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As Harald rode across the country in search of Odin, he came across a sight to behold.


A band of trolls were fleeing in terror as Thor thundered through the skies.


"Dun dun-dun DUN-DUNN, dun dun-dun DUN-DUNN, dun dun-dun DUN-DUNN, dun-dun-DUNNN!" Thor hummed as he rained death and destruction down on his hapless foes.


The trolls didn't stand a chance against the god of thunder.


By the time Harald reached the scene, the battle was over. The Valkyries had rode out to pick off any stragglers. Thor dismounted from his chariot to greet him.

"Do you smell that?" Thor asked, "troll limbs, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of troll arms in the morning. They smell like... hickory."


"I'm trying to find Odin. Do you know where he is?" Harald asked.

"He's gone to see Loki. I could take you there if you'd like," Thor offered.

"Thank you."

"It must be nice seeing some real action for a change, right? I'll bet the rest of the einherjar are locked up in their dark hall eating stale bread right now..."


In actual fact, Ragnar had taken the remaining warriors outside for a spot of battling.


Even though they no longer had a magical boar to heal their wounds, Ragnar decided it was for the best. They hadn't had a proper battle in days. Ragnar craved some action to distract him from the fact that he had played a major role in the deaths of so many his companions. Just last night, he had executed Stemid the Pale (Sandy), another Loyal Einherjar.


Amid the fray, Finn the Squinter (fhomess) eyed down a battlefield target...


However, he had failed to keep an eye on a cloaked figure that was creeping up behind him....


It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Finn was a Loyal Einherjar.


Meanwhile, Erik the Boneless (Etzel) was pleased to find himself back in a battle. He sized up his opponent and charged...


Suddenly Erik came to a halt.

"Hey, I don't recognise you!" He said.


Before he could react, the figure had cut him in half.


"Pffft. Is that the best you can do?" Erik asked, "you think I need legs? I don't need legs! Come on!"


It wasn't the best the figure could do. He proceeded to decapitate poor Erik.


"If I were you, I'd quit now while I was a head," the figure suggested.

"Fine," Erik sighed. He was a Loyal Einherjar.


Non-Playable Characters


Ragnar the Great



Living Players (13):


Beorn Ale-Lover (Bob)


Dragmall (Dragonator)


Sveinn the Uninspired (Scouty)


Petrus Fire-Starter (Pandora)


Canute Grey-Bush (CallMePie)


Wary the Black (Waterbrick Down)


Patrekr the Red (Palathadric)


Cranebeinn (Chromeknight)


Wilhalm Bloodaxe (WhiteFang)


Dagrun (Darkdragon)


Rurik the Bastard (Rick)


Snotra Carrotface (Scubacarrot)


Carl Poem-Piece (Capt. Redblade)

The Dead (again):


Magnus (Masked Builder) - Einherjar - mod-killed, Day One


Danr the Dragon-Slayer (Dannylonglegs) - Einherjar - convicted, Day One


Steinvoir Meat-Shield (Shadows) - Einherjar - murdered, Night One


Jormund (JimButcher) - Servant of Loki - murdered, Night One


Gerrid (Captain Genaro) - Servant of Loki - convicted, Day Two


Gofraid the Foog (Fugazi) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Two


Chief Mursi (CorneliusMurdock) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Two


Hervi Pudding-Head (Hinckley) - Servant of Loki - convicted, Day Three


Bergulf (badboytje88) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Three


Sigmund (Sisco) - Servant of Loki - murdered, Night Three


Stemid the Pale (Sandy) - Einherjar - convicted, Day Four


Finn the Squinter (fhomess) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Four


Erik the Boneless (Etzel) - Einherjar - murdered, Night Four


1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Einherjar (Town) or the Servants of Loki. To win the game, the Einherjar must kill off all the Servants of Loki, while the Servants of Loki must outnumber the Einherjar.Neutralcharacters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 72 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 48 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts. Editing your post on three separate occasions will result in a mod-kill.

9. You must post in every day thread. Failure to do so will result in a mod-kill.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

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So we have learnt that Stemid, Finn and Erik are loyal Einherjar.

Presumably the Servants of Loki have less places to hide now.

