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Welcome to the first ever Games Forum building contest, hosted in celebration of the 2 year anniversary of the Heroica RPG! Whether you're an old hand at the game or completely new to this part of Eurobricks, now is your chance to participate in the rich fantasy enviroment that is Heroica, create something unique, and be in with a chance to win some fantastic prizes!

The Entry Thread

This is where you post your entries for the contest. Make sure you check the rules thoroughly before submitting your entry, as any entry that does not abide by the rules will be disqualified.

General Rules

  • One entry per member.
  • Only official LEGO elements are permitted.
  • All entries must me made with physical bricks, not digitally rendered. Models must use conventional building techniques; no cutting, gluing, painting or other forms of modification are allowed, including custom decals. Cutting LEGO rope and hose etc is acceptable.
  • Maximum entry size is 32x32 studs with no structural overhang. Accessory overhang (minifig weapons, dragon tails etc) is permitted.
  • Entries cannot be a previous posted creations, they must be designed specifically for this contest.
  • Entries must be submitted to the Entry Thread with a short description and up to 3 deeplinked images no greater than 800x600 pixels in size. Links to larger version of the submitted images are permitted, but not to other images.
  • Minimal photo editing is permitted, but only to enhance the image; no editing of the creation is allowed.
  • Entries must not be submitted as a separate topic; only one post in the entry thread please.
  • Entries must be posted by midnight UTC on Sunday September 8th. Voting will then occur in the week that follows.

Contest ends at Midnight UTC on Sunday September 8th.

  • Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified.
  • Entries that do not meet all the requirements by the deadline will be disqualified.
  • Whether an entry meets the requirements will be at the discretion of the contest host, but entrants will be notified if their entry does not meet the requirements.
  • All entries can be altered/changed as many times as each entrant wishes up until the contest deadline, within the single entry post.
  • Shortly after the contest closes, a voting topic will be made for the qualifying entries.

I look forward to seeing all of your entries, good luck!

My Entry - Ambush on Castle Fortaan

The Brave Warriors Plan to ambush The Mighty Castle Fortaan To finally Kill The Orc King but his spy could be watching See this MOC to see what the brave warriors are planning...


My MOC was based on the start of The Castle Fortaan Game

Edited by Dragonator
Removed Extra Links to further pictures

Attack upon Kezinbricks keep

Army's of good conjoin forces in order to retake the once great keep of Kezinbricks, now it has been overridden with hordes of orcs and the once good but now evil race of men from the Dastan Empire. This squadron of Dastans empire had their minds corrupted by the evil orcs who showed them what true power can really do. Little do any of the forces know there is an ancient evil hidden deep within the keep. The army's of Hinckwell, Dwarfs and Lion knights have come up with a plan, a distraction which will attract the hordes of evil to come out of their keep and fight to the death. Meanwhile whilst the distraction takes place the races of good men and dwarfs as well as the almighty presence of the paladin sneak through the tides that crash ferociously upon the keep, the forces are swift like the wind. There had been a battle there many centuries before and there are still some remains that left a scar upon the keep, the death of the old paladin, this could be what the new paladin needs in order to give him more fury against the attack, now its time to visualise what is happening:




Thanks for looking and I hope y'all enjoy my MOC as much as I did making it. Good luck to all contestants and thankyou eurobricks for hosting such a fantastic competition :classic:

(The pictures are links to a larger image on my Flickr)

Edited by Kez

Shrine of the Blessed

The Paladin Order's headquarter in Eubric contains several shrines and sanctuaries dedicated to Ennoc, the Righteous Light, the most important one being the Temple of Ennoc. Next to that the Shrine of the Blessed is the most visited one. It was built to commemorate the victims of the fall of Ennon and the few survivors that escaped the invading orcs of Tarokai. The statue on the top level is the Guardian Angel that descended to protect and give the Blessing of Ennoc to the small group of refugees which included the famous Miekahl Lightbringer. Every year that event is celebrated amongst the followers of Ennoc and a ceremony is held at the Shrine of the Blessed where certain members of the Order might be picked for the special honor of receiving the Great Blessing.

The Shrine is manned by priestess Alia Sunshine and her assistant Osalam Whitewind and guarded by handpicked soldiers from the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Battalion of Light.




The pictures are links to my Flickr where you can find larger versions.


Attacking the Lion Lord Outpost...

Dastan Empire warriors are fighting with a small group of the Lion Lord guards.

