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Welcome to Kaliphlin

If you would like to join Kaliphlin, we are open to all members of all backgrounds. Just create a sig-fig and back-story, post here to sign up, and then get on to the building!

Section One: Guilds of Historica Background

The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten,

Race against race, clan against clan, shields clashed with swords; long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge, and the arcane land was thrown into chaos. When it all seemed but lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s great city; the fortress of Cedrica.

To settle the grievance and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined all the clans into one mighty Kingdom; Historica. They founded the Four Great Regions- each one a realm in itself; - Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute.

All is not as it once was. The Black Mage, Victor Revolword, unleashed a new scourge on Historica, taking Cedrica as his own. Though a united Histrocia defeated Revolword’s elemental monsters, the King of Cedrica is missing and the Guilds of Historica have been thrown into chaos. With the wise King’s absence, each guild believes it would be best suited to rule all of Historica, internal struggles have brought each realm to the brink of civil war!

This is where the next chapter begins. The battle to take Cedrica from the Black Mage has ended, but the battle for your own guild has begun!

Section Two: Guild Background and Theme

Kaliphlin Guild - rulers of the Siccus Badlands in the southern region of Historica

The Landscape: Siccus Badlands.

16506967982_c52eb1265e_b.jpgkaliphlin by nice.marmot, on Flickr

The Siccus Badlands is predominately a desert wasteland in the southern realm of Historica. Feed by lakes and rivers of the Avalonia, the Akrbi river runs through its lands and is the primary source of fresh water to the parched south. For the affluent, the preferred water source is the glacial waters shipped from the Mitgardia's snow caps.

To the east are the trailing end of the Rakath Mountain Range. The mountain fortress of Qarkyr stands in the mountains acting as a sentinel over the inhabitants of the Darklands. The mountains are small compared to the lofty heights of the Rakath mountains. Under the shadow of the Rakath mountain lies the smaller Mystic mountain where various bands of Mountain Mummies will sojourn near the local villages during the oppressive scorching months.

In the far west lies the meager forests and farmlands of the South. These pitiful farms do not provide much food, but the vastness of the farmland provides enough space to grow food for the sparsely populated Siccus Badlands. The port city of Barqa stands as the major trading hub in the western part of the Siccus. Here supplies from the north are shipped in and in return the Black Oil is shipped out. The supplies travel along the Oil Road - always heavily guarded to protect from bandits.

Oasis's litter the Siccus desert with the largest one being Petraea, the ancient Capital fortress which is the home of the Kaliphlin. Though lacking in most other resources, it is one of the few producers of Black Oil in the entire Historica- generating wealth beyond belief for its inhabitants. Those within its inner city live in virtual paradise relative to those behind the outer clay-brick fortifications.

The bulk of Petraea's citizens are made up of ex-criminals, freed slaves, fortune seekers and people looking to restart their lives in anonymity. While most outside the south presume that the Petraea is a lawless savage city- it is in fact the most lawful cities in all of Historica. The prosperous Black Oil provides plentiful jobs and money for all those who give an honest days work. Those that choose dishonesty, the vast standing Army of the Kaliphlin Guild hands out harsh punishments to ensure there are no repeat offenders.

To the East, in the harshest area is home to the the Mountain Mummy tribes who are known to sporting bandage coverings from head to foot, they utilize their garb to ensure that none of their precious moisture is lost to the blistering, arid surroundings. No one is quite sure which race the mummies belong to, as none have ever been seen without their bandages, however, it is rumored that the mummies came to being when warlocks from the eastern darklands corrupted the burial chambers of the nobility during Quakyr's days as an early settlement. While the mummies pay no allegiance but to their chieftains, whom they revere as deities, they have sometimes been known to band together against invading forces from the Eastern Darklands.

But the law and order of Petraea does not extend far outside the Capital and the two major cities. The remaining Oasis are savage places where those that are bent on lawless- thrive. They survive on raiding merchants traveling between between the three major cities in a constant and escalating battle with Kaliphlin army. Other regional cities have cropped up, and have from time to time maintained peace beyond their borders; however, few lords are powerful enough to keep the peace by themselves. This is one of the reasons that the Council of High Lords was established.

