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And so the chosen Heroes leave the hall and head to the street where they are supposed to meet someone from the Town Watch. The skies were starting to fill with clouds, a storm was coming. Bad timing, if the heroes were to take sail. The six chosen Heroes were:



Lord Lawrence Boomingham
Party Leader

Level 18 Paladin






King of the Desert (Longsword)
(WP: 9,
Shaduex Shield
(SP: 5),
Hood of Belthazar Bluehood
(+4 to Power, -6 to Ether),
Counterstrike Gloves
(On Free Hits, Deals damage to enemy equal to Boomingham's level)

, Frozen Saber (WP: 9, stunned effect,
), Dress Uniform (User is encouraged for the 1st round of battle), Bedroll, 5 Bones, 4 Meads, 1 Phoenix essence, Pick-axe, 1 Jo-no Tree seed, 1 Grand Tonic, Emerald Lamp of Summoning


Skrall (Waterbrick Down)

Level 21 Hunter
*Favors Humanoid Enemies*
*Immunity to




(Greatsword, WP:20, User is Slowed),
Hunter's Quiver
(Bows and Crossbows +2WP, allows Hunters to favor two types of enemies),
Winged Sandles
(Immunity to Slowed and Bound effects)

Hunter's Crossbow (WP:11, +4 vs. Beasts), Heavy Crossbow (WP:8, Knockback), Smoke Bomb x1, Zoot's Plaything


Nyx (Pandora)

Level 21.66 Battle Mage
*Immune to






Book of a Thousand Creatures
(WP: 13; each roll has a 1/6 chance to summon
a creature
Edgar to aid the hero),
Sandman's Parasol
(immune to Asleep)
Robe of the Archmagi
(SP:3, Max. Ether +5, protects from sealed-effect)

Dawnstar II (WP: 9), Shiny Helmet (+1 Max Health), Healing Staff (WP: 5; healing effect), Wooden Shield (SP:2),
Ruby (Fire)
Amethyst (Darkness)
Topaz (Lightning)
Sapphire (Wind)
Emerald (Wood)
Garnet (Earth)
, Scroll of Weakening, Potion, Remedy, Tonics (2), Grand Tonics (2), Holy Bomb, Bones (5), Ether Core, Bedroll, Explosive Staff – WP: 12 (Does 1/2 damage to all enemies on a successful hit (normal damage to targeted enemy) and 1/2 WP damage to self on a roll of 4 (disregarding SP/row)), Bomb XX


Atramor Gibbin (CallMePie)

Level 21.33
*Deals Badly Poisoned*





(WP: 10, absorbs 2 health on successful strike,
Witch's Talisman
(Posioned Hits becomes Badly Poisoned Hits),
Counterstrike Gloves
(When hit by a Free Hit, immediately deals damage equal to level)

Sword of Ancestral Hatred (WP: 5, gains 1 WP every kill made with it) Staff of the Elven Warlock (WP: 5,
wood elemental
, Grand Tonic, Fire Bomb, Bomb XX (Deals 30 damage to all enemies and 10 damage to all heroes, all damage ignoring SP/row), Dragon Scale (Gives Lucky and Blessed effects on consumption)


Ellaria Arbour (Sandy)

Level 16
*Immune to

26 (22)




Ignis Fatuus
Mage's Muffler
(protects from sealing)

Sylvania's Crossbow (WP:6,
crossbow), Potion, 2 Grand Potions, Tonic, Grand Tonic, 2 Elixirs, Remedy, Phoenix Essence, Nostrum, Venom, 2 Smoke Bombs, Flash Bomb, 2 Fire Bombs, 2 Ice Bombs, 2 Lightning Bombs, 2 Water Bombs, 2 Holy Bombs, Bedroll, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass


Rufindel Galadhras (Rufus)

Level 13 Cleric






Fauxthril Staff
Warlord's Helmet
(SP:2 Grants 'Natural Respite')
Cloak of Chimera
(+2 Health, +2 Ether)

Malfunctioning Staff (WP:12, on succesful attack, has a 50% chance to do half of WP damage to self instead(Ignoring SP and Row))
Potion x2, Remedy x2, Bone x2, Pickaxe, Tonic x2, Bedroll, Venom, Grand Potion, Wooden Shield(SP:2)

The Heroes walked for a few minutes until they arrived at the location where they were supposed to be, an otherwise unassuming street. A man dressed in the uniform of the Town Watch greeted the Heroes:


"Eh... Hi! I'm Recruit Jenkins... Uhh Let's wait until everyone is here... If that's alright with you..."

