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The Chaos in Nocturnus has reached Abyssan. Riot, treachery, civil war, and now the unearthly forces of Revolword have been reported within a few days' march. The heliotropes are down on the trunk road, while messenger Eagles have been plucked from the sky and eaten like Ortolan by the Air Elemental. It is enough for Duc LeStrange, he must carry some important information to Flagg. Leaving chef Anatole in charge of domestic arrangements, he has sent 3 of the profane oracles back to Petraea on the flying carpet, while he himself carries the most important 4th oracle across the marshes and moutains and into the Dune Sea. But in the fog of war, he has failed to remember why the Nähtamatu use catamarans to cross these seas. The rythmic gallop of the ostrich attracts a baby Wyrm, and it bursts to the surface, bringing with it a strong stink of Auld Spice. And now leStrange must ride, ride, ride hard to the safety of the rocks, to carry his secrets back to the cities of Kaliphlin. The Wyrm is fast, but the ostrich can turn harder.....



Will he make it? The future of Kaliphlin may depend upon it.


Painter's notes:

The sand, the sand. Our blessing and our curse. It is a tradition in Kaliphlin that we all break our heads on sand dunes in free builds. This is my monochromatic essay on that topic. Does the world really need another Sand Wyrm, after BrickMaestro's excellent portrait? Maybe not, that was definitive; but there are several varietals in our desert seas, and it is wise to be acquainted with the main ones. This is one of the blood-and-whites.

A few techiques I was trying out here. After Daniel Marches, I wanted to experiement further on the diagonal. The wyrm is on the diagonal and also tilted skywards, fixed at one end and resting on bricks at the other. In the great Dune tradition, this is actually a triangular Wyrm core, held together (on a good day) with Travis bricks and tilting bricks. I quite like it, and this may have an afterlife as a tower. I have never really gone in for Black Fantasy, but my 2 year old tells me that this is "too scary", so I consider it mission accomplished. I wanted to add at least one point of articulation to the Wyrm, but I couldn't find a way to do it without sacrificing the integrity of the cylinder, any tips are welcome.



Very nicely done! The landscaping is great, especially the angled section the wyrm is coming out of :thumbup:

And the Wyrm itself looks quite fearsome, the tentacles in the middle of it's mouth are a nice touch.

Keep up the good work :classic:


Wow - thanks for the kudos Robuko. Your scene is a vast improvement on mine, however. I was in such a rush to throw it together I never got to properly finish the wyrm. That will be rememdied in a much larger version I'm almost done with. Should have something posted soon. Great work and great story.

Posted (edited)

Ahhh! Run, leStrange, run!!! *oh2* Great moc robuko, a wonderful action shot. The wyrm itself is angled perfectly and the landscaping is very well done. If i have one suggestion, it might be to suggest more motion by somehow depicting the sand being flung about as the wyrm erupts from the earth, and dust tracks as the ostrich races to escape...

I hope leStrange makes it! :thumbup:

Edited by gabe

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