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Come the next morning, three bodies lay on the floor of Heroica Hall.


Scheherazade shook her head, and went to fetch the broom and the bucket again. When she returned, she was met by a shining vision of a dark angel hovering over Cromeo Nightingale. The angel turned its masked face at her.



{There is so much anger and bitterness within you. Become my Nephilim and be released of all your mortal burdens.}


"Not in a million years, you decrepit crow!" the matron shouted as she whacked the illusory angel with the broom. The vision dispersed in a puff.


Scheherazade gripped the broom with her knuckles white and heaved with fury.


"Your schemes will not destroy Heroica, you hear me? Not as long as I live!"

Later, as the heroes gathered for a silent breakfast, they were joined by another face they thought was gone for good.



"Greetings, fellows! Did you miss me?"

Byblos had again made progress with his studies, even though it had meant turning the library upside down.



"This book is supposedly a traveller's guide to the Free Islands, written long before Eubric was founded. I cannot decipher the ancient letters, though, so I need your help once more. I think I recognize the word for Ennoc, though - it's the last one in the sentence. Let's begin unravelling this from that. Since this is an extra tough challenge for us all, I'm sure we'll be especially experienced if we crack this."



Replace the symbols on the sentence with letters. Only periods and commas are written correctly, other symbols each represent one letter of the alphabet. The last word is "Ennoc". Send the correct answer to the host in a PM to receive a full level of experience as a reward. You only get one try.

3$=5+ 7!+3$% 7! 4$5 4§ [*5 !{3++5![ 4§ [*5 §£55 7!+3$%!. §7!*5£{5$ £5§6!5 [4 !5[ §44[ 4$ 7[, !327$= [*5 7!+3$% 7! &6£!5%. !6¤5£![7[746! £6{4£! 3+!4 [5++ 4§ ~7[&*5! &4$=£5=3[7$= [*5£5 [4 %3$&5 ~7[* %5{4$!, 4§ #3{¤7£5! %£3==7$= [*57£ &3¤[7v5! [*5£5 [4 %£37$ [*57£ ?+44%, 3$% 4§ [*5 ~*7!¤5£![*3[ %£7#5 [*4!5 ~*4 %3£5 [4 #5$[6£5 [*5£5 7$!3$5. ~*5[*5£ 3$2 4§ [*7! 7! [£65 4£ $4[, 3$=5+ 7!+3$% *3! &5£[37$+2 $4[ ?55$ $3{5% 3§[5£ [*5 ?5$5#4+5$[ =63£%73$! !5£#7$= 5$$4&.


1. ALIGNMENTS: There are two sides in this game, trying to beat each other.
wins if they manage to find and kill all of the Nephilim.
The Nephilim
win if they outnumber the heroes loyal to Heroica. The Nephilim know each other, but the others don’t know who the Nephilim are. There are also
players, who have their own special victory conditions.

2. PHASES: The game is played in two alternating phases - "Days" and "Nights", both lasting up to
48 hours
- during which the players can use their abilities on each other.
All players can
use two abilities per phase
, but the abilities must be different from one another.
During the
-phase, the game is played through Private Messages between the host and the players, and all actions are private, revealed only to the target. During the
-phase, all actions are public, and are shown in the Day-topic to everyone. Ranged attacks and spells are an
, their performer is never revealed.
You must
send both of your actions at the same time
, as you only have one turn per phase.
If you
fail to send in an action
or do not state that you do nothing, you will be killed off.

3. RESULTS: The results of the abilities are tallied
at the beginning
(for Night-actions)
and the end
(for Day-actions)
of the Day-phase
. When a player’s health is completely depleted, they are
killed off
from the game. The player who delivered the killing blow will get all of the victim’s gold and items, and gain experience (see
Leveling Up
). The alignment of each killed player is revealed when they die. Anyone who kills a Nephilim will gain
50 extra gold
from the Veterans.

signifies the player character’s overall experience.
is initially equal to level, and attacks reduce it while healing restores it.
is equal to about a half of the level, and is used for spellcasting, healing and scroll-reading.
is gained from shields and most artefacts, and it reduces the damage taken.
means weapon power, while
means shield power. All statistics except Level are kept a secret from other players.

5. ABILITIES: All player characters have their
own sets
of 3-6 abilities they can use during the game, related to their job classes. These skills include (but are not limited to) attacks, spellcasting, healing, tracking, stealing items, blocking, buffing, debilitating and using items. To best make use of these varied skills, the players should consider forming alliances.