A tour of some of Kaliphlin's most visited locations. Organized by Kai NRG

Or visit our University to learn more about the culture of Kaliphlin.

Inspirational pictures:



The Inhabitants

The Siccus Wasteland is a scattered band of peoples - All races are represented - though the human population is less than the other three realms. In the cities it is not uncommon to see the nobles be of all races and creeds. Keeping with the survival instincts of the harsh climate, there is no set armour or weapons for the the Kaliphlin Army or its people - when they march into the field of battle they will use whatever the individual chooses to best suit them. Though while guarding inside the City, full dress armour is adored - to ensure that the world knows of the wealth that is hidden within this desolate realm.

Outside the three major cities, the harsh south has lead many to abandon Siccus and wander north to more hospitable realms, this leaves only the most ruthless and hardened bands to wander the wastelands. While they are not typically aligned, they have known to form allegiances to oppose greater foes.

Section Three: Recent Guild History

The Victor Revolword war was devastating for many of the communities within Kaliphlin. Two of the major battles happened within its borders, and many other cities and towns were turned to ruins by the elemental forces. Still, the people of Kaliphlin stayed strong. Over the last two years they have built more fortresses, connected more cities with roads and trade posts, and have expanded trading empires outside the borders of Kaliphlin. The prices for oil have skyrocketed, as unnaturally cold winters have plagued the north and west along with the interruption of the economies of the other guilds from the war. Tourism has boomed since the war ended, as the nobles and those with coin in their pocket have taken to spending their holiday in Kaliphlin's dry and inviting climate -- especially at Lost Vega.

Rumors abound that a Desert King has risen from the sands and looks to take Kaliphlin as his own, but for now, Kaliphinites are content trying to return to normalcy.

In February of this year, the "Great Disturbance" shocked Kaliphlin. Eruptions of its venerable volcanoes, a large earthquake lasting what seemed to be hours, and a tsunami has left much of Kaliphlin in ruins... who will be there to rebuild the most glorious and rich guild of them all?

Section Four: Guild Members

For in-character purposes, the current leader of the Kaliphlin Guild is Dextrus Flagg. Originally a slave - this dwarf revolutionized the production of Black Oil making him the most powerful Merchant, and thus the earning and buying the respect necessary to become the leader of all of the Siccus Badlands.


(Courtesy of SI-MOCs)

Core Leader: For administrative purposes, SkaForHire is the guild leader and the representative for Kaliphlin to the Guilds of Historica core leadership group.

Although Kaliphlin has a guild leader, its economic, diplomatic, and military affairs are run by the Council of High Lords. More about these venerated leaders can be found here (organized by DaMaximus).

Active Member Roll-call:

(Alphabetical by category)

High Lords of Kaliphlin (Over a year with Kaliphlin)

Abū Alī al-Ḥusayn ibn Abd Allāh ibn Sīnā (Christoph)

Ageven Deraim (Kai NRG)

Amelia Phantomhive (Erynlasgalen)

DaMaximus (DaMaximus)

Erudhalion Sansael (Gabe)

Gex Marmota (NiceMarmot)

Gideon (Gideon)

Kalin Hardiel (Waterbrick Down)

Masa of Kaliphlin (Masa of Kaliphlin)

Petera MacLean (Skaforhire)

Rasputin Jones (Robuko)

Saladus Al Juhtiv (Kayne)

Sdair Zuuree (Gedren_y)

Heroes of Kaliphlin (Those with under a year with two or more challenges participated in)

Heinsen (TheUtilityBelt32)

Kashifa bint Mu'adh (Thomas of Tortuga)

Q'Adris (Qiadris)

New Guard (Those with less than two challenges under their belt, or less than one year in GOH)

Aymeri of Kaliphlin (LittleJohn)

Sir Horatius Urga of Kaliphlin (Scaevola)

Drake Kantor (Lord Butters)

Lord Drakon (LegoDrake)

Nahoj (J.V.D.)

