Sandy Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 DAY FOUR ~ DESPERATE BATTLE For the third time, Scheherazade checked the main hall for any night-time casualties first thing in the morning. As she gazed down the staircase, she let out a deep sigh. "Poor lass... Beauty doesn't bring you happiness, that much I've learned in life." The Veterans investigated the body of Enya Dorgamel, and she showed no signs of being a Nephilim either. As the other heroes got up, a heated argument sprung up immediately. It seemed the previous day and night had been very revealing. Meanwhile, the Feathered Serpent challenged the Copper Fox to a sparring match at the Training Room. "You're right, Kukulkan, we better be in shape when the push comes to shove." "All that talk will leave you open, Jacq! Ha!" "Whoa! Take it easy! We're just training here!" "You think the Nephilim will 'take it easy' on us? Be prepared for anything! Ho!" At the Library, Byblos thought he had gotten one step further in his research, but had hit another obstacle. "As literate as I am, even I have a hard time unscrambling text that has been mixed up by a spell. It's a shame, this Mercutian parchment seems to have a reference to our adversary..." ****** BYBLOS THE LIBRARIAN'S CHALLENGE #3: Unscramble the words on the sentence below. Het Ardk Galne Ufueclig dha eht hnggietfnir weopr ot pineltamua eth isnmd fo sheot eh meac ntoi tccaont hwti. Eh hgeeradt a ornasple myra fo iansbwhadre riarorsw hatt bdyeeo mhi tuoithw a noetqsiu. Eh lleacd meth het Pnihmlei. RULES:1. ALIGNMENTS: There are two sides in this game, trying to beat each other. Heroica wins if they manage to find and kill all of the Nephilim. The Nephilim win if they outnumber the heroes loyal to Heroica. The Nephilim know each other, but the others don’t know who the Nephilim are. There are also neutral players, who have their own special victory conditions.2. PHASES: The game is played in two alternating phases - "Days" and "Nights", both lasting up to 48 hours - during which the players can use their abilities on each other. All players can use one ability per phase. During the Night-phase, the game is played through Private Messages between the host and the players, and all actions are private, revealed only to the target. During the Day-phase, all actions are public, and are shown in the Day-topic to everyone. Ranged attacks and spells are an exception, their performer is never revealed. If you fail to send in an action for two phases in a row, you will be killed off.3. RESULTS: The results of the abilities are tallied at the beginning (for Night-actions) and the end (for Day-actions) of the Day-phase. When a player’s health is completely depleted, they are killed off from the game. The player who delivered the killing blow will get all of the victim’s gold and items, and gain experience (see Leveling Up). The alignment of each killed player is revealed when they die. Anyone who kills a Nephilim will gain 50 extra gold from the Veterans.4. STATISTICS: Level signifies the player character’s overall experience. Health is initially equal to level, and attacks reduce it while healing restores it. Ether is equal to about a half of the level, and is used for spellcasting, healing and scroll-reading.Defenseis gained from shields and most artefacts, and it reduces the damage taken. WP means weapon power, while SP means shield power. All statistics except Level are kept a secret from other players.5. ABILITIES: All player characters have their own sets of 3-6 abilities they can use during the game, related to their job classes. These skills include (but are not limited to) attacks, spellcasting, healing, tracking, stealing items, blocking, buffing, debilitating and using items. To best make use of these varied skills, the players should consider forming alliances. 6. ITEMS: All players start out with 10 gold, a weapon with 2-6 WP and a random array of other items, such as restorative potions, artefacts and tools. Like the statistics, these inventories are kept as a secret from other players. During the Day-phases of the game, upgrades and more items can be bought from Sham Poo in exchange for gold. You are free to discard items or trade them with other players, but you need to notify the host whenever you do that.7. LEVELING UP: Gaining a level increases the player character’s current and maximum health and ether by 1. When a player kills another player, they will gain experience according to this chart:- Level 1-9: a full level- Level 10-19: 1/2 of a level- Level 20-29: 1/3 of a level- Level 30-39: 1/4 of a level- Level 40 