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It is the wee hours of morning and Cameron Crocodile (Rufus) is bashing the statue of The Great Eagle with his sledgehammer. Pancho Parrot (Zepher) is appalled to see this.

"BAWK!!!" Pancho bawks. "I knew you were a Cultist! You're destroying the statue!"


"I'm not a Cultist!" Cameron insists. "I can't get anyone to listen to me, so I'm doing all I can to protect this Village I love so dearly. If that means destroying the statue those Cultists want so badly, so be it! Hell, I built it, I can take it down!"


"megablocks!" Pancho counters. "The Cultists aren't after the fountain. They're after the spring under the fountain. Removing the fountain is giving them easier access to it!!"


"Well, I'm working out my frustration then," Cameron responds as he gives the statue one last good "WHACK!" with his mighty hammer.


"Your lies are paper thin," Pancho says. "BAWK!! You're obviously the Scum who has been killing all of our friends."

"You've been bawking up the wrong tree this whole time, megablock," Cameron replies. "I'm not a Cultist. I'm doing everything I can to help this Village, even risking my own life!! Listen, I believe you're a Villager. I think you've just been duped..."

"Hold it right there," Pancho warns. "BAWK! I don't want to hear any more lies."


"I'm keeping my eye on you all night to make sure you don't use your mind control potion on anyone," Pancho says as he dumps a bag of very fine powder over his body.


"You expect us to believe your megablocks? BAWK!!" Pancho scoffs as he grabs a torch and ignites the flammable powder covering his body. "You expect us to believe what is clearly another one of your distractions?? How absurd!"


"I've got this figured out! BAWK!" Pancho Parrot (Zepher) continues as he pops as sizzles on the cobblestone, "We're gonna win this!"

"Stupid megablocking pigeon," Cameron shakes his head.


Fire, Felix, soul-wrapping-in-flames, etc...

"I've got this figured out! BAWK!" Pancho Parrot's spirit squawks, "We're gonna win this!"


...weird vial of Felix essence.


The creepy figure appears, to grab the vial of Felix essence and Cameron seizes his chance to shine!

"Hammer, don't fail me now!" Cameron says. "Time to do what I can to save this Village!"


Cameron gives the figure a good "Whallup!" on the head.


The dark figure falls to its feet, dazed and confused.

"Now to remove this disguise and find out who you really are," Cameron says in his best Shaggy impression.


Unfortunately for Cameron COCKodile (Rufus), it's only Clive the Kaboominator with a special gift attached to his head.

"Seriously, people, whatever you do, don't make me hate Cameron Crocodile forever. :cry_sad:" are Cameron's dying words...


As the picture says, "Kablooie!!"


The trap killer comes out and dances for its success. It may have destroyed the lovable remote-controlled Clive, but at least it got rid of that Scummy Scummy Cameron Crocodile...


The true creepy dark figure appears and retrieves the Essence du Felix.


In the morning, the living people find the dead people, yadda yadda. Horace Horse's body has conveniently popped back up from the depths just so they could identify his allegiance.


"Sorry about your husband, Gilda," someone says.

"I had a husband?" Gilda asks. "It's hard to remember things."

"At least somebody got it right for once and killed that Scummy Scummy Cameron Crocodile," another someone harumphs.


Marcellus the Monk goes through the ritual of identifying the dead. Pancho Parrot (Zepher) was an innocent Villager.


Horace Horse (iamded) was a Cultist.


Cameron COCKodile (Rufus) was an innocent Villager.


The remaining six citizens of Winter Haven stare at each other, crunch some numbers in their heads, and think about thinking. Some time passes...

"I can't believe I haven't had a peanut butter sandwich yet," someone finally says.

Day Seven has begun. You cannot vote during the first 24 hours.


The Cultists win when they have outnumbered the Villagers, including any third-parties and the Villagers win when all of the Cultists are dead.

The Rules:

  1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Villagers or the Cultists. To win the game, the Villagers must kill off all of the Cultists, while the Cultists must outnumber the Villagers. Any third party player will have win conditions that are detailed in their role PM...
  2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. You may also proxy your vote to another player, using this format; proxy: Character (Player). Naturally, unproxying a vote is also possible. The player with the most votes is lynched. In the case of a tie, there will be no lynch.
  3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will not end when a majority vote has been reached. If there is time left, a majority vote can be over-turned. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage, or they will not be accepted, no exceptions.
  4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day, barring any interference.
  5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details and pictures of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.
  6. You may not quote PMs from other players. Paraphrasing is allowed but no direct quoting. Please refrain from quoting PMs in the game threads and in private.
  7. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.
  8. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on. Violation of this rule will result in a multiple game suspension.
  9. If you are converted, you must accept your new affiliation. If it's proven that you gave up your new team after conversion, the whole game will be null and you will most likely not to be asked to play one of my games again.
  10. You may not edit your posts.
  11. You must post in every day thread.
  12. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host or co-host via PM. Please please please use only the confirmation PM I sent you to communicate with me if you can.
  13. Violation of the above rules will result in a penalty of one vote per every four living players (1/4 of the active players list) on the first violation and death of your character on the second.