Siedna Ruadh (Sarahjoy)

Vem Tabook (Behemoth)

???? (BrickCurve)

Retired / inactive

Djun Hazdjuk (Nightstalker)

Sir James (runmymouth)

Section Five: Current Guild Challenges:

Desert King's Challenge!

Open projects for all GOH members:

The University of Petraea's Doctorate of Historica Program

University Tracking Thread

Projects that are finished:

The Great Mitgardian / Kaliphlin Naval Arms Race

Sultan's Gate Community Build

The War of the Brothers LDD Weapons of War Contest Link 2

Raising the Dead Part I Collecting the Pieces

Raising the Dead Part II Retracing our steps

Raising the Dead Part III Family Heirloom

Life and Death in Kaliphlin

Oil Drive to Save Mitgardia (Winner: Gideon)

Bandages for Avalonia! (Winner: Robuko)

Guild sign-up: If Kaliphlin sounds like the home for you, create a character and post your character in this thread!

A few helpful links:

Guilds of Historica New Member Guide

The Historica City Guide

The GoH Wiki(not a Eurobricks link)

Finally, a link to the Book I Kaliphlin Guild thread.

Nice Marmot's map-making guide

Edited by SkaForHire

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Saved for future improvements.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Active Member Roll-call and portraits of characters:

(Alphabetical by category)

High Lords of Kaliphlin (Over a year with Kaliphlin)

Abū Alī al-Ḥusayn ibn Abd Allāh ibn Sīnā (Christoph)



Ageven by gid617, on Flickr

Ageven Deraim (Kai NRG)


Amelia Phantomhive (Erynlasgalen)

DaMaximus (DaMaximus)

Erudhalion Sansael (Gabe)



Tafik Regex Marmota by nice.marmot, on Flickr

Gex Marmota (NiceMarmot)



Gideon by Gideon_83, on Flickr

Gideon (Gideon)


Kalin Hardiel (Waterbrick Down)



Masa Face2 by -Mike S-, on Flickr

Masa of Kaliphlin (Mike S.)


12920358735_5ee4fd4ec7.jpgDSC_0751 by skaforhire, on Flickr

Dugal MacLean (Skaforhire)



Duke LeStrange [Rasputin Jones] (Robuko)



Kha (Kayne)



Sdair Zuuree by gedren_y, on Flickr

Sdair Zuuree (Gedren_y)


Heroes of Kaliphlin (Those with under a year with two or more challenges participated in)



community build 006 by TheUtilityBelt32, on Flickr

Heinsen (TheUtilityBelt32)



Q'Adris (Qiadris)


New Guard (Those with less than two challenges under their belt, or less than one year in GOH)


16157091139_8cedc06688.jpgTraveling To Katoren by jsnyder002, on Flickr

Aymeri of Kaliphlin (LittleJohn)


Drake Kantor (Lord Butters)



???? (BrickCurve)


14002410070_01611519a1.jpgGoH Intro- Kashifa ibn Mu'adh by Thomas of Tortuga, on Flickr

Kashifa bint Mu'adh (Thomas of Tortuga)


Lord Drakon (LegoDrake)


13518279764_e051849e23_z.jpgGoH Sigfig 2 by scaevola11, on Flickr

Sir Horatius Urga of Kaliphlin (Scaevola)


Nahoj (J.V.D.)


14995762368_3ea0c76850.jpg002 by kreutzerandrew@rocketmail.com, on Flickr

Vem Tabook (Behemoth)



Sir James (runmymouth)


14882911491_b70383f6ca_z.jpgsigfig1 by siednaruadh, on Flickr

Siedna Ruadh (Sarahjoy)

Retired / inactive

Djun Hazdjuk (Nightstalker)

Edited by SkaForHire


Sdair Zuuree by gedren_y, on Flickr

Sdair Zuuree still guards Aturl Prndrn, Minister of External Affairs for the Nestlands Clans. The Nestlands Clans remain Kaliphlin. See for yourself that the standard still flies. Visit Cobalt Vale.


