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Posted (edited)


^ The Haunted House set, right..? Well Check again! It's highly modified. It's wider, deeper, and higher. (Go count the extra studs !)

I think the original lego-set is one of the alltime best lego has offered till now. It does have room for improvement though...

First of all, it's big, but not quite big enough. If you want to make a complete interior it has to become a bit bigger. And to make the exterior complete, I added a big tree. While rebuilding the original I got inspired by Disneyland's Phantom Manor (paris). It kinda looks like it already. Just some details were not quite right. I added the round, doubled, and trippeled windows in the front as wel as another balcony on the right. The real Phantom Manor has the porch run around the left corner for visitors, but I left that out. I still wanted the Dollhouse-opening feature. So, this one really is much bigger, wider, and higher, but to really appreciate that you'll have to compare it next to a photo of the origninal set. As you'll see I left a lot of the original details intact, cause I think Lego did a terrific job.


^ Rightside porch and balcony (the steps have been corrected one stud to the right...)


^ I tried to make it interesting from a lot of angles by creating different scenes. Here a couple is sneaking about, not knowing they are being watched from behind by...


^ The Creature From The Black Lagoon!


^ The Creature from the Black Lagoon has a diorama of it's own.


^ I love the hinged dollhouse style way of opening so I kept that. As you can see I modified every square inch of the interior. But let's look at the one level at a time...

To be continued...

Edited by B Rick
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^ Frontside attic. (left) The music room. I added moc piano, a sharpdressed skelleton, and lots of extra attic-stuff. I love the record player and think the collapsable atticladders are genius... Just placed in the wrong spot so I moved them over to the left. (so it'll come down at the end of the hallway on the first floor as you will see next.


^ Second floor hallway. Another scenery: 'Spoiled Milk Massacre'. Inspired by the Grady-twins from the horrormovie The shining.

In the middle there is this woman staring out of the window. Another horrormovie-cliche... And on the right you see a small 'office'.

The floor has red carpet.


^ First floor frontside (left) The Kitchen.

I thought Lego made a big design mistake by placing the stairs halfway blocking several windows so I corrected that. Made my own round staircase wich left some room to install a kitchenscene.

In the middle you'll find the entrance of the frontdoor. I thought it would be more realistic to come into the hallway instead of directly into the livingroom (which must be something American according to popular tv-shows...

On the right you see zombie (grand)dad trying to read his newspaper in the readingcorner next to the fireplace.


^ Backside attic on the right. I added some more attic stuff including a sled, two coffins and a haunted bathtubbarrel.


^ Backside second floor on the right.

Because I had made the house deeper I was able to create separate rooms and the other half of the hallway. Some small furniture mocs and paintings that are still waiting for some sickers for me to create. I'm planning on printing the 4 julie svendsen paintings that hang in the real Phantom Manor.

These walls are removable and behind them (there are two) are a bathroom and the master bedroom. wich I'll show later.


^ Firstfloor in the back (rightside)

I created a wooden floor and made it rustic by using different browns and blacks. Under the coffeetable and the diningtable there lies red carpet. This floor has lots of mocs. To make the furniture more detaild and intricate I had to use some of my 80's lego parts. That was fun!

To be continued...

Posted (edited)

Now for some Second floor details...


^ Removable walls.1. The master Bedroom.


^ Scary girl fixing her makeup.



2. Bathroom.


^ A bathtub full of blood and a dead person staring right back at you...While building, it reminded me of the most frightfull scenes I saw when I was just a kid. The bathtub scene in room number 237. Man, I get chills down my spine thinking about it... I know, it wasn't bloody at all. Just shocking. Imagine... You think our embrazing a beautifull naked woman while looking in the mirror to see it is really a decaying but living corpse... That kind of subtlty can't be reproduced in Lego. So I got blood instead...


^ A bathtub full of blood.The golden fountain really isn't my thing. I considder it too much of a toy-piece but it fits the building this scenery is just part of really well...




^ The lighting was sort of a lucky shot. I made these pics while it was getting darker, so I wanted to lighten up the scene with a bicyclelight and it came out this way...


^ I really love the collapsing laddersteps from the original set. It was just placed on the wrong spot. In the opened-up dollhouse mode, the colapsing-feature was very difficult to reach. So I moved the ladder to the other end of the hallway, away from the chimney and hinges where we allso find...


^ The Spoiled Milk Massacre scene featuring the eerie Grady Twins... Inspired again by The Shining, wherein these peculiar identical twins appear out of nowere at the end of the hotel hallway and ask Danny to 'come and play with us'... Short flashes of a bloody massacre surrounding them make shure you'll never ever forget...But in my scenery I added a little humor. Instead of blood, the creepy twins created a milk-massacre...


