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R6-EB (or R6-EBst as he likes to refer to himself) is the hippest Astromech in all of corridor K, especially hipper than R6-Y0 over in branch K33 who has the most dull circuits that never fluctuate or reverberate, which may lead to the highest efficiency ratings on the corridor, but makes for the lamest astromech duty on the whole sublevel! R6-EB(st) has been in corridor K since DS-1 became operational, and knows this branch like the data coding of his main processor and all his 'mechs love him.

R6 (EBst) has led the branch 10-14 fusion league every season (except for two season, but one season his processor had a faulty capacitor, and the other season the R4 units in K13 were playing dirty) and he is the reigning champion, as demonstrated by the league trophy.

Prior to his post on the DS-1, R6 (EBst) was stationed on Naboo for a few cycles, where he picked up some sweet art at the data fair he attended (the reboot seminars were a total drag, and he ditched before they even gave out the upgrades, but he met a hot R5 unit who's going to be comming him any cycle now.

R6 (EBst) has been doing holo-research on the new R9 series, but not for personal reasons, just so he can be totally prepared in case they decide to station one in the corridor and he can totally give her all the data modules she needs and show her to all the scomp links - He just likes to look out for the new 'mechs in the corridor (but not the R2's or the R4's or the R3's really - they're so old, although he's seen a few nice new R8 models around)

Yep, R6 (EBst) has a pretty sweet gig here, and wouldn't give it up for all the credits in the galaxy... unless of course K10 or K15 opened up, he's totally ready to move up the circuit, just like he was the last time K10 opened up, but he wasn't ready to leave K12 yet anyway - he wouldn't want to leave his 'mechs behind.


P.S. Can one of the regs/admins please change the title of this to incorporate "Astromech Workplace Contest" for me please? Thanks.

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