Posted January 14, 201411 yr Named for nearby Fort Legoredo, the town of Glencoe was first settled in 1869 by the people following the Wichita, Xenia, Yazoo & Zephyrus Rail-Road through the Colorado on towards it's junction with the Union Pacific to create a branch off of the First Transcontinental Railroad. Usually these towns die off once the construction teams move on, but this town didn't because of one crucial fact: Valuable veins of silver were discovered by the Construction crews in a attempt to tunnel through the side of Raindance Ridge. This new wealth happened to be right up the tracks (about a mile or two) from the City. The town (and fort) continue to have a booming industry in the 21st century, with tourists flocking to the Wild West town, movies being shot on-site, and more recently, the reopening of the silver mines because of advances in mining techniques. (seen above is the town in the 1950-70's TV / Movie boom) The railroad still stops at Fort Legoredo depot (shown above) and the town of Glencoe, with a Native American reservation and the preserved Army Fort nearby. US 1880's LEGOREDO MODULAR TRAIN DEPOT I originally got this basic model from a page on Bricksafe by user @sed6 as seen here. I revised the freight door to be movable, changed the roof color to dark red from black, building color to sand green from tan, plus I added a "cast iron" heating stove and it's chimney flue to the model for late-1800's period look. I have named the Fort Legoredo passenger depot after the famous set number 6761. (Fort Legoredo)  The model features the separate entry doors to the station premises for cargo and people on the both the street and track sides. There is also plenty of outside seating on both the left and right sides, yet they are still under the roof awning to be protected from rain. (three seats per side) Inside we have the freight area (on the left) and the passenger area (on the right) with a connecting door between the two. The passenger section also has the heating stove which currently is keeping the coffee hot. (or is it boiling the water for tea?) This part of the station also has three inside seats for weary passengers and a cash register for ticket dispensing. The station is modular, and comes apart in four sections: - Left platform end - Right platform end - Station roof - Station building 1870's LEGOREDO CITY This bank was partially inspired by set 10255 (Assembly Square). The rear of the bank also has a modified safe from set 10217. (Diagon Alley) along with two bank teller's windows and a desk. This barber shop was inspired by set 6765. (Gold City Junction). The barber shop features two chairs taken from set 10246, (Detective's Office) along with a sink and cash register. This general store is supposed to be modeled after the one in set 6765 (Gold City Junction), but with updated parts and expanded collection of items for sale. Inside, we have a cash register and a not-yet-finished interior. Hank Haystack from the LEGO Movie owns and operates this store. This saloon was inspired by the bank in set 79109. (Colby City Showdown) It features a typical saloon swing-open door, a cash register, and several spots to sit down and order a drink and is owned by Doc Brown from Back to the Future. (Hey, he can't drink it, doesn't mean he can't sell it!) Being on a corner, much of the building is left to the imagination as I wanted to avoid lift away floors to keep with the vintage 1990's Western feel. This sheriff's office was taken almost wholly from set 79109. (Colby city Showdown) The rooftop cannon has been removed, and a sticker-based sign from set 7954 (Woody's Roundup) has been placed up there instead. The floor of the building has also been redone, and most of the odd colored part removed. The rear of the building features the sheriff's office and his armory, plus the jail cell with it's exploding front wall. This blacksmith's store was heavily inspired by 2011 Ninjago set 2508. (Blacksmith Shop) I revised the colors scheme, removed the rotating rear wall, and added a holder for the sign. The roof still folds open like the original set. The post office was mostly taken from set 40305 (LEGO brand store), which has been reworked into a post office. There is a hanging sign out front in the shape of an envelope, and the sign on the top of the building clearly defines the building's purpose. (though the inside is empty at this point!) It is off a Frontier church for my Wild West town. I based it partially off set 309 and 1309 (both called "Church") from 1957 / 58's Town Plan theme.. the only official Lego church ever made, as far as I know. The words "Church of the Unmodified Brick" go on some 2 x 4 tiles with custom stickers I'll probably get from my dad's label maker. (as I don't own one) The model features a "golden" bell in the tower, and seven seats for parishioners, while the Reverend has to stand to deliver his fire-and-brimstone