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-NOTICE: The following forum is for members who have been chosen for this quest. If you would like to play and haven't joined, head over to the Discussion and Rules Forum to find out how-

The Party:

8166070567_0eaa8039b6_t.jpgStigveladi ("Amma") Kötturin (PsyKater) *Party Leader*

247 years old dwarven Mage (f)

Level 7

Power: 10 (Lvl 7 + WP 3)

Health: 12/12 (Base 4 + Lvl 7 + Cat Statuette 1)

Ether: 11/11 (Base 4 + Lvl 7)

Gold: 8

Equipment: Dwarven Broomstick (WP: 3), Cat Statuette (+1 HP)

Inventory: Fragment of an Opal (Gem; Ice), Scroll of Inspiration, Bedroll, Potion, Tonic (2x)

Heroica01.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)

Automaton male, Ranger

Level 4

Power: 10 (Level 4 + WP: 5 + Artifact boost: 1)

Defense: 0

Health: 9/9 (base HP: 6 + Level bonus: 3)

Gold: 25

Equipment: Eminus (WP: 5; bow), Ranger's Quiver (WP+1; backwear)

Inventory: Bow (WP: 4; bow), Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Venom, Potion x4, Holy Bomb x3


Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious. (emjajoas)

Age: Unknown. Presumably mid twenties.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Class: Ranger.

Level 3

Power: 6

Health: 8/8

Gold: 5

Equipment: Bow(WP:5), Ranger's Quiver (+1 WP to all Bows/Crossbows)

Inventory: Smoke bomb, Grating Stone, Nostrum, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Potion x5, Remedy x3.


Heckz Brutenhal (Eric-Su)

32 year old male Mage.

Level: 1

Power: 4

Health: 5

Ether: 5

Gold: 5

Equipment: Cheap Wand (WP 3)

Inventory: Opal (Ice), Bedroll


Zoltan (LTPro)

22 Year Old Male Human Knight

Level 1

Power: 4

Defense: 2

Health: 10/10

Gold: 10

Equipment: Shield (SP: 2), Longsword (WP: 3)

Inventory: Potion

The party arrives at the Eubric Cemetery around late afternoon, the sun still in sky. At the East end of the cemetery is the Way's End Church, an old building with a protruding bell tower over the front entrance.


It seems as if there's no one in at the moment. It's rather peaceful at this point in time. Few pedestrians are out and about, and the sound of birds can be heard on the breeze. On the side of the road a horse drawn cart waits with no driver. The wagon is loaded with two coffins, both laying side by side. The horse waits about, a lazy look in her eyes.



OOC: Wilkommen! For some of you, this will be your first quest. Let me give you a basic run down of how interacting out of battle works. If there is someone you wish to talk to, or something you wish to exam or interact with, simply bold your desired move, like so! Give it a try with the few objects I've given you! When considering your actions, think about your class's job trait. They can often be very helpful! If you ever need a refresher, you can always ask me, or consult the Rules and Discussion forum for a refresher on the different classes. Also, if I screw up, please let me know, because that way I can fix it up, and better the experience for both you and me.

You have 24 hours to confirm, if not I'm going to assume the ghosts got you on the way to the church, and you will NOT be participating.

Don't worry if you purchased any new goods, I have magical editing powers that change your stats.

Let the role playing... COMMENCE!

Edited by Kintobor

Jeaux cast his gaze about the cemetery. It would seem he was the first to arrive and their patron was nowhere in sight. Jeaux addressed the horse currently supporting the hearse. "Excuse me fine steed, but might you know the location of Father McCreary? I believe my party and I are supposed to be meeting with him."

  • Author

The horse perks its ears up at the sound of Jeaux's voice.


("Wait, I can hear you? You must be one of those rangers I've heard about around the stables! My names Derpsy. Yeah, it's a silly name, I know, but whats a horse to do? Father McCreary? You mean the pudgy guy in robes? I think he's inside the Church, but I wouldn't disturb him right now, he blew up in master's face yesterday. There's been a lot less of these wooden crates I keep carrying here. Do you think that has something to do with it? Say, you wouldn't happen to have any food on you, would you? Perhaps a muffin? I really like muffins, despite only ever having six in my lifetime.")

"I'm afraid I'm all out of muffins. If I come across any I'll be sure to save one for you. Who is your master if not Father McCreary?"

OOC: I should have 25 gold, I forgot to update it when I was adding the consumables.

Amma arrives on the scene, grumbling and swearing. She tramps towards the only Hero that arrived before her, a dark figure with a bow. Instead of welcoming him who seemed he was talking to a horse (!) she examines the crates on the cart not caring whom they may belong.

