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Players, carefully read your Role PM and the information in this thread. Note that this thread should not be used for playing the game!


Police Infiltration: A Mafia School Game

In the happy town of Kirksville the citizens are mostly well behaved, but those intent on breaking the law are dealt with efficiently by the large police department. Unfortunately, the falling crime rates are not to everyone’s tastes, and in an effort to “represent their business interests” the local Mafia have had to resort to infiltrating the police themselves. As events take a turn for the worse for the Chief of Police, the station is forced into lockdown and the Police workers and the Mafiosos are forced to deal with each other in the most basic terms, as they fight for the future of Kirksville.

Welcome to Police Infiltration: A Mafia School Game

Players, please use this thread to confirm you have received your Role PM and you're ready to start playing the game. Do not play the game in the Confirmation and Discussion Thread. In-character posts should be restricted to the day threads. Do not post any information here that might give away your role (affiliation or night action). Questions about the game or your role should be directed to the hosts through your Role PM only.

Everyone can use this thread to comment on the game. Things like players' strategies or play styles and game mechanics should not be discussed here. Thank you.

Day Threads

8023528259_6c8e262d75_t.jpg Day One: Departures and Arrivals | Interlude | Conclusion

8040055095_5e134e7145_t.jpg Day Two: Sad Robot | Interlude | Conclusion

8057255880_85326d9ce3_t.jpg Day Three: Last of the Mohicans | Interlude | Conclusion

8091016757_9fcb45e856_t.jpg Day Four: Brief Encounter | Interlude | Conclusion

8113269132_a9a21dc787_t.jpg Day Five: And the award goes to... | Interlude | Conclusion

8122640201_1ebe74d170_t.jpg Day Six: Having your cake and eating it | Interlude | Conclusion

8131886276_b887eeeb6e_t.jpg Conclusion: Checkmate | Role Assignment, Night Actions, and Day Notes | Player Appraisal


Lesson One: The Game of Mafia

Lesson Two: Playing the Game

Lesson Three: Voting

Lesson Four: Night Actions

Lesson Five: The Rules of the Game

Lesson Six: Roleplaying

Lesson Seven: Metagaming

Lesson Eight: (Over-)Reliance on Night Action Results


Non-Playing Characters


Poppy, Chief Inspector and new Chief of Police, played by Pandora


Randy, Special Agent of the KIA, played by Rick



Adam, Motorcycle Cop, played by badboytje88

Adam is a Motorcycle Cop who rides hard and hits hard. If you get pulled over for speeding by him, he’ll make sure you cooperate. If not, you’ll spend at least one night in a police cell. He’s particularly hard on joy riders, who he’ll lock up and ‘talk to’ until they honestly tell him their age.


Amelia, Desk Sergeant, played by TheBoyWonder

Amelia is a Desk Sergeant. While she’s keen to be an active Police Officer, she’s incredibly scatterbrained and forgetful, and often even forgets which cells criminals are in. Fortunately it would seem that the worst consequence of her forgetfulness so far has been that a notorious gangster who ordered roasted pigeon with potatoes for his Christmas meal last year got fish and chips instead.


Andrea, Secretary to the Chief of Police, played by PsyKater

Andrea used to be a member of the Police SWAT team, but is currently the Secretary to the Chief of Police. Several years ago, members of a Mafia gang on the run lead her unit into a forest. When it came to a gunfight between the gang and her unit, she stood paralyzed, afraid to fire her gun. After countless sessions with the Police Psychiatrist, it was decided a desk job suited her better.


Christine, Coffee Lady, played by konze

Christine is supposed to make sure the Police Officers of Kirksville get their coffee and tea every morning and afternoon, and to provide liberal amounts of homemade buns. However, come teatime, she is typically nowhere to be found and the Police Officers have resorted to getting their own coffee and tea instead of putting up with her sarcastic attitude and dry pastries. Rumour has it she sleeps somewhere at the police station as no one knows where she lives, and no one has ever seen her go home.


Gary, Bomb Disposal Officer, played by Adam

Gary is an enthusiastic Bomb Disposal Officer, however his skill with bombs often doesn’t match his enthusiasm and he has suffered a number of work-related mishaps as a result. He really enjoys the sound of bombs going off, though, and ever since the department acquired a bomb disposal robot, Gary spends his days remote-controlling “Gary Jr.”.


