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Once the sun has risen, the chosen heroes meet up at the entrance of the hall and set out.


Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz) *Immune to Sealed* *Party Leader* (Forgot to note so in the chosen heroes post :blush:)

Level 17.5 Sorcerer

Power: 29

Health: 27/27

Ether: 27/27

Defense: 3

Gold: 0

Equipment: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Darkness elemental), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.)


Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7; 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Ancient Crown (First successful strike of battle deals Cursed effect, borrowed from Atramor Gibbin), Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning(Grants target’s weapon the badly poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Grand Tonic, Holy Bomb, Remedy, Nostrum


De'kra (played by Tanma) *Immune to Enamored* *Immune to Confused*

Level: 19 Assassin

Power: 26

Health: 30/30

Defense: 1

Gold: 28

Equipment: Kapura (WP:7, Fire), Cloak of the Blue Assassin(SP: 1), Heart Locket(Protects from enamored effect and confused effect)

Inventory: Chiara (WP:7, Electricity), Shadeaux Dagger(WP:5), Fauxthril Hand Cannon(WP:7), Cloak of the Elven Spy, Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Magic Compass, Potions (10), Grand Potions (3), Remedy (3), Phoenic Essence (3), Smoke Bombs (2), Dirt Bomb, Ice Bomb


Thalion Dwinlas (played by -obelix-)

Level 5 Mage

Power: 8

Health: 9/9

Ether: 9/9

Defense: 1

Gold: 4

Equipment: Dagger (WP:3), Leather Cap (SP:1)

Inventory: Ruby (Fire), Opal (Ice), 2 Potions, Bedroll


Barur Thormek (played by Aveal the black sheep)

Level 9 Cleric

Power: 13

Health: 17/17

Ether: 13/13

Defense: 1

Gold: 139

Equipment: Rune Staff (WP: 4), Robe of the Magi (SP: 1)

Inventory: Topaz (Lightning), Ruby (Fire), Potion, Remedy, 2 Venoms, 5 Bones, Bedroll

Aveal, please tell me if anything here isn't right (that goes for all of you). When you have a chance, you need to make a post in the Statistics Topic with everything in this format. :thumbup:

They weave in an out of buildings and shops, most of which are just beginning to open up. As they near the docks, the Town Guard and the Bonaparte patrols wandering around seem to get more frequent, and the architecture appears rather aged. Soon enough, they reach the alleyway they've been directed to. The man who'd posted the quest in the hall stands in a dark corner, and beckons the heroes forth.



"Ah, good, good. My name is Chalvo Erith - I am the assistant overseer of transportation and shipping operations within the Ji Pei. I assume you're the heroes I requisitioned from the hall...?"

You've got around 24 hours to confirm and everything before we really set off, but feel free to talk with Chalvo or eachother. Make any last minute purchases before posting here, please. :classic: Also, I promise this is just the second worst picture in the Quest, it gets better. :grin:

Edited by CallMePie

IC: De'kra dipped his head in greeting, glad to finally begin a quest for the Ji Pei. It would take three successful adventures with them to achieve a solid relationship, but he would do it. As De'kra felt the balance of Kapura, he waited around for the rest of the party. As he waited, his mind cleared enough to create concern. Carefully he looked about, hoping to see Arthur.

Thalion arrived shortly after De'kra. "Master Chalvo, my name is Thalion Dwinlas. It is nice to meet you. Could you tell us a bit about what we are dealing with here?" Turning towards fellow heroes Thalion spotted De'kra: "Hello master De'kra. Looks like we'll be sharing another adventure. Hopefully there will be no archdemons this time. :classic: "

OOC: My character's stats look good.

  • Author


"I'll wait for your fellow heroes to arrive before giving you the picture in its unconcealed entirety, but I suppose it could not do much harm as to enlighten you a little further, Mister Dwinlas.

What we're dealing with here is the likely theft of valuable, volatile, and quite possibly vicious Ji Pei machinery. The circumstances are too odd, and we were very careful in ensuring it wasn't lost in a simple shipping mishap...our primary suspect is the Bonapartes. The only things separating our shipment and its destination is the sea and the Eubric docks. Not unreasonable to think the...xenophobic mariners are behind it."

