Posted August 7, 201311 yr ~This quest is for chosen heroes only. If you'd like to learn how to join the game, please refer to Rules and FAQ topic.~ The morning sun rises, and so does the three heroes enlisted by Goldraum Ziegfried. The experienced crew travels together in their short morning stroll through Eubric, heading to Ziegfried manor as their employer had instructed them to. These three heroes are... Althior Emorith (And Finnegan) Level 33 2/4 Necromancer *Earns triple XP* Power: 45 (50 for spells) Power Bonus: +5 Spells Defense: 6 (4+2) Health: 43/43 (5+5+Chicken Drumstick (1)+32) Ether: 46/46 (5+5+32+4) Gold: 25 Equipment: Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:12, Has ⅙ chance to deal Cursed effect on attacks and ⅙ chance to deal Blessed effect on successful healing, Staff), Spellbound Gloves (+5 power when casting Spells, doubled if target is weak to Element, Handwear), Ethereal Cloak (SP:2, Max Ether +4, Backwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience, Accessory), Robe of the Elven Necromancer (SP: 4, Body Wear) Inventory: Dragoro (WP:8, Wand), Skeleton Decoy, Potion x6, Tonic x10, Grand Potion x4, Grand Tonic, Ether Core x3, Bedroll, Remedy x7, Mead, Smelling Salts, Diamond (Light), Topaz (Lightning), Amethyst (Darkness), Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Garnet (Earth), Opal (Ice), Aquamarine (Water), Emerald (Wood), Skull Shield (SP: 6, immune to darkness elemental damage), Bone x3, Elixirs x3, Phoenix Incense x2, Dragon Scales x2, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, The Rat Queen's Cape (Backwear, all Vermin type are Enamored with the wearer for the first three rounds of combat, Suitable for Alchemists, Beast Warriors, Chi Monks, and Witches) Johon [AKA Alf Gregory] (Bricksandparts) 25 years old male human Barbarian > Raider Level: 24,2/3 Power: 32 (23+8+4) Health: 8/41 (23+8+1+7+0) Shield Power: (5+1) Ether: ~/0 Positive effects: *Immune to:* (*Fragile*, *Cursed* *Stunned* ), *Natural Respite* Negative effects: (none) Gold: 2377 (1726(1), 0GB(50), 0CB(50), 0GO(80), 0CC(70), 0GC(100), 0M) Equipment: Weapon - Sword of Decay (WP:8) - (once the target is inflicted with damage they lose a quarter of the power of the strike each following turn for three turns. the effect cannot be compounded with more strikes. Suitable to Mages, Knights and Barbarians.) Shield - None Artefact 1 (L1-9) - Heavy Armour - SP:5, protects from fragile-effect, suitable for barbarians and knights Artefact 2 (L10-19) - Bravado Boots - 1/6 chance of being Lucky at the beginning of every battle Artefact 3 (L20-29) - Sticky Gloves - Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors.[ Artefact 4 (L30-39) - Artefact 5 (L40-49) - Artefact 6 (L50+) - Extra Artefacts: Helmet (+1 max health), Blessed Amulet – Protects from cursed-effect. Dog Statuette - (suitable for anyone, SP: 1, once named (Rover), speaking the name summons a dog almost certainly to tag along on madcap adventures and make snippy comments.), Hide of The Bleeding - restores 10 HP and 5 ether for every enemy the wearer kills, suitable for anyone, Scarlet Hood - +4 to power, immunity to stunned Extra Weapons: Greatsword (WP:3), Focal Staff (WP:5, Focus Fire-Roll a 3 for 5 ether Suitable for clerics and mages),Gladius (WP: 15, Darkness elemental, 1/3 chance of Fragile on succesful hits), Stalker’s Mallet (WP: 8, usable by Knights, Barbarians, and Harlots. Has a 1/2 chance to seal the enemy) Tools: Shovel (1), Pick-axe (2), Magnifying Glass (1), Magic Compass (1) Consumables: Potion (2), Venom (2), Remedy (1), Mead (5), Smelling Salts (14), Nostrum (14), Trial Brew (1), Elements: Aquamarine (1), Emerald (1), Topaz (1) Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep (1), Scroll of Blindness (1), Scroll of Sealing (1), Scroll of Confusion (1) Quest items: Blue Rose Karie Alderflask (Played by Kintobor) 22 year old Human Rogue Witch, lvl 15.5 Power: 21 (lvl 15 + WP: 6) Health: 21/21 Ether: 19/19 Gold: 4 Defence: 2 Equipment: Sexy (WP: 6, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues), Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4), Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear) Inventory: Grand Tonic (2), Mead (1), Remedy (2), Venom (7), Nostrum (2), Mulled Wine (1), Smoke bomb (1), Pixie Dust (1), Phoenix Essence (1), Grand Potion (3) Telescope (1), Bedroll (1) Quest Items: Entry 11, Grating Stone, Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp) Aretefacts/Weapons:Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only), Paper Doll (Accessory, Protects from the Hexed effect), Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from enamoured effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf) Gemstones: Topaz Only a quarter of an hour later, the party reaches their destination, standing in front of the imposing oak doors of Ziegfried Manor. With one knock the reptilian butler comes to the party's aid, opening the door for the party of three. "Sheeeerrrroooosssh. Shhhuuesster shhhoowwwssh sheerroosssh whhhheeee to whhheerrreee Ssssshhhiieggfrieeeddd iiissssh?' His garbled speech is almost unintelligible... QM Note: Welcome to Quest 79, heroes! You folks have 24 hours to confirm and do any shopping you need to - everyone's stats alright? I'll move this forward when everyone confirms. Edited August 7, 201311 yr by Endgame
August 7, 201311 yr Karie shuffles to the manor, still sleepy. It was almost too early to be up and doing things. She looked at the impressive manor standing before her. It reminded her of her step fathers. She walked to the door and knocked, only for a reptilian butler to answer, speaking in a garbled tongue. She pondered on what the butler said before responding with a bit of uncertainty in her voice. "If you're asking us if you can show us to the Zeigfried's , than yes, you may, but I think it best to allow my party members to wake up a little more first, Shuester." At least, I think his name is Shuester. OOC: Yeah, I'm here! Everything looks good! Edited August 7, 201311 yr by Kintobor
August 7, 201311 yr OoC: I should've updated my old stats, but here they are: Johon [AKA Alf Gregory] (Bricksandparts) 25 years old male human Barbarian > Raider Level: 24,2/3 Power: 32 (23+8+4) Health: 8/41 (23+8+1+7+0) Shield Power: (5+1) Ether: ~/0 Positive effects: *Immune to:* (*Fragile*, *Cursed* *Stunned* ), *Natural Respite* Negative effects: (none) Gold: 2377 (1726(1), 0GB(50), 0CB(50), 0GO(80), 0CC(70), 0GC(100), 0M) Equipment: Weapon - Sword of Decay (WP:8) - (once the target is inflicted with damage they lose a quarter of the power of the strike each following turn for three turns. the effect cannot be compounded with more strikes. Suitable to Mages, Knights and Barbarians.) Shield - None Artefact 1 (L1-9) - Heavy Armour - SP:5, protects from fragile-effect, suitable for barbarians and knights Artefact 2 (L10-19) - Bravado Boots - 1/6 chance of being Lucky at the beginning of every battle Artefact 3 (L20-29) - Sticky Gloves - Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors.[ Artefact 4 (L30-39) - Artefact 5 (L40-49) - Artefact 6 (L50+) - Extra Artefacts: Helmet (+1 max health), Blessed Amulet – Protects from cursed-effect. Dog Statuette - (suitable for anyone, SP: 1, once named (Rover), speaking the name summons a dog almost certainly to tag along on madcap adventures and make snippy comments.), Hide of The Bleeding - restores 10 HP and 5 ether for every enemy the wearer kills, suitable for anyone, Scarlet Hood - +4 to power, immunity to stunned Extra Weapons: Greatsword (WP:3), Focal Staff (WP:5, Focus Fire-Roll a 3 for 5 ether Suitable for clerics and mages),Gladius (WP: 15, Darkness elemental, 1/3 chance of Fragile on succesful hits), Stalker’s Mallet (WP: 8, usable by Knights, Barbarians, and Harlots. Has a 1/2 chance to seal the enemy) Tools: Shovel (1), Pick-axe (2), Magnifying Glass (1), Magic Compass (1) Consumables: Potion (2), Venom (2), Remedy (1), Mead (5), Smelling Salts (14), Nostrum (14), Trial Brew (1), Elements: Aquamarine (1), Emerald (1), Topaz (1) Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep (1), Scroll of Blindness (1), Scroll of Sealing (1), Scroll of Confusion (1) Quest items: Blue Rose Johon is silent, confused at the garbled message. "Hello Karie, Althior. I don't believe any of us have quested together before?"