OOC Danke for taking me, kintobur, I was hoping to get on this quest (with a lot more gems though :tongue:). Stats seem fine and I am looking forward to this. I am curious how Amma will be as party leader..

Edited by PsyKater

Heckz arrives and sees that an automaton he didn't know talking to horse and a female dwarf looking at some crastes. "Master Robot, what is the horse saying"

OOC: Stats are good.

Em arrives, his pack shouldered, ready and willing to accomplish this quest. "Confirmed," he says to himself, joining Jeaux as the automaton spoke with the horse and silently inspecting the heroes he did not yet know.

  • Author

OOC: I'm glad your on my quest, PsyKater. I realized some heroes seemed to be loitering around the hall for a while, and this quest was supposed to change that, if only slightly. We only need to wait for LTPro, and then we can get this party started.

Amma goes back to inspect the crates on the back of the wagon that the horse was talking about, only to find two wooden coffins. They aren't overly ornate, but they do seem sturdy and well made. The horse doesn't seem to have that great of a realization of what things are in the human world.

The horse's eyes light up at the sound of potential muffins.


"Ne-ee-eigh!" ("You'd do that for me? Thanks! Master is one of the members of the Carpenter's Guild. He works on the long wooden crates with his friends, and then I pull them up here with him. He's currently out. Somewhere. He said he'd be right back.")

Edited by Kintobor

Amma realizes that there are coffins on the cart. {This belongs probably to a mortician or something. But where is he?} Amma considered for a moment to open the coffins to see if there is something useful in it, but decides to address the party members first. Three others have arrived the scene meanwhile. She walks up to them and - standing in the rear of the dark ranger (Jeaux), she gives the party members a heartly welcome:

"Eh.... Well. You finally arrived?! Has someone thought of bringing something to eat? An apple or some pastry? I am dying with hunger. However, I am Stigveladi Kötturin, former leader of a large Dwarven population. Now a hero Mage and obviously supposed to be your leader for this quest. Would you be gracious enough to introduce yourself?"

And to Jeaux, still standing behind him: "And what are you doing with this horse, shadowy ...?!"

Jeaux heard the dwarf announce herself and turned around. He recognized the name, it was the dwarf Nessa had mentioned in her story. The one she had been following. Jeaux considered asking the dwarf what he knew about the elf, but decided to hold off for now. There were slightly more pressing concerns and he would rather get more acquainted with the dwarf before confronting her. "My name is Jeaux,". He then turned to the mage who had addressed only a short while ago, "with no titles or honorifics like Master or this Robot word. I was just asking our equine friend here where we might find our employer." Jeaux relayed what he had learned from the horse to the rest of his companions.

Amma recoils at the sight of Jeaux' face. As there is none. She recollects herself and gives ... it .. a skeptical glance. "Well, thanks for the information from the horse. I found two coffins on the cart, I guess it belongs to a mortician or something like that. We should wait for the last one and then enter the church, to see if he or this Father McCreary are here, right?"

"Stigveladi?" Em repeats, stumbling over the pronunciation. "You got a nickname? I'm Em, by the way."

Em looks around for anything interesting. Or maybe somewhere to use his fancy new shovel. :P

  • Author

Em looks about, trying to find a good place to use his shiny new shovel. The only problem is this is a cemetery, and digging around the area without permission could result in grave robbing charges. Perhaps digging around isn't the best idea. Looking around the front of the church, you don't notice anything unusual or off.

Edited by Kintobor

"I agree with Stigveladi, once the fifth member of our party appears we should make our way inside the church."

  On 3/12/2013 at 3:59 PM, PsyKater said:

Amma realizes that there are coffins on the cart. {This belongs probably to a mortician or something. But where is he?} Amma considered for a moment to open the coffins to see if there is something useful in it, but decides to address the party members first. Three others have arrived the scene meanwhile. She walks up to them and - standing in the rear of the dark ranger (Jeaux), she gives the party members a heartly welcome:

"Eh.... Well. You finally arrived?! Has someone thought of bringing something to eat? An apple or some pastry? I am dying with hunger. However, I am Stigveladi Kötturin, former leader of a large Dwarven population. Now a hero Mage and obviously supposed to be your leader for this quest. Would you be gracious enough to introduce yourself?"

And to Jeaux, still standing behind him: "And what are you doing with this horse, shadowy ...?!"

Heckz bends a knee and kisses Stigveladi's hands "Heckz Brutenhal, newbie hero and this is my first quest. You are very distinguished from other female dwarves you know? You have some long eyelashes and I heard you speak with a female voice when I was getting here."

