed the limits of the Jedi Code with his relationship with fellow Jedi Aayla Secura, whose life he saved during the battle. At the height of the Clone Wars, he assisted Obi-Wan Kenobi on Ord Cestus and subsequently dueled with Asajj Ventress in order to stop the manufacturing of the Jedi Killer droids. Finally, after years of being considered for a seat on the Jedi Council, Fisto was appointed to the august body due to his exemplary achievements during the Clone Wars. Paranoid Gun Owner: You are a paranoid gun owner, you will kill anyone that targets you. This includes town players. This does not make you immune to being killed. To win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Saesee Tiin - Played By Zakura Saesee Tiin is a male Iktotchi Jedi Master and a member of the Jedi High Council in the Clone Wars. Having been apprenticed under the esteemed Master Omo Bouri, Tiin rarely spoke and kept to himself. Never choosing to take a Padawan himself, Tiin took the rank of Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Quinlan Vos - Played By VolanicPanik Quinlan Vos is a Kiffar Jedi Master in the Jedi Order and a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He hailed from the planet Kiffu in the Inner Rim Territories. Vos is gifted with psychometric powers which allows him to "read memories" from inanimate objects through physical contact. Vos has an ongoing struggle with the dark side of the Force, particularly after he sustained recurrent amnesia after he overdosed on an illegal drug administered by an enemy shortly after the Battle of Naboo. Night Action: You are the town Psychiatrist. You may choose one person each night to try to find the serial killer, if you find them, you will convert them to a vanilla townie. To win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: C-3PO - Played By Brickdoctor C-3PO, who usually goes by 3PO, was constructed by Anakin over several years from spare parts. After Anakin left with Qui-gon, Shmi found him metal plating, then when Anakin came back to rescue Shmi 3PO left with him and had to get used to space travel. He also met R2-D2, who he translates for the people that do not speak astomech, and they are now constant companions. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Hugar Ssiht - Played By badboytje88 Hugar Ssiht is a Thisspiasiana Jedi, know for their long tails. With his two heads, he is considered an outcast and was shunned by his society, thus making him more of the silent type. The Jedi came and took him and trained him in the ways of the Force. He is currently undergoing the trials to become a Jedi knight. Night Action: You are the Janitor, on any two nights you may clean up after the godfather's kill so that the other players do not learn the affiliation of the killed player. To win, the scum must outnumber the town. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Eeth Koth - Played By Alex the Great Eeth Koth is a male Zabrak Jedi Master, and member of the Jedi High Council in the Galactic Republic. Iridonian Zabrak such as Eeth Koth are renowned for their mental discipline, which allowed them to tolerate great physical suffering. This ability was born of surviving their harsh environment. Koth was born in the violent slums of Nar Shaddaa, and was deemed too old to begin Jedi training at age four. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Mace Windu - Played By Nightshroud99 Mace Windu is a male Korun Jedi Master of legendary status who was the Master of the Order in the days leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, after which he gave the title to Grand Master Yoda. Serving on the Council, Windu is often regarded as second only to the Grand Master Yoda, though Windu is eight centuries Yoda's junior, Windu's wisdom and power are considered legendary by many, as are the weight of his words. Night Action: You are the scum Blocker. Each night, you may choose one person to block, they will not be able to perform their night action, if they have one. To win, the scum must outnumber the town. Welcome to Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Anakin Skywalker - Played By Swils Anakin Skywalker is a legendary Force-sensitive Human male who serves the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight. Born to Shmi Skywalker, he was involved in great republic victories such as Cristophsis and Teth. He is the former student of Obi-Wan Kenobi and master of Ahsoka Tano. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win, you must eliminate all non-town aligned players. Welcome to the Jedi Temple Mafia, in this game of whit and strategy you'll be playing: Roron Corobb - Played By Flipz Roron Corobb is a male Ithorian Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the tumultuous time of the Clone Wars He has a guttural roar that is described as being "as powerful as any Force blast," and is projected from his dual mouths on the sides of his neck, he is one of the greatest Jedi with a lightsaber. You are a Vanilla Townie, to win all of the non-town aligned players must be eliminated. It was wonderful to have you all and this was quite fun! The notes and the character PMs will be posted as soon as I find the time to do it.
Kadabra Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Well this was sort of my fault, wasn't it? Sorry, guys! This is my second Mafia game, so I like to think I'll get better as time goes on... but I really screwed up here, didn't I? I was operating under the assumption that 3PO and Monn were Scum, and didn't realize we were so close to endgame. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so quick to test Tammo's claim.
MacK Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Well that was fun! Thank you for hosting K-nuT, and Masked Builder . Congratulations to my Sith brethren as well.