6. ITEMS: All players start out with
10 gold
, a
with 2-6 WP and a random array of
other items
, such as restorative potions, artefacts and tools. Like the statistics, these inventories are kept as a secret from other players. During the Day-phases of the game, upgrades and more items can be bought from
Sham Poo
in exchange for gold. You are free to discard items or trade them with other players, but you need to notify the host whenever you do that.

7. LEVELING UP: Gaining a
the player character’s current and maximum
health and ether by 1
. When a player kills another player, they will gain experience according to this chart:

- Level 1-9: a full level

- Level 10-19: 1/2 of a level

- Level 20-29: 1/3 of a level

- Level 30-39: 1/4 of a level

- Level 40 onwards: 1/5 of a level

8. ELEMENTS & EFFECTS: There are five
in the game: fire, ice, lighting, light and darkness. Elemental spells and attacks are twice as effective as normal attacks, but consume ether. They can also be blocked with the right piece of equipment. There are both
positive and negative effects
in the game as well, including encouraged, enforced, stunned, poison, sleep, blinded, sealed, confused and enamored. These can be inflicted by certain abilities and scrolls. Negative effects last until removed by a Remedy or a suitable ability.

9. BEHAVIOR: When you play this game, you are bound by honor to your alignment – even if it changes mid-game. That is why you
must not discuss the game
outside of the topics and PMs related to it, under the threat that you are instantly killed off if you do. Sharing information via PMs and forming alliances between the players is allowed, but must be done by knowing the risk that the other might be lying or deceiving you. Things will get brutal and cut-throat in this game, and you can get killed off at any time, but any of that is not to be taken as a personal insult. Please
at all times to ensure that your player persona is separated from your real self. Remember that
the dead don't talk
, so once you are out of the game, you must not speak of what you know to anyone until the whole game is over.
You are free to roleplay with your character, and most of all, have fun!


catava-warden.jpgCorelin Moordog (CorneliusMurdock) ~ 282 years old female dwarf Warden

catava-cleric3.jpgEin Surefoot (Esurient) ~ 397 years old male dwarf Cleric

catava-knight2.jpgEmmanuelle Janus (emjajoas) ~ 33 years old female human Knight

catava-evoker.jpgEnya Dorgamel (Endgame) ~ 23 years old female human Evoker (killed on Night Three, then resurrected on Night Five)

catava-wingedwarrior.jpgFleyra (Flare) ~ 29 years old female Rito Winged Warrior

catava-infiltrator.jpgGeosmos Phiephyrphoe (joeshmoe554) ~ 52 years old male cyclops Infiltrator

catava-cleric.jpgHeron Jujube (herrJJ) ~ 19 years old male human Cleric (killed on Night One, raised as an undead on Night Two but perished again on Day Three, then resurrected on Day Four)

catava-knight.jpgJinnipher Buchaire (JimButcher) ~ 71 years old female elf Knight

catava-witch.jpgLorth-Anoob (LordoftheNoobs) ~ 42 years old female Pantanan Witch

catava-alchemist.jpgLuridan Voros (Lord Duvors) ~ 53 years old male gremlin Alchemist

catava-regulator.jpgO’Blix (-obelix-) ~ 27 years old male goblin Regulator

catava-druid.jpgPallas Thaddicus (Palathadric) ~ 103 years old male Lucustoid Druid

catava-barbarian.jpgPanduin Oreheart (Pandora) ~ 148 years old male dwarf Barbarian

catava-ranger2.jpgPercival Montmartre (Peppermint_M) ~ 24 years old male human Ranger

catava-battlemage.jpgPiro the Visionary (Pyrovisionary) ~ 227 years old male wereturtle Battle Mage (killed on Day Two but resurrected on Day Three)

catava-skirmisher.jpgSir Rubinstein (Rumble Strike) ~ 47 years old male human Skirmisher

catava-minstrel.jpgScamander Taurros (Scubacarrot) ~ 34 years old male satyr Minstrel

catava-berserker.jpgSwinehurst (swils) ~ 31 years old male porc Berserker

catava-cannoneer.jpgTheodor Legion (The Legonater) ~ 73 years old male human Cannoneer

catava-chimonk.jpgUsharnam Madima (UsernameMDM) ~ 38 years old male Naga Chi Monk