And somebody want to save the princess...


Heroica RPG Contest Entry by balthazar_heyward, on Flickr


Heroica RPG Contest Entry by balthazar_heyward, on Flickr


Heroica RPG Contest Entry by balthazar_heyward, on Flickr

All images are links to my Flickr photostream!

Hope you enjoyed my MOC :classic:

Edited by Balthazar

Once, in the Orcish War, there were two generals who were set to face each other. The Great Paladin Leader Gabriel, and the Orcish War Chief Cornelius. The two were avid rivals, but they respected each other's prowess. When their armies clashed, the two found each other, and dealt each other mortal wounds. Dying next to each other, they each had but one request - that they be buried next to the creature that had killed them, the creature they respected most in the world. To this day their tombs stand (slightly weathered, of course), and rest in a tranquil spot. Some days people pay their dues, but most of the time the tombs are left in tranquil peace.




The Ruins of Fortaan: Ennon was a kingdom that got totally ravaged by the orcish invasion about 250 years ago and Fortaan was the capital of that lost kingdom. Only ruins remains of this great city, once prosperous and shining, now reclaimed by nature. Despite this, in the middle of the vegetation you can still catch a glimpse of the grandeur of this capital whose architectures once towered above the city and canals that crossed it. The canals served as means of communication but also adorned the city with waterfalls and ponds, shining the city at the light of the sun.




All pictures are links to my Flickr where you can find larger versions; enjoy! :classic:

The bandits came, no-one knew why. They tore through the village, killing men and women as they pleased. Then the fires of destruction burned with the smell of ash and the extinction of dreams.

Through the smoke came the old man, drawn in particular to one formerly homely dwelling, whose roof had fallen in as the flames leapt higher.

He found the boy huddled in the corner, his sooty face cleansed in places by his tears, terrified yet unable to find the courage to move away from the bright flames that threatened to consume him.

The cleric took the boy's hand, gave an encouraging smile that beamed out of his wizened features, and led him to safety.




Peep's Sheep 'n' Livestock Co. has suffered record losses this season. Bolaf, a spokesperson for PSL , accredits the loss to the constant raids on the pens in Black marsh. It is with this news that we call upon all brave, strong and able persons to bring an end to this thievery.

Large Rewards!


Peep's Sheep 'n' Livestock Co. by Taz-Maniac, on Flickr


Peep's Sheep 'n' Livestock Co. by Taz-Maniac, on Flickr


Peep's Sheep 'n' Livestock Co. by Taz-Maniac, on Flickr

The call of adventure

Located near the Donauld’s Farm in the Free Islands, Gildas has decide to left the family house for an adventure life. Since he was a child, he always saw the best warrior of Eubric city passing by the Eubric Highway, telling himself that one day he will be the one walking on this road and be acclaimed.

But reality had planned something different for Gildas destiny. Until now.

During all is life he was raise by his parents along his younger sisters and brothers. His father, Tulgar, tell him that when he’ll die he will be the one in charge of the family farm, to work the ground but also to help his devoted mother.

Gildas accept his fate and work the ground and repairs chairs for over a decade without never forgetting about his dream on taking the road. But one day, after he saw one of his old friend doing a job post on the board of the Trading post, he realizes that it can be his chance to leave the house. He decides to tell his parents of his decision, aware that his father would be upset and against his willing.

Just as he arrives at the family house, he saw his father waiting for him, smiling with what was look to be a shield and a sword. It appeared his father always known that someday Gildas would make the request to leave the house for the outside world. He also knew he was not quite happy working the ground as his brother so he decided that it was now time.

The equipment that was given to him may be old but with a quick restoration they would look as brand new. It was in fact the one his father was use to handle until he met his mother.

Gildas his now equip with some gears, supplies, happiness and courage.

He can now answer to the call of adventure.




Defending the Tower of Bellasur

Evil count Melablord attack the acient Tower of Bellasur. Will Sir Henich Sarross and other brave knights of Merthidonia be brave and strong enough to defeat the mad count? Will they beat Melablord's soldiers and destroy their machines? The destiny of beautiful land Merthadonia is in hands of Sir Sarross and his brave friends. They will have to use all of their tricks and yes, with their armours, swords and flying machine they'll defeat the army of shadow.