He rolls his eyes slightly, and glances out the mouth of the alleyway. Whether he's looking for a glimpse of the other heroes or checking for eavesdroppers, Thalion and De'kra can't tell.

Edited by CallMePie

IC: De'kra nodded in understanding at Chalvo. "I appreciate being allow on this quest," he clicked, "While we wait, could you tell we little about Xi, the house of Ji Pei, and the aoi? Heroica records are lacking in the subject, and I excite to know more."

Hearing this, Thalion nodded in approval: "That might not be a bad idea while we wait for others. I too am interested in learning about the Ji Pei; if that is not much to ask..."

  • Author


"I can't tell you all too much, few of the Ji Pei house have even seen Xu. I, regretfully, am among them. The Ji Pei are ambassadors from there, primarily to bring the technological wonders of the east here and to merge sophistication with this society. The aoi are the natives of Xu, a brilliant race that unfortunately is dwindling in this day and age, but their deep, vast knowledge on such fantastic devices is unmatched. The only members of their kind here in Eubric are the great Lady Shanxian and her son, Jun.

I can tell you that the realm is foreign in ways beyond any and all of our reckonings."

Edited by CallMePie

Arthur steps forward briskly. "Apologies, I ran into Barur again on the way here, we discussed making one final purchase before we set off. He should be along in just a moment. Arthur Justus Regulus VII, Sorcerer of Heroica," he says by way of introduction. Arthur looks around, at his fellow Heroes; they all seemed reasonably well-equipped, that was good. He was determined that his first full party leadership would go better than his short stint in Dastan. His eye falls on Thalion's rather dull dagger, and he frowns. "De'kra, would you mind lending Thalion here your Shadeaux Dagger for a while? I'd prefer we be at as full strength as possible." Allowing his gaze to continue on to his employer, Arthur notes Erith's nervousness. "Is something wrong, sir?"

  • Author


"I'm concerned that we're standing mere feet away from the Bonaparte's domain while I'm briefing you about your job, but it's only being careful."

Edited by CallMePie

"If you'd like, I could keep an eye out while we wait for Barur." Arthur pulls out his Telescope and looks carefully around to see if he can spot any Bonaparte Spies and/or patches of loose earth.

  • Author

Arthur spots a couple of loose cobblestones amongst literally millions lining the ground to form a street, if that's what he means. :tongue: A few of the passerby give him odd looks as he points his telescope across the street. He sees several obvious Bonapartes in uniform pass by, patrolling, but they don't seem too interested in the heroes or Chalvo.

Edited by CallMePie

IC: De'kra nodded at Arthur's request, and handed over the Shadeaux Dagger. As he gave away the tool, he clicked, "Arthur, we not have time to talk back at hall. How was your quest? I was...fuzzy."

"A pleasure to meet you master Arthur. I am Thalion Dwinlas, a mage. As for the equipment, I wouldn't mind borrowing something more powerful then my dagger at least for a while, until we, hopefully, find something more suitable I can call my own and wield."

Thalion nodded in gratitude to De'kra as he received the Shadeaux Dagger and equipped it.

"Ah, perfect!" Arthur puts away his Telescope but then pulls out his shovel and digs up the loose cobblestones while he talks.

  On 11/17/2012 at 10:23 PM, Tanma said:

IC: De'kra nodded at Arthur's request, and handed over the Shadeaux Dagger. As he gave away the tool, he clicked, "Arthur, we not have time to talk back at hall. How was your quest? I was...fuzzy."