sermon on the "evils" of cutting baseplates, third party bricks, and gluing parts together. The rear window has a trans blue / trans orange stained glass window with a cross outline in front of it. The lattice work for the windows is supposed to continue into the square versions using 22 of this part. This church will go along with the gothic graveyard I assembled from both 70420 (Graveyard Mystery from Hidden Side) and 75965 (Rise of Voldemort from Harry Potter.) Also, please ignore the older 4-2-4 steam loco in the back of this photo, it's not important and has been disassembled for a 2-8-0 as seen in the Train Tech sub-forum. (and below) US 1880's TRAIN MODELS - PASSENGER This train is meant to be built from sets 7597 (Western train Chase from Toy Story 3), 71044, (Disney Train and Station) and set 10014. (Caboose from the My Own Train series, albeit a bit bigger width-wise!) I also used the 1955 Disneyland RR passenger car instructions from @TJJohn12, as seen on Flickr here. I just recolored them and simplified them for this model. The coal-burning straight stack-styled locomotive is a mish-mash of two steam locomotives, (both 4-4-0 type) from the Toy Story set and Disney train model. I just stretched out the Disney model, added a blind driving wheel to either side (making it into a 4-6-0), and repainted it into a Toy-ish color scheme. Oh, and I built a brand new tender from the rails up, which will use 1970's red 12v-era wheels. (I hate the new Powered Up wheels without the metal axle, so this was my only choice!) The locomotive is missing these printed parts, which are colored wrong on the model for visibility. They are as follows: - the green 1 x 4 printed number "1" bricks, two on the loco and two on the tender. - a single printed red 2 x 2 brick with "1" print for the headlamp. - one 2 x 2 printed round tile for the firebox door in the cab. This baggage / coach car is styled after TJJohn12's free instructions. I did change the color scheme a bit, with black windows. black roof, and red doors, instead of red doors, reddish-brown roof, and red windows. Two of these are also going to be built, and were designed with TJJohn12's instructions. (with some subtle design changes by me for ease of ordering and a slightly simpler design) Now, I know passenger train's are not supposed to have cabooses, but this one does as I couldn't figure out a good red light arrangement for the rear-facing passenger car. Thus, this 10014-styled caboose was created in 8-wide. The yellow 2 x 4 tile on the both sides of the car are actually supposed to be this printed red part of the same size. US 1880's TRAIN MODELS - FREIGHT This freight-hauling locomotive is meant to be built from sets 7597 (Western train Chase from Toy Story 3), 71044, (Disney Train and Station) and set 10014. (Caboose from the My Own Train series, albeit a bit bigger width-wise!) I also used set 10013 (Open Freight Wagon, also from My Own Train) as a guide for the pipe-carrying car, plus model 15 (Tanker) from set 10183, Hobby Trains for the tanker car. This loco shares the same tender as my other Western 8-wdie loco from this time period. The engine itself, however, is an enlarged version of 7597, in yellow and blue. It's also meant to have inside pistons as it's an early-to-mid 1860's locomotive. (thus the lack of visible pistons!) The locomotive is missing these printed parts. They are as follows: The four yellow 1 x 6 bricks are supposed to be printed with this number 2. while the headlamp is supposed to have two of these printed yellow 1 x 1 tiles. The firebox door requires this print. Inspired by a @wildchicken13 model from Bricklink, back from before Lego bought them out. This boxcar is not inspired by any specific car in particular, and was done freehand without looking at other 8 wide boxcars. The four doors slide open. Model 15 (Tanker) from set 10183, Hobby Trains was the inspiration for the tanker car. It should feature this print on the 2x2 round white tiles. This model was built from instructions seen at the Old Workhorse's Lego Ideas page as seen here. (I am not affiliated with the creator of that page, I just used their free instructions, visible further down in the updates section, to build the traction engine seen above.) The model has been attached to an 8-wide flat car for transportation across the county. This 10014-styled caboose was created in 8-wide for my passenger train, but has been redone in yellow for the freight train. US 1880's TRAIN MODELS - U.S. MILITARY This entire military transport train was inspired by sets 60052, 79106, and 79111. This train also has a couple play features, such as a rotating Gatling gun, moving steam engine side rods, and a exploding jail car wall. This eight-wide model is a complete model of my own design, and is inspired by the steam engine from the 1970's Western film, "Breakheart Pass". I included working pistons, and a more cohesive color