Henrietta, Undercover Cop, played by Masked Builder

Henrietta may look like a girl from the mean-streets, but she’s actually the most dedicated Undercover Cop in the Police Force. She’s spent so much time infiltrating the seedy underworld of Kirksville that she’s sometimes barely recognisable as a Police Officer. In fact, she’s so good at her job that maybe she sometimes forgets she actually is a Police Officer.


Ian, Lawyer, played by TazManiac

Ian is a Senior Partner at Blutgeld & Sons Legal Firm, and the nature of his legal practice necessitates him spending almost all of his time at the local Police Station. He can often be found here, arguing vehemently for his clients and using whatever means necessary to win his cases. He believes passionately in his own skills as a lawyer and won’t stop arguing until everyone believes his version of ‘the truth’.


Isaac, Janitor, played by TrumpetKing67

Isaac makes sure the entire Police Station is always spotless. Light bulbs get replaced before they even burn out and even the criminals spending a night at the station compliment him on the cleanliness of their cells, or at least they would, if they ever saw him or knew who he was. He’s an exceptionally quiet man who keeps himself to himself and is rarely seen. Before the brutal murder of Police Chief Jack Stone, he had never been heard to speak.


Jared, Beat Cop, played by Ferrik

Jared keeps Kirksville safe by pounding its streets as a Beat Cop. Due to his tendency to want to arrest nearly everyone he sees, his commanding officers have insisted he patrol with a colleague at all times to keep his paranoia at bay. Everywhere Jared turns, he sees another criminal, or another crime, and his colleagues are beginning to feel he’s on a bit of a witch hunt.


Jean, Local Bum, played by Endgame

Jean has become part of the furniture at the police station, as he seems to spend so much time there. Since his wife left him over a decade ago, he’s been roaming the streets of Kirksville in search of the perfect drink, or perhaps something shiny. In order to scrounge enough money together to buy a few bottles of ale to keep him warm at night, he commits petty crimes, but often forgets what he’s doing halfway through the crime and wanders off, making him an easy pick-up for the Patrol Cars.


Kendra, Beat Cop, played by Stormblessed

Kendra is another of Kirksville’s Beat Cops and nobody knows exactly where she is from or how she ended up in Kirksville. She talks in an often near-incomprehensible dialect, yet all of her colleagues somehow manage to understand her perfectly. Despite being in numerous dangerous situations, she always manages to survive, and she has received multiple hero of the year awards, however these were mostly for rescuing cats.


Mark, Team Leader Vice Squad, played by JaseTJ

Mark is the Team Leader for the Vice Squad and is extremely dedicated to his job. So dedicated, in fact, that he has been known to completely lose himself in his work. The rumours are that as a result of his dedication he may indulge in the very vice he strives to combat and as a result of this apparent excess he has become a somewhat emotional, dramatic and impulsive kind of guy.


Phil, Detective, played by Scorpiox

Phil is a Detective and a real workaholic. Once he takes on a case he’ll spend hours on end hunting for clues and interrogating his suspects; he won’t ever take any of their statements at face value. He’ll work overtime until he connects the dots and cracks a case, and fears no one and nothing that might stand in his way. Frogs tend to freak him out, though.


Phyllis, Beat Cop, played by Superficial Username

Phyllis is another of Kirksville’s Beat Cops. She works tirelessly at her job, but has always really longed for romance. Unfortunately she’s never really had a serious relationship, at least not with a real person. She’s started talking to the coffee machine that was installed a couple of months ago, and they spend more and more time together every day. Phyllis has fallen deeply in love with the machine and believes unshakably in its affections for her. She’s already making plans for their marriage next Summer.


Samantha, Local 'Masseuse', played by DarthPotato

Sammiieee, as he/she’s known to his/her ‘clients’, is a man trapped in a woman's body and is very well know around the town of Kirksville. Extremely well known, in fact, as his/her little black book can attest. He/She works tirelessly to keep his/her many clients satisfied (and he/she does keep them so very satisfied), but unfortunately, his/her methods of keeping the citizens of Kirksville entertained are not strictly legal and as a result Samantha finds himself/herself spending more nights in the cells than... anywhere else.