Some additional guidelines, although they are not rules that will incur penalties if you don't follow them:

  • Metagaming is allowed. Go ahead. You all know how to identify it and how to ignore completely irrelevant information.
  • The pictures may or may not contain clues. They most likely do not, but look all you want. Wildly speculate. It's fun.
  • Using acronyms, especially tl;dr will cause major trouble for your character, perhaps even instant death.
  • Roleplaying is a good thing and it is encouraged in this game and will be required at some point. So get to know your personality quirks, they've been created for a reason.

You have all been sent a role PM in this format:


Welcome to The Forest II, a game of wit and strategy. You are playing ___, Winter Haven’s ___. (a little back story) (a personality quirk)

Alignment: You are aligned with the Villagers/Cultists.

Role: You are the ___ which gives you the Nocturnal Ability of ___. Each night you target one player and ___.


You have no specific Nocturnal Ability. Your power is in your vote and your brain, so use both wisely.

Win condition: You win when you have outnumbered the Villagers, including any third-parties Or You win when all of the Cultists are dead.

Best of luck and have fun! :sweet:

Any Third Parties may have slightly different role PMs.

Non-Playable Characters


Marcellus the Monk,

played by Hinckley


Firuz Fox, the Alchemist,

played by Fugazi

Active Players (6)


Booker Bear, Garbage Man, married to Becka Bulldog,

played by Dragonator


Edgar Elephant, Fisherman, married to Portia Poodle,

played by WhiteFang


Gilda Goat, Doctor, married to Cameron Crocodile, sister of Gibson Goat,

played by Quarryman


Mindy Mouse, Accountant, married to Pancho Parrot,

played by Professor Flitwick


Seamus Sheepdog, Taxidermist, married to Shawna Sheep,

played by Dannylonglegs


Shawna Sheep, Lawman, married to Seamus Sheepdog,

played by Shadows

The Deceased (20)


Petey Panda, Fisherman,

played by darkdragon, lynched on Day One - Villager


Bristol Bunny, Seamstress,

played by Bob, murdered with an axe on Night One - Villager


Wallace Walrus, Lawman,

played by Masked Builder, murdered by a bear trap on Night One - Cultist


Carly Cow, Ice Cream Shoppe Owner,

played by Tamamono, lynched on Day Two - Villager


Baxter Bulldog, Mechanic,

played by Waterbrick Down, murdered by anvil on Night Two - Villager


Ralphy Rabbit, Farmer, married to Ernie Elephant,

played by badboytje88, lynched on Day Three - Villager


Becka Bulldog, Beautician, married to Booker Bear,

played by Rick, murdered by xylophone on Night Three - Villager


Gibson Goat, Bartender, brother of Gilda Goat,

played by Pandora, murdered with an axe on Night Three - Villager


Portia Poodle, Grocer, married to Edgar Elephant,

played by CorneliusMurdock, murdered with an axe on Night Three - Villager


Ernie Elephant, Dock Worker, married to Ralphy Rabbit,

played by JimButcher, died of self-immolation on Night Three - Villager


Casey Cat, Painter, married to Maurice Mouse,

played by Scouty, lynched on Day Four - Cultist


Brigit Bunny, Florist, First Lady of Winter Haven, married to Lazlo Lion,

played by Sandy, murdered by immolation on Night Four - Villager


Pennie Pig, Schoolteacher,

played by Eskallon, murdered by an old woman on Night Four - Villager


Maurice Mouse, Dock Worker, married to Casey Cat,

played by Cecilie, lynched on Day Five - Villager


Gordon Gorilla, Lawman,

played by Scubacarrot, murdered by shotgun polaroid on Night Five - Villager


Lazlo Lion, Mayor of Winter Haven, married to Brigit Bunny,

played by TinyPiesRUs, murdered with an axe on Night Five - Villager


Heidi Hippo, Farmer,

played by CallMePie, murdered by immolation while trying to protect someone on Night Five - Villager


Horace Horse, Blacksmith,

played by iamded, lynched on Day Six - Cultist


Pancho Parrot, Postman, married to Mindy Mouse,

played by Zepher, murdered by immolation on Night Six - Villager


Cameron Crocodile, Carpenter, married to Gilda Goat,

played by Rufus, murdered by Clive the Kaboominator of Night Six - Villager


*fold my trunk and roll it up*

Total disappointment and everything that we had fought so much for and it last till this very single day. There are not much true townies left. The only right thing that we did, is to convict Horace.