  On 3/12/2013 at 4:12 PM, joeshmoe554 said:

Jeaux heard the dwarf announce herself and turned around. He recognized the name, it was the dwarf Nessa had mentioned in her story. The one she had been following. Jeaux considered asking the dwarf what he knew about the elf, but decided to hold off for now. There were slightly more pressing concerns and he would rather get more acquainted with the dwarf before confronting her. "My name is Jeaux,". He then turned to the mage who had addressed only a short while ago, "with no titles or honorifics like Master or this Robot word. I was just asking our equine friend here where we might find our employer." Jeaux relayed what he had learned from the horse to the rest of his companions.

"Oh, Robot is some word my father used to describe me that meant Brainless or Artificial, I'm not sayig you don't have a brain but.. do you? So if you're not human then what are you?". Heckz got close to the structure with a green door and examined it.

Edited by Eric Su

  • Author

OOC: Okay, sorry to slow this down so soon, but I'm currently trying to replace LTPro, due to his inactivity. I'm currently trying to get a replacement, so don't worry. Please remain in your seats, everything is under control.

So far though, your all doing good, just keep role playing, and ignore the missing individual!

Edited by Kintobor

OOC: He still has about 10 hours to confirm, so he may yet show. Otherwise, perhaps the most recent arrival to Heroica would be interested in joining the quest.

  On 3/12/2013 at 6:43 PM, Eric Su said:
"I'm not sayig you don't have a brain but.. do you? So if you're not human then what are you?"

"I am a human, the same as yourself, and while I haven't spent much time studying biology, I'm fairly certain I have a brain."

The automaton had grown used to this sort of question, though he never quite understood why people continued to think he was something inhuman.

Edited by joeshmoe554

  • Author

OOC: I'm using my discretion to replace LTPro with LordoftheZempk, if he so chooses to join the quest. If not, I can just as easily run the quest with the four of you.

The church's bell begins to ring, echoing through out the district.


Derpsy begins to get a frantic.


"Neigh-eh!" ("Looks like it's getting late. I've heard from some of the squirrels that hang around the stable that you don't wanna be around here when it gets dark...")

The sun begins its descent below the horizon, the sky turning into a soft orange.

OOC: Maybe LTPro has a job in which he stays up late?

"By the horse's expression I assume he is frightened. Shall we stay till night or try searching that small structure with a green door?"

"We should wait for our fifth member to arrive before we take any immediate actions. If we were to go searching around the property, we might unwarily stumble into a fight unprepared or he may be unable to locate us once he arrives." Jeaux looked back to the horse, "We are not afraid of the dangers the night may pose, though I am concerned for you. What kind of master would leave his horse unguarded in such a dangerous place, and so close to sunset."

  • Author

OOC: Okay, Psy, any of Zoltan's actions will go to you for now. We most likely won't get into combat, but in case we do, you have control over his combat actions. Time to get this quest started.

The Party:

8166070567_0eaa8039b6_t.jpgStigveladi ("Amma") Kötturin (PsyKater) *Party Leader*

247 years old dwarven Mage (f)

Level 7

Power: 10 (Lvl 7 + WP 3)

Health: 12/12 (Base 4 + Lvl 7 + Cat Statuette 1)

Ether: 11/11 (Base 4 + Lvl 7)

Gold: 8

Equipment: Dwarven Broomstick (WP: 3), Cat Statuette (+1 HP)

Inventory: Fragment of an Opal (Gem; Ice), Scroll of Inspiration, Bedroll, Potion, Tonic (2x)

Heroica01.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)

Automaton male, Ranger

Level 4

Power: 10 (Level 4 + WP: 5 + Artifact boost: 1)

Defense: 0

Health: 9/9 (base HP: 6 + Level bonus: 3)

Gold: 25

Equipment: Eminus (WP: 5; bow), Ranger's Quiver (WP+1; backwear)

Inventory: Bow (WP: 4; bow), Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Venom, Potion x4, Holy Bomb x3


Name: Unknown. Most call him "Em," though his real name remains largely mysterious. (emjajoas)

Age: Unknown. Presumably mid twenties.

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.

Class: Ranger.

Level 3

Power: 6

Health: 8/8

Gold: 5

Equipment: Bow(WP:5), Ranger's Quiver (+1 WP to all Bows/Crossbows)

Inventory: Smoke bomb, Grating Stone, Nostrum, Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Potion x5, Remedy x3.


Heckz Brutenhal (Eric-Su)

32 year old male Mage.

Level: 1

Power: 4

Health: 5

Ether: 5

Gold: 5

Equipment: Cheap Wand (WP 3)

Inventory: Opal (Ice), Bedroll


Zoltan (LTPro)

22 Year Old Male Human Knight

Level 1

Power: 4

Defense: 2

Health: 10/10

Gold: 10

Equipment: Shield (SP: 2), Longsword (WP: 3)

Inventory: Potion


"Neigh!" ("He's probably just picking up some supplies in the area. Oh, here he is now! If you guys do find any muffins, come back and see me, I'll be here tomorrow. See you in a bit!")