August 7, 201311 yr Althior walks, slowly, into the light, taking off his hood, "Johon, or whatever your name is," He turns to the other woman, "I don't believe that we've met, but, you do remind me of someone I saw at this very mansion almost a year ago. Really, the resemblance is uncanny..." He trails off admiring the resemblance between Karie and Violetta. "Anyways, you seem to be looking like a witch. Which assuming I'm right," He stops, "Wait, I'm always right! You can make more use of rat queen's cape than I." Stats look good. But is the lack of party leader intentional?
August 7, 201311 yr Author QM Note: Excellent, we can begin! K-Nut, I'm/Goldraum is allowing you three to decide who the Party Leader will be. Schuester nods as all three heroes appear at the front door, gesturing in the manor with a scaly hand. "Sccchuuesstterrrr taayyyyykkkeee ssshheerrooosssh to Misshterrrrr Shhhiiieegfffrieed." The party follows the oddd butler through the corridors of the Ziegfried Manor. Althior swears that the layout was different the last time was here... A constantly changing house was something you couldn't put past the Ziegfrieds, apparently. Shuester leads the heroes outside, into the manor's courtyard. There, their employer, Goldraum Ziegfried stands. He taps his foot impatiently, despite the fact the heroes weren't actually late. "Sssssssshhheerrroooessss." Sheuester slurs to Goldraum. "Thank you, Shuester. You're dismissed." Shuester slowly shuffles away as Goldraum turns his attention to the heroes he had hired. Stones statues in the courtyard seem to stare vacantly at the heroes, their wands glistening, as the employer addresses his employees. The Ziegfried had a haughty aura surrounding him as he spoke. "Ah. Heroes, you've arrived. Early, shockingly. Now, as I said in the quest note I put up in that hall of yours, i require a bit of a delivery service from you three. I've recently recieved word that one of my acquaintances, Arnold Keolo, has unearthed some documents pertaining to an incredibly fascinating subject. A magical one, of course. Mr. Keolo is an archaeologist, and is out spelunking all the time. He found the documents during a trip to the north, or so I heard. The Ziegfrieds always thirst for ethereal knowledge, and the documents will be a great addition to our ever expanding collection. Now, I am a busy man, heroes - and Keolo his preparing for his next expedition to who-knows-where, and is apparently far too occupied to come meet me here. Hmph. So, as you have hopefully guessed, I need you three to go to his private estate and retrieve the documents for me. Now, there is a complication: To get to Mr. Keolo's residence, one must go through the Eubric Forests. It'll be a bit of a trek, but unless you would prefer to go through the mountains, it's your best option. Any questions I have yet to somehow answer?" Edited August 7, 201311 yr by Endgame
August 7, 201311 yr On 8/7/2013 at 8:45 PM, Bricksandparts said: Johon is silent, confused at the garbled message. "Hello Karie, Althior. I don't believe any of us have quested together before?" "No, I don't believe we have, although seeing as what we're tasked with doing, it looks like we won't be for long. Deliver some guys stuff. Piece of cake." The irony being Karie could hardly digest cake, and if she did it would probably kill her. On 8/7/2013 at 10:48 PM, K-Nut said: He trails off admiring the resemblance between Karie and Violetta. "Anyways, you seem to be looking like a witch. Which assuming I'm right," He stops, "Wait, I'm always right! You can make more use of rat queen's cape than I." Karie notices the oddball, most likely Althoir, staring at here. She rolls her eyes "Typically most men I meet introduce themselves, but I suppose you're not like most men, are you? My name's Karie. Karie Alderflask." Karie follows Shuester through the house, marveling