onwards: 1/5 of a level8. ELEMENTS & EFFECTS: There are five elements in the game: fire, ice, lighting, light and darkness. Elemental spells and attacks are twice as effective as normal attacks, but consume ether. They can also be blocked with the right piece of equipment. There are both positive and negative effects in the game as well, including encouraged, enforced, stunned, poison, sleep, blinded, sealed, confused and enamored. These can be inflicted by certain abilities and scrolls. Negative effects last until removed by a Remedy or a suitable ability.9. BEHAVIOR: When you play this game, you are bound by honor to your alignment – even if it changes mid-game. That is why you must not discuss the game outside of the topics and PMs related to it, under the threat that you are instantly killed off if you do. Sharing information via PMs and forming alliances between the players is allowed, but must be done by knowing the risk that the other might be lying or deceiving you. Things will get brutal and cut-throat in this game, and you can get killed off at any time, but any of that is not to be taken as a personal insult. Please post in-character at all times to ensure that your player persona is separated from your real self. Remember that the dead don't talk, so once you are out of the game, you must not speak of what you know to anyone until the whole game is over. You are free to roleplay with your character, and most of all, have fun!PLAYER CHARACTERS:Brienne Deercourt (Brickdoctor) ~ 29 years old female human PaladinCapriccia Gianpaolo (Capt.JohnPaul) ~ 123 years old female vampire ClericCorelin Moordog (CorneliusMurdock) ~ 282 years old female dwarf WardenCromeo Nightingale (Chromeknight) ~ 22 years old male half-elf HarlotEin Surefoot (Esurient) ~ 397 years old male dwarf ClericEmmanuelle Janus (emjajoas) ~ 33 years old female human KnightFernandu Elysiam (Fred Daniel Yam) ~ 36 years old male minotaur ShamanFleyra (Flare) ~ 29 years old female Rito Winged WarriorGeosmos Phiephyrphoe (joeshmoe554) ~ 52 years old male cyclops InfiltratorJeddam Ashenbow (Jedi master Brick) ~ 25 years old female hobgoblin RangerJinnipher Buchaire (JimButcher) ~ 71 years old female elf KnightKharybdis (Kadabra) ~ 26 years old female Octopial Beast WarriorLorth-Anoob (LordoftheNoobs) ~ 42 years old female Pantanan WitchLuridan Voros (Lord Duvors) ~ 53 years old male gremlin AlchemistMaxi Ebdul (Masked Builder) ~ 35 years old male Asteriad RogueO’Blix (-obelix-) ~ 27 years old male goblin RegulatorPallas Thaddicus (Palathadric) ~ 103 years old male Lucustoid DruidPanduin Oreheart (Pandora) ~ 148 years old male dwarf BarbarianPercival Montmartre (Peppermint_M) ~ 24 years old male human RangerPiro the Visionary (Pyrovisionary) ~ 227 years old male wereturtle Battle Mage (killed on Day Two but resurrected on Day Three)Sir Rubinstein (Rumble Strike) ~ 47 years old male human SkirmisherScamander Taurros (Scubacarrot) ~ 34 years old male satyr MinstrelShadir Oswain (Shadows) ~ 466 years old male elf Mystic KnightSwinehurst (swils) ~ 31 years old male porc BerserkerTheodor Legion (The Legonater) ~ 73 years old male human CannoneerUsharnam Madima (UsernameMDM) ~ 38 years old male Naga Chi MonkWerther Brickton (Waterbrick Down) ~ 49 years old male zombie AssassinWeyrdág (Wedge09) ~ 341 years old female Nôrn HunterZarissa Curie (Zakura) ~ 58 years old female gnome SageZelphie (Zepher) ~ 815 years old female fairy ArtisanZpilf (Flipz) ~ 85 years old male ogre Black KnightDEAD CHARACTERS:Kob (Kintobor) ~ 21 years old male orc Mage ~ Heroica (killed on Day One, raised as an undead on Night One but perished again on Day Three)Pauline Jillian Boyle (Purpearljellyblob) ~ 18 years old female Mopag Mage ~ Heroica (killed on Day One)Heron Jujube (herrJJ) ~ 19 years old male human Cleric ~ Heroica (killed on Night One, raised as an undead on Night Two but perished again on Day Three)Eris (Eric Su) ~ 26 years old female orc Sorcerer ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)Ezeal (Etzel) ~ 28 years old male werelion Barbarian ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Two)Skrupp Oxstrong (Scorpiox) ~ 30 years old male norseman Raider ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)U’dargan (Darkdragon) ~ 29 years old male U’kin Dragoon ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)Calico Meatpie (CallMePie) ~ 16 years old female halfling Rogue ~ Heroica (killed on Day Three)Doranee Grandeur (Dragonator) ~ 44 years old female elf Ranger ~ Heroica (killed on Day Three)Retak Ysp (PsyKater) ~ 2013 years old male Fenarian Necromancer ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Three)Enya Dorgamel (Endgame) ~ 23 years old female human Evoker ~ Heroica (killed on Night Three)SHAM POO’S EMERGENCY SHOP FOR HEROES IN NEED:"You can visit my shop any time during the day! Remember that buying stuff only costs you gold, so you won't spend your action by doing business with me."Weapons:Axe (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldBow (WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 10 goldDagger (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldHandcannon (WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 10 goldHammer (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldInstrument (WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 10 goldSpear (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldStaff (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldSword (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldWhip (WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 10 goldShield (SP:1, defensive equipment) – Costs 10 goldArtefacts:Flameproof Armor (Artefact: +1 SP, nullifies fire-elemental damage.) – Costs 25 goldWarm Boots (Artefact: +1 SP, nullifies ice-elemental damage.) – Costs 25 goldConductor Helmet (Artefact: +1 SP, nullifies lightning-elemental damage.) – Costs 25 goldSunglasses (Artefact: +1 SP, nullifies light-elemental damage.) – Costs 25 goldShadow Cloak (Artefact: +1 SP nullifies darkness-elemental damage.) – Costs 25 goldCounterstrike Gloves (Artefact: allows you to instantly counter a close-ranged attack if you survive it, damaging your attacker equal to the damage you received.) – Costs 25 goldGems & Scrolls:Ruby (Gem: allows casting fire-elemental spells) – Costs 15 goldOpal (Gem: allows casting ice-elemental spells) – Costs 15 goldTopaz (Gem: allows casting lightning-elemental spells) – Costs 15 goldDiamond (Gem: allows casting light-elemental spells) – Costs 15 goldAmethyst (Gem: allows casting darkness-elemental spells) – Costs 15 goldScroll of Sleep (Scroll: prevents target from taking action and seeing who targets them until woken up by an attack. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 30 goldScroll of Blinding (Scroll: prevents target from performing attacks and seeing who targets them. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 30 goldScroll of Sealing (Scroll: prevents target from performing ether-based actions. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 30 goldScroll of Confusion (Scroll: causes target’s actions to hit a random person with a 1/2 chance. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 30 goldConsumable Items:Potion (Consumable: restores full health to target when used.) – Costs 5 goldTonic (Consumable: restores full ether to target when used.) – Costs 10 goldRemedy (Consumable: removes negative effects from target when used.) – Costs 5 goldVenom (Consumable: causes poison to the target, depleting it’s health by 1 per every phase when used.) – Costs 15 goldBomb (Consumable: causes 10 damage to the target from a distance when used.) – Costs 20 goldPhoenix Essence (Consumable: revives a dead person with full health when used.) – Costs 100 goldGrating Stone (Consumable: increases a weapon’s WP by 1 when used) – Costs 25 goldBright Polish (Consumable: increases a shield’s or an artefact’s SP by 1 when used.) – Costs 25 gold.Level-Up Mushroom (Consumable: gain a level when used.) – Costs 50 goldTools:Bedroll (Tool: restores full health and ether and removes negative effects whenever used.) – Costs 20 goldTelescope (Tool: allows the user to see all actions aimed at the target on the current phase whenever used.) – Costs 40 goldMagnifying Glass (Tool: allows the user to see the target’s alignment whenever used.) – Costs 60 gold
Chromeknight Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Cromeo buys a pheonix essence from Sham Poo And uses it on Enya Dorgamel Heyo beautiful people. Mea culpa. It was my hand that struck down Enya, believing, wrongly, that she might have been the Nephilim that struck down Pauline. I can do no more than make amends in this way.
Waterbrick Down Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 The hooded assassin knew what he had to do unsheathing his dagger he again launched himself at Shadir Oswain with a Lethal Attack. "The time has come for your recompense Knight."
swils Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Swinehurst charges Shadir with a Furious Critical Attack.
-obelix- Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 "Letsz feeneesh the job..." O'Blix uses Orderly Attack on Shadir Oswain.
