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Bilbert Wigglepike's theater was situated on the better part of Sungold Hill. The halfling had devoted his entire life to the theater, so one wouldn't be exaggerating if one called it his pride and joy. That day Wigglepike was highly nervous on behalf of his life's work. Later that night the theater would be populated by the cream of the crop of Eubric Freeport. Everyone who was someone in the city would come to his theater to celebrate the 400th Foundation Day of Eubric. The ball would contain speeches, performances, dancing and of course a lot of dining and drinking. He had been excited up to the moment he found out that the wily Wolfgang, the largest crime syndicate in the whole city, had their eyes on the theater. Wigglepike's heart was pounding as he watched watchmen in their reds and blues arrive by the dozens. Captain Patricia Cousland had summoned all of her men down to the last rookie to the theater for that special night.



"W-what do you mean, a poisoner?! By gods, you cannot let that happen!"


"That is what I'm doing my hardest to prevent, Mr. Wigglepike. I have even employed the untrustworthy Heroicans to aid us - but if they stick to their old habits, they will end up helping the Wolfgang instead."


"I find that hard to believe... The Veterans of Heroica have never been anything but good to me and my business."


"Well, we will just have to see about that.Well well, talk of Zoot and he doth appear..."

Indeed, a group of nine champions of Heroica approached the theater at that minute. They were diverse both in appearance and experience, and their motives for joining the mission could only be speculated, but they were ready and available.



Kiray Nastay

24 year old female human knight

Level 1






Sword of the Kin (WP: 3), Scutum (SP: 2)



Grimwald Gjinko

69 year old male Gnome; Level 1 Cleric

0 (Owes Arthur 50 gold)

Broomstick (WP: 3)
Remedy, Potion (x2), Bedroll, Scroll of Frailty



19 years old Female Human Battle Mage *Immune to Asleep, Fast Asleep and Sealed effects*

25 2/3

40 (WP14 + Lvl 25 + High Heels)

3 (Robe of the Archmagi)

36/36 (Base 5 [Mage], +24 [per level], +5 [Advanced Class], +2 [Grand Zoot's Cookie])

35/35 (Base 5 [Mage], +24 [per level], +1 [Advanced Class], +5 [Robe of the Archmagi])


Book of a Thousand Creatures (WP:14, each roll has a 1/6 chance to summon a creature to aid the hero), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max. Ether +5, protects from sealed-effect), High Heels (+1 Power).

Zee Standard (Staff, WP: 13 Ice Elemental, Necromancers Raise Enemies with 2 extra levels),
Explosive Staff – WP: 12 (Does 1/2 damage to all enemies on a successful hit (normal damage to targeted enemy) and 1/2 WP damage to self on a roll of 4 (disregarding SP/row)), Dawnstar II (WP: 9), The Fishstick (WP:7 Double damage while on ships), Healing Staff (WP: 5).

Sandman's Parasol (Immune to Asleep and Fast Asleep effects), Shiny Helmet (+1 max health), Monkey Bar (all minions, pets, summons etc are Hastened).

Ruby (Fire), Diamond (Light), 2 Amethysts (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Sapphire (Wind), Emerald (Wood), Garnet (Earth), Aquamarine (Water) Opal (Ice).

Potion, 3 Tonics, 2 Grand Tonics, Ether Core, Fire Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Bomb '
X2' (May be combined with a bomb to get it to ignore SP),
2 Bedrolls, 5 Bones,
Scrap Metal.


Arthur Justus Regulus VII

Level 21 1/3 Sorcerer, 21-year-old male Human
*Immune to
Currently in:
Heroica Hall

(21 + WP:12)

(Basic Health: 5 + Level Bonus: 20 + Class Boost: 4 + Permanent Boost: 4*)

(Basic Ether: 5 + Level Bonus: 20 + Class Boost: 1 + Robe of the Archmagi: 5)

(Robe of the Archmagi)

(Owed 128 gold by Boomingham; owed 50 gold by Grimwald Gjinko; owed 70 gold by En Sabah Nur, oved 200 gold by Nagure)