But equally, they are that much to achieving their goal, the death of us all.

I am looking forward to hearing what you all got up to last night.


Damn, and things were going so well, too. Hopefully we can bounce back from this setback and find the remaining scum. (At least this discourse is more calm than battling. Carl doesn't care much for battling. It hurts.


Seems everyone's a little late to wake up today! Definitely a pity to see three innocent people died last night, however their deaths were not in vain, for we are getting much closer to narrowing down the scum amoung us. We, the manly vikings, shall prevail!

I am waiting to hear from a couple of people and then I shall have some things to say. :thumbup:


So, we were wrong about Stemid and would have been wrong about Erik as well. I'm surprised Finn was killed last night as he seemed to have reverted to being a simple Einherjar who sleeps soundly at night. I also wonder why Erik was killed. Was the Serial Killer trying to do us a favour by taking out who he thought to be another Servant of Loki or was he just looking for a target that was unlikely to be protected?

I am looking forward to hearing what you all got up to last night.

Surely you're not asking people who were up and about last night to speak up publicly. You're making suspicious statements again and just because Erik didn't get lynched yesterday doesn't mean you don't have to explain the odd statement you made while voting for him yesterday. Did you know Erik was Einherjar and were you ready to accuse Dragmall for being wrong about him?

Also, I wonder if Wary can be bothered to speak up today and respond to some of the suspicions that were raised against him yesterday.


Well, at least they were nice enough to kill off all of yesterday's suspects. *huh*

The scum were probably threatened. If Finn was telling the truth, it'd mean they'd have an investigator to worry about.

Well, if he were telling the truth about his role, but lying about being unsuccessful, which might've been a possibility.


I am looking forward to hearing what you all got up to last night.

I thought yesterday you were all behind the secret backstage team.

And I'm stupid, of course Finn had a role. But whatever.


Surely you're not asking people who were up and about last night to speak up publicly. You're making suspicious statements again and just because Erik didn't get lynched yesterday doesn't mean you don't have to explain the odd statement you made while voting for him yesterday. Did you know Erik was Einherjar and were you ready to accuse Dragmall for being wrong about him?

Sigh. Obviously I'm not calling for public disclosure. And don't call me Shirley.

My statement betrays my suspicions or my statement cause you to be suspicious of me? If the first, that the intent. If the second...

My odd statement yesterday is a result of a discussion with Dragmall about the best way to proceed yesterday and disappointment that the best case yesterday was 'Erik is a sheep, he's not confirmed, therefore lynch'.

The testing of Dragmall was not to do with the innocence or not of Erik but with my disagreement with part of the plan.

I have looked at the numbers and withdrawn my objection.


Also, I wonder if Wary can be bothered to speak up today and respond to some of the suspicions that were raised against him yesterday.

No problem, you'll have to forgive me though because it is difficult to format recall the exact statements:

I raised my suspicions about Wary at the start of the day, which he doesn't seem too interested to respond to. So far, he hasn't exactly reassured me with what he has said today. He has been quick to agree with Dragmall's case against Finn, even after Finn's convincing reply, and he's quick to agree with Dragmall again after he presents his case against Erik.

While Dragmall might have been convinced earlier on, I was not and had had lingering suspicions against Finn from nearly the beginning of this ordeal as can be attested by others in private conversations. When Dragmall presented his case, this verified my previous suspicions against Finn, especially the point about his being an unsuccesful replacement investigator. As we discussed the issue further during the day thread, I was pursuaded that his claim was plausible and thus backed off to some degree. Still not convinced 100% but placated for the time being. Concerning Eric, I seem to remember there being many individuals that wanted him to make some comments and rightly so, including yourself.