QM Note: Thank you all for signing up, please make sure your stats are all correct and inform me of any last minute shopping you did, let's get this underway :thumbup: If you have not done already, please read through Quest 23, as this will follow up on events of that Quest.

Edited by Scubacarrot

Oddly enough, Atramor is the first to arrive. He raises his eyebrows, looking left and right, McCafferey as always on his shoulder.


All looks good to me. :sweet:

OoC: Everything is correct.

There she was, on a quest again. Ellaria arrived to the meeting point after Atramor. She knew him from having been on a few quests together, but unlike Alexis, Althior, Tarn and Tesni, she had not become friends with the rogue. Trying to whip up a smile on her face, she greeted Atramor.

"How nice to see you again, Atramor. And you too, McCafferey. How have you been?" Ellaria felt sickened by the hollowness of her words, but she could not let her inner turmoil show to the others. Otherwise she would certainly be kicked out of the quest. But she couldn't just lay in bed and do nothing while Elpis was out there somewhere. This was something she needed to do.

OoC - I did indeed go shopping, sorry, but it's all updated here!

Nyx finds herself running once more. Always bloody late, she chides herself as her heels clatter on the cobblestones, but as she runs up she realises she's not the last. She wonders what's happened to Boomingham and just hopes he's still drinking in a bar somewhere; Rufindel had probably fallen asleep again and Skrall... well he clearly wasn't here. It wasn't like the ogre would be good at hiding, after all. She stops running and walks the last few yards up calmly to Atramor, the guard, and a woman she vaguely recognised.

"Atters and his chicken, fancy seeing you here mate. :laugh: I would say long-time-no-see, but it seems we're inseparable these days." she grins at Atramor "like my new robe? I only spent all of my damn money on it." and she does a jokey twirl to show off the fabric. Nyx turns to the weakly smiling woman.

"Hi, I'm Nyx and I generally like setting fire to stuff and punching people and shoes, and lipgloss and getting veeeeery drunk. And probably a few other things I might have forgotten. Hey, I vaguely remember you! I called out to you when you had a new outfit! I'd seen you around the Hall, and then you got some new threads and.. you didn't answer me. Oh well, looks like you've got some more new clothes now, they look nice. Nice to meet you, anyway. :sweet: "

  On 8/19/2012 at 2:58 PM, Pandora said:

"Hi, I'm Nyx and I generally like setting fire to stuff and punching people and shoes, and lipgloss and getting veeeeery drunk. And probably a few other things I might have forgotten. Hey, I vaguely remember you! I called out to you when you had a new outfit! I'd seen you around the Hall, and then you got some new threads and.. you didn't answer me. Oh well, looks like you've got some more new clothes now, they look nice. Nice to meet you, anyway. :sweet: "

Nyx's brashness makes Ellaria blush.

"Oh, I'm sorry! My mind was preoccupied back then. I do remember seeing you around as well. I am Ellaria Arbour, Sylvania's druid. Nice to finally meet you face to face, Nyx. I promise to do my best to keep you all hale and healthy."

Ellaria then turns to the sweating watchman.

"Excuse me, will we be able to speak directly to Captain Patricia? I have something I wish to ask her."

  • Author

The guardsman pulls out a small piece of cloth and swipes away some of the sweat on his forehead, then says:


"Errr.. Yes... I will take you to the Captain, but... I am afraid we will have to do something else... first..."

"Aye, been fine, gone on a good few Quests since that storm. Seems you have as well, I assume your healins' gonna be twice as helpful now. Good to have ya' on the party again - bein' a Witch is great and all, but I dunno how the hell you deal with havin' to heal everybody every other round."

Atramor shook his head, with a chuckle, and turned to Nyx.