Hollow Blade Dagger (WP:6, dagger, hollow-blade [Elixir]), Robe of the Archmagi (Bodywear, SP:3, Max Ether +5, Immune to
), Jester's Hat (
Headwear, Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy
), Lens of Speed Reading (
Accessory, Allows a scroll to be read in addition to a normal action. Suitable for scroll users


Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7,
50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd; suitable for Mages and Clerics
), Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5,
-Elemental, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4), Healing Staff (WP:5;
heals instead of damaging
), Healing Staff (WP:5;
heals instead of damaging
), Spider Leg (WP:8, doubled against flying enemies; spear; unsuitable)

Scarf of Misfortune (
Accessory, Wearer deals the
effect on every third round
), Cloak of Deception (
Backwear, Free hits against the wearer have a 1/6 chance to be redirected to a random opponent
), Ancient Crown (
Headwear, First successful strike of battle deals
), Shackles of War (Accessory, Prevents anyone from fleeing battles), Sterile Gloves (handwear, immunity to
Badly Poisoned

Opal (
), Amethyst (
), Topaz (
), Diamond (
), Garnet (

Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass

Scroll of
Scroll of
Lent to De'kra
), Scroll of
, Scroll of
, 2x Scroll of
, Scroll of Armor Sundering (
Reduces target’s SP by 5 and has a 50/50 chance of success
), Scroll of
Grants target’s weapon the
Badly Poisoned
effect for one battle at the cost of 5 ether
), Scroll of
Grants target the
-effect for one battle. Costs 10 ether.
), Scroll of

2x Potion, Grand Potion x10, Remedy, Smelling Salts x5, Nostrum x5, Mulled Wine, Jinxy Juice x4, Ether Core x2, Noxious Venom (
When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the
Badly Poisoned
effect for the duration of the battle and the
effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.
), Zoot's Plaything


Arnulf Bishop (Shoker86)

30 yrs old male Human Rogue

Level: 6

Power:14 (8+6)

Defense: 3 (Tricorne SP:3)

Health: 10/10

Ether: 0

Gold: 3

Equipment: Tricorn(SP:3),
Cheesy Dagger (WP:8, Double damage to vermin)

Bedroll, Remedy, Potionx4, Venom x3, Leather Armor(SP:1)



Level 19.5 Assassin





Mockthril Longbow (WP: 22
Elemental), Sticky Gloves, Armor of the Croise

Longsword (WP: 5), Bedroll, Tonic, Venom, Phoenix Essence x5, Archer's Hat (Artifact, headwear, Power +1, suitable for Rangers and their Advanced Classes), Ether Core x1, Mead x10, Smelling Salts x10, Nostrum x8, Health Core, Deadly Venom, Dark Cloak (Backwear, SP:1, Max Health +1, Power +1, suitable for rogues and barbarians), Dragon Scales x2, Remedy x5, Grand Potion x5


(Professor Flitwick)

44 year old Metasimian

: 23 Black Knight
*Damage Undead*
*Immune to Stunned*

: 37 (33 Ranged)
(+2 due to cookies)

: 10

: 38

: 409

: Banana Sabre (WP:12, Heals Metasimians when used on them),
Skull Shield (SP:6; immunity to darkness-elemental damage; suitable to Black Knights only)
, Black Knight's Armour (SP:4, protects from stunned-effect), Cultist's Hat (regular attacks do Damage to Undead)

: Shuriken (WP 8), Sabre (WP 10), 1 Bedroll, 1 Telescope, 1 Potion, 1 Bone, 1
Venom, 2 Health Cores, Grand Zoot Cookie, Sapphire, Dragon Scale


Lord Lawrence Boomingham

45 Years Old, Human

Level 22 1/2 Paladin
*Immune to Fragile*

: 36 (+4**)

: 12

: 44/44 (+2*)

: 22/22

: 63 (Owe 50 to Docken, 79 to Arthur, 110 to Sorrow)

(Great Sword, WP: 10,
, causes
Effect for 5 Damage until remedied or healed to full health)
Round Metal Shield
(SP: 7),
Counterstrike Gloves
(On Free Hits, Deals damage to enemy equal to Boomingham's level),
Heavy Armor
(SP: 5, Immunity to
Tome of Affluence
Generates 10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle, accessory
****Pseudo's Blessing's Blessing (Not an Artifact, +4 Power)