at the various objects in the house. Lucky, rich aristocrats. Her mind went back to her step parent's manor and all the items they had. Her sister probably tried to rob this place, and considering her apparent success, she probably succeeded. She looks about the garden, noticing her employer. It was rather nice out. She could see herself relaxing out here. She intently listens to Goldraum's explanation before raising her hand. "One question. How many people know about this discovery, that you know of? Anyone that perhaps might have a grudge against you guys or something?" Edited August 7, 201311 yr by Kintobor
August 7, 201311 yr On 8/7/2013 at 11:26 PM, Kintobor said: Karie notices the oddball, most likely Althoir, staring at here. She rolls her eyes "Typically most men I meet introduce themselves, but I suppose you're not like most men, are you? My name's Karie. Karie Alderflask." "See for yourself. Do I look like an average man." The gentle breeze makes his suit blow around as he looks to the witch with a dead look in his eyes. "But yes, I am Althior Emorith, as you suspected," "I do have a question. How good is the view from the mountains? I'll be taking that into account before we make a decision..." Althior sighs. "Finnegan, stop making a fool of yourself..." "Aww but come on! There's probably some pretty good loot up there since it's a more difficult trek! " "Only you would think of it like that, Finnegan." "Me and all the loot loving players heroes in this game world," Althior turns back to Goldraum. "A pleasure to be of service to you again, Master Ziegfried. I myself have no questions."
August 7, 201311 yr On 8/7/2013 at 11:41 PM, K-Nut said: "See for yourself. Do I look like an average man." The gentle breeze makes his suit blow around as he looks to the witch with a dead look in his eyes. "But yes, I am Althior Emorith, as you suspected," "Yes, considering some of the outfits I've seen people wear." She looks about, trying to locate the curious voice. "Might I ask what's making that noise, Althoir?"
August 8, 201311 yr On 8/7/2013 at 11:50 PM, Kintobor said: "Yes, considering some of the outfits I've seen people wear." She looks about, trying to locate the curious voice. "Might I ask what's making that noise, Althoir?" Althior laughs "Oh, Finnegan? Yes, yes. He's the floating sack to the left." "I'm more than just a floating sack. " "Of course. It's my attempt at humor. I guess Aura's don't get jokes. Who'd have thought it? Anyways, his name is Finnegan. He's an aura-type, thing. He probably has some sort of species, but I just call him an aura." "It stands for Amazing, Under-appreciated, Rare, and Actually very intelligent." "You forgot to factor Annoying in there somewhere, old sport," Finnegan rolls his eyes, or he would, if he had eyes.
August 8, 201311 yr On 8/8/2013 at 12:05 AM, K-Nut said: Althior laughs "Oh, Finnegan? Yes, yes. He's the floating sack to the left." "I'm more than just a floating sack. " "Of course. It's my attempt at humor. I guess Aura's don't get jokes. Who'd have thought it? Anyways, his name is Finnegan. He's an aura-type, thing. He probably has some sort of species, but I just call him an aura." "It stands for Amazing, Under-appreciated, Rare, and Actually very intelligent." "You forgot to factor Annoying in there somewhere, old sport," Finnegan rolls his eyes, or he would, if he had eyes. "Ah, I see. So he is." Karie was more than a little curious about this floating sack of Althoir's and what aura's were. She'd never heard about them before, and simply nodded her head in agreement as if she knew what he was talking about.
August 8, 201311 yr Finnegan leans over to Althior and whispers. "You know she has no idea what you're talking about, right?" "Of course, I'm just trying to be polite," "Please Althior. We both know you never try to be polite." Althior rolls his eyes.