catava-assassin.jpgWerther Brickton (Waterbrick Down) ~ 49 years old male zombie Assassin

catava-hunter.jpgWeyrdág (Wedge09) ~ 341 years old female Nôrn Hunter

catava-sage.jpgZarissa Curie (Zakura) ~ 58 years old female gnome Sage

catava-artisan.jpgZelphie (Zepher) ~ 815 years old female fairy Artisan

catava-blackknight.jpgZpilf (Flipz) ~ 85 years old male ogre Black Knight Winged Warrior


catavadead-mage.jpgKob (Kintobor) ~ 21 years old male orc Mage ~ Heroica (killed on Day One, raised as an undead on Night One but perished again on Day Three)

catavadead-mage2.jpgPauline Jillian Boyle (Purpearljellyblob) ~ 18 years old female Mopag Mage ~ Heroica (killed on Day One)

catavadead-sorcerer.jpgEris (Eric Su) ~ 26 years old female orc Sorcerer ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)

catavadead-barbarian2.jpgEzeal (Etzel) ~ 28 years old male werelion Barbarian ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Two)

catavadead-raider.jpgSkrupp Oxstrong (Scorpiox) ~ 30 years old male norseman Raider ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)

catavadead-dragoon.jpgU’dargan (Darkdragon) ~ 29 years old male U’kin Dragoon ~ Heroica (killed on Day Two)

catavadead-rogue.jpgCalico Meatpie (CallMePie) ~ 16 years old female halfling Rogue ~ Heroica (killed on Day Three)

catavadead-ranger3.jpgDoranee Grandeur (Dragonator) ~ 44 years old female elf Ranger ~ Heroica (killed on Day Three)

catavadead-necromancer.jpgRetak Ysp (PsyKater) ~ 2013 years old male Fenarian Necromancer ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Three)

catavadead-shaman.jpgFernandu Elysiam (Fred Daniel Yam) ~ 36 years old male minotaur Shaman ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Four)

catavadead-rogue2.jpgMaxi Ebdul (Masked Builder) ~ 35 years old male Asteriad Rogue ~ Heroica (killed on Day Four)

catavadead-mysticknight.jpgShadir Oswain (Shadows) ~ 466 years old male elf Mystic Knight ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Four)

catavadead-ranger.jpgJeddam Ashenbow (Jedi master Brick) ~ 25 years old female hobgoblin Ranger ~ Heroica (killed on Night Four)

catavadead-paladin.jpgBrienne Deercourt (Brickdoctor) ~ 29 years old female human Paladin ~ Nephilim (killed on Day Five)

catavadead-cleric2.jpgCapriccia Gianpaolo (Capt.JohnPaul) ~ 123 years old female vampire Cleric ~ Heroica (killed on Night Five)

catavadead-harlot.jpgCromeo Nightingale (Chromeknight) ~ 22 years old male half-elf Harlot ~ Nephilim (killed on Night Five)

catavadead-beastwarrior.jpgKharybdis (Kadabra) ~ 26 years old female Octopial Beast Warrior ~ Heroica (killed on Night Five)


heroicanpc-shampoo.jpg"Boohoo! I'm so devastated for the break-in that I'll give you all a discount on all of my remaining items. Buy them all while you still have the chance!"


(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, ranged weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(WP:1, melee weapon) – Costs 5 gold

(SP:1, defensive equipment) – Costs 5 gold

Gems & Scrolls:

(Gem: allows casting fire-elemental spells) – Costs 10 gold

(Gem: allows casting ice-elemental spells) – Costs 10 gold

(Gem: allows casting lightning-elemental spells) – Costs 10 gold

(Gem: allows casting light-elemental spells) – Costs 10 gold

(Gem: allows casting darkness-elemental spells) – Costs 10 gold

Scroll of Sleep
(Scroll: prevents target from taking action and seeing who targets them until woken up by an attack. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 gold

Scroll of Blinding
(Scroll: prevents target from performing attacks and seeing who targets them. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 gold

Scroll of Sealing
(Scroll: prevents target from performing ether-based actions. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 gold

Scroll of Confusion
(Scroll: causes target’s actions to hit a random person with a 1/2 chance. Costs 1 ether to use.) – Costs 15 gold

Consumable Items:

(Consumable: causes poison to the target, depleting it’s health by 1 per every phase when used.) – Costs 5 gold

(Consumable: causes 10 damage to the target from a distance when used.) – Costs 10 gold

Grating Stone
(Consumable: increases a weapon’s WP by 1 when used) – Costs 15 gold

Bright Polish
(Consumable: increases a shield’s or an artefact’s SP by 1 when used.) – Costs 15 gold.