: Frozen Saber (Great Sword, WP: 9,
, stunned effect), Bedroll, 5 Meads, Nostrum, Mulled Wine, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immunity to Ice), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, Marksman's Monocle, Scroll of Recklessness (
Encouraged and Fragile for rest of battle, 5 ether, 50/50 chance
), Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Blindness, 2 Scrolls of Weakening, Scroll of Fragility, Scroll of Sealing, Garnet, Sapphire, Military Grade Fire Bomb, Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (+4 to Power, -6 to Ether), Hamantasch (consumable, lucky + blessed effects upon consumption for the length of one battle), Admantite Shard



34 year old Male Yeti Berserker.
*Immune to
Fire Based
elemental damage**immune to Fragile and Blindness*

Level 15.5

Power: 29
(Level 15 + WP 14)

Defense: 21
(Yeti Fur Coat SP: 12 + Shield SP: 9)

Health: 32/32
(Barbarian base 8 + level bonus 14+ Berserker bonus 10)

Gold: 4 (200 owed to Arthur (Flipz))

Stone Hammer
(WP: 14,
-elemental, suitable for barbarians, clerics and alchemists)
Yeti Fur Coat
SP:12, immunity to
Fragile and Blindness
; suitable for yetis only),
ounterstrike Gloves
After the wearer is struck by a Free Hit, he counters with strength equal to his Level)

Inventory: Pickaxe, Axe of the Croise(WP: 10,
Elemental), Phoenix Essence, Mead x2, Potion x2, Remedy, Smoke Bomb x2, Deadly Venom x2, Tiger Balm, Grand Potion x3, Helmet

Captain Patricia welcomes the heroes with a stiff nod. She feels irritated just from looking at the rag-tag group she has hired. Almost everyone of the champions looks like a potential backstabber - although the yeti would most likely just smash her head in between his gigantic fists. Her eyes shift from the old knight to the teenage mage, from the black-armored Metasimian to the hooded figure without a face. Disobedient souls, the whole lot of them! There is one familiar face in the group, though, a recent recruit called Regulus. Maybe she could trust even that one to do his job properly...



"Heroicans, I hope you all understand the gravity of the situation we are here. In a matter of hours, every truly important person within this city is going to walk through those doors to enjoy a nice dinner with some music and dancing, honorating our 400 years old city. Our job is to make sure that absolutely nothing disturbs that celebration. Nobody gets in without an invitation, and all the surrounding buildings are kept in a tight watch. The word is that Wolfgang will strike this place tonight. We have high reason to believe that they will send none other than Nikolaus Steerpike, their Court Poisoner, to the task. Poison and dinner is never a good combination, you see. I can only hope and pray to any god listening that you will catch Steerpike if you come across him and deliver him to me dead or alive. And your Veterans help you if by midnight I find the leaders of Eubric lying dead inside that theater! Have I made myself perfectly clear?"

The captain's icy stare goes through each of the nine champions.

QM Note: Welcome to the quest, everybody! Now's your chance to ask questions from Captain Patricia and Bilbert Wigglepike, and get to know your companions. I will sort out the statistics tomorrow, as I like to keep them in a unified order.

"Thothwick, at your service." Bowing his temporary employers, trying to ignore the glare being emitted from one of them. "Ms. Patricia - or, should you prefer, Captain Patricia - would you please give us a description of this 'Nikolaus Steerpike', so that we may be better prepared to spot him?"

Boomingham offers an elaborate bow. He walks up merrily to the Captain and shakes her hand. Barty is no where to be seen, for the time being.

"Patricia, it has been too long. I'm sure you recall my friend Nyx and I from your search for the Strivvi guards. Though we had to flee the city before finding them, a fact I lamented and violently argued against, I can assure you that this time, we will prevail. You need not fear. I have protected Eubric against the likes of the Bluehood, I will not allow anyone to fall to someone as cowardly as a poisoner."