August 8, 201311 yr Author Goldraum grimaces as he sees the aura and its master bicker. "Remarkable how easily my family trusts these hero types... Ahem. You three seem competent enough, they i don't think I would vouch for the intelligence of that chattering... thing... you have accompanying you, Althior. To answer your question: No, I highly doubt that anyone outside of me, Arnold, and his small squad would know anything about the discovery. it's even more doubtful that anyone would try to hinder you. The documents deal with a topic so surreal that hardly anyone would have use for them, anyway..."
August 8, 201311 yr Karie crosses her arms. "Sir, could you go into detail of what these documents pertain, at least to your knowledge?"
August 8, 201311 yr Author Goldraum seems to get irritated at the witch's question. "...You Heroica types would just read them anyway if i didn't tell you, wouldn't you?"
August 8, 201311 yr On 8/8/2013 at 1:43 AM, Endgame said: Goldraum seems to get irritated at the witch's question. "...You Heroica types would just read them anyway if i didn't tell you, wouldn't you?" "Yup." Karie gave a toothy grin. Edited August 8, 201311 yr by Kintobor
August 8, 201311 yr Author Goldraum masages his temples ofr a bit, muttering under his breath. "Off to a brilliant start, now aren't we..." He murmurs with contempt, contemplating whether or not he should diverge what he knew. With a sigh, he conceded, turning to face the heroes. He didn't look too happy. "Fine, fine. I'm only conceding on this matter because Mr. Emorith has served our family well... Even then, that aura of his is giving me some doubts. The document talk about life. Not in the abstract sense, heroes - they contain information about some sort of artifact called the Lifespark, a flame forged by unknown, possibly divine, power, and placed on our Olegaia... or so they say. I myself have no clue whether or not this Lifespark even exists, or it is just some fairytale. Whether or not it is real remains to be seen, but it is said to be immensely powerful. One ember could forge an entirely new lifeform, giving birth to a new species. If that truly is the case, the power of the entire flame would be unfathomable. Now, heroes, don't get any wrong ideas. The Ziegfrieds do not tamper with such power, and the ones who did..." Goldraum looks melancholic for a few moments. "Well, I'd rather not talk about that. My interest in the documents is purely academic - for the love of Ethereth, we don't even know if the bloody spark exists. It may be little more then a myth, but the documents would make a good addition to our collection nonetheless." Edited August 8, 201311 yr by Endgame
August 8, 201311 yr "Well, it certainly gives this journey at least a grander scope. I don't have anymore questions for you, Mr. Goldraum, but I do thing now would be an excellent time to discuss who our party leader will be. Also, since you offered it Althoir, I will take your Rat Queen Cloak off your hands, if you'd like. " Documents pertaining to a flame that can create new life? Considering her previous quests, this actually sounded like something a hero would do in some adventure novel.
August 8, 201311 yr Author Althior Emorith (And Finnegan) Level 33 2/4 Necromancer *Earns triple XP* Power: 45 (50 for spells) Power Bonus: +5 Spells Defense: 6 (4+2) Health: 43/43 (5+5+Chicken Drumstick (1)+32) Ether: 46/46 (5+5+32+4) Gold: 25 Equipment: Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:12, Has ⅙ chance to deal Cursed effect on attacks and ⅙ chance to deal Blessed effect on successful healing, Staff), Spellbound Gloves (+5 power when casting Spells, doubled if target is weak to Element, Handwear), Ethereal Cloak (SP:2, Max Ether +4, Backwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience, Accessory), Robe of the Elven Necromancer (SP: 4, Body Wear) Inventory: Dragoro (WP:8, Wand), Skeleton Decoy, Potion x6, Tonic x10, Grand Potion x4, Grand Tonic, Ether Core x3, Bedroll, Remedy x7, Mead, Smelling Salts, Diamond (Light), Topaz (Lightning), Amethyst (Darkness), Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Garnet (Earth), Opal (Ice), Aquamarine (Water), Emerald (Wood), Skull Shield (SP: 6, immune to darkness elemental damage), Bone x3, Elixirs x3, Phoenix Incense