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I am seeking Lego Ambassador assistance to possibly resolve a systemic problem that The Lego Group has in posting online Building Instructions. Since May 27th, I have tried (unsuccessfully) to obtain the PDF Building Instructions for the new 9468 Vampyre Castle set (in the Monster Fighters theme). This set has been available from Shop.Lego.com for 3 weeks; it is featured on Page 17 of the latest full-color printed catalog too.


Below is the text between Lego Customer Service and me. I telephoned them yesterday morning, but the instructions STILL have not been posted. I have shortened the names of TLG's employees, and have blacked-out their e-mail addresses. My contact information remains.

I have used VERY FIRM language, because TLG has apparently learned nothing from the similar, 3-week-long futile episode I had with them concerning 9397 Logging Truck's B-model instructions three months ago. I don't like getting "the run-around".


"> From: lego-reply@cybercrs.net

> To: LudersDG@MSN.com

> Subject: LEGO Direct:031036604A [EN-US]

> Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 12:47:29 -0400


> Dear David,


> Thank you for contacting us on 05/27/12 and for your interest in LEGO® brand products.


> We're sorry that the building instructions you are looking for are not yet available from our company. David, we understand your frustration, and assure you this was not our intention. In regards to this particular theme, Monsters was released much earlier than anticipated due to being released at other retailers - which is why our web team has yet to place them on the website. You should expect these instructions to be available within the next few weeks. Did you purchase the Castle and are in need of the instructions for building? We're very sorry for any inconvenience this has placed on you. We also may halt in having these available right away in case last minute changes need to be made and changed as quickly as possible. Hopefully in the future we can get these permissions available around the launch dates to be more convenient for our fans.


> Thank you again for contacting us. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email or call one of our friendly Customer Care Advisors at 1-800-835-4386 (from within the US or Canada) or 1-860-749-0706 (from outside the US or Canada). We are available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 10PM EST and Saturday through Sunday from 10AM to 6PM EST. Please have your reference number handy if you need to get in touch with us: 031036604A


> K______

> LEGO Direct Consumer Services"



"From: David Luders [mailto:ludersdg@msn.com]

Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 10:11 AM

To: lego-reply@cybercrs.net

Cc: J___ S____; S___ R_____

Subject: RE: LEGO Direct:031036604A [EN-US]

1. I'm sorry, but the "canned" answer to my Lego Direct 031036604A complaint is not satisfactory. The 9468 Vampyre Castle HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY RELEASED on TLG's OFFICIAL Shop.Lego.com website ( http://search2.lego.com/?q=9468〈=2057&cc=US ). It IS available now -- didn't you CHECK? The excuse that this set was "released much earlier than anticipated due to being released at other retailers" is the same lame excuse used on the 9397 Logging Truck B-Model's Building Instructions (which J___ S____ and S____ R____ were part of in early March 2012).

2. In March 2012, I received a signed letter from TLG executives assured me that TLG "is committed to preventing building instruction delays and are taking action to make sure that this does not happen with future set releases." It seems that TLG has learned nothing from the 9397 B-Model instruction fiasco. I don't appreciate being given some canned "lip service" that YOUR CUSTOMERS must wait for a few weeks. The 9468's Building Instructions should be posted at the Lego Customer Service website now ( http://us.service.lego.com/en-US/BuildingInstructions/default.aspx ).

3. I still maintain that TLG has a SYSTEMIC problem with its websites. Let me know when you get your act together.

-- David Luders, 7430 N. Prairie Crest Rd., Spokane, WA 99224-8966 USA"


"From: S____R______

To: ludersdg@msn.com

CC: J___S______

Subject: RE: LEGO Direct:031036604A [EN-US]

Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 20:44:08 +0000


I can clearly see your frustration level with recent events surrounding the release of the new MONSTER FIGHTER line, and availability of their instructions. Back in March we discussed TECHNIC B-side models specifically, and while it may seem that building instructions are building instructions, in fact they can be very different and come from different divisions of LEGO.

The signed letter you received from the TECHNIC team was indeed a very nice one, that promised that moving forward TECHNIC sets would have the building instructions available. Each theme has its own design and implementation teams. This is feedback we are sharing with those teams in order to provide better experiences to our consumers, but it does take time. Please keep in mind that LEGO is a very large company that can’t always make system changes as quickly as we would like, and often we have to complete prior commitments before new initiatives can be started.

We love to hear feedback from our fans. This is what help us grow to become a better company. We aren’t always able to make changes right away, but are committed to reviewing processes and making changes in order to provide better service to our loyal fans.

The Building instructions should be posted automatically on our website soon, and we will do our best to correct issues like this in the future.

S____ R________

Business Operations Team Leader

Brick Keepers






"From: ludersdg@msn.com

To: s____.r_________

CC: j____.s_________

Subject: RE: LEGO Direct:031036604A [EN-US]

Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 16:56:01 -0700

Well, it's 2 weeks later and the Building Instructions for the 9468 Vampyre Castle set have STILL not been posted on the Lego Customer Service website http://service.lego.com/en-US/buildinginstructions/ . The set was released weeks ago, is featured in the new full-color Lego catalog I received 1-1/2 weeks ago, etc. So much for saying that "The Building instructions should be posted automatically on our website soon"....