Boomingham turns to Sorrow and Nagure. "I can trust Thothwick and Nyx to stay by my side and do the right thing. I hope after our recent adventures, I can count on you for the same."

Boomingham nods also to Arthur. "I, for obvious reasons, assume that you will not betray the good Captain and I. It is pleasant to see you again, boy."

Finally, Boomingham surveys the new blood. A pirate looking man, reminiscent perhaps of Atramor or Guts. A young female, a silly looking gnome. He pulls out his handkerchief and mops his brow. "You three must be new to the city, or at least new to the Hall. My name is Lord Lawrence Boomingham, Paladin first class, King of the Desert, Slayer of the Bluehood, Champion of Pseudo. I will tell you this; if you betray us to the Wolfgang, as some others have done, Nyx and I will have your heads."

As I walk into the presence of the irritable captain, Is subconsciously straighten up my posture.

"Sorrow, at your service. I'm assuming we're splitting up to better protect Eubric's finest, correct? Is there any specific guests that Nikolaus might have his eyes on?"

I give a smile as Boomingham walks in, attempting court the stiff captain.

"Ah, hello there, Boomingham. :classic: Ready to end this poisoner business? Hopefully that Sapphire will serve you well. I realize that the merchant there ripped both of us off, so why don't we chalk your debt up to 75 gold and call it even?

Entrepreunership can wait until after we rout out those thugs, though. We have a poisoner to kill."

Edited by Endgame

Boomingham lowers his voice and talks to Sorrow more quietly, keeping his eyes on Arthur and Patricia both. "Well, unless the poisoner is carrying a significant amount of gold, the two of us my be out of luck, but yes, thank you for your kindness, I will give you that 75 gold when it comes into my possession."

"Nice to meet you Lord Boomingham, I'll do my best to do the job, and i hope to earn everyone's trust" Arnulf noded to the expirienced paladin, and aproached Captain " My lady, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Arnulf Bishop, could you tell us more about this threat?"

Edited by Shoker86

"Hah, we're talking Wolfgang, Boomingham. They probably pick half a dozen pockets before sitting down for breakfast."

Kiray smiles at Grimwald, who she had sparred with before. She studies the others, her eyes taking in everybody's armor, weapons, clothes, everything. The Yeti looked terrifying to her, and she reminded herself to not get on the wrongside of the creature.

She looks at Boomingham, listening to his words. She says, "I will not betray you, sir. I'm eager to prove myself here, and I hope we can become friends and you can trust me."

Kiray then turns her gaze to the captain. "Captain Patricia, if I may ask, do you know what Steerpike looks like? How many are we expecting? Who sent out the invitations, and how are we able to cross-check them and make sure these invitations are legitimate?"

  On 4/25/2013 at 9:14 PM, Zepher said:

"I can trust Thothwick and Nyx to stay by my side and do the right thing."

Thothwick turned, and bowed to Boomingham. "Thank you, Lord Boomingham, for vouching for me."

Rotating back to Patricia, Thothwick reciprocated in kind. "Lord Boomingham is not the sort of man to parlay favour with a bunch of ruffians such as the Wolfgang. Ms. Nyx, too, is honourable. Together we fought together in an attempt to save the life of the late commander of the Royal Guard." Thothwick turned once more, surreptitiously winking to Nyx. "She isn't the type of woman to betray an honourable institute such as this to some backwater criminals. I can't vouch for every member of Heroica, but I assure you" Thothwick drew himself to his full, intimating height, "we shan't betray you."

"Lord Boomingham, mister Sorrow, could you tell me, what kind are those Wolfgang guys, any usefull info" Arnulf felt that he was still rookie in this team of hardened veterans. Learn from the best, pity that my childhood hero Guts isn't here, but these are the Heroica finest​.

Edited by Shoker86

Arthur salutes sharply. "Captain, the only one who will die tonight will be Steerpike and whatever cronies he sends to do his dirty work."