^ In the middle is the lady of the house staring out of the windowfront. Waiting for her lover? ...for her next victims..? Who knows...Inspired by Psycho. (and lots of other movies that have used this horror-cliche...) I've added a few mocs to complete this scene. We have drapes, a chest-o-drawers, and a bust(?) wearing a knights helmet.


^ Further on the right there is a desk in the hallway seperated by a wall. It just creates a writingspace in the same hallway, not another room...


And ofcourse the First floor details...


^ The Kitchen.Originally placed in the back, I moved it to the front under the staircase. I used parts of the original kitchen design and added some cabinets and an oven huge enough to hide a person...



^ on the rightside of the entrance is the readingspace next to the fireplace.



^ On the otherside of the fireplace in the back you'll find the livingroom. Again, lot's of small mocs like the fish trophy, the clock, the painting, the couch, the table, the chandelier...


^ right next to it is a large dinnertable with two victorian chairs to match the rest of the interior.


^It took me a long time to come up with a just-right design...


^ against the wall are two vitrinecabinets. In between you see a glimpse of the 'backdoor' in the side of the house.


Edited by B Rick

Building the interior is really hard in this style of building (Dollhouse hinges) The rooms were too tiny for my big hands so placing furniture became very tedious. (Mayby Lego IS for small children.... ;-) Time to take the building apart carefully and building it up again in modular configuration. (Modular as in seperated floors and detachable roofs) Now I can acces the separate rooms very easily.


^ All the seperate modules, except from the roof on the attic which I forgot to take off while shooting the pics...


^ First floor.

Clockwise from upper left corner: Livingroom, dining area, sidedoor and sideporch/secondfloor balcony+ roof, firstfloor kitchen,

staircase, front entrance hallway, readingcorner.


^ Second floor.

Clockwise uppperleft: Bathroom, master bedroom, door to balcony, hallway, staircase, hallway front facade, writing area.


^ Third floor. The attic.


^ The roof.


^ I thought the original chimney-top was a bit bland so I styled it after the rest of the roof, making shure it was still able to open up like it used to.


^ And last, but not least, I put a lightbrick in the front facade to lighten up the lady of the house creating a very spooky effect...


Hope you'll like it...



Wow! You put a lot of work into this and it shows. The Haunted House was already a great set, but you made it better.

How long did this take you?

Thanks for sharing this,

Andy D


Thanks guys!

The original is truly a great set and you'll only 'discover the flaws' when you're attempting to build a complete interior. But it was intended to be a 'dollhouse' with easy acces and playability.

How long did this take you?

It took a long time of which I have just a little... I built the original set in three days. Then I purchased another set for making the realisation of my ideas possible. I've made it larger in every direction. Every interior scnene took me one evening each. In the meantime I got this idea of converting the house into seperate modules. That took even longer. Cause with every rebuild you're bound to facing a whole bunch of new problems and puzzles to solve. But that's the fun of Lego. Making it work. Technically ánd visually. Then there were several attemps of building the three scene. So in all, it took me a month and a half of evening playingpleasure.

But it's not finished though. As I mentioned before, there are 9 paintings to be printed and stickered. I'm also considdering to build a cellar for some more horrormovie clichés. I'd love to have a necronomicon and a taperecorder below the floorboards (evil dead) or what about an ancient Indian burrial ground..?

Now, you might think I'm a horrormoviebuff... Well I'm not, really. I like all good movies. And I like beautiful dioramas. This beautiful lego set happens to be in the horrorgenre and I've just followed to were it took me while I was building it.


Wow this is a great modification! You can tell you've put a lot of work into it and it's fantastic! So many great details you have added, the 'blood bath' reminds me of Dexter. I have re-haunted my version into a modular (still need to get around to taking photos and posting) but I have kept the original interior.

I look forward to seeing your cellar, happy building :laugh:


I have never seen the shining, you have inspired me to watch it.

Go watch! It's classic, and it belongs in many moviefans top 50.

:wub: I adore this!! I used to wish that I'd get the set, now I want this version instead!! :wub:

Get one, or maybe two sets and start building! I'd love to see different versions of this house.

Wow this is a great modification! You can tell you've put a lot of work into it and it's fantastic! So many great details you have added, the 'blood bath' reminds me of Dexter. I have re-haunted my version into a modular (still need to get around to taking photos and posting) but I have kept the original interior.

I look forward to seeing your cellar, happy building :laugh:

Can't wait to see timmyc. Take your time shooting pics. It's not easy taking good quallity pics of such a large set. I almost did not post mine because of the crappy overexposed exterior shots, but I had spend a lot of time and don't feel like doing that again anytime soon...

Hmmz... I've never seen a single episope of Dexter...