Zachary, Forensic Officer, played by zakura

Zachary is Kirksville Police Station’s Forensic Officer and he has a reputation for being a bit of a wacko. He often uses unconventional investigative techniques to get to the bottom of the cases assigned to him, but rarely do they pay off. His colleagues respect his ‘cutting edge’ techniques, even if they find them totally bonkers (and possibly a bit silly), however they had to draw the line at his last theory where he hypothesised that he could detect criminals by their breakfast. It’s a well-known fact that everyone in Kirksville has sausages for breakfast.

Players, please confirm your participation and that you have received your Role PM below, and remember no playing the game in this thread!

Phyllis reporting for duty. :sweet:

*Sweep, sweep. Stare*

Translation: "Isaac ready for extensive cleaning!"

Samantha is da house. :tongue: Confirmed. :classic:

Such thorough and unique original characters. :wub: Especially this guy:

  On 9/24/2012 at 12:13 PM, Rick said:


Mark, Team Leader Vice Squad, played by JaseTJ

Mark is the Team Leader for the Vice Squad and is extremely dedicated to his job. So dedicated, in fact, that he has been known to completely lose himself in his work. The rumours are that as a result of his dedication he may indulge in the very vice he strives to combat and as a result of this apparent excess he has become a somewhat emotional, dramatic and impulsive kind of guy.

Sounds like a total stud. :laugh:

Henrietta, reporting for duty!

Dear Sir, eh Lady, and Sir.

And dear colleagues and citizens of Kirksville.

I am here. Of course. Reporting for duty right now. Proudly serving as Police S.W.A.T. officer secretary to the Chief of Police.

Edited by PsyKater

Oh my. :wub: This is going to be awesome! I love it already! The characters are beautiful and so is the set, and the detail in those little Bios is just amazing! Good Luck to all! :grin:

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Motorcyyyycle cop Adam reporting for duty!

Desk Sargeant Amelia reporting for duty!

Tips his hat at his superiors.

"Yessir, Detective Phil present and correct. Just you folks all remember that I've got my eye on you, and trust me, you don't want to get on my bad side. I've banged up more crooks than you could count, so no funny buisness from anyone, is that clear? Especially you, Phyllis. Bloody hell, I'm stuck with this lot. I can't think of anything really worse, besides a room full of frogs, ugh."

Coffee, anyone?

I'm ready for playing. I will change my avatar ASAP.

Edited by konze

  On 9/24/2012 at 1:42 PM, Hinckley said:

Such thorough and unique original characters. :wub: Especially this guy:

Sounds like a total stud. :laugh:

Of course I am... ;)

That being said, I'm here! Though I must ask... What exactly is a 'vice squad'? (I'll google it)

  On 9/24/2012 at 3:59 PM, JaseTJ said:
That being said, I'm here! Though I must ask... What exactly is a 'vice squad'? (I'll google it)

Pretty sure that it's the department of the Police that deals with drugs and illegal substances and the like. :wink:

Some characters actually remind me of characters in Dexter (the Vice Squad stud e.g.). I am really looking forward to this. :)

  On 9/24/2012 at 4:34 PM, PsyKater said:

Some characters actually remind me of characters in Dexter (the Vice Squad stud e.g.). I am really looking forward to this. :)

Inspiration may have come from a little closer to home...

  On 9/24/2012 at 4:39 PM, Hinckley said:

Inspiration may have come from a little closer to home...

:look: I'm sure you're imagining it. :wacko:

Confirmed! Can't wait to play with Gary Jr. default_laugh2.gif

... I'm talking about the robot.

  On 9/24/2012 at 2:30 PM, badboytje88 said:

Motorcyyyycle cop Adam reporting for duty!

This might be a bit confusing. default_laugh2.gif

  On 9/24/2012 at 1:42 PM, Hinckley said:

Sounds like a total stud. :laugh:

So gay. :laugh:

Eh wot? What's all this business with the Marios or the Malfias or whatever? Well, I'm usually haning around the stattion anyway, so I guess this lockdown isn't such a huge deal. Guess I'm ready to hunt down the Mufastas.

Edited by Endgame

I might be hear! Ready to save some cats!

Just a reminder guys, so that the other players can easily remember who you each are, be sure to put your character's name in your signature.

Information on how to do this was contained in your role PM, or click the links to tutorials in my signature.

Thank you. :sweet:

  On 9/24/2012 at 8:21 PM, Stormblessed said:

I might be hear! Ready to save some cats!

I might be smell!

  On 9/24/2012 at 8:33 PM, Hinckley said:

I might be smell!

And now everyone nose.

Eye'm not sure if I get all these puns.

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