Seeing that there were a number of new Heroes on the Quest, he approaches the smallest, a Gnome who seemed to be hanging around the newest Heroes--the one who had, in fact, borrowed Gold from him recently. One of several, it seems. "Hello again. Lord Boomingham speaks truly. None of us will tolerate anything less than your best work. However...fight well, and you will be remembered as a true Hero." Arthur lends Grimwald one of his Healing Staves for the duration of the Quest. "That will allow you to heal your allies without need of Ether, simply by striking them with it--just don't attack your enemies with it, or you'll heal THEM instead. I'll need that back at the end of the Quest, but for now...use it well." Arthur gives an appraising glance toward the other two newer Heroes. "I have little that would be of great aid to either of you. Perhaps this Ancient Crown might serve you well, Miss Knight, at least until the end of the Quest?"

Arthur turns to the more experienced Heroes. With a nod, he hands the Yeti Nagure his Spider Leg for the duration of the Quest, then turns to Nyx. "Excuse me, Lady Nyx...if it may aid you, I offer you a Scroll of Frailty for the duration of our Quest?"

Finally Arthur turns to Boomingham and Sorrow. "Well met. Indeed, for once I feel well-prepared for this Quest. We will not fail, even if I have to give my life to ensure it."

Arthur walks up to Bilbert Wigglepike. "It's been a long time since we last met, Mr. Wigglepike. How's that nephew of yours? Lambert, was it? When you toured in Zut'tau'ri, he was twice my age and half my height, but he still managed to beat my father when they sparred. Is he still set on adventuring, or did you finally convince him to act in your troupe?"

"While we're on the subject of business, may we have a copy of the list of everyone invited to the ball? I've also heard rumors of a fine singer being here for Foundation Day. What can you tell me about her?"

Finally, Arthur turns to the rest of his fellow Guardsmen and gives them a full salute. "Greetings. Any news since this morning?"

Nyx bows ever so slightly, but gracefully, to Captain Patricia.

"Patricia, I am sure you are just as delighted as I am that we meet again for what... the third time?" a naughty smile plays on her lips, but she fails to hide her eye-rolling as Boomingham turns on the smarm. She turns to her fellow heroes.

"Thothy and Boomers, it's so good to be working with you again" a wide grin spreads "and... Arthur, yeah, hi, uhm, thanks" the grin fades slightly as she accepts the Scroll of Frailty. She turns sharply. "As to the rest of you, yeah, mess up and I'll make sure you're geography. :wink: But I'm sure you'll be just fine, after all you are fellow heroes."

Nyx turns to the young female knight. "It's not the yeti you need to worry about here." and she laughs lightly with the merest hint of menace "Here, take my spare bedroll for now, you never know when you might need it" and Nyx adopts an expression of all-sweetness.

OoC Updated Stats - Nyx went shopping:

Reveal hidden contents
  On 4/25/2013 at 9:41 PM, Flipz said:

Arthur gives an appraising glance toward the other two newer Heroes. "I have little that would be of great aid to either of you. Perhaps this Ancient Crown might serve you well, Miss Knight, at least until the end of the Quest?"

Kiray revels in the kindness of these strangers, nicer than most people she has ever met. Kiray accepts the Ancient Crown. "Tell me, Arthur, what does this crown do? I'm sorry for this seemingly naive question; I just have rarely seen such an ancient and magnificent piece before."

  On 4/25/2013 at 9:50 PM, Pandora said:

Nyx turns to the young female knight. "It's not the yeti you need to worry about here." and she laughs lightly with the merest hint of menace "Here, take my spare bedroll for now, you never know when you might need it" and Nyx adopts an expression of all-sweetness.

"Is that so?" Kiray chuckles along with the other female. "I accept your spare bedroll. Don't worry, I will return it to you once we are finished, in the condition you gave it to me."

"I'm sorry my lady, I didn't have the chance to meet you, Arnulf Bishop" Arnulf kissed lady Kiray's hand "I'm we will prove our worth "

Kiray curtsies as best she can in her armor when Arnulf releases her hand. "Thank you, sir rogue. A pleasure to meet you, and you do not need to worry, Mr. Bishop; you have all proven your worth. I've heard stories of you all, and I must say it is me who hopes I can prove something.