Flipz Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 OK, I have a LOT of things to say about this, but I think I'll cool off for a bit before posting my scathing roasting of everyone else. A lot of it can be found on the dead writeboard as well, so I'll see if Masked and K-Nut will allow that to be posted before copying my big long rant out of my notes.
Masked Builder Posted June 13, 2012 Author Posted June 13, 2012 OK, I have a LOT of things to say about this, but I think I'll cool off for a bit before posting my scathing roasting of everyone else. A lot of it can be found on the dead writeboard as well, so I'll see if Masked and K-Nut will allow that to be posted before copying my big long rant out of my notes. Yes that's fine, I've added links to the Scum Board and Dead board to the first post.
Waterbrick Down Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Well it was fun, depressing, and deserving of many fist shakings at the computer screen while watching from the sidelines. Congratulations to the scum team even though you smelled like rats since day 4, but I guess it's easy from the outside. You did an excellent job on eliminating all those who would suspect you and used your janitor role well. Good game to all of you, can't wait for the next game to play with you all.
Dannylonglegs Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Congratulations to the scum team even though you smelled like rats since day 4, but I guess it's easy from the outside. You did an excellent job on eliminating all those who would suspect you and used your janitor role well. Good game to all of you, can't wait for the next game to play with you all. Myah myah myah, easy to see since day 4. Well, my hat's off to Tammo for pulling a hood over my eyes for nearly the entire game. His masterful manipulation and buddying up to me kept me completely in the dark, and trusting until two days before my death. At that point, I contemplated the possibility that He could be scum, and then tried to figure out the logistics of that, but I was blinded by all the false info he had been feeding me since day 2. I played completely into his hand, and as he told me in private: "you and Maccoco are probably my greatest allies at this point." If anyone were to look into our PMs, I'd look like a total idiot, and maybe I deserve that. I might have more to say, especially if others talk. ~Duped idiot Insectoid Aristocrat
Waterbrick Down Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Myah myah myah, easy to see since day 4. Well, my hat's off to Tammo for pulling a hood over my eyes for nearly the entire game. His masterful manipulation and buddying up to me kept me completely in the dark, and trusting until two days before my death. At that point, I contemplated the possibility that He could be scum, and then tried to figure out the logistics of that, but I was blinded by all the false info he had been feeding me since day 2. I played completely into his hand, and as he told me in private: "you and Maccoco are probably my greatest allies at this point." If anyone were to look into our PMs, I'd look like a total idiot, and maybe I deserve that. I might have more to say, especially if others talk. ~Duped idiot Insectoid Aristocrat That's why I said it's easy from the outside, when you are actually playing the game you can't objectively step back and look at everything that has been said, without the influence of all the private conversations that have been going on. I'm not detracting from Tammo's performance, in fact it even makes his success greater in that he was able to convince everybody so thoroughly privately, that he could act so scummy in the day threads.
Dannylonglegs Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 That's why I said it's easy from the outside, when you are actually playing the game you can't objectively step back and look at everything that has been said, without the influence of all the private conversations that have been going on. I'm not detracting from Tammo's performance, in fact it even makes his success greater in that he was able to convince everybody so thoroughly privately, that he could act so scummy in the day threads. Well, that's what I was picking up the last few days. Tammo, no offence, gets a bit cocky when things come together. I noticed it at the end of Red Moon, and again near the end of this Mafia game. I thought it might have been because of what he referred to as "Yes, I can confirm that I'm about 98% sure the last scum/SK is between Foul/Aayla, so we're almost in autowin here." I thought he meant Town win, but, now I realize that he didn't... say... TOWN!!! That's hilarious! Yes, those PMs did me in big time. ~Insectoid Aristocrat
Brickdoctor Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Okay, where do I start... Tammo - seriously, nice work. I said it before, I'll say it again: all the pieces fit if you were converted Night One. My head was screaming at me that you were Scum, but then your behavior made my gut heart think otherwise, and the Day ended with my being lynched and telling the Town to trust you. Nightshroud - I don't think anyone believed you on Day One, but it was a good last attempt to stay alive, and the most hilarious thing is that, in a way, it ended up working. Masked and K-nut - Oh, gosh, so much to say. The Scum had a killer, the Scum had a conversion(s?), the SK could become another Scum killer, the Scum could inherit each other's actions, and the closest thing the Town had to a Vig was a PGO. On top of all that, unvotes weren't allowed, which is a disadvantage for Town trying to Scumhunt during the Day. The game was winnable, I think, but it wasn't very balanced.
TheBoyWonder Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Yay! I Win! I have to agree with BD about the lack of balance. It was not very fair for the Town. I was the SK, joined the scum night 3 after Tammo manipulated me, just like I had done to him in Yakuza. If I joined the Scum, I kept my kill.If I got converted by the shrink, I becme a vanilla. I feel like CMP in the fact I get put as scum so much. Only one game I ended as Town (GOTHAM). Unexpected trips to wales hampered my progress This game. I have more thoughts, but I will wait for a while.