Edited by Dragonator
Extra image removed

"The Freeport of Eubric lies on the island of Uland, which is the largest of the Free Islands. The city belongs to no nation, and thus it has grown into the trading hub of the whole world. Envoys from every country and race come there to exchange merchandise and information, and solitary adventurers seeking fame and fortune."

~ From the Library at Heroica Hall



Sailing into the harbor past the lighthouse and the fish market:


I'm in the "completely new to this part of Eurobricks" group and first off I have to say this world that you have all created is huge and wonderfully detailed - Congrats on a successful two years of RPGing. :thumbup:

Armed with Sandy's map and Google site search I did my best to replicate the descriptions/Mocs that you have created of the various locations in Eubric, into a micro size version of the city. It was tricky, but with a little bit of squishing,shifting, and disproportionizing I think I was able to fit everything in... A little messier looking than I was aiming for but hopefully there are some recognizable landmarks. Comments/critiques always welcome. And good luck to everyone entering!

Bigger versions here

Deep under one of the many mountains in the Dastan Empire a small group of adventurers explores an ancient tomb. Soon they find out this is not just any ancient tomb but the crypt of one of the Dastan Empires first emperors, buried with the skull of his dragon. Now they have to see that true kings never die...


heroicacon1 von tobiasgeserick auf Flickr


heroica2con von tobiasgeserick auf Flickr


heroica3con von tobiasgeserick auf Flickr

Edited by Kumpelkante

A few minutes walk south of castle Fortaan on the edge of the Waldurk forest there's a small cave. People simply call it the Abyss for there's a rumor about this cave extending more than 100 meters and even being connected with the castle through an underground passage. The deepest chamber is supposed to be the grave of a high lord who died about 500 years ago. A team of adventurers decided to explore this ancient tomb and to their surprise they really found a narrow passage leading deeper and deeper. Fighting a few rats and bats they proceeded quite fast until they finally reached a wooden door. After entering they were amazed at the view of the ancient architecture of bridges, pillars and stairways spreading from one edge of the cave to the other. But what they did not expect were all the bones. Lots of bones. Walking bones, that is ...

Party members:

Orc veteran barbarian Bagamul

Human fierce knight Gerald

Elven precise ranger Merwen

Human stealth rogue Tedril

Aoi elemental mage Dolms

Nôrns holly cleric Andariel

The overall look of the bridge and the stairway:


Stairway to the crypt and the gold storage guarded by the undead necromancer:


Top view at some fighting action:


Disclaimer: this MOC is not based on any particular quest, so sorry to all the hardcore Heroica fans. However I tried to include every known class and some distinct races for characters, as well as came up with a quite possible story and location. Hope you all like it and maybe a future quest will be played in the Abyss!

In the mountains of Titaan there are many dwarven mines. One of them, the Diamond Mine of Ulrich, is reachable only by traveling through a narrow canyon with sheer cliffs on all sides. Ulrich's family had owned the mine for 3 generations, but it was he that struck the richest vein so it was he that the mine was named after. His grandfather began and his father finished building a fortress around the entrance to the mine since dangerous monsters were no strangers to the Titaan mountains. One day the earth started shaking and Ulrich, who was outside the mine counting the latest haul of diamonds, and a few other dwarves, saw stones hurling downward. Unsure of what to do they ran towards the entrance of the canyon. They were loath to leave their riches unattended, but never having experienced an earthquake before they thought that perhaps a dragon had come to steal their diamonds. As they reached the entrance to the canyon the ground gave one last heave and they found themselves trapped away from their mine. Because there was no way to Ulrich's Mine except through the canyon, the dwarves were stuck without hope.

One year later: It had taken time for Ulrich and his small band of dwarves to stop mourning their loss and begin to plot a way back into their mine. They spent their time in Newharbour taking expeditions through the mountains trying to find another way into the canyon. But try as they might they could not find another way. They considered trying to move the rocks blocking the canyon but it required equipment they did not have and could not afford since all their wealth lay on the other side of the landslide. They also knew that mining a second shaft to connect to Ulrich's Mine would be time consuming not to mention dangerous as cave-ins are in high probability when joining two mine shafts. Ulrich did find it strange that he did not hear any sounds of activity from the other side of the landslide. He wondered if it meant all the other dwarves had perished in the earthquake or if something else was keeping them from seeking rescue.