x2, Dragon Scales x2, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, Johon [AKA Alf Gregory] (Bricksandparts) 25 years old male human Barbarian > Raider Level: 24,2/3 Power: 32 (23+8+4) Health: 8/41 (23+8+1+7+0) Shield Power: (5+1) Ether: ~/0 Positive effects: *Immune to:* (*Fragile*, *Cursed* *Stunned* ), *Natural Respite* Negative effects: (none) Gold: 2377 (1726(1), 0GB(50), 0CB(50), 0GO(80), 0CC(70), 0GC(100), 0M) Equipment: Weapon - Sword of Decay (WP:8) - (once the target is inflicted with damage they lose a quarter of the power of the strike each following turn for three turns. the effect cannot be compounded with more strikes. Suitable to Mages, Knights and Barbarians.) Shield - None Artefact 1 (L1-9) - Heavy Armour - SP:5, protects from fragile-effect, suitable for barbarians and knights Artefact 2 (L10-19) - Bravado Boots - 1/6 chance of being Lucky at the beginning of every battle Artefact 3 (L20-29) - Sticky Gloves - Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors.[ Artefact 4 (L30-39) - Artefact 5 (L40-49) - Artefact 6 (L50+) - Extra Artefacts: Helmet (+1 max health), Blessed Amulet – Protects from cursed-effect. Dog Statuette - (suitable for anyone, SP: 1, once named (Rover), speaking the name summons a dog almost certainly to tag along on madcap adventures and make snippy comments.), Hide of The Bleeding - restores 10 HP and 5 ether for every enemy the wearer kills, suitable for anyone, Scarlet Hood - +4 to power, immunity to stunned Extra Weapons: Greatsword (WP:3), Focal Staff (WP:5, Focus Fire-Roll a 3 for 5 ether Suitable for clerics and mages),Gladius (WP: 15, Darkness elemental, 1/3 chance of Fragile on succesful hits), Stalker’s Mallet (WP: 8, usable by Knights, Barbarians, and Harlots. Has a 1/2 chance to seal the enemy) Tools: Shovel (1), Pick-axe (2), Magnifying Glass (1), Magic Compass (1) Consumables: Potion (2), Venom (2), Remedy (1), Mead (5), Smelling Salts (14), Nostrum (14), Trial Brew (1), Elements: Aquamarine (1), Emerald (1), Topaz (1) Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep (1), Scroll of Blindness (1), Scroll of Sealing (1), Scroll of Confusion (1) Quest items: Blue Rose Karie Alderflask (Played by Kintobor) 22 year old Human Rogue Witch, lvl 15.5 Power: 21 (lvl 15 + WP: 6) Health: 21/21 Ether: 19/19 Gold: 4 Defence: 2 Equipment: Sexy (WP: 6, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues), Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4), Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear) Inventory: Grand Tonic (2), Mead (1), Remedy (2), Venom (7), Nostrum (2), Mulled Wine (1), Smoke bomb (1), Pixie Dust (1), Phoenix Essence (1), Grand Potion (3) Telescope (1), Bedroll (1) Quest Items: Entry 11, Grating Stone, Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp) Aretefacts/Weapons:Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only), Paper Doll (Accessory, Protects from the Hexed effect), Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from enamoured effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf) The Rat Queen's Cape (Backwear, all Vermin type are Enamored with the wearer for the first three rounds of combat, Suitable for Alchemists, Beast Warriors, Chi Monks, and Witches) Gemstones: Topaz "When you have decided who will be leading you, you three may head out.
August 8, 201311 yr Author QM Note: For the sake of time I'll move this along. You may decide the party leader at will. Their questions answered and their curiosity quenched, the party sets off with Goldraum's... "blessings." "Now then, now that you have successfully squeezed some info from me, please, heroes, complete your job. I guess it was nothing major, hmph..." Shuester leading them back through the mansion, the party still a bit perplexed by the manor's layout. The reptilian butler shows them the door, the party once again stepping out into the streets Eubric and depart for the Eubric Forest. Their journey through the city, thankfully, goes without incident, the party exiting Eubric after an uneventful 15 minute walk. They stand at the mouth of the forest, already flanked to the left and right by trees. The morning sun casts shadows over the heroes, and they are faced with a choice: They had reached a junction in the forest. Does the party head North or East?