"I see you've seen that elf at the market. I considered buyin' onna those robes myself, they're pretty useful, but I ended up shellin' out everything I had for this sword," he explained, tapping the pommel of the hateful weapon, which was sticking out of his cloak. He then turned his head to the elf, with a frown.

"Now, what' this we gotta do first?"

Boomingham wanders the streets of Eubric, holding a crumpled old map, until finally he totally by chance stumbles upon his questmates. There's drink on his breath, but he seems to be sobering up. It is only upon seeing the Guards man that little warning flags shoot up. Though he and Nyx have just had their fight, he has few others to mumble thoughts to.

"I don't think I signed up for this quest personally," Boomingham says out of the corner of his mouth to her. "Should have checked the quest board before the quest, seen if I'd recognized the hand writing...." Boomingham narrows his eyes. "Gods be damned, why must I drink so much in the Hall and so little on Quests."

Boomingham leans back and smiles. He hums a little tune and stares out at this other questmates who have so far arrived. "Hello all! Atramor, good to see you again. I've been too long since we've looked through boxes together. And Ellaria... I doubt you remember me. We had a brief chat when you arrived, why back when." Boomingham's face scrunches up in thought. "That means we're missing Ruffy, love that chap, and the Ogre."

"Hah. Aye, feels like forever ago. Funny, half of us here were on that quest too."

  On 8/19/2012 at 7:41 AM, Scubacarrot said:

The skies were starting to fill with clouds, a storm was coming. Bad timing, if the heroes were to take sail.

Atramor looks up, eyes widening before narrowing at the mess of clouds lining of the sky.

"Gah! Again? I've had enough damn storms..."

Edited by CallMePie

OoC: This is my mistake, but I should have added the 50 gold Arthur gave me to give Docken. I should have 79 gold.

As the storm approached and the skies darkened, Boomingham threw up the Hood he had taken off Blathazar's hands. He had gotten it dyed to fit his wardrobe a little bit better, but it's power still was sewn in with the fabric. Boomingham grinned.


"Hah, ya' look good, Boomin'ham."

I think Skrall doesn't get to favor anyone until he rolls a Shield.

OOC: I've upgraded my weapon, and will use the WP10 one unless I state otherwise. Upgraded stats and inventory here (handily at the top of the page).

Rufindel strides up to the party, polishing his upgraded weapon and stowing the more powerful but dodgy one in the recesses of Cronk's cloak for now.

'Cronk give Rufi cloak. Cloak have side effect. Rufi now talk like Cronk.'

'<ahem>. Great to see you again, Atramor, Nyx, and Boomy! It's been a while. McCafferey,' he adds guardedly, keeping his distance from the feathery one. 'Ellaria, I don't believe we've met. And who else are we expecting? Some big Ogre I've no doubt.'

  • Author

QM Note: Thank you, I believe I have fixed everything. Rufus, you are supposed to enter your character's stats in the pinned stat topic, makes it a bit easier for me and other QM's :wink:. Pie, apparantly the favoured enemy persists inbetween Quests.

  On 8/19/2012 at 5:57 PM, CallMePie said:

I think Skrall doesn't get to favor anyone until he rolls a Shield.

OoC: A Hunter cannot "unfavor" any type of enemy until he rolls a Shield and replaces it with the type of the targetted enemy. That means the favored enemy type (or in Skrall's case, both types now that he has the Hunter's Quiver) carry from battle to battle and quest to quest.

Ellaria smells Boomingham before she sees him. The portly man slurrs heavily, and Ellaria cannot help but to feel disgusted. The man reminds him too much of Elpis's conceiver. He was drunk, too, that night...

"Yes, I remember you..."

Then an elf comes to them, and greets her. Ellaria is relieved to have someone else to turn her attention to.

"Well met, Mr. Galadhras. I hear you and Nyx joined Heroica at the same time, yes?"

Scuba - will do.

  On 8/19/2012 at 8:22 PM, Sandy said:

"Well met, Mr. Galadhras. I hear you and Nyx joined Heroica at the same time, yes?"

'That is correct, Ms Arbour. Need we be so formal? Please call me Rufindel. Nyx and I took part in the very first quest of the new Heroica guild. Of course she has found the time to be much more adventurous than I since then.' Rufindel looks at his feet.