"We traveled to Ennon, and learned the full history of Wren. It was...surprisingly close to my own. It seemed as if the gods themselves were stunned by the similarities." Arthur pauses to wipe the sweat from his brow, then continues. "Several years ago, she departed to Ennon with a full party of Heroes, seeking after the Amulet of Gods, a powerful device that lets one summon a god to the mortal plane--though with terrible consequences. Anyway, Wren conspired with Roderick, the Knight of the party and a Hinckwell, to betray and destroy the rest of the party--this sword was his, actually. You see, on one of her first Quests as a Hero, Wren, Roderick, and a Cleric Hero who calls himself the Gray Wizard found a Temple of Zoot beneath the city of Eubric while exploring the sewers. The Gray Wizard refused to go in, but both Wren and roderick did, and both recieved visions from Zoot. As a result, they decided to take the Amulet of Gods for themselves, to summon Zoot and destroy him. Roderick was ruthless, wishing to kill the rest of the party, but Wren's compassion won out, and she was able to seal most of them away, though one was devoured by a foul undead apparation from the Splinter of Ennoc that had been summoned by the Amulet hundreds of years ago and one was attacked and nearly killed by a rudimentary Chaos Beast that Roderick forced Wren to summon. But that's besides the point. When Roderick and Wren reached the Eye of Ennoc, she turned on him, as she wanted to summon Zoot but not destroy him, because she wanted to experience the beauty of Chaos forever. After she took Roderick down, she found that the Last General of Ennoc, who had tried to use the amulet to summon Ennoc to destroy the Orcish armies in the valley hundreds of years ago, had been posessed by the mere Splinter of Ennoc he had summoned, a Splinter that had gone insane during that time. While the General regained control of his body for a moment, Wren left Roderick to him and fled. Anyhow, once we got back to the Valley, we fought a bunch of the Splinter of Ennoc's foul abominations, freed Wren's old party, and eventually beat down Roderick and the Last General, who were both posessed by the Splinter. Once we beat down the Splinter, Sasha, one of the party members, sacrificed herself to remove the Amulet, resulting in the death of her, Roderick, and the Last General. That's when Wren swooped in and took the Amulet." Arthur's lips pursed; the Lady's words to him still rankled. "And then we came back to Eubric, and I blew a bunch of Gold on all this fancy gear you see." Arthur indicates his new Scrolls, as well as the Lens he kept safely of a padded inner pocket. "So how about you? I ran into this really grumpy Raider in the Library, who brought--" Arthur stopped himself suddenly, but recovered quickly. "...who brought word that some of the Veterans fought alongside the Heroes on a Quest. Was that your Quest, by any chance? What were they like? And what was your Quest about, anyway? Byblos has been--sorry, hasn't been keeping up the Quest records like he normally does." Arthur's thoughts drift momentarily to the Metasimian, but he tries not to let it show.

  • Author

Arthur digs up a few cobblestones, demonstrating Eubric's poor infrastructure and lack of treasure.

Arthur picks up the stones and stores them in his pack. Who knows? These might come in handy later.

OOC: I already miss Avengers Academy, it was the only comic book I read from start to finish, and the only series I followed aside from the ultimate marvel universe. Sorry for off topic comment, but I need to express my loss.

IC: De'kra stared briefly at Arthur's loot urges, before he clicked, "Quest is...fuzzy. Things start to come back now, but I felt really...weird. It...it-I not like how to felt. I never like how that felt. Never! ...Right, Quest. Well we travel to poorer districts of Eubric to meet quest giver, when we came upon rioters striking against Bonapartes. Bulk of us group went to slaughter mob, while some felt like it would be wrong to attack them. I stay out of most of fight, though I help once the only rioters standing were the mob leaders. Less unethical then, though I did feel urge to join mob. Not fond of house structure. After we collected Quest giver, we visi her people, the Norns. Then we enter old house, and we come under attack by spiders. I never want to talk about that. Ever. After the...things were purge, memory get more fuzzy. Group met dragon, who point group along way. Then we encounter Archdemon as I said earlier, along with undead Ziegfried and other undead, including the quest givers friend. We won, though two of us went miss for time. After that we learn Quest giver's friend always was undead, and we return to hall. Oh, and apparently we met the Veterans in our travels, though we only learn that later."