While you weren't lurking in the shadows yesterday morning, you were quick to point out we should look at Day Two's voting record. Even after I suggested that the meatshield theory, which Dragmall brought forward more explicitly later, could hold some weight, you insist on looking at the Day Two votes. Moreover you seem to credit Hervi with getting Gerrid lynched even though it were Finn and the late Gofraid who led the vote against Gerrid. Hervi didn't vote for Gerrid right away after unvoting Dragmall. However, when he woke up from his nap, he realised it would either be Artemis or Gerrid. You said yesterday that you didn't understand why Hervi, if he were scum - which we now know he was - would keep Artemis (the investigator) alive over Gofraid (the vigilante). As I already said yesterday, Gofraid is a smart warrior and would figure Hervi out eventually. But why would Hervi want to keep Artemis alive on Day Two then? The events of Night Two suggest that he was trying to get Artemis to confirm him as Einherjar. Coupled with helping to lynch Gerrid, he had hoped Day Two and Night Two would establish him as the Einherjariest of Einherjar.

As has already been discussed, the meatshield theory came up after my comment and considering how easy it could have been for the scum to stop the lynch against Gerrid, I considered it unlikely and thus thought at the time that the voting record was something significant to inspect. While Finn and Gofraid might have begun the initial vote against Gerrid, at the time, my analysis of the situation was that Hervi had swinged the town around into voting for him, his habbit of doing that was indeed noted by a few of his accusers. In retrospect it is now easy to decipher what Hervi was doing in keeping Artemis alive over Gofraid, however during the time of that confusion it seemed much more probable to me that the scum would simply block Gofraid, kill Artemis (the one that could condemn them and eventually did), and then deal with Gofraid later.

Let me know if you would like some more clarification on any of these points.

Moving on, I can't say I'm privy to everything that is going on backstage and I do indeed hope for a little more transparency today. Yes I know that we need to be careful with determining what info the scum have and what they don't, but I believe we need to balance this with the consideration that many heads working towards a problem are generally better than 1 or 2 working in private.

Concerning last night, I am indeed confused as to why Finn was killed last night. He himself claimed to not have inherrited the role of the investigator, so unless the scum thought he was lying I'm left scratching my head, though this does clear some of his statements. Mainly that he did target Bergulf and that he was "woozy". Thus it would appear that anyone who targets the person that was targetted by this Prankster would feel "woozy".


The loss of three loyal Einherjar is a severe step backwards, and the loss of each of them is worrying. We were wrong about Stemid; nice guy, but he made some odd statements.

The fact that Finn was the scum's choice of kill last night is also worrying. He had been forced to explain his role in public, but he had made it very clear that he no longer had a role. I would have thought the scum would be keen to find some of the other active townies that they surely knew about thanks to Hervi, but instead they decided to go after someone who had claimed vanilla in public? That is more than odd, to my mind. I suspect the remaining scum are quite sneaky and devious, and that there is a greater pattern at work than that which we can see right now.

I shall be pondering in my Alchemistry lab, and apologies to anyone I accidentally set fire to while we were exercising this morning, but the reach of my flame-thrower is remarkably impressive, if I do say so myself.


Cranebeinn, you are awfully bipolar. I'm just saying, it's suspicious. You were one of Hervi's closest allies, had a lot to do with exposing Bergulf as the investigator to him (forgive me if I get the details wrong). Yet as Demeter, you now have not got access to the town block, whatever that may mean. I think if people had reason to be cautious of you, they'd be right. I am reading back of how you have helped us in thread, I am saying this as I read, so bear with me.

Day one:

You vote for Wilhalm, after it was made clear he had a legitimate reason to be absent. You quickly withdrew your vote after this fact was pointed out. I am sure it was an honest mistake, but was the intention you wanted actual information, or was it you trying to jump on an early and clear bandwagon against a sheep? You know what's funny? Gerrid, the Scumbo, made the same mistake. :wink: Finn the towny is suspicious of him. He responds to that suspicion with some vague statements at not standing behind his own vote. Huh.

On day two, The whole Dragmall/Hervi thing breaks loose, and so does the Artemis/Demeter thing. It's possible Hervi and Demeter, a.k.a. Cranebeinn figured this out by themselves, don't you think? Furthermore what I think is interesting, he calls himself inexperienced and uses it to not answer some questions. What? Cranebeinn, I respect you, I think you know what's going on just fine...

On day three, Cranebeinn promises to give his analyses "in a few hours", yet he never does. He comes in after we decided to lynch Hervi, and calls it "Your lynch". Huh. When called out you called yourself annoyed... I wonder why. You say you had been communicating with Hervi since the play, but should you not be communicating with him before that, in order to make it work. It again gives the atmosphere you were working together.