Level-Up Mushroom
(Consumable: gain a level when used.) – Costs 25 gold

OOC: Psst, typo, Sandy. :wink:

Unsure what to do at this point, Zpilf tracks Weyrdág and Flies to safety.

Piro attacks corelin and encourages himself!

Luridan comes in and instantly uses a Phoenix Essence on Eris and attacks Corelin Moondog with his Dagger.

He also makes a Mixture.


Swinehurst charges towards Corelin with another Furious Critical Attack, and keeping his shield at the ready, Blocks.

There is no need to attack Corelin Gremlin, porc. My attack is more than enough to kill her.

Jinnipher attacks Corelin and blocks

  On 9/18/2013 at 8:00 PM, Pyrovisionary said:

There is no need to attack Corelin Gremlin, porc. My attack is more than enough to kill her.

"She probably has a strong shield though."

Usharnam purchases 3 bombs and lobs one at Corelin and Telescopes Heron Weydra.

Edited by UsernameMDM

"Wouldn't it make more sense to encourage yourself first? Furthermore, where are our Magnifying Glasses?"

  On 9/18/2013 at 8:00 PM, Pyrovisionary said:

There is no need to attack Corelin Gremlin, porc. My attack is more than enough to kill her.

I not able to change targets til Corelin dead. Maybe you change target?

  On 9/18/2013 at 8:06 PM, Palathadric said:

"Wouldn't it make more sense to encourage yourself first? Furthermore, where are our Magnifying Glasses?"

Encourage take place for next phase.

I know the subject was raised before that heroes raised by the nephilim may turn out to be Nephilim. Any thoughts on that?

  On 9/18/2013 at 8:08 PM, Palathadric said:

I know the subject was raised before that heroes raised by the nephilim may turn out to be Nephilim. Any thoughts on that?

"Easily solved by killing Heron, but I'm not sure he'd want to volunteer for that. Any thoughts my good Cleric?"

Scamander buys a bomb and throws it at Percival, then Discord attacks Percival.

  On 9/18/2013 at 8:08 PM, Palathadric said:

I know the subject was raised before that heroes raised by the nephilim may turn out to be Nephilim. Any thoughts on that?

Sounds like unbased idiocy to me.

My tattered body comes staggering out of one of the hall's many back rooms, bedraggled and ragged. Resurrection takes a lot of energy out of you, even though I felt more revitalized than ever. My clothes were tattered and covered in ash from the resurrecting flames... But even though I wasn't necessarily the picture of beauty anymore, i wasn't in a bad mood at all. I wasn't dead, for starters.

"Greetings, fellows! Did you miss me?" I say trying to sound as chipper as possible.

I think we should be more worried that two heroes were taken out last night. Who attacked them? Though that is an interesting point. Perhaps we ought to inspect raised heroes unless we know who raised them?

  • Author

As the ogre Zpilf emerged from his sleeping corner, the others immediately noticed something different about him.


The Black Knight had become a Winged Warrior overnight!

"Well, seein' as I'm not privy ta wha's goin' on, I'll jus' use me Gold ta buy two bombs. Jus' in case."

"Ahh! Why me! I'm not trying to eat souls or anything!" Percival ran in a panic and threw a bomb at Scamander in an attempt to defend himself. "Any help anyone? Innocent forestman being attack by crazed satyr! I'm a vegiterian for all the god's sake!"

"You misspelled vegetarian. And you won't be able to throw that bomb because my attack doubles as a stun. Any last words?"

Luridan looks at Zplifs back and sees how the wings are attached.



Well, I suppose that's it then. I have no idea how Capriccia and Kharbdis turned out to be loyal. I can't understand why they'd do what they did to me if they weren't evil.

I don't suppose you fellows would give me a second chance?

Zelphie pipes up dreamily from the corner. "Seeing as our delicious dwarf seems to have been dealt with, where do you all think I should direct my staff? The humble human ranger, or some other target?"

(Shaddup. I'm dyslexic!)

"Why meeeeee?"

"Why you? Because we are suspicious of all ranged warriors here. Someone keeps firing arrows at people, and we will find out who."

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