The driver gets up on his wagon and drives off with Derpsy, and the two caskets.

The party then makes their way to the church. Before they even reach the doorstep, the heavy wooden door swings open. A rather round man with a thick beard stands in the doorway, his hair tied back. He doesn't look as if he's in a pleasant mood. He eyes the party intently.


He then speaks up:

"The cemetery is closed in the evening and night until further notice. May I ask who you are, and why you are here?"

Edited by Kintobor

Heckz looks at the man from bottom to top This doesn't look like the old man at the hall checking up on quests "Before I say something I may have toask: Did you request any services from a specific group of people?".

  • Author


"Why, yes I did. And I can put gold coins to corn fritters that your the Heroica members I hired. I am Father McCreary, head of the Eubric Cemetery. However, I am most confused, my grave digger, Mr. Timmins was supposedly holed up in his shack last night. He claims he was being harassed by ghosts, but since I leave for the night to be with my wife, I assumed our list of chosen heroes didn't get out. Yet, here you are. I am curious as to how you received this information?"

  On 3/12/2013 at 5:06 PM, emjajoas said:

"Stigveladi?" Em repeats, stumbling over the pronunciation. "You got a nickname? I'm Em, by the way."

"Em? Good. A lazy name, kind of. Whatever. I am Stigveladi for you. Try to get it spoken out properly. It's not that hard. Sitg-well-lady. Nicknames are for kids and sissies."

  On 3/12/2013 at 6:43 PM, Eric Su said:

Heckz bends a knee and kisses Stigveladi's hands "Heckz Brutenhal, newbie hero and this is my first quest. You are very distinguished from other female dwarves you know? You have some long eyelashes and I heard you speak with a female voice when I was getting here."

Amma retreats appalled. "Eh, nice to meet you, Heckz. I do not often get a treatment like this. But don't be silly. I am not dolly bird whoms heart you can conquer. I am your party leader. We are heroes. But I appreciate your kindness, Heckz Brutenhal. Nice to have you here with us."

  On 3/12/2013 at 6:59 PM, Kintobor said:

OOC: Okay, sorry to slow this down so soon, but I'm currently trying to replace LTPro, due to his inactivity. I'm currently trying to get a replacement, so don't worry. Please remain in your seats, everything is under control.

So far though, your all doing good, just keep role playing, and ignore the missing individual!

  On 3/12/2013 at 9:53 PM, Kintobor said:

OOC: Okay, Psy, any of Zoltan's actions will go to you for now. We most likely won't get into combat, but in case we do, you have control over his combat actions. Time to get this quest started.

OOC: I am okay with both. I too think that we could give him a little more time to confirm since this is his first quest as well. I will control him for this time, but if he does not show up, we can give someone else the chance to participate. After all, it's up to you :classic:

  On 3/12/2013 at 9:53 PM, Kintobor said:

"Neigh!" ("He's probably just picking up some supplies in the area. Oh, here he is now! If you guys do find any muffins, come back and see me, I'll be here tomorrow. See you in a bit!")

The driver gets up on his wagon and drives off with Derpsy, and the two caskets.

Amma watches the cart driving off and regrets that she had not looked inside the two coffins. Who knows what this guy was doing here actually?!

  On 3/12/2013 at 9:53 PM, Kintobor said:

The party then makes their way to the church. Before they even reach the doorstep, the heavy wooden door swings open. A rather round man with a thick beard stands in the doorway, his hair tied back. He doesn't look as if he's in a pleasant mood. He eyes the party intently.

He then speaks up:

"The cemetery is closed in the evening and night until further notice. May I ask who you are, and why you are here?"

"Greetings. We are a bunch of people looking for something to eat. Do you have something to eat?

Well, actually we are looking for a man named Father McCreary. Do you happen to know him by chance? It isn't you, are you?

OOC: Crossposting is so much fun.

"You know what? There were big red letters all over the walls of the Hall in Eubric that were telling us to come here. Creepy, eh? So, just that I understand you right: Your gravedigger says he was harassed by ghosts? Do you believe him?"

  On 3/12/2013 at 10:31 PM, Kintobor said:


"Why, yes I did. And I can put gold coins to corn fritters that your the Heroica members I hired. I am Father McCreary, head of the Eubric Cemetery. However, I am most confused, my grave digger, Mr. Timmins was supposedly holed up in his shack last night. He claims he was being harassed by ghosts, but since I leave for the night to be with my wife, I assumed our list of chosen heroes didn't get out. Yet, here you are. I am curious as to how you received this information?"

Heckz looks at him confused "What information?"

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