scheme of red and green, with a splash of yellow. Big Ben bricks' medium size wheels, 4 flanged and 4 blind, are meant to take the place of the gear wheels. You can buy them at his site here. The tender and cab walls are supposed to have four of this printed red 1 x 6 piece inserted into them: The front headlight is supposed to have two of this printed 1 x 1 placed on it. This horse car was originally a cattle car from set 60052, (2014 Cargo Train) but I've re-purposed it for my Army officer horses. These cannons are from set 79106 (Calvary Builder Set) and were placed on a generic flatcar for transport by rail. The rotating Gatling gun you see here was taken from set 79111. (Constitution Train Chase) This car has the basic "look" of the 1955 Disneyland MOC trains cars from TJJohn12, albeit without the clerestory roof, which instead has a walkway for train crew / soldiers on lookout during fuel stops. The jail car you see was originally from set 79111. (Constitution Train Chase) while gaining the styling of the 1955 Disneyland MOC trains cars from TJJohn12. This car has one play feature that is sure to blow you away: the back wall can be removed to get at the jail cell via the "dynamite" on the outside of the back wall. When pushed back towards the other end of the car, the lever on the left side pops the back wall out and the bad guys can escape! US 1880's TRAIN MODELS - MAINTENANCE OF WAY ROTARY SNOW PLOW This blue train is marked (4-8-0+0-8-4 Garratt, for heavy duty rotary snow plow jobs) is pulled / pushed by an 8-wide Garratt-type steam locomotive is perfect for use on the mountainous terrain of Colorado Rocky Mountains, with it's double steam locomotive pistons sets. (Before anyone says anything about Garratt loco's not being ever sold into the North American market, I'll say it's an lost experimental prototype to help with a motive power shortage. It may have been seen by the owner as a economical way of sending one locomotive to do the job of two.) This steam powered rotary snowplow was inspired by the real-world Denver and Rio Grande's narrow gauge plow "OY", as now seen on the Cumbres and Toltec RR in New Mexico / Colorado. I've decided to name my plow "YO" in tribute to my inspiration, using four of this part from the original Toy Story sets as a sort of marker. The rear of the plow features the coal tender with a ladder from the water tank-top down to the magnetic coupler. This 8-wide engine was originally a SRW locomotive works product, (made by Anthony Sava and formerly available on Bricklink until LEGO sadly removed most of his models.) I reworked the engine to have working pistons and side-rods plus a longer frame. This made it from 2-4-0+0-4-2 to a 4-8-0+0-8-4, among other smaller updates to the engine. I also substituted a Disney train-style boiler onto the engine to backdate it to the mid-1880's or so. The rear of the steam locomotive. This part in black goes on the water tank and coal bunker walls (it's the number 4). Even with the added pistons, the engine can go around corners and switches quite easily. A simple caboose, for the snow plow train. I used a pair interesting windscreen parts for the cupola windows. US 1870's WESTERN MILITARY - FORT LEGOREDO This is an updated and enlarged form of sets 6769 / 6762, (Fort Legoredo) with new parts and some modifications to the original set. These new parts include two cannons which oddly are missing in the original sets. I have heavily modified this model by adding Technic pins to hold the sections together, and by filling in the gaps in the wooden walls. The jail cell has also been enlarged and opened up for play-ability, plus a train platform had bee placed at the secondary gate for loading and unloading soldiers and equipment. The yellow flag is supposed to have this print: http://www.bricklink...35pb107#T=C&C=3 while the tan plates above the main gate are to have printed 1 x 1 tiles spelling out "Fort Legoredo". (which are sadly not in LDD) The back of the fort features the commander's office and jail cell below. I removed the originals set's trap door and enlarged the cell. The main gate has been greatly enlarged to allow for wagons to enter the fort. The secondary gate allows for rapid deployment of artillery and troops off of trains and into the fort. The commander's office is above the jail. I plan on adding a custom Confederate officer into the cell. Not much to say about this part... US 1870's WILD WEST MINI-FIGURES Commanded by General Buford Armstrong, the garrison at Fort Legoredo is ready for anything... or so they think! These Native Americans are of the tribe displaced by the US Army and the silver miners in the Raindance Ridge area back in the 1880s. They went onto reservations, which they then left under cover of darkness for their even older ancestral burial grounds: known only to their lone elder, the much revered Chief Big Bear. When they arrived, they found two people