On day four, Cranebeinn, you make the mistake (?) of saying Hephaestus was town. As a Loki guy, you would know, wouldn't you. :wink: You furthermore try the ridiculous notion to implicate me. Funny. I have worked my way to be interesting to not be of interest for the scum to kill, and not interesting for the town to waste their actions on. I can see how that would be annoying. :purrr: (who replaced all my easy access smilies with happy ones. It's kinda funny, but I think it's a conspiracy). You earlier said you don't have much experience in these kind of situations, but you display a lot of knowledge of Hervi and his style of doing things. You try to frustrate my attempts, which can be put in a different light, if you are scum. You still want to kill Broadsword guy. I think Broadsword guy has irrefutably proven that he is helping us. Killing Eric, since he was the secondary target for lynching, is a very towny thing to do. I'm pretty sure the town as a collective would have agreed to kill him, if we would have voted about that. At the end of the day, you suddenly make the switch and agree with me, that Dragmall might be suspicious himself.

Cranebeinn, I hope you respond to this. After making up the balance, I found you suspicious, and I will vote for you when the time comes. Perhaps others can add to this with private conversation things or it's entirely possible they see things I have missed. Happy Smiley! :purrr: (because I don't have other ones.)


Cranebeinn, you are awfully bipolar. I'm just saying, it's suspicious. You were one of Hervi's closest allies, had a lot to do with exposing Bergulf as the investigator to him (forgive me if I get the details wrong). Yet as Demeter, you now have not got access to the town block, whatever that may mean. I think if people had reason to be cautious of you, they'd be right. I am reading back of how you have helped us in thread, I am saying this as I read, so bear with me.

I forgive you, for you have the details wrong. I do not know for certain, but it very likely Hervi knew about Bergulf from day one.

So I revealed nothing. Nor was I a close ally of Hervi. Yes I spoke with him and thought he was town, but he never shared much information with me. At the time I thought that was him being cautious. Now I know it was him being evasive.

Here's where I don't follow you though.

You complain that I spoke some with Hervi. Hervi turns out to be scum. Now it seems the town block doesn't trust me fully yet.

How is that chain of events strange or confusing to you?

Yes. I get that people are supicious of me. Yes, I am working on doing what I can to demonstrate my loyalty.

Day one:

You vote for Wilhalm, after it was made clear he had a legitimate reason to be absent. You quickly withdrew your vote after this fact was pointed out. I am sure it was an honest mistake, but was the intention you wanted actual information, or was it you trying to jump on an early and clear bandwagon against a sheep? You know what's funny? Gerrid, the Scumbo, made the same mistake. :wink: Finn the towny is suspicious of him. He responds to that suspicion with some vague statements at not standing behind his own vote. Huh.

Yes it was an honest mistake.

Is Gerrid's doing the same thing, yet being scum, evidence for my scuminess (must be a scum plan! Because Hervi points out it's an inattentive play) or evidence against my scumminess (how likely is it that two scum would make a mistake like that?)

And how did I respond to being called out? Vagueness? Nope. Finn called me on it on day one and I was upfront. It was a mistake.

On day two, The whole Dragmall/Hervi thing breaks loose, and so does the Artemis/Demeter thing. It's possible Hervi and Demeter, a.k.a. Cranebeinn figured this out by themselves, don't you think? Furthermore what I think is interesting, he calls himself inexperienced and uses it to not answer some questions. What? Cranebeinn, I respect you, I think you know what's going on just fine...

Is it possible day two was a front? I guess.

Does it being possible make it so? Nope.

I am sorry I missed some questions I was asked about that. Please refresh my memory and I can address them now.

Inexperienced? This is my first full gamebattle, as opposed to some who have done battle many times. Sure I was in school for while and did well. However, both schools I was a bad guy. Not exactly the best training for helping the town well.

Oh wait. Maybe that might explain some of the inconsitency you've spotted.

As for knowing what's going on... sigh. Read above.

Due to my association with Hervi mid day two, I'm not automatically trusted. So yes, I know less of what is going on.