Kaliphlin Standard by gedren_y, on Flickr

  • Author

I can't believe I forgot you, I apologize.

  On 9/10/2013 at 12:53 PM, gedren_y said:

Sdair Zuuree by gedren_y, on Flickr

Sdair Zuuree still guards Aturl Prndrn, Minister of External Affairs for the Nestlands Clans. The Nestlands Clans remain Kaliphlin. See for yourself that the standard still flies. Visit Cobalt Vale.

Kaliphlin Standard by gedren_y, on Flickr


Sir Gideon will remain in Kaliphlin and accept the offer as representative of the City Council of Barqa in the Kaliphlin Council of High Lords, although reluctantly because of the boring administrative burden.

Edited by Gideon

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  On 9/10/2013 at 8:43 PM, Gideon said:

Are we going to do a short presentation of our sigfigs again as the Avalonians do?

In that case, I will put some more in this post later.

We can if you all would like, I will put them in the second post of the topic after a few weeks.


Djun Hazdjuk and the Lukan the Mage will continue to fight for Kaliphlin and the peace of Historica!

Well should there be any doubt... Masa chooses to remain in Kaliphlin. Besides, if I moved to another guild I would have to change my user name although I get a feeling that I would have no problem getting a name change quickly if I had volunteered to join another guild.... :laugh:

Oh and another thing... you may not see too much of me for a few months but I am still slowly but steadily building away for the glory of Kaliphlin.

Edit: Character updates. Mikel Kalores remains my main character but a few other characters are going to have major influences in his life during Book II.

As GoH Book II begins, Mikel Kalores also known as Masa of Kaliphlin becomes betrothed to the Queen of the the Dryadalum (commonly known as jungle elves). With this betrothal, he now has considerable resources at his disposal and even now has a personal elven tailor and armor smith. The elf Kucuk Kartal remains Mikel's closest friend and officiates as his body guard. Mikel has reaffirmed his Aslani faith hiding the fact that he has been magically fused with an elemental, while Bishop Jamon continues his attempts to spread the Aslani faith to all the guilds of Historica meeting unexpected success in Varlyrio among the Leander tribes. Being lionmen, the Aslani Lion God appealed to many of them and now many of the Leander are some of the strongest supporters of the Aslani faith. Among the most devoted is General Leovetus, who Bishop Jamon has entrusted control of a large part of the Aslani army. Meanwhile, Yesil the Grelf continues orchestrating his plans from behind the scenes. What is the endgame that the Grelf is aiming for?


GoH Book II Updated Characters by Masa of Kaliphlin, on Flickr

Edited by Masa of Kaliphlin

Gex Marmota, reporting for duty. Looking forward to book II, and hoping to have more time to build.

Gideon, I hear you about the administrative duties of the high council. That's why I nominated my wife to attend all of the meetings!

I'm kinda excited to build some Nocturnus style stuff. Just ordered three of the Halloween accessory packs on-sale, and picked up a Ghost Train set for 35% off.

  On 9/11/2013 at 5:53 AM, NiceMarmot said:

Gideon, I hear you about the administrative duties of the high council. That's why I nominated my wife to attend all of the meetings!

Great idea, Sir Gideon might also try to find someone trustworthy to stand in for him when he has more adventurous things to do :wink:

I am definitely back in Kaliphlin. I will post some new pics for sigfig soon. Both and Saladus and Kha will be here, but the war will have changed them a bit, hence the new pics. I'll just edit this post and put them in here to save space though :wink:

I'm also staying in Kaliphlin! On another note... hehe, I'm at the top of the list... :laugh:

(Good thing Ska didn't organize by last names...) :tongue:

  • Author
  On 9/11/2013 at 3:06 PM, Kai NRG said:

I'm also staying in Kaliphlin! On another note... hehe, I'm at the top of the list... :laugh:

(Good thing Ska didn't organize by last names...) :tongue:

I went by most popular name used :)

On another note, I didn't put titles earned through contests on this post. I can do that, but I don't remember what all of you had, other than NM was Master Cartographer and DM won the Defender of the Weak title (wait, is that what we called that going to war challenge?) I think Gabe has won a few challenges.