Stomp stomp neggghhhhhh.


Um...hello? :look:

We don't know what to say now. Even when we do right, something goes wrong. :cry_sad:

Total disappointment and everything that we had fought so much for and it last till this very single day. There are not much true townies left. The only right thing that we did, is to convict Horace.

Exactly. :sceptic:

Baa, or lucky charms or however it is we're supposed to act today, I don't even see that listed. :sadnew:


Now there is no ambiguity about Cameron's allegiance, I think Shawna should be our next port of call.

Well at least this isn't a surprise, though it's good to see as it speaks volumes about you.

You do realise it's 3 vs 3 now, and the only way we're going to convict anyone today is if a townie goes along with the scum, right? Obviously the scum aren't going to be that stupid, but all it takes is tricking one townie into the wrong vote and we lose. Of course you realise that. :hmpf_bad:

As for Camoron Cameron, all he had to do was realise he was being used, or at least consider the possibility, and reveal the tracker. If he'd given a damn about this town, that's exactly what he would have done. Instead, assuming he wasn't just playing a hunch made up in his own mind, he stuck to illogical accusations and repeated chanting of "scummy scum scum!" based on a lie (his or a scum-provided one) as the rest of us lynched a real scum and at least kept ourselves alive one more day. I can't say I'm particularly impressed.

Carry on, though, you're looking delicious today, maybe in a light tempura baaaaaaaa-tter. :laugh:


One thing that really bothers me about yesterday, if Shawna was a scummy Cultist she and her cultist buddies could likely have managed to win then if they could get a Villager lynched, but no, Shawna pushed hard to get Horace lynched, and sacrificing one of your own when you're that close to winning doesn't make sense. (and Shawna loves winning, or at least that's what she's been saying during counselling, meh-eh-eh-eh-eh..).

So, yesterday doesn't make much sense to me if the assumption is that Shawna is scum. I think it's quite possible though that Shawna is a serial killer and needs to win alone.


So, yesterday doesn't make much sense to me if the assumption is that Shawna is scum. I think it's quite possible though that Shawna is a serial killer and needs to win alone.

Baaaaaaa-d! You really haven't paid attention. :hmpf:

Given that he was the second person tested and then informed of it by the serial killer hunter who was later confirmed to be a townie, it's the one area where he is reliable.

You mean Portia? Yes, she told me what her action did: she slept with people, and if they were the serial killer, she would kill them. She was given no other information about what else they may be up to at night. Yes, she slept with you on night one. This clears you of being the serial killer. But we know you're not the serial killer: you're the Cultists' killer.

Of course he drifts back into delusions by the end, but as long as you stick to the facts, you see I'm not the serial killer either.

I must admit that it is an interesting idea that the serial killer needs to kill everyone. If that's the case, we can count on them to side with the town and lynch another scum today, which would actually be quite nice, assuming they know who is who better than we do.

Then tomorrow is tricky again. We can't seem to get a break around here. :sceptic:


I still can't believe we survived the night! The only possibility in my mind as to how that's possible is that, while the SK is working with the scum, he's not a member of their team, making it 3 to 2 + 1 today... Which still means we're going to die and there's no real way I can see to avoid it. Unless someone has a day action, we're pretty much hosed.

Woof. Sheepdogs are canines. Are you scum Danny the dictionary.?


Well... this is odd. :look:

I'm glad we got Horace, he definitely needed to go after too many days of avoiding the vote. I am a little confused that Cameron came up town though... so how many scum do we actually have left? Clearly not a majority if we are still here, so I guess we haven't completely lost hope. I would guess at two of them plus the axe murderer. If he has to kill everyone as people seem to think, then he will probably vote with the town so that the scummy cultists don't get a majority and take our souls forever, right?


You do realise it's 3 vs 3 now, and the only way we're going to convict anyone today is if a townie goes along with the scum, right? Obviously the scum aren't going to be that stupid, but all it takes is tricking one townie into the wrong vote and we lose. Of course you realise that. :hmpf_bad:

Well, no, it's 3 vs 2 vs 1. If it were 3 vs 3, we'd of been overrun. Unless this is like that most recent season of the Clone Wars, which would be a bad thing to take examples from. :sceptic:

Carry on, though, you're looking delicious today, maybe in a light tempura baaaaaaaa-tter. :laugh:

:cry_sad:I knew it!

