December 29, 201212 yr That comic was a little confusing. I had to navigate to the right slide. But anyway, that was more bologna. I shall get revenge for your insults to the incredible Redcoats!
December 29, 201212 yr Someone just has too much free time Great comic again AC, funny story! The arrows help a lot, though there is still some confusion around! The problem this time is (at least for me) that the crab does't appear to be a slide-separator. Of course when you get that its very easy to follow. I wonder, perhaps you are still in time for asking a couple more jars for Christmas? At this pace there won't be any jar-heads left till the end of TOR, and it would be a pity if you had to stop this wonderful collection for lack of space
December 30, 201212 yr Another classic, and entertaining comic for all to enjoy! Definitely hit a home run! Chelsea Bluecoats All The Way!
December 30, 201212 yr and antoher messy one ;) The arrows do help a bit and there's an arrow missing from bottom left to upper middle picture. The huge crab is also a bit odd - don't understand it's purpose. But I do like the story of this one! It's the best of your headhunting dreams you've had so far ...
December 31, 201212 yr and antoher messy one ;) The arrows do help a bit and there's an arrow missing from bottom left to upper middle picture. The huge crab is also a bit odd - don't understand it's purpose. But I do like the story of this one! It's the best of your headhunting dreams you've had so far ... Dreams can sometimes come true...
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