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Well, sorry it took so long, but here it is. The first review of the Shipwreck set. Before I start the review,I want to say how dissapointing this set was. It was only THE BEST AQUARAIDERS SET EVER!!!!!(besides the fortress) No, I was kidding. This set is really great. Now on to the review.

Sometimes you can tell LEGO sets are gonna be great because they are special editions. Bridge Walker vs. White Lightning, Supernova, and the Golden Guardian to name a few. This set is just the same. You can tell by looking at the box.





Here are the instructions and bags. As usual, the bags are rather annoying to open, but they are worth it for this set.


Where is the sticker sheet? For some strange reason, I found the sticker sheet in the last page of the instructions manual. I hope LEGO doesn't make a habit of it. It nearly scared me to death thinking that I had no stickers for my Aquaraiders sub.


And finally, real pics of this amazing set. You can see the sub, jewel boxes, ship, snakes, and harpoon gun holder.


I believe in saving the best for last, so I will show the pics of the second best part of this set first, the Shipwreck.


Heres a top view showing the treasure, animals, and king skeleton.


The treasure chest rest on top of the sliding platform. If you move the platform forward, the mast will collapse just like it's supposed to.



The treasure that came with this included a tresure chest with 4 coins and 3 gems and a golden plate with a gem. Not counting the gem boxes, which I will get to later.


Here are some of the hightlights of the set, the animals and skeleton. The crab looks fine, but the snakes look ten times cooler green then they do red.


I won't waste pics with the mini sub. You can see all of it with this pic.


Here are the gem boxes, which are better than I thought. The magnets on top can connect to the sub's left hand.


And the winner of this set is the sub!


The cockpit was a bit more cramped than I would have liked, but at least it is airtight.


The harpoons at the top, to my great surprise, could move in every direction like a turret. I was afraid it might have no movement at all.


From the side of the sub, I can see many parts that will be useful in MOCing.


At the back of the sub are the propellers and fins. There are also two lightsaber handles, but I don't see what they are for.


EDIT: Due to request, I took a pic of the gold dish. Here it is.

Is this set worth your money? This is a very easy question to answer. YES. I found this set to look great and have many playability features. So pick up this set the next time you see it, especially if this is going to be your first Aquaraiders set.

I will get three other AQ reviews up soon.

Very nice review D. The ship is actually better than I thought. I didn't realize it had a mast. Also, the sub is pritty slick. Seems a bit heavy on the stickers, but aside from that not bad. The set has some nice accessories as well.

Thanks for taking the time to review this set. I still haven't ordered one from SAH, but will have to soon.


Where did you get that???I look all over the place and I still can't find it!!!

It nearly scared me to death thinking that I had no stickers for my Aquaraiders sub.


And here I was thinking the opposite :-P

At the back of the sub are the propellers and fins. There are also two lightsaber handles, but I don't see what they are for.


Anyway, nice review. I was thinking about getting this set, but I'll just bricklink what I want most, that golden plate *wub* Speaking of...could you maybe take a picture so we can better see the tone of the color on that plate? Thanks Dill :-)

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Where did you get that???I look all over the place and I still can't find it!!!

Toysrus.com. Link is here

EDIT: I just saw that it was available at LEGO Shop at Home too.

And here I was thinking the opposite :-P


Anyway, nice review. I was thinking about getting this set, but I'll just bricklink what I want most, that golden plate *wub* Speaking of...could you maybe take a picture so we can better see the tone of the color on that plate? Thanks Dill :-)

Right, I'll get to it in a sec.

Where is the sticker sheet? For some strange reason, I found the sticker sheet in the last page of the instructions manual. I hope LEGO doesn't make a habit of it. It nearly scared me to death thinking that I had no stickers for my Aquaraiders sub.

I actually think that's a smart idea. With LEGO's habit of just throwing stuff in the boxes bigger sticker sheets easily could get dog ears (and bigger ones sometimes do). This way they stay smooth.

Great review! I expect my set in the next few days *sweet*


still none of the 2007 sets are on their site and its sooooo annoying! >:-(

Tks a lot for the review dillthepill !!

I really can't wait to put my hands on 2 of these sets !! Why 2 ? I want a bigger shipwreck and also all the goodies in this set are sweet !!

The sub has a great vintage look, and the goodies are a must (golden elements, skellie, jewels, coins and...a crab *wub* )

OK Bloody French TRU, you better get this asap ;-)

Dive On !!


this looks nice... personally, i was worried about not liking the arms on the sub, but they don't look so bad here. other than that, this set is nearly perfect *y* i do wish there were more "environment" sets for AR, i like the rocks in 7771, but this is even better... seems like a must have for the theme.

and i agree with Brickster, the wreckage is better than expected... i especially like the mechanism (WW influences here ;-) ).

and like yoda, i definitely want two also *y* *y* *y*

thanks DtP !!!

- BrickMiner

wOW! I think I will probably get this. My fave part is the shipwreck, especially skellie and the snakes. The mgnetic part must be great for mocing.

Thanks for the heads up Dill.