TheBoyWonder Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 (edited) EDIT: Can a mod delete this please? Edited June 13, 2012 by TheBoyWonder
Scubacarrot Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I have a quite a bit to say about this game, not everything positive. Tammo, you did a great job, really, the scum did great converting you, the fact that you were really 'pro-town' on day 1 did a lot of good for you, and it helped you on the following days. On day 5 I should have had it figured out by then, but I did not. The fact that you ignored half of my valid points should have set me off greatly, but I honestly had pretty much stopped caring at that point. You played really dirty, so yeah, you did great. I'm going to go as far and say the scum would never in a million years have won without you. I'm reluctant to say anything about the game mechanics, because it will come off as a rant because I lost, which is partly true, but there is still some points I want to give my opinion on, I will do this later, when I had time to collect my thoughts.
Brickdoctor Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 If I joined the Scum, I kept my kill.If I got converted by the shrink, I becme a vanilla. What?!?! You mean that you could become another killer for a Scum team which already had a Scum killer, but you would lose your killing action if you joined a Town team that didn't have a Vig?
TheBoyWonder Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 What?!?! You mean that you could become another killer for a Scum team which already had a Scum killer, but you would lose your killing action if you joined a Town team that didn't have a Vig? Yes.
Jedi master Brick Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 (edited) Well done Tammo and his guts for a win. Flare, good job of noticing Tammo on day six, town how did you belive that there was a role cop when Tammo did say there were no town night actions left. Thanks for hosting Masked builder and K Nut, nice builds to illustrate the game. The balance was a problem though, the scum being able to get roles handed down and the scum being able to recruite the serial killer changed the course of the game, otherwise great hosting Edited June 13, 2012 by Jedi master Brick
Flipz Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 What?!?! You mean that you could become another killer for a Scum team which already had a Scum killer, but you would lose your killing action if you joined a Town team that didn't have a Vig? As I said in the Dead Writeboard, allowing the Scum to have a second killer while the Town had none was seriously unbalanced. In fact, let me call this here: SHENANIGANS. Conversions are swingy enough without having TWO for the Scum, ESPECIALLY with one being a killing role. That said, I really think that either a Town Vigilante or a Town Mason would have balanced it without TOO much fuss. (Although I DO want to know what the deal with the Shrink was; was that supposed to be an Investigator/Shrink combo, or what? It was very confusing, if I had known initially that Vol was an actual investigator, I would have had him clear Doc or Tammo on Night 1; Tammo wouldn't have been a good clear, since he was converted, but clearing Doc would have prevented a lot of confusion later on.) You missed the mark here, guys, but not by TOO much; I'd definitely play with you two again. I have more to say saved up in my forum notes; let me go grab them now.
TheBoyWonder Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 So like, here's the deal: The day thread has been locked, so now it's time to send in night actions, right? Well, you've sent in yours, obviously, so it's a good time for me to pull this on you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Please send Masked Builder a message saying that you want to join the Sith. If I don't see you on our writeboard in 25 minutes, we'll send in our action to convert you. Oh, and if you try to twist this to me, nobody will believe you, and you can bet your megablocks you'll end up in the interrogation chair faster than you can say 'scum'. Tammo twisted me. Only then did I realise they had used their conversion. I guess this was revenge for Yakuza...