already there: Doctor Emmett Brown and his wife Clara, who had decided to take a 20th-century shortcut through an 19th century world and got lost. Chief Big Bear could somehow tell that Doc Brown was a man "from many sunrises from now" (aka the future), and offered to help him if he could help them. So, Doc drew up the plans for the time train, and, with the help from his inventions and the native americans, worked to keep the hidden valley a secret for ten years, all while getting parts for the engine from opening a saloon in the nearby town of Legoredo City. (He can't drink it, but he can sure sell it!) US 1870's MODULAR EADS TRAIN BRIDGE Here is my final design of the St. Louis bridge, commonly known as the Eads bridge because of it's designer, James B. Eads. It uses Indiana Jones roller-coaster ramps for the arches, which looks pretty cool. The bridge is nine tracks total in length and 19 bricks high from base to track. (this means about fourteen brick of clearance between arch top and floor, so some ships could pass through!) First, a little background info from Wikipedia (which is also where this picture came from): "The Eads Bridge is a combined road and railway bridge over the Mississippi River at St. Louis, connecting St. Louis and East St. Louis, Illinois. The bridge is named for its designer and builder, James B. Eads. When completed in 1874, the Eads Bridge was the longest arch bridge in the world, with an overall length of 6,442 feet (1,964 m). The ribbed steel arch spans were considered daring, as was the use of steel as a primary structural material: it was the first such use of true steel in a major bridge project. The Eads Bridge, which became an iconic image of the city of St. Louis, from the time of its erection until 1965 when the Gateway Arch was constructed, is still in use. The bridge crosses the St. Louis riverfront between Laclede's Landing, to the north, and the grounds of the Gateway Arch, to the south. Today the road deck has been restored, allowing vehicular and pedestrian traffic to cross the river. The St. Louis MetroLink light rail line has used the rail deck since 1993." This is a rough representation, as it is missing a lot, (I.E. no car deck, missing tunnel under downtown, and lack of the East St Louis ramp approach.) Here is the modular component, of which three of these big sections together via eight Technic pins (four per section) to make the whole bridge. The modular component of the bridge's design also makes it a LOT easier to carry as the whole bridge with the three sections weighs about 10 pounds total. US 1870's WESTERN STAGECOACH, TOWN CARTS, SNAKE-OIL SALESMAN VEHICLE, US ARMY CANNON CART + AMMUNITION WAGON "Come one, Come all! Gather 'round for a cure to end the all-too-common cold!" It may say "bait shop" on the side, but it really is a patent "medicine" store, where Anton Dewey Cheatum makes his own brand of lethal cures using rattlesnake venom, whiskey and his special addictive ingredient... one or two tastes, and you'll come back for more until you drop (dead). Usually this happens after he has fled town in his red wagon with the citizens hard-earned cash. This Express Stagecoach model was mostly taken from set 79108 (Stagecoach Escape) from the 2013 Lone Ranger theme. I removed some of the random colors to give it a more unified look, and replaced red with yellow as the main color for this stage while the rear baggage ejection feature still works as originally designed. Here we see inside the stage, with the roof removed and doors opened. The brown box on the roof is the safe hauling the silver miner's pay, disguised as a steamer trunk to fool bandits. These wagons are for my townsfolk and their businesses. The yellow crates hold various liquor bottles for the Saloon, and the other wagon is headed for the mine with TNT and a barrel full of Whiskey. This 1860's US Army covered ammunition wagon with cannon is inspired by set 6716 (covered wagon) from 1996's Western theme. The cannon can come detached from the wagon, and become ready for action very quickly. Revered among the west are the lawmen, the get-it-done type of folk, like Wyatt Earp, for example. This is the ride of not a single one of those type of men. The wagon you see here is the official Mayor's carriage of the town of Fort Legoredo. This wagon was used for the second though fifth mayors, with the first (the one who died before this wagon was delivered) being the only truly honest and good one in the bunch. He was pushed off of Boulder Cliff Canyon in 1872 by cattle ranchers for giving the Native Americans a fair share of the land they were owed in a treaty that was signed by all involved.... unfortunately, this mattered not to the ranchers. The next eight years and four mayors were full of lust, greed, bullets, and backstabbing. It wasn't until 1880 that a real era of economic boom and social change began in the Fort Legoredo area. (The