On day three, Cranebeinn promises to give his analyses "in a few hours", yet he never does. He comes in after we decided to lynch Hervi, and calls it "Your lynch". Huh. When called out you called yourself annoyed... I wonder why.

My comments on day three were to have been based on information from Hervi. Oh, but wait. Day three raises the strong suspicion that Hervi is scum. His information can't be trusted. Oh. I have nothing to say. Is Hervi really scum? Have I been sucked in? How stupid do I look? Am I frustrated? Do I feel like I've been cut out of the game?

You say you had been communicating with Hervi since the play, but should you not be communicating with him before that, in order to make it work. It again gives the atmosphere you were working together.

I don't understand your statement here. Is it an accusation? or observation or...?

On day four, Cranebeinn, you make the mistake (?) of saying Hephaestus was town. As a Loki guy, you would know, wouldn't you. :wink: You furthermore try the ridiculous notion to implicate me. Funny. I have worked my way to be interesting to not be of interest for the scum to kill, and not interesting for the town to waste their actions on. I can see how that would be annoying. :purrr: (who replaced all my easy access smilies with happy ones. It's kinda funny, but I think it's a conspiracy). You earlier said you don't have much experience in these kind of situations, but you display a lot of knowledge of Hervi and his style of doing things. You try to frustrate my attempts, which can be put in a different light, if you are scum. You still want to kill Broadsword guy. I think Broadsword guy has irrefutably proven that he is helping us. Killing Eric, since he was the secondary target for lynching, is a very towny thing to do. I'm pretty sure the town as a collective would have agreed to kill him, if we would have voted about that. At the end of the day, you suddenly make the switch and agree with me, that Dragmall might be suspicious himself.


Yes. Saying Hephastus is town was a mistake.

It's a mistake because last night it was made clear the scum know I am Hephastus the inventor.

But saying that I know Hephastus rather than claiming directly in thread merely confuses others like you.

So, my knowledge about the inventor's allegiance is not evidence of my scumminess.

As for not trusting you, are you surprised? You admit that your play style is abrasive. I have tried to respond to all the points you have raised, but it is difficult to work out what you are attempting to do.

You say I frustrate your attempts (to play for town I assume) but this is just a difference of playing styles perhaps?

You have pointed out that Hervi gave out a lot of true information amongst the false, the true consisted mainly of statements like 'I played this way in game X, I was town there, I am town now'.

As for keeping the killer around, one of my lessons which I believe you were a part of, I argued for keeping the serial killer in that game, believing his agenda could be used to our advantage. I was wrong. And I have learnt that lesson. I agree that the killer did the town's work last night. And that with 13 Einherjar still around, we can afford whittle the numbers more. Hmm. Do you think this observation could be the crux of the disagreement between Dragmall and I? Could that be why I 'turned' on him and expressed mild suspicion at the end of yesterday?.

Cranebeinn, I hope you respond to this. After making up the balance, I found you suspicious, and I will vote for you when the time comes. Perhaps others can add to this with private conversation things or it's entirely possible they see things I have missed. Happy Smiley! :purrr: (because I don't have other ones.)

Here is my response. Your suspicions are your own and so is your vote. Sensible heads have assured me that you are trustworthy and that my antipathy to you is unfounded. Hopefully the same people will communicate the same message to you.


You are Hephaestus now? Yeah right. You are Demeter. Do we have evidence to prove you are in fact the inventor? Let's hear it guys? It's awfully quiet, don't you think? Why would Hervi give you TWO nicknames. Answer, he wouldn't.

You can answer my legitimate suspicions with faked misunderstanding and mockery, but all it does is condemn you. Bye bye.


To a certain extent, I find my son less suspicious because of his interactions with Hervi. He failed to vote on the day Hervi was lynched, and if he were really scum I would think that he would want to distance himself as much from Hervi as possible, as the bandwagon was already hot against him. Even his vote against Wilhalm, although poorly placed would be a really odd thing to do if both he and Gerrid were scum, unless of course, he placed his vote conveniently to distance himself from the Danr bandwagon, and then his scum buddy mindlessly went along with him, but I'm not too sure about this. Of course, it could be that they were just using reverse of reverse psychology and thought that we would assume what I just assumed and thus acted as they did, but I doubt this.