OOC: I understand. :wink:

"So wait, you were involved with the riots in the Hovels? Even after I returned to the Hall, there were rumors of a great massacre there. So many poor fools lost...it is a pity Heroica had to be involved at all, but it seems we are the only beings on this planet capable of accomplishing anything at all these days..." Arthur decides not to bring up the debate on the House structure, seeing that their employer was standing nearby--best not to risk someone saying something that might upset him. "I must admit, though, I'm somewhat confused--did you say a Zeigfried had summoned an archdemon? I thought Zed Zeigfried was killed some time before I joined Heroica, by the archdemon Abraxas? Or did you have to face Abraxas to rescue the Zeigfrieds? How did your group come into contact with the Zeigfrieds, anyway, was your employer a friend of theirs?" A look of concern crossed Arthur's face--normally he and De'kra communicated much more clearly, more clearly than most Heroes, in fact. The sudden change, the lack of clarity, both worried Arthur. I hope this is not an ill omen of things to come, he thought. I must keep the party united.

Troubled by his thoughts, Arthur turned to Thalion. "Forgive my rudeness, master elf, I have allowed my personal concerns to usurp my manners. I don't recall seeing your face around the Hall, have you joined Heroica recently? Are you, by chance, an acquaintance of the Cleric Nerwen Calmcacil?" Arthur remembers his mistreatment of the Elf back in Dastan. He hopes she doesn't, or that if she does she had accepted his apology and would no longer hold it against him. Many, many mistakes...care must be taken not to make more.

"No need to apologize master Arthur, but what is it that concerns you? I do not mean to pry if it is personal, but if it is something I can help, please tell... But to answer your questions, I am indeed rather new to Heroica, though I have walked the forests, rivers and mountains of our small domain for more then two centuries... Yes, I do know wise Nerwen, we met on our previous quest, the one master De'kra was telling you about. Whats more, she helped me and thought me much in a short time we've spent together and I consider her a friend. Why do you ask? Do you know her?" Thalion was silent for a moment. "If I may add to master De'kra's story, indeed one of the Ziegfrieds has summoned a demon, but it was Sycamore Ziegfried, and the demon was Mephisto. Our employer was a small Nôrn girl who had lost her friend, a zombie boy. I do not think she knew anything about the Ziegfrieds. There is still something peculiar about that boy though; he was with the undead army when we found him but seeing the girl, he didn't fight us even with the necromancer present. Still, we had to fight Sycamore and her army to free the boy. Then most of us attacked Mephisto and banished him back to Azazot. Sadly two of our friends were devoured by the demon, and we feared we may have lost them. But wise Nerwen kept the hopes up for all of us and eventually we found them alive and well. After all that was over, we saw the girl and her friend home, brought the remains of Sycamore to the Ziegfried family and let them know of her fate."

OOC: I apologize for the weird phrasing of what I am about to say, I can't seem to find the right words to describe what Arthur is doing. Hopefully you'll recognize it from personal experience, I'm sure most of us have done this at one time or another. :wink:

Arthur smiles, seemingly dismissing his own concern. "Worry not. It is simply my own personal, irrational fears coming to light. The last time I led a party...well, things were very different, and I was operating with a distinct lack of information. This is not Dastan; hopefully this time, our employer's affairs will not intersect with those of other Heroes." Though I would not put it past the higher powers; the universe has seemed to favor those sort of occurences lately. "Still, it's best if we remain vigilant, just in case." Arthur nodded understandingly at the mention of Nerwen. "Nerwen is an acquaintance from the time I mentioned--in fact, I believe she Quested alongside De'kra here at that time as well." Arthur chuckled, masking his regrets well. "I saw her briefly in the Hall before we departed, and thought she might have been the one to recruit you to the ranks of our organization, or perhaps that the two of you were kin. Forgive me for prying, I was merely indulging my own pointless curiosity. You'll find I have a tendency toward the acquisition of knowledge, almost obsessively so at times."