Did you REALLY mean it when you wrote "we will do our best to correct issues like this in the future"?

-- David Luders, Spokane, WA"


I have yet to receive a follow-on reply (or resolution) to this matter. All I'm seeking is for the PDF Building Instructions for the 9468 set to be posted on http://service.lego.com/en-US/buildinginstructions/ . Any assistance by the Lego Ambassador for the "Monster Fighters" theme would be appreciated; thank you.

Customer service loves hearing things like "Let me know when you get your act together."

That's the kind of thing that makes them rush to help you. /s

Edited by gotoAndLego

I'm sorry, are not printed building instructions included in the box? Why do you need online instructions? There is a distinct lack of background to this post.

The LEGO Group provides these instructions for convenience, not because of any regulations - if you have not bought the set then you are not obliged to have them anyway. The set is still relatively new (last few months) so expecting them to be up to date with all their most recent offerings is a bit far fetched if you ask me.

If you really want the instructions so badly, buy the set. Don't be abusive to customer service staff that no doubt have no control over the situation anyway.

I'm not quite sure how you can feel so entitled to behaving like that towards their customer service and even believing that you are the one being wronged here. It's not like anything is missing from a purchase you made; you are complaining about LEGO not being able to put these free *.pdf files up in a time table to your liking. This is an FREE service they provide at no cost to you at all, and given that it clearly sounds as if you have not purchased the set in question, I cannot for the love of it comprehend your strong reactions.

From what you posted (and I may be wrong, of course), it sounds like a spoiled brat complaining about his mother serving his free, cooked dinner 5 min later than he would have liked it. Calm down and wait for them to get to it - or go out and buy the actual set...

Well put everyone. TLG does this as a nice convenience for all of its customers. If it takes their web-admin a little longer to put up this free service, then so be it. I have a hard time understanding why someone is so upset about not getting this for free. Plus, doesn't every individual country website differ a little?

Good luck in getting your instructions. I'm sure they will post them for everyone when they are able to.

Customer service loves hearing things like "Let me know when you get your act together."

That's the kind of thing that makes them rush to help you. /s


I work in customer service and am certain that is the type of thing that probably made them roll their eyes, probably even laugh, at. You have to remember that even though Lego is a company, it is comprised of human beings, who, just like you, are not flawless.

The people you are contacting about this issue are customer service representatives and have absolutely no control over the issue at hand. I'm positive that they don't appreciate your hostility.

Just my two cents. :sadnew:


P.S.- It probably isn't the best idea to have your full address posted... :hmpf:

  • Author

To all of my fellow Americans who posted replies:

I really don't care what you think. I'm asking for assistance from the Lego Ambassador associated with the Monster Fighters theme. If you get LIED TO and MISLED by the same company, over and over, you'd be miffed too.

If you cannot assist, kindly refrain from questioning my words. It's between me and them; you're not involved.

P.S. I work for a "large company" too -- it's called the U.S. Air Force. It's far bigger than The Lego Company, and we're not "stovepiped" to be unable to perform the most basic tasks -- posting a file on a computer server. All of the other June 2012 Lego set releases were posted on their server -- why not the 9468? I just don't buy their answer that "Each theme has its own design and implementation teams. This is feedback we are sharing with those teams in order to provide better experiences to our consumers, but it does take time. Please keep in mind that LEGO is a very large company that can’t always make system changes as quickly as we would like, and often we have to complete prior commitments before new initiatives can be started."

It may take 5 minutes of time to post the PDF Building Instructions. I've pointed out their SYSTEMIC problem 3 months ago, yet it happened again. It's sad.....

Edited by DLuders

You just don't get it, do you? You are NOT entitled to these pdf files! They are a bonus that you should be thankful for ever getting at all!

If it's "between you and them," why are you posting in a public forum about it rather than PMing the ambassadors? If you don't want to draw criticism for your words, don't put them online for all to see.

Dluders, what a strange thread!? :sick:

You are NOT entitled to those pdfs. They are, as others have pointed out, an extra service for those who might have bought the sets but lost the (paper) manuals. I'm sure TLG does NOT put them up so you can MOC/BL any new set as you please. The set, the idea, the intellectual property, the whole shebang is what you get when you buy the set

Have you even _bought_ the set?

Also, your comment about the US Air Force (and the general tone in your thread/email to TLG) is what we europeans would call 'typical american'. And that's not meant positively, sorry

I work with custom relations too, and if you send me an email like that, I'd tell you exactly what I've written above. And probably in a much stronger language :wink:

So, chill and wait until TLG makes those pdfs available for you to enjoy. For free :classic:

If you cannot assist, kindly refrain from questioning my words. It's between me and them; you're not involved.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I was trying to assist you by giving some advice from my perspective as how to go about handling this matter in a way that would get you what you want as quickly as possible.