August 8, 201311 yr Reaching the juncture, Karie scratches her head. "Yeah, should have asked him for directions now, shouldn't we have?" She looks down both paths, not sure where to go. She was rather sheltered as a child, and it showed. Karie looked a little discomforted in the woods, constantly looking about. "Well, since we have some free time, why don't we elect a party leader. I suppose I'll throw my metaphorical hat into the ring, having some experience." A right miserable experience, but experience none the less.
August 9, 201311 yr "Well, we all have our fair share of experience here. I'll throw my name in as well, seeing as I believe I have the most experience with the Ziegfrieds and in general," "Johon, how about using that Magic Compass of yours? Could be of some use here,"
August 9, 201311 yr OoC: Sorry I've not had time to comment! Been busy in real life. Johon is certainly struck back by the concept of the life spark. "You say it can start an entirely new species... What exactly did you plan to do with a new species?" ~~~ "Good idea." Johon says, taking out his magic compass and checking the direction it points. "I myself think Karie should lead our group. I don't believe she has ever been the leader before, correct?"
August 9, 201311 yr Author QM Note: Goldraum was referring to Zed/Sycamore, and how they tampered with souls/demonic/divine powers. The Ziegfrieds never created a species, atleast that I know of. After a 2 to 3 vote, Karie is elected as party leader. Althior Emorith (And Finnegan) Level 33 2/4 Necromancer *Earns triple XP* Power: 45 (50 for spells) Power Bonus: +5 Spells Defense: 6 (4+2) Health: 43/43 (5+5+Chicken Drumstick (1)+32) Ether: 46/46 (5+5+32+4) Gold: 25 Equipment: Scepter of Divine Affinity (WP:12, Has ⅙ chance to deal Cursed effect on attacks and ⅙ chance to deal Blessed effect on successful healing, Staff), Spellbound Gloves (+5 power when casting Spells, doubled if target is weak to Element, Handwear), Ethereal Cloak (SP:2, Max Ether +4, Backwear), Medal of Glory (Wearer earns triple experience, Accessory), Robe of the Elven Necromancer (SP: 4, Body Wear) Inventory: Dragoro (WP:8, Wand), Skeleton Decoy, Potion x6, Tonic x10, Grand Potion x4, Grand Tonic, Ether Core x3, Bedroll, Remedy x7, Mead, Smelling Salts, Diamond (Light), Topaz (Lightning), Amethyst (Darkness), Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Garnet (Earth), Opal (Ice), Aquamarine (Water), Emerald (Wood), Skull Shield (SP: 6, immune to darkness elemental damage), Bone x3, Elixirs x3, Phoenix Incense x2, Dragon Scales x2, Garnet Lamp of Summoning, Johon [AKA Alf Gregory] (Bricksandparts) 25 years old male human Barbarian > Raider Level: 24,2/3 Power: 32 (23+8+4) Health: 8/41 (23+8+1+7+0) Shield Power: (5+1) Ether: ~/0 Positive effects: *Immune to:* (*Fragile*, *Cursed* *Stunned* ), *Natural Respite* Negative effects: (none) Gold: 2377 (1726(1), 0GB(50), 0CB(50), 0GO(80), 0CC(70), 0GC(100), 0M) Equipment: Weapon - Sword of Decay (WP:8) - (once the target is inflicted with damage they lose a quarter of the power of the strike each following turn for three turns. the effect cannot be compounded with more strikes. Suitable to Mages, Knights and Barbarians.) Shield - None Artefact 1 (L1-9) - Heavy Armour - SP:5, protects from fragile-effect, suitable for barbarians and knights Artefact 2 (L10-19) - Bravado Boots - 1/6 chance of being Lucky at the beginning of every battle Artefact 3 (L20-29) - Sticky Gloves - Increases the amount of gold stolen by 50% (rounded up), suitable for rogues and beast warriors.