Arthur stroked his stubble, completing one slow nod as Thalion filled in some of the gaps in the tale of Quest 44. His head jerked up suddenly as the elf mentioned Azazot. "Azazot? The demon this woman summoned was bound to the service of Zoot?" Arthur's brow creased thoughtfully. "I wonder...where exactly did you say you found this demon?" The Sorcerer shakes his head dismissively. "That's not particularly important--I assume you demolished the place just to be safe? Yes, I can see by your face that you did. Very well. Sycamore, you said? If I recall the records of the Library correctly, she was the late wife of the late Zed Zeigfried. One of Heroica's earliest Quests involved a team of Heroes entering Zeigfried Manor and discovering that Zed Zeigfried had summoned a different demon: Abraxas, archdemon of pride." Arthur bowed his head for a moment. "I wonder if Abraxas, too, bows to Zoot, or if husband and wife found themselves on opposite sides of a demonic dispute. Did you uncover any records that might indicate Abraxas' allegiance?"

Arthur turns to Chalvo. "But I'm sure you find our ramblings on old war stories quite dull. Do you have any tales of your own? I'm sure working for the Ji Pei is a most fascinating experience, especially given the enigmatic rumors of your House's mechanical constructs..."

  • Author

Chalvo is seemingly baffled by the talks of demons, Ziegfrieds, and zombie children.


"I...suppose you've all had some experience, then. Exceptional."

"I don't have many tales to tell; at least, none that would interest heroes such as yourselves. I rarely deal with the construction of the fantastic devices the house comes up with, I'm far more involved with how and where these contraptions get to the places they're meant to go. The worst I've dealt with yet are pirates. Doubtless the machinery being shipped would be worth quite a bit on the black market."

He frowns at Arthur's last comment.

"I don't know where you've heard such rumors, but...you may soon find them less than enigmatic."

Arthur chuckles. "A bit of advice, friend: if ever you need to learn of a rumor, send someone to spend ten minutes in Heroica Hall. Rumors there travel faster than a Sharkling running from a dentist." Turning his attention to the task at hand, he asks, "Pirates, eh? You don't suppose they might complicate matters for us, do you?"

Edited by Flipz

Thalion nodded, "I see. No, no it was not Nerwen that brought me to Heroica, it was the next step that was expected of me, after graduating from the mage academy in Gris. We are kin, if by that you mean we are both of the elvish people so we have the same ancestral roots, but we were born and raised in different domains so we had no contact until we met here. But I have to say I am really glad that happened. And as far as your tendency to acquire knowledge goes, I know what you mean. Do not forget I am a mage too. In fact I would have some questions for you about that, but that can wait. Back to our last adventure, I can not tell you who bound the demons to the dark, forsaken temple we found beneath Eubric. I can, however, tell you that there were three seals there, Abraxsas's which was already broken when we got there; Mephisto's which the Ziegfried necromancer, who I do believe was the one you recalled, broke before they attacked us, and Merilith's which was untouched. And we made sure it stayed that way. Unfortunately, we did not have the means to raze the temple but with the help of the dragon, I am sure you've heard of her too, the entrance to the temple was sealed. We found no records of Abraxas or other Ziegfrieds, apart from the demon's broken seal."

Hearing the last comment Arthur made, Thalion nodded several times in approval, "It is true. I could not believe how fast rumors travel in the Hall of Heroica... And they spread like wildfire too. And, as a student of history, I find that most disturbing. People should listen to facts more, not conjure up their own versions of truth."

Edited by -obelix-

The dwarf rushed in at last "My apologizes as Arthur I had to return to the Marketplace, and you know how busy it is there these days.If we are all here, let's hear it out Chalvo Erith"

  • Author


"No. The journey was hardly long enough for the shipment to run into any pirates, and once this other hero shows up, I'll exp- ah, there he is. Brilliant."

Chalvo nods towards Barur.

"Now I can give you the full picture."

"As you should very well know, the Ji Pei are at the pinnacle of technological advancement in the area. A few months ago, we received an order for one of our state-of-the-art fully-automized automatons. Development took place at the Tritech Company complex, they handle the manufacturing of devices so exquisite. It was completed not too long ago, and a ship was contracted to convey it and its assembly diagrams to Eubric. We do, of course, have other means of transporting things here....but means far too majestic for something as menial as a delivery...Though, in hindsight, that would've saved quite a bit of trouble..."