snake oil delivery wagon, mayor's wagon and the two town wagons were designed by Baskerville bricks (seen at this Bricklink store here.) with some added flourishes by me.) WILD WESTERN STERN-WHEEL STEAMBOAT The captain of the Proud Mary is Thaddeus Sweeney, better known as "Old Man Sweet-tooth", for his habit of chewing saltwater taffy when the going gets tough and and giving candy out to the little children whenever he lands at small towns and native american villages such as Lone Tree, Nebraska, or Fort Legoredo, Colorado. He usually plies his brand-new-for-1872 stern-wheel steamboat up and down the Rapid River, with the Missouri River in Iowa at one end, and the the mighty cliff face of Showdown Canyon Springs at the other end in the middle of Colorado. Thaddeus is the only one he trusts to handle his ship, as he says the Rapid River is too treacherous for many newer pilots, as the wrecks that litter the shoreline prove. However, even Captain Sweeney admits from time to time that age is catching up to him, and he has been looking for a suitable first mate for the Proud Mary for some time. The name of the ship is the Proud Mary, after the Creedence Clearwater Revival song of the same name, as I figured it would be appropriate. The rear paddle moves around 360 degrees and simultaneously slides the gray piston parts in and out on both sides. WILD WESTERN RAILROAD TRUSS BRIDGE This through-truss bridge design was originally downloaded by me (I don't remember the name of the original designer who created the bridge) from the LEGO Factory / Design By ME page in 2010-ish and was never built in real life due to questions about it's strength. I came across it again while looking at my MOCpage account's older files and made it into the version seen above using newer parts and a longer frame quite a while ago. (and as to those original questions about it's strength: It's built like a safe, as I can pick it up with a single finger by the top..... just don't drop it, because the reddish brown parts won't survive the landing!) More recently, I revised the deck where the track goes to be able to take the RC track up and be able to put down 9V down more easily. (We run 9V trains at shows in Gateway LUG.) In short, the track is now more easily removable to become 9V, 12V, or even a road bridge. The bridge fits any of my trains, and should fit all official LEGO trains except for double stack containers such as sets 10219 (Maersk Train) and 10170 (TTX Intermodal Double-Stack Car). WILD WEST RAILROAD WATER TOWER This model was inspired by fellow builder @Pdaitabird and his water tower, as seen here on his Flickr page. I have re-purposed the model for my Wild Western town / railroad. The tower top rotates a full 360 degrees with the water pipe, allowing the engineer to pull up, get his loco full of (imaginary) water, shove the pipe away, and move on. US 1860's WESTERN SILVER MINE AT SKULL ROCK This Wild West model was originally LEGO set 79110 (Silver Mine Shootout) from the 2013 Lone Ranger theme. I added a more reinforced right wall and a real base-plate to support the model, as I know from experience it can be pretty flimsy if handed wrong. I also added the collapsing water tower from set 79111 (Constitution Train Chase) to the front corner as another action play feature. The model has also been heightened by five bricks to allow for regular train cars to pass through, but unfortunately it still isn't wide enough for custom locomotives with side-rods to fit through. (yet!) The natural rock formation (the skull) on top of the mine gives it it's name, and features a carved out section for two cannons to protect the mine, either from Native Americans wanting their sacred mountain back, or desperadoes looking to cash in on the (supposedly cursed) silver. You can see many more details on the mine can be seen in this topic. NOTES ON THE POST EDIT 1/16/21 Added new 8-wide trains and new overall pictures of the Western town / Army fort. As usual, comments, Questions, and complaints are always welcome! Edited March 8, 20213 yr by Murdoch17
January 14, 201411 yr Great build! Though when you do get the bricks to build them, may I suggest using stairs on the buildings?
January 14, 201411 yr On 1/14/2014 at 2:21 AM, Freddy Bricker said: Great build! Though when you do get the bricks to build them, may I suggest using stairs on the buildings? You could always just build trampolines behind the buildings too.
January 14, 201411 yr On 1/14/2014 at 2:15 AM, Murdoch17 said: This 100% buildable town is next on my list to construct as soon as funds become available. Here's let's take the tour: This model is a VERY modified Winter Village Toy Shop. What do you think? Comments, Questions, & complaints welcome! Wow, this is a great integration of western, town, and trains! I particularly like the station and its simple but classic design. I hope we can see some pics when it's all put together!