I think if we are giving titles that Kai should get one as the "Promoter of the Realm" for her work organizing the tour of Kaliphlin -- other lords and ladies, what do you think?

Edited by SkaForHire

I second that! Honestly, I cannot remember any other titles that anyone had. I know that my title was "......"

  On 9/11/2013 at 5:40 PM, SkaForHire said:

I went by most popular name used :)

On another note, I didn't put titles earned through contests on this post. I can do that, but I don't remember what all of you had, other than NM was Master Cartographer and DM won the Defender of the Weak title (wait, is that what we called that going to war challenge?) I think Gabe has won a few challenges.

I think if we are giving titles that Kai should get one as the "Promoter of the Realm" for her work organizing the tour of Kaliphlin -- other lords and ladies, what do you think?

Her work? :p

Anyway, I completely forgot that title of me :o

I am now in Sweden so the official blablabla will be for next week :)

What are the colors of Kaliphin? I would like to join to i can make my sig-fig ready and some back-ground story

I would like to join Kaliphin. But what are Kaliphins colors? Jst so i fast can make my sig-fig and brew up with a background story.

Dark Blue and Red are the official colors, and the Lions faction from Kingdoms is the most common standard

  • Author
  On 9/11/2013 at 9:05 PM, Sir Jonathan said:

What are the colors of Kaliphin? I would like to join to i can make my sig-fig ready and some back-ground story

I would like to join Kaliphin. But what are Kaliphins colors? Jst so i fast can make my sig-fig and brew up with a background story.

Many of us use normal blue also, sometimes dark red too. We tend to stick to lions, but as with any guild in Historica, you can use any faction signal you want. The explanation for this was that there were many noble houses and kingdoms before the creation of a united Historica, and their descendents roam the four corners of Historica today.

  On 9/11/2013 at 8:15 PM, Damaximus said:

Her work? :p

She organized the whole thing, oh wait, did you mean "her work?" I was speaking of Kai the person, not her character which is male.

  On 9/11/2013 at 9:56 PM, SkaForHire said:

She organized the whole thing, oh wait, did you mean "her work?" I was speaking of Kai the person, not her character which is male.

Oh my bad, it never occured to me that Kai is female :p not that it changes anything, but I kinda feel stupid right now hahaha :D

  On 9/11/2013 at 10:24 PM, Damaximus said:

Oh my bad, it never occured to me that Kai is female :p not that it changes anything, but I kinda feel stupid right now hahaha :D

Which is why I check profile information (that and to see if people have MOC links).

I just want to see what some of these smaller challenges are; there is no way I could compete on the scale that book I's challenges were. :hmpf_bad:

  On 9/11/2013 at 10:40 PM, Nightstalker said:

Which is why I check profile information (that and to see if people have MOC links).

I just want to see what some of these smaller challenges are; there is no way I could compete on the scale that book I's challenges were. :hmpf_bad:

I think that's the idea of the smaller ones- it helps level the playing field a bit, so people (like me) who have a relatively small collection can compete on equal footing. The scope of the entries in Book 1 dissuaded me from entering to be honest. So I'm looking forward to this!

Amelia will be back for Book two, can't wait! I'm still away from my collection for the next week, but will get updated photos once I get back. Can't start book two with the same outfit, lol.

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  On 9/11/2013 at 10:24 PM, Damaximus said:

Oh my bad, it never occured to me that Kai is female :p not that it changes anything, but I kinda feel stupid right now hahaha :D

Yeah, we are the guild with the most women. If we can steal Cara, I think that would make us the guild with ALL the women! Muhahaha.

  On 9/12/2013 at 1:35 AM, SkaForHire said:

Yeah, we are the guild with the most women. If we can steal Cara, I think that would make us the guild with ALL the women! Muhahaha.

hey you other guilds, would you please stop stealing our members!

@dm: I totally know how you feel. Same thing happened to me as kai is a male name in German ....

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