"The ship, the Wavebreaker, never seemed to have arrived in Eubric. It certainly should not have taken more than a day to reach port, and the crew was supposed to bring the shipment straight to Ji Pei Palace for me to deliver to the customer. Now, I've been looking into this for quite some time. If they simply took off with the automaton, or if it was raided by privateers, they wouldn't be caught dead coming back to Eubric....if that's the case, I fear that trying to find the ship among thousands in the known world is almost pointless...I do, however, my suspicions as to what may have happened to it. The docks here are controlled by the Bonapartes. There are several harbormasters, and as far as I can tell, every single one served with them at some point. It's...possible, if the ship did actually arrive, that the cargo may have been confiscated. The Bonapartes have no respect for those outside of their ill-advised system, as recent events in the local Hovels do so attest to. They have a deep-seated mistrust for our house."

"It's the only lead we have, unless we start scouring the entire ocean."

He turns, gesturing down the other end of the alley, through which the heroes can see wooden piers and ships.

"That is where the docks really begins. This building we're standing behind is one of the harbormaster offices; this one would’ve been overseeing the dock the Wavebreaker was scheduled to arrive at. If there's any record of where the cargo may have went - and I little doubt there is, we could elaborate on the shortcomings of the Bonapartes all day, but being disorganized isn't one of them - that's where it would be found. I have no qualms about how you get inside, I assure you, but if you take a more diplomatic approach, do not implicate the Ji Pei. You would be only stoking the flames between us and them. If you manage to find any records that may have something to do with it, bring it back to me. Any inquiries?"



Arthur Justus Regulus VII (played by Flipz) *Immune to Sealed* *Party Leader* (Forgot to note so in the chosen heroes post :blush:)

Level 17.5 Sorcerer

Power: 29

Health: 27/27

Ether: 27/27

Defense: 3

Gold: 0

Equipment: Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Darkness elemental), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to Sealed), Lens of Speed Reading (Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users.)


Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7; 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics), Healing Staff (WP:5; heals instead of damaging), Ancient Crown (First successful strike of battle deals Cursed effect, borrowed from Atramor Gibbin), Opal (Ice), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Diamond (Light), Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Armor Sundering (Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success), Scroll of Poisoning(Grants target’s weapon the badly poisoned effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether), Scroll of Luck (Grants target the lucky-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.), Grand Tonic, Holy Bomb, Remedy, Nostrum, 3 Cobblestones


De'kra (played by Tanma) *Immune to Enamored* *Immune to Confused*

Level: 19 Assassin

Power: 26

Health: 30/30

Defense: 1

Gold: 28

Equipment: Kapura (WP:7, Fire), Cloak of the Blue Assassin(SP: 1), Heart Locket(Protects from enamored effect and confused effect)

Inventory: Chiara (WP:7, Electricity), Shadeaux Dagger(WP:5, loaned to Thalion Dwinlas), Fauxthril Hand Cannon(WP:7), Cloak of the Elven Spy, Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Magic Compass, Potions (10), Grand Potions (3), Remedy (3), Phoenic Essence (3), Smoke Bombs (2), Dirt Bomb, Ice Bomb


Thalion Dwinlas (played by -obelix-)

Level 5 Mage

Power: 10

Health: 9/9

Ether: 9/9

Defense: 1

Gold: 4

Equipment: Shadeuax Dagger (WP: 5, borrowed from De'kra), Leather Cap (SP:1)

Inventory: Ruby (Fire), Opal (Ice), 2 Potions, Bedroll, Dagger (WP: 3)


Barur Thormek (played by Aveal the black sheep)

Level 9 Cleric

Power: 13

Health: 17/17

Ether: 13/13

Defense: 1

Gold: 109

Equipment: Rune Staff (WP: 4), Robe of the Magi (SP: 1)

Inventory: Topaz (Lightning), Ruby (Fire), Potion, Remedy, 2 Venoms, 5 Bones, Bedroll, 2 Tonics

Edited by CallMePie

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