Now you are just coming off as super-standoffish towards everybody and I think it's hilarious that you say it's a matter between you and them, yet you're posting in a forum that is very public to an international community.

Good luck, buddy. You're going to need it...

Edited by Derek

Please don't associate all Americans with this guy. We're not all like that. Unfortunately, the outspoken individuals are the people who seem to represent us as a whole.

I'm thankful for what the military does for us, but just because you are in the military doesn't make you better than anyone else or make your wants/needs any higher priority.

Good luck getting your instructions.

Also, your comment about the US Air Force (and the general tone in your thread/email to TLG) is what we europeans would call 'typical american'. And that's not meant positively, sorry

Please don't associate all Americans with this guy. We're not all like that. Unfortunately, the outspoken individuals are the people who seem to represent us as a whole.

The first ten seconds of this pretty much sums it up (yes, I am American :tongue: ):

As others have said, the online instruction manuals are a convenience, not a right; TLG doesn't owe it to anyone to have them online. Even if all the other June sets are already up, that doesn't mean the instructions for THIS set have to be up as well. Perhaps there was a problem with the file, or perhaps someone accidentally deleted it and they had to retrieve a backup. If the set has multiple instruction booklets, this may have been a factor as well. There are plenty of reasons that the instructions upload could be delayed, and considering that this particular service isn't a huge priority, this means it will likely be a while before it's fixed. Regardless, yelling at and insulting TLG's excellent customer service employees won't solve anything, aside from decreasing your reputation among the department. Given your attitude toward them in this situation and, from the sound of it, in the past, how far out of their way do you think they'd be willing to go to help you with other issues in the future? Just be patient and stay respectful, and usually TLG's customer service will resolve the situation in an exemplary manner. :wink:

To all of my fellow Americans who posted replies:

I really don't care what you think. I'm asking for assistance from the Lego Ambassador associated with the Monster Fighters theme. If you get LIED TO and MISLED by the same company, over and over, you'd be miffed too.

If you cannot assist, kindly refrain from questioning my words. It's between me and them; you're not involved.

P.S. I work for a "large company" too -- it's called the U.S. Air Force. It's far bigger than The Lego Company, and we're not "stovepiped" to be unable to perform the most basic tasks -- posting a file on a computer server. All of the other June 2012 Lego set releases were posted on their server -- why not the 9468? I just don't buy their answer that "Each theme has its own design and implementation teams. This is feedback we are sharing with those teams in order to provide better experiences to our consumers, but it does take time. Please keep in mind that LEGO is a very large company that can’t always make system changes as quickly as we would like, and often we have to complete prior commitments before new initiatives can be started."

It may take 5 minutes of time to post the PDF Building Instructions. I've pointed out their SYSTEMIC problem 3 months ago, yet it happened again. It's sad.....

Someone here is FULL of Entitlement......

You realize that the LEGO Ambassador's are liaison's between LEGO and various LUG's, don't you? There is *NO* specific Ambassador for Monster Fighters, LEGO Ambassador's are fan volunteers that do so to promote their hobby/interest with LEGO.

As others have mentioned *YOU* posted in a *PUBLIC* forum, so it's YOU that opened this up to public comments.

Their have been a number of good and valid points made about the content of the original post so I'll not repeat them.

P.S. the U.S. Air Force is a branch of our Governments armed forces, *NOT* a company, the last time I checked. That's why your ultimate boss is an elected official (the President) versus a Corporate figurehead.

What's sad is the image that some folks will get of Americans from your posts....

  • Author

I have a signed letter from March 2012 with original signatures from TLG's Jeppe Juul Jensen and Niels Henrik Horsted that says "We are committed to preventing building instruction delays and are taking action to make sure that this does not happen with any future set releases." "This" refers to the 3-week-long, futile effort to obtain the 9397 Logging Truck B-Model instructions (which were not available in printed form anywhere). I guess their words are meaningless, since TLG has not done anything with the 9468 Vampyre Castle PDF instructions.

Those who claim that the online instructions are a "privilege and not a right" are missing the point. Nowhere did TLG say that I would not be getting the instructions, or could not get them. Weeks go by, with no action.

My correspondence with "S____ R_____" (Susan Raymond, Business Operations Team Leader, Brick Keepers) has similar, hollow words that are not met with action. I'm not talking about low-level Customer Service employees -- I have been getting correspondence from TLG's management.

So, to those folks who settle for POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE, I feel sorry for you. Again, I don't like getting lied to and misled. If you're not a Lego Ambassador or an employee from The Lego Group, I don't care what you think. Those who think that TLG is infallible, and accept their product and so-called Customer Service without question, are settling for mediocrity. What a pity.

:sceptic: Well you've posted this, it's here, and that's more than enough support from EB. Personally I think you're making a mountain over a molehill and you're taking the honest promise by some other staff and linking it to a completely different issue. Besides, TLG is a company, and any promise to change things certainly can't be expected to have results in just a few months. These things are planned months ahead...

I'm going to close this as I don't want TLG thinking that this is a stance that EB agrees with. Sorry.

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