Flipz Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Please note that I've calmed down a lot since I wrote this; this was written right after Kadabra cast the game-losing ending vote. First, before I start ranting about stuff, I want to congratulate Scum on a good game. They really did a great job of getting Town to trust them through Day 2, which was Town's last real chance to be able to do anything to them. They also did a great job of hiding their scummier members among the quiet, useless Town. So, excellent, excellent play, Scum--you slimy bastards, you. I now wish to ROAST the Town for their moronic performance. I have never see SO many useless sheep who failed to even READ through the Day threads and THINK about their actions before contributing--or just FAILING to contribute at all. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say: Worst. Town. EVER. Let's take a look at another Town bloodbath, the original Bloodbrick. Remember how active the Town was there? Even though they lost, that was a GREAT game on all sides, by all accounts. Everyone was ACTIVELY working, both publicly and behind the scenes, to root out the Scum. The townies here? For the most part, they saw the word "vanilla" and decided to let other people do their thinking for them--which will almost ALWAYS result in the Scum doing their thinking for them; Scum, by nature, always have to be on their toes, always thinking, always planning. Thus, if the more charismatic Town leaders get offed, the Scum will be the candidate to think for the lemmings. Thus, we come to my most pertinent point: if you're not going to be active and participate, don't freakin' sign up in the first place! It does NOTHING but hurt the Town, and if you do it as Scum, you're being even MORE unfair to them, since they really do NEED total cooperation from all their members. Can being active get you killed? Obviously! But these are team win games, and if you were active in life the work you did will benefeit your team in death. Scum targets the most valuable Town players they can; in a way, you want to be killed, it means you were a threat to Scum. I also have some issues with some other things, but that needs to be gone over privately with the people involved, and not dragged out publicly. To sum up: I congratulated the Scum on their win, and then went all medieval on the megablocks of the Town, roasting them alive for lack of participation. To continue: This is what irritates me in Mafia games SO MUCH as a spectator; when no one bothers to even talk aloud. Yes, I know PMs were part of the game, but if you're PMing more than posting, you're doing it wrong; IMO, a good Mafia game will be the first topic in the forum at LEAST 50% of the time, and throughout the WHOLE game, not just Day 1 and 2. The game is more FUN the faster it goes, for both players AND their audience. To be honest, the "no mafia during dinner" bit no longer applies to EB Mafia games, but it really needs to. I also found it shocking that the advice of the dead was almost NEVER analyzed or touched on. When someone flips Town after a lynch or a nightkill, you ALWAYS take a look at their suspects, no matter HOW scummy they seemed; this is ESPECIALLY true as time goes on and the players who die have a better picture of the situation. A simple analysis of the dead's suspect lists showed that tossing even a casual accusation towards Tammo is a nearly instant ticket to death--the remaining players SHOULD have noticed this easily. Yes, things are clearer from the afterlife, but there was almost no such analysis in the Day thread, and it really made the surviving Townies appear apathetic or even just too lazy to read the threads carefully.
TheBoyWonder Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I have to admit the town performance was horrendous. If you look at the recent Town wins, you see a powerful, ACTIVE town. Hosts, why was there a lack of power for the Town? More specifically, Why was there no Vig?
def Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I now wish to ROAST the Town for their moronic performance. I have never see SO many useless sheep who failed to even READ through the Day threads and THINK about their actions before contributing--or just FAILING to contribute at all. I'm not exaggerating at all when I say: Worst. Town. EVER. This was your second game, right? Congrats to the scum team, and Tammo in particular for a solid, aggressive performance, which no matter what anybody says, was probably no walk in the park. And congrats to Masked Builder (and his co-host) on managing his first game. You can expect lots of "feedback", which really does tend to be from the losing side, and you'll have to take it in stride. I don't know all of your mechanics, but from the first post here, you had 19 on the town, and 6 on the scum, after your recruitments, and that is a fair balance, in my opinion. If scum did got two nightkills by recruiting the SK, that seems unfair, though if town had a vig, it would be more than likely that they would have hit town than hit scum. And as for passing along scum actions, if that's what you did, I don't think that's good for balance, unless you are passing along town night actions too. I'm all for getting night actions out of the game and making people play But as it is, scum lost half their numbers, for whatever reason (showing town had a chance), and town got duped, which isn't a matter of night kills. No amount of vig action or town night actions will make up for town players who buy into a lie. Ultimately, it seems that the scum team won through work, not that the balance was way off. Again, congratulations!
Scubacarrot Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 FYI, Insulting players on a writeboard is probably a bad idea, because they are going to become public most of the time. Not impressed.
Flare Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 (edited) Good game everyone. Well done to the scum team... if I've learned one thing, its that I'm never going to play a game with Tammo again I don't have too much to say at the moment, I'd like to see whatever else Masked or K-nut have to say first... Thanks for the compliments, Tammo & Sisco Well done Tammo and his guts for a win. Flare, good job of noticing Tammo on day six, town how did you belive that there was a role cop when Tammo did say there were no town night actions left. Thanks for hosting Masked builder and K Nut, nice builds to illustrate the game. The balance was a problem though, the scum being able to get roles handed down and the scum being able to recruite the serial killer changed the course of the game, otherwise great hosting I actually noticed it way before Day Six... I just didn't say anything about it till R2-D2 was killed, because I knew that something definitely was wrong. Edited June 13, 2012 by Flare
JackJonespaw Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 I actually noticed it way before Day Six... I just didn't say anything about it till R2-D2 was killed, because I knew that something definitely was wrong. I was starting to get suspicious at Tammo when BD was lynched, I was thinking that it was another Sleeping Beauty from Bedtime Story. But, anything I said was going to be taken as scum, but that's just the way things happened. Anyways, nice game, guys. Masked Builder and K-Nut, thanks for organizing it!
K-Nut Posted June 13, 2012 Posted June 13, 2012 Great job to everyone in this game! It was a ton of fun hosting you guys. A few shout outs: Tammo - Honestly, this is your best game yet. I think you now rank among my favorite mafia players. You played all the right cards, so you get a big Scum Team - Great job you guys! I loved how you always timed your actions just right, like lynching Doc. I'll have more to say later.
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