  On 4/25/2013 at 9:57 PM, KingoftheZempk said:

Kiray revels in the kindness of these strangers, nicer than most people she has ever met. Kiray accepts the Ancient Crown. "Tell me, Arthur, what does this crown do? I'm sorry for this seemingly naive question; I just have rarely seen such an ancient and magnificent piece before."

"It once belonged to an Emperor of Dastan. It lays a Curse -3 max health per Round upon the first target you successfully hit in a battle."

"You will, milady" Arnulf never thought that someone heard stories about him. "You are the second knight I have encountered, and I have a feeling that you won't let us down, as for me I'll do my best to hold your back"

  On 4/25/2013 at 10:11 PM, Flipz said:

"It once belonged to an Emperor of Dastan. It lays a Curse -3 max health per Round upon the first target you successfully hit in a battle."

"Thank you. I will use it with honor."

  On 4/25/2013 at 10:14 PM, Shoker86 said:

"You will, milady" Arnulf never thought that someone heard stories about him. "You are the second knight I have encountered, and I have a feeling that you won't let us down, as for me I'll do my best to hold your back"

"Nobody will stop us."

OoC: Sadly can't be 22 1/2 levels. I'm a nice round 22! Also, you're using the older Boomingham picture. :sweet:

Boomingham chuckles at Sorrow's assessment of their enemy, and nods thankfully to Thothwick for his endorsement.

"I haven't ever actually quested alongside Thothwick," Boomingham says to Nyx, who, as always, is within earshot. "He has always treated me with great kindness and respect, but I don't know how he holds up on the battle field. What do you think of the chap? You don't look too keen on the young mage chap either."

  On 4/25/2013 at 9:34 PM, KingoftheZempk said:

She looks at Boomingham, listening to his words. She says, "I will not betray you, sir. I'm eager to prove myself here, and I hope we can become friends and you can trust me."

"It all depends on what happens today, little lady. Prove your worth, and we'll be fast friends." Boomingham watches with interest as Nyx intiminates the Knight, older in years, but younger in experience. Boomingham leans over to the young knight and whispers in her ear. "She's right about the Yeti, he's an aimable chap. Lady Nyx, on the other hand, is more than likely to light you on fire. You should see the way she bats around Atramor." He winks.

  On 4/25/2013 at 9:41 PM, Flipz said:

Finally Arthur turns to Boomingham and Sorrow. "Well met. Indeed, for once I feel well-prepared for this Quest. We will not fail, even if I have to give my life to ensure it."

Boomingham guffaws. "Well, hopefully no one will be giving their life to ensure anything tonight. We've crossed paths before, mage. I'm exctied to see you show you're stuff. Looks like you're already serving the group. It isn't a bad idea." Boomingham hands his extra scroll of weakening off to Grimwald. "Keep it safe, gnome, and use it as best you can."

  On 4/25/2013 at 9:41 PM, Flipz said:

Seeing that there were a number of new Heroes on the Quest, he approaches the smallest, a Gnome who seemed to be hanging around the newest Heroes--the one who had, in fact, borrowed Gold from him recently. One of several, it seems. "Hello again. Lord Boomingham speaks truly. None of us will tolerate anything less than your best work. However...fight well, and you will be remembered as a true Hero." Arthur lends Grimwald one of his Healing Staves for the duration of the Quest. "That will allow you to heal your allies without need of Ether, simply by striking them with it--just don't attack your enemies with it, or you'll heal THEM instead. I'll need that back at the end of the Quest, but for now...use it well."

Grimwald grins, nodding profusely.

Don't you worry, Mr. Arthur, I'll take good care of the staff. And I promise - to you, Mr Boomingham, the captain, and the rest of my fellow heroes - that I won't let you - any of you - down.

  On 4/26/2013 at 12:02 AM, Zepher said:

Boomingham guffaws. "Well, hopefully no one will be giving their life to ensure anything tonight. We've crossed paths before, mage. I'm exctied to see you show you're stuff. Looks like you're already serving the group. It isn't a bad idea." Boomingham hands his extra scroll of weakening off to Grimwald. "Keep it safe, gnome, and use it as best you can."