[ Artefact 4 (L30-39) - Artefact 5 (L40-49) - Artefact 6 (L50+) - Extra Artefacts: Helmet (+1 max health), Blessed Amulet – Protects from cursed-effect. Dog Statuette - (suitable for anyone, SP: 1, once named (Rover), speaking the name summons a dog almost certainly to tag along on madcap adventures and make snippy comments.), Hide of The Bleeding - restores 10 HP and 5 ether for every enemy the wearer kills, suitable for anyone, Scarlet Hood - +4 to power, immunity to stunned Extra Weapons: Greatsword (WP:3), Focal Staff (WP:5, Focus Fire-Roll a 3 for 5 ether Suitable for clerics and mages),Gladius (WP: 15, Darkness elemental, 1/3 chance of Fragile on succesful hits), Stalker’s Mallet (WP: 8, usable by Knights, Barbarians, and Harlots. Has a 1/2 chance to seal the enemy) Tools: Shovel (1), Pick-axe (2), Magnifying Glass (1), Magic Compass (1) Consumables: Potion (2), Venom (2), Remedy (1), Mead (5), Smelling Salts (14), Nostrum (14), Trial Brew (1), Elements: Aquamarine (1), Emerald (1), Topaz (1) Scrolls: Scroll of Sleep (1), Scroll of Blindness (1), Scroll of Sealing (1), Scroll of Confusion (1) Quest items: Blue Rose Karie Alderflask (Played by Kintobor) *Party Leader!* 22 year old Human Rogue Witch, lvl 15.5 Power: 21 (lvl 15 + WP: 6) Health: 21/21 Ether: 19/19 Gold: 4 Defence: 2 Equipment: Sexy (WP: 6, Rapier, Disregards SP, usable by Knights and Rogues), Ethereal Cloak (SP +2, Max. Ether +4), Catsuit (Wearer has 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits; suitable to women only; bodywear) Inventory: Grand Tonic (2), Mead (1), Remedy (2), Venom (7), Nostrum (2), Mulled Wine (1), Smoke bomb (1), Pixie Dust (1), Phoenix Essence (1), Grand Potion (3) Telescope (1), Bedroll (1) Quest Items: Entry 11, Grating Stone, Map of Brendenton (1), Spider Coin (worth 1 gp) Aretefacts/Weapons:Heirloom Dagger (WP: 3), Scroll of Newtity (costs 10 ether)(usable by ex-Amphibians only), Paper Doll (Accessory, Protects from the Hexed effect), Lover's Locket (Accessory, Protects from enamoured effect), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (Accessory, changes user's appearance into an Elf) The Rat Queen's Cape (Backwear, all Vermin type are Enamored with the wearer for the first three rounds of combat, Suitable for Alchemists, Beast Warriors, Chi Monks, and Witches) Gemstones: Topaz Johon holds out his magic compass, the needle wriggling back and forth between the two direction before settling on North. Which way will the party go?
August 9, 201311 yr "Just because the needle points North doesn't mean that we should go North. The path could always divert in a different direction or lead in a different direction, if you understand what I'm getting at." Karie was a little surprised Johon would elect her as party leader. Sure, she'd taken the reigns before, but she felt a little nervous this time around. The incident in Brendenton was made worse due to the all out mess the party dragged her through. Perhaps this would go over better than before. Johon was likeable, and Althoir, while somewhat rude, didn't come off as irritable like Nessa 1.0. Who knew, maybe it would be worse. "Well then, as party leader, I suggest we go North for the time being, but I'm all for other ideas."
August 9, 201311 yr Author Heeding the compass's advice, the party heads North through the junction. The path in front of them stretches on for about ten minutes, the foliage growing denser and denser as they walk deeper into the Eubric forest. The party eventually comes to stop in a clearing, a high stone wall and a gate before them. A small fire was set up, the last few embers still sizzling with a lukewarm red glow: was this some sort of camp? The three people at the clearing seem unaware about the heroes' presence, too absorbed in their current tasks to take note. A young man carries fistfuls of berries towards the makeshift camp, an older man just barely trailing behind, carrying a bucket full of water. A woman works dilligently on the locks holding the gate shut, trying to pry it up with two dense slabs of wood. What will the party do?
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