Brilliant work. I think the bathroom us my favourite, looks dank and creepy and horrible :)

I agree that the dramatic effect in this scene is way more than I could have wished for. Even without the spotlight. Can't put my finger on it but I guess Lego did a good job on these creepy zombiefaces... That, combined with the clean aesthetics of the room and the simple adding of the blood does work rather well. Funny thing is, to me the bathroom was just an afterthought. Not simple though... The stonebricks don't come in 1x1, or at least I don't have that color bricks. So it was a tough puzzle to solve. And, in the beginning I wanted a victorian styled bathroom, but that would have meant for me ordering seperate bricks. Never done that, and I'm not eager to start... Still got to find a store in Holland that sell seperate bricks...

Thanks for watching en commenting on my post!

Posted (edited)

Man, today I stumbled on totally awesome 'Haunted Houses' that had simmilar ideas but went more than just one step beyond... Absolutely beautiful stuff. And it's a good thing I hadnt seen these before otherwise I probably would not have started this project...

Try to find em for comparison. It's fun! Just be prepared to have your jaws drop to the floor...

Edited by B Rick
Posted (edited)

Well seeing this thread this morning before going to the VIP event pushed me over the edge to buy this set today... and before building it I already know I want to expand it!

I think I'm going to need a hearse parked up on the drive though... and a few graves dotted around!

I know you've said that you don't have a huge amount of lego lying round for MOCing but I'm guessing this took quite a chunk of additional bricks and pieces?

Edited by Robianco

Well seeing this thread this morning before going to the VIP event pushed me over the edge to buy this set today... and before building it I already know I want to expand it!

I think I'm going to need a hearse parked up on the drive though... and a few graves dotted around!

I know you've said that you don't have a huge amount of lego lying round for MOCing but I'm guessing this took quite a chunk of additional bricks and pieces?

That's cool.

True. Expanding a set like this takes indeed a BIG chunck of additional bricks. These are in fact two haunted house sets... But it leaves just a bit more room for really realizing your ideas and trying out stuff with left-over brick. I don't have any other sets with this green so I thought instead of ordering a lot seperate green bricks I got another set. Which means I also got a lot of roofbricks, and windows, and cool interior stuff. Really this set is loaded with very usefull or cool stuff. The minifigs alone are awesome. Never thought I'd say that about minifigs cause I never understood why these silly things were so popular. I was never interested in them till now.

It's tricky I'm sure it's possible to make some nice mods without an extra set. Just be creative. But first build it like should. You will enjoy that, believe me...

What I really meant was that I don't have a lot of the right bricks to do the mods. From every microbuild mocs you see in my house I couldn't build anotherone any more. All need a few typical bricks that I don't have a lot of. I ran out of round brown 1x1s now, so it'll be hard to make another piece of furniture that'll fit stylewise with the rest of the interior.

Ofcearse a hearse! ;-)

I got mine parked right next to it. The monsterfighter hearse was the set that really rekindled my love for lego. It's the first new set I bought in over.... Well, it's actually the first set I bought, ever! Every piece of lego I allready had was given to me on birthdays and at chistmasses. I'll post a pic of my modified hearse in a minute.



^ The Hearse I've got parked next to my haunted house.

This, ofcourse is the Monster Fighters Hearse that I've modified. Really, I love the grotesk look of the original car and I give Lego a 9,5 out of 10 for it, but at the same time I felt it was a bit childish so I started modifying it till it became a more 'realistic' Hotrod Hearse...

In short:

The car is lowered; I've stretched the wheelbase, I chopped the roof, I put in a bigger engine, I gave the body more mass, I disabled the playfunction (I believe...), I've altered the front, just to have a different one than my Batmobile which is based on this hearse; I took away all the bony-stuff, and cleaned up the overal lines. But I think I'll create another thread with more pics of it.

Bad thing about it is though, ...it's still too big for my haunted house.


Thanks guys.

amazing, that would be great to put in a dark corner in lego city, i wish i had the bricks to built this

Legopanda, If money is an issue (isn't it always...) I got my set at ToysXL (eindhoven). Definately worth a visit if you're looking for bargains. It seems that they have different 'sales' every two weeks. Sometimes even 25% discount on the whole Lego-inventory (including exclusive sets and architecture for instance) , or ...get two sets + one for free, etc. Just visit regularly and draw your wallet when the time is right ;)


Wow, you really made that house perfect! I love it! Maybe i'll redo my haunted house some day, but first i still need to finish my vampire castle...


Wow, you really made that house perfect! I love it! Maybe i'll redo my haunted house some day, but first i still need to finish my vampire castle...

Thanks! Looking forward to it... Man I wanted to buy the castle sooo often... I kinda like that car (and ofcourse the green bricks it's build out of...) Wanted to use the castle-set to build a cellar for my haunted house. Maybe someday. If I have some money again to spend on plastic toys... ;-)

Very impressive. I like the dining table.

Thanks! I was really glad I had some of the strange lego-pieces in my childhood-lego bin, the legs are made of.

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