Tachyon Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 (edited) I am sorry, I tried to heal Enya but I couldn't do it in time. Edited September 9, 2013 by Zakura
Scubacarrot Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 (edited) "I assume Swinehurst gave you the gold, along with the gold from killing the necromancer. If that is true, could I have my 10 gold back, as I rather spend it on a tonic..." Scamander jumps up a table, playing an impatient song on his flute. Singing a Lullaby, that put Maxi Ebdul, Fleyra, Zpilf, Percival, Jeddam, Weyrdag, Zarissa, Corelin and Pallas to sleep. "Say your prayers, to the gods, Don't forget, Ennoc, Sem, to include everyone! Block you in, front row in, Keep you free from stun, Till the Minstrel comes! Sleep with three eyes open, Gripping your weapons tight...." Editted in song. Edited September 9, 2013 by Scubacarrot
Waterbrick Down Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 "I assume Swinehurst gave you the gold, along with the gold from killing the necromancer. If that is true, could I have my 10 gold back, as I rather spend it on a tonic..." Scamander jumps up a table, playing an impatient song on his flute. Singing a Lullaby, that put Maxi Ebdul, Fleyra, Zpilf, Percival, Jeddam, Weyrdag, Zarissa, Corelin and Pallas to sleep. {While I appreciate your forthrightness in putting some of the more suspicious members among us to sleep, how did you settle on them? Might I also recommend that someone give the wereturtle a gem so he might prove more useful today.}
Waterbrick Down Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Wasn't I. {Enya spoke with me last night and we determined between the potion she got from Retak's corpse and the healing from Zarissa she wouldn't be giving away her gold as she didn't suspect to be killed.} Cromeo buys a pheonix essence from Sham Poo And uses it on Enya Dorgamel Heyo beautiful people. Mea culpa. It was my hand that struck down Enya, believing, wrongly, that she might have been the Nephilim that struck down Pauline. I can do no more than make amends in this way. {How is it that you suspected Enya of being a Nephilim when she also struck down Retak?}
Pyrovisionary Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 I think, and bleeding hope, That Kharydbis is giving me back my old gear, aint that right Khar?
Scubacarrot Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 {While I appreciate your forthrightness in putting some of the more suspicious members among us to sleep, how did you settle on them? Might I also recommend that someone give the wereturtle a gem so he might prove more useful today.} "Maxi and Fleyra have a big announcement to make. I personally don't know what to make of it, for them this to prevent them from doing anything rash. As for Zpilf, he claims to be neutral, I personally think he could be claiming neutral and actually be a Nephilim, the rest of them are all either suspicious or can do stuff I don't want them to do." "One other thing. Geosmos is neutral too. He's with the town watch and is no threat to us, or something. Sounds fishy, but the veterans confirmed it, if you'd believe it. But. Emmanuelle got the same info on that as I did, yet didn't feel the need to clarify that to us. Plus there is the fact she was cleared... by a Nephilim. Want to explain that?"
Rumble Strike Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 "I did not press my attack of Fernandu in the night, after the events that proved Retak to be Nephilim. This means his 'clearance' of Emmanuelle as Heroica must be called into question, and therefore Fernandu's act of attacking Emmanuelle may be of a Heroican against a Nephilim, hence my reluctance to attack again. I will say, though, that both have not spoken up much during the day, so it may simply be two quiet Heroicans. What say you."
Scubacarrot Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Zpilf tries to Hide anyway. "You can't hide when you are asleep, dummy."
Peppermint_M Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Percival sat in the corner watching the action with wide eyes. It was madness! He decided to keep a close watch on all.
Fred Daniel Yam Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Fernandu buys two potions from Sham Poo and downs one
Kadabra Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 (edited) I think, and bleeding hope, That Kharydbis is giving me back my old gear, aint that right Khar? I was, but some faun out me to sleep before I got the chance. Seriously, Scamander? I give Piro a venom, a ruby, an amethyst, two potions, and warm boots. Edit for boldness. Edited September 9, 2013 by Kadabra
Emjajoas Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 "As was mentioned, if Retak hadn't cleared me as Heroica-- as that is what I am-- and had called me Nephilim instead, I would have been killed. That would've exposed him as being Nephilim. As far as Fernandu goes, I know not why Fernandu was attacking me, as I have neither spoken to him or any allies he might have. I also did not know whether or not it was wise to share Geosmos' alignment, and I think that's understandable. He came to me in trust, and I did not want to betray that. Lorth Anoob as also inspected me via the Magnifying Glass, so he can also back up the fact that I am Heroican. If anyone else would like to check, then by all means, I invite you to."
LordoftheNoobs Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 "One other thing. Geosmos is neutral too. He's with the town watch and is no threat to us, or something. Sounds fishy, but the veterans confirmed it, if you'd believe it. But. Emmanuelle got the same info on that as I did, yet didn't feel the need to clarify that to us. Plus there is the fact she was cleared... by a Nephilim. Want to explain that?" "I can also vouch for Geo, I'd trust him with my life, And I believe together, Neutrals and Heroicans, can end all of this strife."
Duvors Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 Luridan comes into the Hall. "Who has my axe?"
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