I think it's entirely possible that he is both Demeter and Hephaestus and the names were used separately in an attempt to hide his identity...

Got to run, more coming...


I would still very much like to know what proof you have available for us to know that you truly are the inventor, son. You never struck me as being particularly good with your hands. :look:

I would also like to call out Wilhalm who, although I understand his silence on the first day that this whole affair began, has been persistently very quiet throughout the subsequent days.

Furthermore, where has everyone gone off today? Meditating on our wrong lynch?

Forgive my absence, I was exhausted after yesterday.


You are Hephaestus now? Yeah right. You are Demeter. Do we have evidence to prove you are in fact the inventor? Let's hear it guys? It's awfully quiet, don't you think? Why would Hervi give you TWO nicknames. Answer, he wouldn't.

We do actually. He gave a bulletproof vest to Finn on night one, which Finn confirmed. So we know he has an inventor action. The question is, does that make him a townie?

I suspect he was certainly a townie to begin with. What I am most worried about is conversion, which could easily have happened on night two, when he claims to have given an item to the departed Gofraid. Since then, he has had very "bad luck" with his ability. He attempted to give an item to Wilhalm on night three, which I found an odd choice, and was apparently unsuccessful, which made him think he was blocked. However, I know the scum blocker blocked another action that night, and I know who the town blocker targeted, so unless there is a third blocker that can't be right. Last night he was successful in targeting me, but his action had no effect. Apparently he has a 30% chance of giving nothing, along side his other actions.

With that pattern in mind, and all the various points that have been raised against him completely aside from his abilities at night, there is certainly a case here. I do suspect that if there are only one or two scum left, they would want to quickly claim a "helpful" action in an attempt to hide in plain sight, dissuading us from looking into them. Of course, Cranebeinn was the inventor on night one, so his roleclaim is certainly correct. This is a problem.

But, was he perhaps converted? I have had another person claim to me that they are the rolecop, and one of their findings was that Hervi had some kind of conversion role. Was Crainebeinn perhaps converted on night 2?

Lots of questions there, but it is a starting place, let's get talking people. Thoughts?


Okay, the fact that you say Finn had confirmed him to handing out an inventor like action is the first thing that breaks off my case. Odd to call it a bulletproof vest though, does that mean he passed it on or could pass it on? And odd that Finn's now dead and no one can confirm it except what you say...

The fact that her actions are mysteriously unsuccesful with no logical reason does not speak for her. I have never heard of someone that had an action that had a 30% failure rate. That could mean that her action in theory is never succesful. There is just no way that sort of thing would be possible. I don't buy the story.

I would not trust that role cop if he or she is still alive, they usually lie, and I wonder why we haven't heard that fact sooner. I don't know about conversion, I really don't.


What was the first thing I said day three?

Hephastus was blocked last night.


I am Hephastus and was reporting with certainty about what happened to me, but reporting as if I was not Hephastus in order to not reveal definitely to the scum that I am the inventor.


I am reporting on someone else who is Hephastus. If so, surely there'd be a reason they'd trust me.


The whole thing is made up. But how do you explain that Finn confirmed that I did do what I said I do?

Which is it?

The fact that her actions are mysteriously unsuccesful with no logical reason does not speak for her. I have never heard of someone that had an action that had a 30% failure rate. That could mean that her action in theory is never succesful. There is just no way that sort of thing would be possible. I don't buy the story.

No way that sort of thing would be possible. You speak like the all knowing All-Father. We've already had the story of an investigator that investigates by comparing two targets (must be a bus-driver, that's the only role that targets two!) An inheritor that must target the investigator to become 'live' (surely that's made up. And convienently removed that same night too!). Is what I'm saying really so beyond the ways of Odin? Really?

Oh, wait. Does my action not working frustrate you? It bugs the hel out of me. Maybe that's why I'm a bit snappish first thing on a new day...

As for conversion...

OK. Left field.

How do I even answer an accusation like that?

Let's look at the nights. Typically conversion is done instead of a kill.

But there have been two kills each night.

One for the scum, one for the town. When is this conversion meant to have happened?

