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i have finally finished (well virtually) my fire station for my town! here are the pics:


the aireal view ^


the back of the station with a practise tower ^


this is the second entrance to the station with a barrier ( keeps naughty kids from skrewing up the fire engines)


inside the station Yes that is a female!


what i like to call the play corner! >:-) has all sorts of amazing stuff to tackle fires, how many can you name?


the icing on the cake this candy machine (a bit battered but still works)

so what do you think?


I think it looks great *y*

A little much red at first sight but it grows on you. I like that "back yard", the practice tower is a great idea. Someone suggested doors for the garages but I think that's not necessary, and I don't know if brown or black castle doors would fit the overall look.

Keep it up, looks really good.


Nice work on this firestation mr. Casewindu! I don't mind it being red.

I like the way you stored the airtanks, on top of each other in tree form and all the other details. I was the one suggesting doors I believe, but seeing how the station has turned out without them I'd say: leave them out!


first of all yes the room inside may be a bit red but fire stations and anything to do with fire is usally red so what ever on that one.

and thirdy its like a tap piece you get it with the fire truck in the 1st city fire station in 2005.

All firestations I know are somewhat build of normal stones, sometimes the window frames are red, but it


I LOVE it Casewindu, looks like a typical fire station here in the US although in my area (on Long Island in the NYC suburbs) some of the firehouses are massively huge with some having like 10 bays each. That candy machine is nothing ... some of the firehouses here have their own bars, catering halls, ice cream machines, etc.

I love the layout and the features and the little gate. I have an interesting story related to that lol, my uncle was a NYC firefighter for like 20 years and when he 1st came on in the late 70s, early 80s he was assigned to the South Bronx (during a period of mass violence and arson known as the "Crack Warz" between drug gangs and such) and so everytime they went on a call they would have to leave half the companies (NYC firehouses have 1 engine company and 1 ladder company per station and ambulances were a separate city agency until 1995) behind to "defend" the firehouse from being looted and they would have to club people as they tried to sneak in under the closing bay doors. Crazy stuff lol.

My only complaints are that I dont like the silver helmets, I would rather the traditional White normally issued in the past by Lego or the real life black helmets. Here in the US usually only officers wear white helmets and everyone else has black helmets and of course that the new "City" line vehicles dont have doors!


I like your firestation, even if it looks too red for me.

I really like the idea of a practice tower (one day, when I was in a train, I saw one with firemen who were working on it, really impressive...)


I think that the practice tower is a very nice addition to your fire station. Red or not, the station itself is well done too, plus I like the fact you have femle in there as well. *wub*


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