One day the dwarves were sitting in a tavern in a corner of Newharbour as far away from the water as possible. Dwarves despise water, they would much rather be on dry ground. But Newharbour was the best place to find people to help in a crazy quest in those parts so they stayed. As they talked about their lost mine they noticed an Aoi entering the tavern. Ulrich recognized what he was right away even though it was odd to see Aoi outside of their continent. As Ulrich's gears started turning he invited the Aoi to join them. Ulrich found out that the Aoi's name was Qwang and that he had been away from his home country for many years. Something had happened to Qwang that had caused him to be banished from his home town, but he wouldn't go into any details. He also had something that most Aoi didn't have in that part of the world: an airship. If there is anything a dwarf hates more than being on water it's being in air. But Ulrich wasn't about to let something like flying stop him from getting back to his mine.

The Next Day: They took off at dawn. Ulrich chose two other dwarves to accompany him back to the mine. He knew that they would be able to clear the landslide with the equipment from the mine with only a few hands, and he didn't want to endanger any more dwarves than he had to with a crazy flying venture.

"Fly closer to the mine!" Shouted Ulrich.

"If I fly any closer we will crash the ship and become one more skeleton in that graveyard!" Shouted back Qwang.

Ulrich looked closer and saw that there were indeed the bones of many of his friends scattered across the courtyard. He also noticed something he had not counted on. A cyclops. That complicated his mission. He had a choice to make. Would he try to fight the cyclops with only himself, two other dwarves and Qwang (if he was willing), or would he go back to Newharbour and try to recruit some help? It looked like he had a quest on his hands to reclaim his mine.




Notes: I have based this information on what I could find in the library and from other quests. I have tried to set it in the world of Heroica while allowing for a possible quest. I have measured and this does fit within the 32x32 stud limit. Links to larger versions of the 3 pictures are as follows:




Edited by mkjosha

Derlin's one of the most powerful druids in all the land. unfortunately he's often far too drunk to safely negotiate with, so he lives a fairly solitary life in the midtlands. well kinda, unless you count his decapitated test subje..i mean friends. a few locals might take theur chances with him though, after orks have started making raids more frequently, the villagers are getting desperate for some sort of protection, derlin may just be the only hope, getting him to join the cause is the real problem.

built for the EB heroica second year anniversary contest, yes the interior is part of the same build.

those rocks...




Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Legonardo

By the time the outcast crew of old ninjas and knights that were banished from Eubric Freeport, heard of their friends whereabouts, prisoned by the old wizard Ragarr, they went on a journey to find them.


Upon getting closer to the tower, they noticed that it was only accessable from the sides of the first floor, from there they tried to find the pass to Ragarr's Towers underground prison, it was accessable from the hatch in the middle of the room and they jumped right in to it.


They had found their friends which were guarded by skeletons and orcs and had to fight them to save their friends.


Little did the Outcast crew know of the wizards cruel plans to destroy Eubric Freeport with his secret weapon "El Diablo".

I counted this one as 28x28 (28x30 with extended sides)

I made 2 scenes of lego before this one which all were connected with this one as a prologue if someone wants to see the pics, i can add them after this competition.

I am not a really good photographer and the last time i have build something out of my own head with lego was about 6-8 years ago. Sorry for my english :blush:

Hard up against one of the old walls of Eubric stands a guarded inn. A welcoming place on cold nights, come in for a drink!

The inn has stood for a long time, and though rebuilt, still retains many of the details of the original building.




Agleon Erigeon, The Paladin Order Quarters.

Last remnant place of the Order of Amphibiannoc, the Holy Hopper.

Here the righteous men and women gather, to train, bring justice to the people and meet their destiny.

Very few know what is beyond its gates.



Greetings =)

The Swamp Witch (With “Flick-Fire” Guardian Swamp Toad!)

Deep in the swamps of western Murkwood, where the stream flows down to the foot of the mountain, you can find her. Some say she was born of magic, crawling from the slime of the swamp. Some say she was a beautiful princess, cursed by an enchanted mirror for her narcissism. Some say she eats the flesh of children and unwary travelers. Others say she can be bargained with. All say she's a powerful witch that can brew a potion to solve any problem . . . if you can pay the price.

Jack Trumbull was at the end of his strength. He had been lost for three days in the swamps, and was out of water. He had long ago despaired of his quest – his brother was wasting away from a magical disease, cursed by a powerful sorcerer he had unintentionally offended on his last visit to Eubric Freeport. Jack was no hero, just a village farmhand. He couldn't afford the powerful magics for sale in Eubric, but he had heard of someone (something?) else that could help him.