I still can't believe we survived the night! The only possibility in my mind as to how that's possible is that, while the SK is working with the scum, he's not a member of their team, making it 3 to 2 + 1 today... Which still means we're going to die and there's no real way I can see to avoid it. Unless someone has a day action, we're pretty much hosed.

Seamus is right. If we kill the serial killer today, we'd be left with 2 vs 2 tomorrow. If we lynch a cultist the day after, we'd lose a town member during the night, leaving one town member, who I presume would be overrun by the one remaining cultist. :sadnew:

And, Booker, for goodness sake, can I please have those examples now?




"Gosh," someone says. "We started with 26 people and now we're down to 6. It's like those Cultists really mean to kill all of us."

"Gee," someone else adds.

"Golly," another someone else contributes.

Yet another someone expands on that by saying, "Jiminy Geez-o-dooz."

"Oh, that's a good one," still another someone comments. "That one has got some fight in it."

"Right," a sixth person yawns. "That's what we Villagers do. Fight... Ho hum."


"What the hell is that round thing coming out of the fountain?" Shawna asks.

"It's water?" Mindy guesses.

"Water?" Shawna scoffs. "It looks more like some sort of control. Like it unlocks something or something like that..."


"Maybe it unlocks a door to an underground world where there's an easier Mafia game being played," someone offers hopefully and pathetically.

"Game?" someone else asks.

"So, what should we do to ensure we're not killed?" another someone else asks. "Vote?"

"Eh, maybe," yet another someone shrugs.

"Maybe we should talk?" still another someone suggests.

"Eh, we could," a sixth someone concedes.





"This Village is really starting to look like shit," someone comments. "It's like nobody cares about it..."

24 hours remain in Day Seven.


"What the hell is that round thing coming out of the fountain?" Shawna asks.

"It's water?" Mindy guesses.

"Water?" Shawna scoffs. "It looks more like some sort of control. Like it unlocks something or something like that..."

It does! :tongue:

"This Village is really starting to look like shit," someone comments. "It's like nobody cares about it..."

I care. :cry_sad:

And that is why I've been thinking and thinking some more, and something finally came to me, and it's so simple it's ridiculous.

The Cultists win when they have outnumbered the Villagers, including any third-parties and the Villagers win when all of the Cultists are dead.

Some of this has been said before, theorized, but it's time to follow through with action.

We're alive today because the serial killer isn't counting against us, but with us. There's no other alternative. In any other situation, a tie would mean we lose, but here we are, and the flowers said it was 3 vs 2 with 1 dark pink in the middle, so we've been wrong this whole time. It's time to fix that in the only way I can think of. Since I've been cleared of being scum or the SK and I'm still actually concerned about this town, I think it's my job.

Dear Serial Misunderstood Killer,

Since this began, we've assumed that you are evil. We were wrong. Yes, your actions have hurt a lot of our friends, but looking baaaa-ck, I see what you were doing and when I look at why, I suddenly realise that your intentions were actually good, just a little crazy. Hey, it's ok, we're all a little crazy sometimes, and it's not like we haven't been killing our friends too, for the same reason, to stop what we see as evil. In our case, it really is evil we're trying to stop. In yours, I think you started off trying to stop the tree stump, then when that was done, you kept killing, thinking you could stop the scum as well. Looking at that honestly, I can actually understand it. The tree stump is what the evil fox became in the old village, the evil we're fighting now. Trying to kill it seems perfectly normal, especially since it would have killed you if it had found you. Yes, Portia told me that and that you are called "the lumberjack", which makes sense with your axe and all. You never wanted to kill any of us, just that stump that you mistook as the old evil one.

I also understand why you haven't been killing as much lately, you're actually not sure who is scum and who is town and you need the town to win, as shown in the word of god above. Since it's pretty well established that I'm town, I'm coming forward to ask you to contact me. Yes, I know it's risky, but you can't afford to make a mistake at this point, and neither can we. We've wasted a lot of time behind closed doors trying to figure out who you are so we could kill you, when instead we needed to understand and reach out to you. That was stupid on our part, and has now ended.

What do we do now? We vote. Yes, I have a very definite idea of who the scum are, so I'm going to start a vote. I ask that you join us and also that you contact me so I can make sure you aren't killed tonight. Even if you don't feel secure doing that, at least don't kill anyone tonight and we'll do the best we can to find the last scum. We need you and you need us, let's be friends. Did I mention that I have cupcakes. :sweet:

The Vote

Who doesn't participate until it's time to get a townie killed? Who has nothing to add, but then shows up to make a silly and quickly disproven accusation against me at a time when we need to be paying attention and actually trying to help our town? Who was always there to place an early vote for a wrongly accused townie but the last in line to convict a scum (both times)? Who did that last scum vote for, in an obvious attempt to mislead us into thinking they must be a townie?