January 14, 201411 yr Author Thank you all for your comments and suggestions! @Freddy Bricker: I didn't put stairs in as I was going for the Classic LEGO Western look, but with a slightly modern twist. @SerenityInFire: That might work, but then how would they get to the upper floors? Catapult? @Doom2099: I've already got that built as of early last year. (2013) I'll try to take some pics when I get around to photographing my (many!) trains. As some side notes, I've been told on Flickr that my Bank kinda clashes with the "Western" look. Just out of curiosity, does anyone else feel this way? Also, the two dark green steam engines parts are on their way! Their respective consists will have to wait for more funds. I'm still working on a name for the Confederate & Union officers... any suggestions? The Confederate officer will have this face: I might give him the extra mustache piece from the Getaway Glider set. & I might give the Union officer this one to match Captain J. Fuller's hat / dark tan hair: What do you think? Edited January 14, 201411 yr by Murdoch17
January 17, 201411 yr Author The LDD file for everything in the main picture is now available! This includes these buildings: -Saloon -Doctor's office -Bank -Sheriff's office & Jail -General store -Fort Legoredo -Legoredo train station -The silver mine / unifinshed train tunnel -Water tower & RC track NO Trains are included, especially not Sava's 2-6-2 Prairie. I may upload the coaches and freight cars separately, though. LDD Link for the town: http://www.mocpages....1389894760m.lxf This next file inludes the freight & passenger trains without the locomotives: http://www.mocpages....1389981866m.lxf Edited January 17, 201411 yr by Murdoch17
January 17, 201411 yr Author The LXF for the bridge is here, in case anyone wants it:
May 6, 201410 yr Author I reorganized the writing a bit and added the file for the 2-6-0, the second version of the passenger train, Legoredo station and the 4-4-0 steamer. Here are some figs I made to go along with my Western town: The Bad Guys From left to right: Jim "Diamond" Jones (Escaped convict) "Doctor" Hyde (Snake-oil salesman) The boys in Blue From left to right: Abraham Lincoln (US president) Sam Gilmore (US Marshal) Tom Sawyer (US Army, Fort Legoredo Commander) Generic US solider Townsfolk From left to right: "Blondie", The Man with No Name (gunslinger) Bob (night shift bartender at the Backwash Saloon) Huck "Huckleberry" Finn (local miner) Generic railroad engineer What do you think? Edited May 6, 201410 yr by Murdoch17
May 8, 201410 yr I totally missed this It's going to be great when finished. I'm a great fan of Western, so I can't wait to see the result with real parts!
July 20, 201410 yr really cool, The story sounds interesting and I also like the way you modified the buildings, except the way you made the town. it looks crammed but still I like it. Sorry my laptop is screwed up, I meant Lego not logo Edited July 29, 201410 yr by Dewey Cheatum 1011 Western
July 21, 201410 yr You can get custom confederate soldiers on eBay, Union I know your going to use the lone ranger Calvary soldiers [set 79106 ] but the old Calvary soldiers I think there cooler and you get some pretty cool buildings with a few of them. If you have the time look at theses sets : you get 2 regular Calvary soldiers and a colonel set 6706, you get 1 in Gold City junction set 6765, the covered wagon were you also get 1 set 6716, 1 soldier and 1 colonel from bandits secret hideout set 6761, and finally Fort Legoredo it comes with 3 soldiers 2 colonels and 1 lieutenant set 6769 which you probably know the set number of this one anyways. But like I said you can get custom confederate soldiers on eBay.
July 29, 201410 yr made the saloon a three story Edited July 31, 201410 yr by Dewey Cheatum 1011 Western
July 30, 201410 yr Personally, the Lone Ranger Cavalry troopers are a better starting point, as you get dark blue torsos with light blue trousers, just as were issued to actual soldiers on the plains. The older LEGO cavalry troopers were the same blue, top and bottom, and it's the wrong blue for either. One of these days I'll finally get around to making something, I've been amassing parts for months now. I've been wanting to build Old West MOCs, and one of my original plans was to recreate an entire cavalry regiment, likely Custer's Seventh. It was going to be a multiyear project, given that a full cavalry regiment was authorized for nearly 800 men, plus scouts and such. The fighting strength was what I was going to recreate, plus the look of a regiment on campaign. But that would still be around 650 minifigs and an equal amount of horses, if not extras for the pack train and extra mounts. I need to win the lottery.