Arthur nods, then gestures to the party. "It's a habit of mine. You should have seen how I worked my magic on my last Quest. Most of us swapped around at LEAST half our gear, as Sir Thothwick and Lady Nyx can attest." Arthur pauses, and leans in close and speaks in a quieter voice, so only Sorrow and Boomingham could hear. "I...owe her. Big time. And not in the way that money can pay. Keep an eye on her for me, will you, Boomingham? Our battles were not kind to her, and I...said some things. Her temper, you know, and I overreacted. Well, and I was a deluded raving maniac, but that's no excuse for words of the kind I used with her. Not to mention, I refused to attack her sworn enemy, even tried to convince both sides to back down, when that enemy was a madwoman. I'm...not the best of Heroes. Truth be told, I hope there's a chance for me to give my life. There's nothing left for me in this world anymore, but if by my death I can save others--even just one life--then the sacrifices made by our friends will not be in vain. And maybe if I'm gone, the people I've wronged can find some peace. I'd be gone already, but it's not enough to just die--I have to die well."

Arthur straightens and clears his throat, speaking to the entire group. "If any of you think you can make better use of my gear than I am, please, speak up. I am happy to provide assistance in any way possible."

Edited by Flipz

  On 4/26/2013 at 12:17 AM, Flipz said:

Arthur straightens and clears his throat, speaking to the entire group. "If any of you think you can make better use of my gear than I am, please, speak up. I am happy to provide assistance in any way possible."

"Thank you for your offer master Arthur" Arnulf noded, "Maybe I will need some potions in heat of the battle, now i don't see what can I use"

Edited by Shoker86

  On 4/26/2013 at 12:17 AM, Flipz said:

Arthur nods, then gestures to the party. "It's a habit of mine. You should have seen how I worked my magic on my last Quest. Most of us swapped around at LEAST half our gear, as Sir Thothwick and Lady Nyx can attest." Arthur pauses, and leans in close and speaks in a quieter voice, so only Sorrow and Boomingham could hear. "I...owe her. Big time. And not in the way that money can pay. Keep an eye on her for me, will you, Boomingham? Our battles were not kind to her, and I...said some things. Her temper, you know, and I overreacted. Well, and I was a deluded raving maniac, but that's no excuse for words of the kind I used with her. Not to mention, I refused to attack her sworn enemy, even tried to convince both sides to back down, when that enemy was a madwoman. I'm...not the best of Heroes. Truth be told, I hope there's a chance for me to give my life. There's nothing left for me in this world anymore, but if by my death I can save others--even just one life--then the sacrifices made by our friends will not be in vain. And maybe if I'm gone, the people I've wronged can find some peace. I'd be gone already, but it's not enough to just die--I have to die well."

I put a hand on the Sorceror's shoulder.

"You wear that uniform to repent, Arthur. Not write your life away."

Boomingham raises an eyebrow at the young wizard.

"I will keep an eye on Nyx," he promises. "I'll probably keep two eyes on her. One to protect her, and one to protect us." Boomingham clears his throat and looks at the Sorcerer seriously. "Listen, boy. You have a lot to learn. Dying is not penance. Dying is weak. We shed our past, we move onwards. Only positive actions right past wrongs. Dying won't bring peace to anyone but yourself. Don't be a coward. You have much to do, still."

Boomingham grunts a little guiltily. He realizes, suddenly, that while he and Nyx know each other fairly well....

"Who is this man who she loved on this last quest?" he asks Arthur suddenly. "Who is this madwoman Wren? I have heard bits and pieces of both her and her allies, but- Nyx is fierce. She doesn't discuss her weaknesses often, and while they're few and far between... I ought to know."

  On 4/26/2013 at 12:31 AM, Endgame said:

I put a hand on the Sorceror's shoulder.

"You wear that uniform to repent, Arthur. Not write your life away."

"If you say so..."

  On 4/26/2013 at 12:37 AM, Zepher said:

Boomingham raises an eyebrow at the young wizard.