Gilda "I'm flying under the radar while eating your stuff" Goat.

Vote: Gilda Goat (Quarryman)


It's so quiet. I know you're all just silently plotting to eat me! :cry_sad:

What do we do now? We vote. Yes, I have a very definite idea of who the scum are, so I'm going to start a vote. I ask that you join us and also that you contact me so I can make sure you aren't killed tonight. Even if you don't feel secure doing that, at least don't kill anyone tonight and we'll do the best we can to find the last scum. We need you and you need us, let's be friends. Did I mention that I have cupcakes. :sweet:

To give us an idea of how accurate your theories are, would you reveal whom you suspect the second cultist is? It would also give the serial killer a person to go after tonight, assuming they don't actually know the names of all the cultists.


To give us an idea of how accurate your theories are, would you reveal whom you suspect the second cultist is? It would also give the serial killer a person to go after tonight, assuming they don't actually know the names of all the cultists.

Unless you somehow know the name of the second one and have been holding out on us, revealing it wouldn't give you an idea of anything, it just won't help at this point, but if all goes as planned, they won't see the light of day and should enjoy their last one here. As for the serial killer, we don't need them to take out the second cultist, we have the vig for that. :wink:

Baaaaa-sk in the sunlight, the clouds are finally clearing. :sweet:


The Vote

Who doesn't participate until it's time to get a townie killed? Who has nothing to add, but then shows up to make a silly and quickly disproven accusation against me at a time when we need to be paying attention and actually trying to help our town? Who was always there to place an early vote for a wrongly accused townie but the last in line to convict a scum (both times)? Who did that last scum vote for, in an obvious attempt to mislead us into thinking they must be a townie?

This at least is partially a lie. On Day 1 I voted for Casey, at at time when it looked like it would become a bandwagon against her. On Day 2 I was far from being the last to vote for Carly. On Day 3 I'll admit I was pretty quick to vote for Ralphy, however, four out of the first five to vote for Ralphy have been confirmed as Villagers now. On Day 4 I was indeed the last to vote for Casey, something no sane Cultist would have done. On Day 5 I was the fourth to vote for Maurice, and did so after you did actually. And yes, yesterday I was indeed the last to vote for Horace, and again, a sane Cultist wouldn't have done that.

So Shawna, if you actually are a Villager, and that I die today, I'm looking forward to hearing you admit in the afterlife that you were both wrong and stupid today. And I don't see how the hell all this is supposed to make sense since you, if you're a Cultist, could have won yesterday, but I guess I've been a useful idiot to keep alive until the end since I am a pretty daft old goat after all. Vote: Shawna Sheep (Shadows).


This at least is partially a lie. On Day 1 I voted for Casey, at at time when it looked like it would become a bandwagon against her.

You voted for a scum when a townie was going to be lynched, no lie to that, it's a fact. Any scum can place a vote knowing that they could always unvote if it got close enough to matter. That's no alibi at all.

On Day 2 I was far from being the last to vote for Carly.

Carly was a townie, and one who we were kept in the dark about, so there was no harm to you voting early. My point holds.

On Day 4 I was indeed the last to vote for Casey, something no sane Cultist would have done.

Or so they would say now.

And yes, yesterday I was indeed the last to vote for Horace, and again, a sane Cultist wouldn't have done that.

Who said cultists are sane, anyway? If they all behaved exactly the same way, we'd never have a problem finding them, would we?

So Shawna, if you actually are a Villager, and that I die today, I'm looking forward to hearing you admit in the afterlife that you were both wrong and stupid today.

Fair enough, but it won't happen, I'm certain of it.

And I don't see how the hell all this is supposed to make sense since you, if you're a Cultist, could have won yesterday, but I guess I've been a useful idiot to keep alive until the end since I am a pretty daft old goat after all. Vote: Shawna Sheep (Shadows).

Baaaaa-d logic, or no logic, but at least you admit that your vote makes no sense. :laugh:


Stomp stomp neggghhhhhh.....

As it seems that our village is dwindling in numbers, and none is speaking up... I am sticking my guts and I am aiming for my conclusive move... I think Shawna had covered it well... and as the dire situation had made it worse... I will place my vote too... the third vote for this grimmy day!

Vote: Gilda Goat (Quarryman)

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