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Part One

Part Two

Part Three


As the days past the two youths became good friends, often rambling throughout the mountains, spending many a happy hour in the lonely solitudes and rocky fastnesses. One day, Gascoyne took Kalaflar out to a favorite haunt of theirs. After some time, Gascoyne finally began to tell Kalaflar his story.


"Many years ago," he began, "Kaliphlin was overrun by a proud, evil knight who claimed all the land as his and punished any noble who did not accept his authority. There were many who would not consent to his evil practices, but gradually he grew in power, and as he did so he either killed opposing nobles or forced them to come to his side out of fear. My father, to escape the fate of the rest of his companions, fled to the Rakath mountains. The knight gathered a huge army, intent on storming our fortress, but, with a few loyal soldiers, my father waited for him along the sides of one of the most dangerous chasems of the mountains. When the knight reached the place, the soldeirs began loosning and trowing down rocks and boulders on tome of them, and one of these killed the knight. His son - a man of even more of a firey temper - vowed vengance, but was forced to a hasty retreat. On returning, he found Kaliphlin in turmoil. Rumor had reached them of the death of the knight, and with one accord all turned against his son. It was all he could do to keep his own lands, but the grip he had on other lands was broken. This all happened only a few years before Dextrus Flagg came to power. In retaliation to Flagg's attempt to take the thrown though, the knight's son has gathered a band of like minded rogues and is making a desperate resistance." Turning to Kalaflar he added, "I don't know how much of this you were aware of. But we are now certain that it was a party of that same knight's men who slew your Uncle's party. Word reached us, just days ago, that Flagg has sent several of his ablest generals to cope with the outlaw. But though they are brave and bold, the outlaws power grows daily. They need all the recurts they can get." He paused, and Kalaflar started.

"What are you saying?"

"Have patience. From the day we first heard, I have been begging my father's permission. At first he would not, but he has now given me permission. I leave in three days. And to waste no more words, will you come with me as my page - no, my squire?"

Kalaflar looked by turns astonished and then pleased, and finally with a look of determination he said, "There is nothing I would desire more. But tell me, who do you see as winning?"

For a while Gascoyne did not reply. Then at last he said, "I fear the forces are very nearly equal. I do not hide from you the tremendous things that are at stake. If we fail..." His voice trailed off, and little more was spoken.

And so it was, that three days latter, the two young men set out for the scene of battle. Would they return again?

(Out of Story), I built this as an attempt to hold the covered wagon for my Mpya Stedor build, but discovered that adding a bridge wide enough would be quite a challenge. I was pretty happy with how the landscaping turned out but I'm not quite happy with the way it turned out overall. C&C welcome anyways though!


Nice rockwork, though the exposed hollow tubes look a little strange to me. The figs' posings are excellent :thumbup:

I think the water could use some more detailing, some clear 1x1 round plates around the swimmers would look very fitting.


Nice rockwork, though the exposed hollow tubes look a little strange to me. The figs' posings are excellent :thumbup:

I think the water could use some more detailing, some clear 1x1 round plates around the swimmers would look very fitting.

Thanks SK, I don't like exposed hollow tubes that much either but couldn't see how to cover them up and still make it look natural enough. Can't believe I didn't think about that for the water!

Nicely done! Love the poses of the minifigures in water, very creative! :wink:



Nice landscaping and fig posing, but I agree that the water looks a bit unnatural. Evan just tiling it would make it looks smoother and more like water.

Thanks! I'm not a huge fan of tiled water, but I certainly should have done something with it!


Part of the reason the water looks unnatural is because the characters are obviously in motion. We expect splashing, foam, waves, etc. If the minifigs were only on the banks, the lack of apparent water movement would look better and just communicate serene stillness.


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