"I will keep an eye on Nyx," he promises. "I'll probably keep two eyes on her. One to protect her, and one to protect us." Boomingham clears his throat and looks at the Sorcerer seriously. "Listen, boy. You have a lot to learn. Dying is not penance. Dying is weak. We shed our past, we move onwards. Only positive actions right past wrongs. Dying won't bring peace to anyone but yourself. Don't be a coward. You have much to do, still."

Boomingham grunts a little guiltily. He realizes, suddenly, that while he and Nyx know each other fairly well....

"Who is this man who she loved on this last quest?" he asks Arthur suddenly. "Who is this madwoman Wren? I have heard bits and pieces of both her and her allies, but- Nyx is fierce. She doesn't discuss her weaknesses often, and while they're few and far between... I ought to know."

Arthur was thrown by Boomingham's sudden shift in tone. "Er--I'm not sure if it's my place to say...she first met him in Dastan. A sellsword, like us, but not with Heroica; works for the highest bidder. Specializes in explosives--that staff of hers and that odd-looking gizmo she can slot onto a bomb are both his handiwork. If you ever meet him, he looks kind of like me, but a little older and a lot better looking. Seems a decent sort, despite having fought on the other side--left soon as his contract was fulfilled, even gave Lady Nyx a parting present she used to great effect against Wren."

Arthur sighs at the mention of Wren. "Wren is...was...she...well, it's..." Arthur trails off. "She's a hard one to explain. She used to be a Hero, like the rest of us, but ran into the Temple of Zoot underneath the city...not unlike me, actually. She turned to Chaos worship, went to Ennon and turned half her party to stone and left the rest to the monstrous minions of a demented splinter of Ennoc...but regretted doing it the whole time. Or at least, that's what it seemed like when we saw the memories...anyway, she disappears. Next thing we know, she kidnaps a bunch of Heroes and throws 'em into an Arena. I think you're friendly with Docken and Hybros? They're two of the Heroes who were there, plus there's a record in the Library if you're interested. Very informative. Anyhow: she's using the Arena to make Chaos, long story short the Heroes bust out with the help of three people trapped there, Wren escapes, the Arena fighters swear revenge. A few months later, they inform Heroica that Wren's in Haddon, and had her fingers in the civil war there. She tricks the Heroes into backing the rebels instead of the Guard, but the Heroes figure it out and chase her off again, meeting a Dragon, a Frog Paladin, and the Captain of Haddon's Town Guard along the way. After that she went to Dastan...that whole thing was a gigantic clustermegablock, I'm not even gonna TRY to summarize that one. Wren was working with that guy there, you know, that bombster? It's how Nyx met both him and Wren. Anyway, she gets away again, and I end up on a team sent to Ennon to find out what happened over there. We go over, free the Lost Party, and beat down Ennoc. Wren pops up, grabs this little trinket she'd been after the first time, and runs away. In the end, we end up in Eubric, with all of our allies gathered, chasing Wren and her troops around the city before she could release enough Chaos to summon Zoot, who she'd planned to summon and usurp. I act like a dick, Atramor gets half our allies killed, and the rest of the party beats down Wren. I'm honestly not sure if she's dead or on another Plane somewhere, and honestly I don't care. I thought I could use Chaos for good. I thought I could change Wren. Both betrayed me. End of story. I was stupid, and then fate decides to save me instead of perfectly good people who already had done and would have done good things, a lot better things than I'll ever do. So now I've got to do my time, do what good I can."

"Look, Chaos? It's not something you can walk away from. It settles inside of you, and no amount of cleansing will ever take it away. All it's good for is destruction. All I'm good for is destruction. So, best just point me at the stuff that needs to be killed, and try to keep clear of the blast zone. And, uh..." He looks to make absolute sure Nyx isn't looking. "The scars are just as bad. Not the ones from battle--the ones on the inside. Those wounds really mess you up, and they never really close--they just sit there and fester until your whole soul is nothing but black. It ain't a fate I'd wish on anyone, believe me. I mean, in my opinion the people who mess with Chaos and have to be killed have it a hell of a lot better than the sods stuck fighting 'em. Believe me--I've done both."

"But enough about the past. I'm done focusing on me, on the past--it's time we hunt down this gangster and end him, before he can hurt anyone else."

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