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Review Part Two: Tiger Shark Attack

Before I start the review, I want to say that the pic of the gold dish is up(see my first post). Anyways, onto the review. Oh ,yeah. And I forgot to save the box. I got this for Christmas, and I threw it away not knowing I would need it for a review. Sorry.

Here is an action pic of the set.

I'll do the small stuff first.

Click here to see the tresure. I'm liking the minifig Piraka spines, and the gold dish with gems is nice too.

The harpoon cannon was a cool addition to the set. It stands on a sturdy quadripod(tripod with four legs) and can move in most directions. Pic of it is here

The sub is very cool. For it's small size, it is heavily armed with a torpedo, two harpoon guns and two tridents. The cockpit is airtight and very protective. There are also little headlights in the front. Look here to see the sub.

Like I said, the cockpit is airtight. It is also pretty roomy and has a little control panel. Here is the cockpit.

There isn't anything too special about the side/sides. Just the propellers and I think oxygen tanks. I am glad that they didn't put so much stickers on this sub, because I got annoyed enough with The Shipwreck's stickers. Click here to see the side.

The back isn't too extraordinary either. Just the propellers and fin. Look here

The shark is the best part of the set and easily the best Aquariaders animal. It has lots of teeth and was a lot longer than I expected. The head can move around, and the end of the shark can move a little from side to side. To my great relieve, the eyes of the shark weren't stickers and were added on the head already. Pic of the shark is here

The back of the shark has two gray fins and a long gray piece like the ones used on Sentei Fortresse's towers. Look here

Ahh! I lost my head!!

I'm over here, you dunce! And how are you talking?

That's all folks -Dillthepill

Thank you for these great reviews. *y*

I really like 7776, I think it

Is this the first lego set to have the magnet connection on the box tops orientated with the clips over the opening side or am I just being pedantic?...

God Bless,


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Thank you for these great reviews. *y*

I really like 7776, I think it

Thanks dill for those reviews.

Like Yoda and Brick Miner, I need two of this shipwreck, one for my AR collection (which I need to start... :-D ) and one more for my city. Like I said before, it would be a nice adition to the Divers line.

Can't wait to see some AR sets in a shop...

Like I said before, it would be a nice adition to the Divers line.
I don't think so. If I'm not mistaken, the Harry Potter Triwizard task 1 set has a magnetic connection as well.

There have been an awful lot of lego sets with magnets... I was just commenting on the fact that lego normally attaches them as in this picture, but on closer inspection I've found some other exceptions.

God Bless,


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Sorry I haven't done the other two reviews yet. I have been extremely busy the past few days, and I took a ton of pics for the Aquabase. My BS Galery is really slow now as well, but I will try to get the other two reviews up soon.

I like the use of the magnet which is pretty clever. I've got mine on order from SAH.

Is this the first lego set to have the magnet connection on the box tops orientated with the clips over the opening side or am I just being pedantic?...

God Bless,


No, Norro, I believe you're right about that. Normally they're parallel to the door.

And thanks for that pic of the dish, dill. It's a real beauty *wub*

Review Part Two: Tiger Shark Attack

Ya know, when I first saw the submarine from this TigerShark set I was thinking that it looked kinda unrealistic (but cool).

And I'm sure more than a few people thought the same.

Well I was google searching submarines for some MOC ideas, and I found this. 8-

  • 2 weeks later...
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Part 3: Lobster Strike

Sorry it took so long. I haven't had much time for stuff lately. Anyways, here's the review.

Overall, this set had many ups and downs which made it OK in my opinion. Pic of the whole set is here.

The lobster was one of my favorite AR animals before I got this set. Now that I have it, it is a bit of a let down. See the lobster here.

Dissapointment #1. The claws had hardly any movement. They could move from side to side, but that is it. |-/ And when they move, sometimes the legs just break down.

A good thing about the lobster was it's tail. It was a nice feature and looked pretty cool.

But the worst thing of all about the lobster are it's crummy legs. They are unstable and collapse all the time when the lobster does anything remotely active. Also the horns at the ends keep falling off which gets very annoying.

Overall, the lobster was OK. It had horrible legs and not very moveable claws, but it should deserve about a 6/10 for the fact that the rest was great.

Now onto the underwater tank

The saw and the claw are probably the best features of the set. The saw could spin, and the claw is used to collect treasure and perhaps used for combat. Another good feature was the gun on top and the fact that the tank could move very easily. Instead of scraping along the floor like the Exo-Force Mobile Defense Tank, the treads and wheels spun easily and made this move easily.

The one bad thing was the lack of cockpit protection. I mean, they are underwater after all. They can't just have huge holes to let in water.

Overall, the underwater tank was the best part of the set, and a good AR vehicle as well. It should get an 8.5/10.

Overall for the set: This set is probably my least favorite AR set, but still a good one. I reccomend picking it up if you really like AquaRaiders, but if you are not much of a fan, then you probably shouldn't get it.

Enjoy! The Aquabase Invasion is coming soon(hopefully tommorrow)

Great and useful review, thanks! It

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