Can we politely ask for the role-cop's identity? It's a damn sight more suspicious role claim than a verified claim of inventor.


With that pattern in mind, and all the various points that have been raised against him completely aside from his abilities at night, there is certainly a case here. I do suspect that if there are only one or two scum left, they would want to quickly claim a "helpful" action in an attempt to hide in plain sight, dissuading us from looking into them. Of course, Cranebeinn was the inventor on night one, so his roleclaim is certainly correct. This is a problem.

But, was he perhaps converted? I have had another person claim to me that they are the rolecop, and one of their findings was that Hervi had some kind of conversion role. Was Crainebeinn perhaps converted on night 2?

Lots of questions there, but it is a starting place, let's get talking people. Thoughts?

Why would Crainebeinn have been converted on night 2? If anything, it would probably have been night one, no? If it's true, and from experience it does seem to generally be that way, that the scum cannot convert and kill on the same night, then the only opportunity for him to have been converted was night one when there were two kills, but three killers alive (that is, assuming that "the Foog" really was a vigilante).

I don't know about this role-cop fellow. If it's true that's great, but it's not too likely that Odin would have granted us two investigator-type people and we already had Bergulf. Furthermore, if Hervi was the godfather (who, I believe, is generally the only one who can convert :look: ), would the role-cop really see him as having a converting ability? :sceptic:

Also, what is this bulletproof vest all about? Did it protect Finn for just that night, or was it a more permanent deal? If permanent, how did he die? Another thing, why did you give it to Finn on night one. He don't think he seemed one of the more "Townie" people of our lot, nor would he be a likely Night One kill.


Can we politely ask for the role-cop's identity? It's a damn sight more suspicious role claim than a verified claim of inventor.

I agree with you that Role Cop is a suspicious claim, and more typically a scum role, but I'm surprised that you have given no justification for the choice of your targets at night.

Also, if Dragmall is sure that someone else was blocked by the scum blocker on Night 3, he or you could be lying, or we have three blockers (which doesn't sound very likely), a jailkeeper, or someone with a one-shot blocker action (e.g., a jack-of-all-trades).

Why would Crainebeinn have been converted on night 2? If anything, it would probably have been night one, no? If it's true, and from experience it does seem to generally be that way, that the scum cannot convert and kill on the same night, then the only opportunity for him to have been converted was night one when there were two kills, but three killers alive (that is, assuming that "the Foog" really was a vigilante).

To my understanding we've seen the same two killers every night. But it's not unheard of for the scum to have a limited-shot dedicated converter. If Dragmall's Role Cop is telling the truth that seems to be the case here. Let's hope they didn't get a chance to use their conversion, but given their losses by Day Two (the scum knew they lynched one of their own), I doubt they didn't use it before Hervi got lynched.

He don't think he seemed one of the more "Townie" people of our lot, nor would he be a likely Night One kill.

According to Cranebeinn "Hephastus" trusted Hervi, so wouldn't it have made more sense to give him an invention on Night One?


Alright so the point I'm getting caught up on is the claim of 3 blocked individuals on night 3.

-Cranebeinn claims to have been blocked when targetting Wilhalm.

-Finn claims to have been blocked on that night as well and if my understanding is correct from everything going on behind the scenes it was by the town blocker,

-Finally Dragmall knows other individual whom the scum blocked on night 3, as do I.

Unless we actually have 3 blockers (not impossible, but unlikely) someone is lying.

Also, what is this bulletproof vest all about? Did it protect Finn for just that night, or was it a more permanent deal? If permanent, how did he die? Another thing, why did you give it to Finn on night one. He don't think he seemed one of the more "Townie" people of our lot, nor would he be a likely Night One kill.

Bulletproof vest from my understanding vary in their complexity. Sometimes they may be passed from one player to another other times not, sometimes they are only good for 1 night other times they last for the entirity of a battle. If the vest is from an inventor, it is usually only usable for one night of the wearer's choice. The fact that he gave Finn a vest to me show that at least for the first night and even the second, he was on the side of the town, as no scum would probably pass on the opportunity to give their team an advantage, as for the further nights, I have a feeling most of this is conjecture about a conversion without any substantial proof.

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