Skrall caught up with the rest of his Party. He had had to avoid a few debt collectors by dodging into a side street, but he eventually made his way to the Town Watch's headquarters.

"Afternoon folks, sorry I'm runnin' late, but ya know how things can get a bit crowded fer an Ogre in this city. Now then, what have we here?" Skrall glanced down at the recruit. "I believe we're here to speak with the mam in charge, and unless your mother had a strange way of namin' ya young lad, I don't think you are her."

  • Author


"Eh, so... Here is the thing... I was ordered to collect something from the Warehouses, pick up you Heroes, and then report back to Captain Patricia at the docks... Now, uhh... I heard signs of... trouble... where I was supposed to pick the package up... and I figured, why not do it the other way around..."

"Collect somethin' from a warehouse? Bet they lost the damn Keystone. It's probably got some relation to our mission, dunno if we've got much of a choice."

"Well, with Rufindel, Atramor, and myself here, can we really pretend that we're that surprised that we have to go search a warehouse. Do not worry, we are experts. If we run into any rats or bats, we are well versed in fighting them." Boomingham burps lazily. "Sorry. Onward I say. Let's see what this dangerous package is. But make no mistake, boy, you're to stick with us. Even if things get hairy. Sounds like you could benefit from seeing a little danger and learning how to deal with it."

  On 8/20/2012 at 5:45 AM, Zepher said:

"Well, with Rufindel, Atramor, and myself here, can we really pretend that we're that surprised that we have to go search a warehouse. Do not worry, we are experts. If we run into any rats or bats, we are well versed in fighting them."

"Versed? I was born to kill rats, mate."

Atramor grins, grasping the hilt of Ratsbane.

  • Author

The heroes follow the recruit through the city, they walk quickly, often looking up to the sky, which was getting darker and darker, and was now packed with clouds. Eventually, the Heroes reach the Warehouse district, or simply "the Warehouses", as people called them. Left and Right the heroes looked at the huge buildings, owned by impressive names such as the Hinckwells, the Shadeaux, the Bonapartes and others. Recruit Jenkins stopped before a relatively small warehouse, without a name on it, breathed out and turned to the Heroes:


"Uhm... Right. I was supposed to meet with the contact in there, and simply pick up the the package... I heard voices arguing in there when I was here before, but we were assured the contact would be alone... Eh... Mr. Knight.. Err! Paladin.. Ehh Sir, I would go in with you, but I haven't got any weapons, or training yet... I'm afraid I'd only get in your way... How about I stand watch here and warn you if there's anything coming from this direction while you are in there?"

The Heroes figure they don't have to expect any help from the recruit, and walk towards the door, they spot that the door is closed, but not locked. The heroes can hear snippets of conversation from inside:


"... Come... Easier... Give it... No... Problems..."

A second voice can be heard:

"...I'm going... the back... not gone... then we'll... A problem..."

What do the Heroes want to do?

Edited by Scubacarrot

Atramor flicks his eyes over the lesser districts of Eubric, a droll, heavy atmosphere hanging due to the thick clouds above the city. He glances at a rather familiar Shadeaux warehouse off to the side, but stops before the smaller, unmarked one, putting his ear to the door and frowning as voices echo from within. He turns his head to the others, muttering quietly.

"Sounds like they're plannin' to slip out the back, whoever they are. Maybe half of us should head 'round there so we can flank 'em and keep them from running off? Whatever the hell's going on, I don't think we want whoever's inside to be gettin' away."

"Ya've still got as keen a mind as ever rogue. I ain't fer all of us bargin' in there all at once. I agree, three round the front and three round the back might be a good idea. You there, recruit, do ya happen to know when you were snoopin' around the buildin' whether there be a back door? An' who does this buildin' belong to anyways?" Skrall sheathed Leojagd and unhosltered his Hunter's Crossbow. Observing the street in front of the building he tried to ascertain from the foot-prints if there were more than two individuals in the building.

  • Author

The street is paved. The Recruit replies:


"Errr, No. Not that I know of... And I was not told..."

Edited by Scubacarrot

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