Then – was that the flicker of a flame up ahead? It looked different than the “fairy lights” that appeared in the swamp at night. Or maybe it was his fevered brain deceiving him. He moved closer, sliding through a narrow gap in the rocks. He saw her – rough planks made a narrow boardwalk over the water, and the witch, back turned, was stirring a cauldron over a fire some distance away. He gulped and began to approach, not noticing the pair of eyes that watched his every step.

He made it halfway across the planks before a huge, slimy mass launched itself at his face.

“RRRRIBBBIT!” croaked the witch's guardian swamp toad.

“AAAAAH!” shouted Jack in confusion as he lost his balance and fell off the planks and into the muck of the swamp.

As he staggered to his feet, shaking with fear and spitting the mud out of his mouth, the swamp witch turned and smiled – a vicious, saw-toothed smile of a predator. She opened her mouth and began to speak, in a ragged, croaking voice:

I know why you have come. I can give you the potion you need – for a price.

You must steal for me the reflection of a beautiful princess, who has never yet seen her own face!”

Jack approaches the Swamp Witch:


The Swamp Witch stirs her brew while Jack watches in fear and trepidation!


The stream cascades over the rocks as the Swamp Toad prepares to attack!




Arckhasan siege

Deeply in Eubric woods,Hinckwells built the powerful castle Arckhasan.But now the great orcish army is laying siege on it.Brave warriors of Hinckwell army are holding enemy troops for long time,but orcs have finally set the ladders and their attacks are much more effective.Defense is exhausted and many of them are wounded.After a month,a mighty wizard Morlin came and he is helping the warriors.




Edited by Mikisajlo

"Say Hello To My Little Friend!"

The quest to apprehend the notorious crime boss and black market potion smuggler, Tonius Montanum, turned out to be more daunting than they'd first expected. The party quickly realized that Montanum's "guard dog" Chica was not, as they had been led to believe, a mild mannered chihuahua.


The ever valiant, but often not so bright, Lord Crispin and his trusty steed Flambe (shown on the lower left) took the first hit. Ironically, his last words were: "Fear not! Tis but an illusion. Do not be fooled by such lame trickery! If that were an actual dragon, it would be spitting fireballs at us!"

Fortunately for Crispin's faithful but expendable NPC squire Patsy (shown bottom center), years of adventuring next to Sir "I can't be killed, I'm too essential to the plot" has taught him two important life lessons - when to duck and when to run.


As the smoke cleared, Crispin's companions begin to suspect that, not only is Chica not a chihuahua, but perhaps chic is not really a dog at all. Valleria the Spearmaiden (left paw) began to suspect that they might be in trouble....


The Stone Hammer, Strivvian Blacksmith.

They say there are two groups that claim the title of best blacksmiths in the world: The Dwarves, and the Blacksmiths from Strivvi. Derek Steelfoot combines the best of both worlds. The Strivvian dwarves runs a smithy that serves all your needs. Wether you need a pot repaired, you are looking for a new, custom darksteel axe, or you just need a simple weapon upgrade, the Stone Hammer has got you covered. There are always clients waiting, and in the scorching Abran Sun, that is done best with a cold drink.




Hi, this is a combo entry by me and my boyfriend Genecyst. hope you like it!

The Magic Fountain of Waldurk Forest

In the deep of the Waldurk forest lay the ruins of a magical fountain.

This sacred place is charged of mystic energy and ancient spirits.

Its ruins float in air and the time stills.

Its water can be drunk only by the bravest heroes of Heroica.




We have never played your Rpg so we decided to recreate one of the original places in the Heroica board games. Hope you like it anyway! :wink:

Hey all! Here's my entry:

The old outpost

Here’s the back-story for my moc, I tried to write it like the set-up for a quest:

On the outskirts of Waldur Forest, near an old passage through the Mountains of Nathuz, lies a long forgotten outpost. Once used in days of old by the soldiers of Fortaan, it has long since been abandoned. Or so we thought.

Recently, strange murmurings have been heard around the watchtower, and light has been seen flickering behind its crumbled walls.

Rumor has it that an old (and slightly mental) druid has been wandering in the forest and occupied the ruin. From here he carries out his evil plan of overrunning Ennon with slimy marshes that he summons from his left hand.




Enjoy! Best of luck to all contestants!

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