July 31, 201410 yr Author On 7/29/2014 at 10:12 PM, Dewey Cheatum 1011 Western said: made the saloon a three story I would love to see that! On 7/30/2014 at 6:06 AM, ElCrab said: Personally, the Lone Ranger Cavalry troopers are a better starting point, as you get dark blue torsos with light blue trousers, just as were issued to actual soldiers on the plains. The older LEGO cavalry troopers were the same blue, top and bottom, and it's the wrong blue for either. One of these days I'll finally get around to making something, I've been amassing parts for months now. I've been wanting to build Old West MOCs, and one of my original plans was to recreate an entire cavalry regiment, likely Custer's Seventh. It was going to be a multiyear project, given that a full cavalry regiment was authorized for nearly 800 men, plus scouts and such. The fighting strength was what I was going to recreate, plus the look of a regiment on campaign. But that would still be around 650 minifigs and an equal amount of horses, if not extras for the pack train and extra mounts. I need to win the lottery. I used the Lone Ranger torsos. The ones seen here are stand-ins. On 7/30/2014 at 5:05 PM, Behemoth said: That bank looks awesome. Thank you!
August 4, 201410 yr When I saw the bridge at the end with the caption "This will be built far into the future" I instantly thought of Back To The Future III but I think this will look brilliant in brick form.
February 17, 201510 yr Author On 8/4/2014 at 4:16 PM, CrazyDalton777 said: When I saw the bridge at the end with the caption "This will be built far into the future" I instantly thought of Back To The Future III but I think this will look brilliant in brick form. Sorry for the long wait, but do you you mean this engine? (original model courtesy of the Team BTTF Facebook page) LDD file: http://www.mocpages....1416358548m.lxf (NO, I won't be building this one!) Anyway, I have updated the first post, and will be adding more to it soon. Upgrades include: All ldd file updated, and pictures too. Some things have been added, other removed. I hope everyone enjoys it! Edited February 17, 201510 yr by Murdoch17
August 15, 20168 yr Author REALLY big update for 2016: (sorry about the zombie-bump) I have added a bunch of stuff from more recent build sessions to the first post, including the finished rail station, several types of mini-figures, and the fort, plus two trains. This thread will be continued to be updated with models when built in real life into the future. (some of them are built, but aren't finished yet, such as my yet-to-be renumbered 4-4-0) Edited August 15, 20168 yr by Murdoch17
August 15, 20168 yr I really like your trains and station! The horse train car made me laugh a bit too much, I want one It might not be feasible, but I think the station building could be slightly improved by giving it plank flooring (tiles). To me, studs up floors indicate carpeting, but maybe that's the look you were going for - one of the modernization upgrades they implemented.
August 15, 20168 yr Author On 8/15/2016 at 6:03 PM, Darkdragon said: I really like your trains and station! The horse train car made me laugh a bit too much, I want one It might not be feasible, but I think the station building could be slightly improved by giving it plank flooring (tiles). To me, studs up floors indicate carpeting, but maybe that's the look you were going for - one of the modernization upgrades they implemented. Thank you DarkDragon! I was aiming for an official 90's set look to the station, and thus didn't tile the floors. (Not to mention not one of my buildings have tiled floors so it would be the odd man out in my collection!) If anyone is curious, here is how I store my trains: Here is my Western 4-4-0 in it's current form, in it's paper box with attached folding lid. If anyone has wondered how I get my trains to and fro all over the place, here is my secret: cardboard paper boxes. Fourteen (14) of them from all different places and paper supply companies. I had been getting them from my dad's work, and more recently, different offices I have been to / worked at. They are them cut-down by Xacto knife and hot glued back together with opening lid and section dividers, which allows for me to store trains a number of different combinations. (Most of the passenger cars are 24 studs long, with 1 studs of overhang over each coupler.)
August 15, 20168 yr The train station is looking excellent! What a great use for old paper boxes, I will have to try it for the next convention I go to.
August 16, 20168 yr Looking good so far, albeit at a snail-like pace. Can't wait to see the final product!
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