Posted February 22, 201411 yr HISTORICAN SETTLEMENTS Historica is home to many towns, villages, hamlets, and even a few Cities. The Royal Cartographer's Guild of Albion and the Avalonia's foreign affairs minister wish to officially recognize the many settlements of Historica. As a prerequisite to official recognition and inclusion in the "Royal Registry of Historica's Locations of Note" and "Avalonian Sites and Monuments: a comprehensive guide" each settlement must prove that they contain the minimum facilities to provide for their residents. To establish your settlement, you must post MOCs from the following categories. These MOCs CAN be already completed, but they MUST not already be referenced to a different location. (if you try to alter a description of an existing MOC to fit this challenge, you will not be allowed to enter ANY settlements, so do not edit topics you already posted. you can add a post later on in your topic, but if I see that the topic was already posted before Feb 14th, but edited after Feb 13th, it will not be allowed as part of this challenge.) There are a couple of building types that can be counted for multiple types (a Fishery for example can be counted as a nautical AND agricultural). Here are the categories: REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Farm*, Mill, Granary, Orchard Agriculture - Livestock: Farm*, Cattle/Horse Ranch, Swineherd, Sheepfold, Fishery Nautical: Harbor, Shipwright, Quay, Fishery*, Ferryman REQ - Military: Keep, Barracks, Gatehouse, Tower, Castle, Fort Religious: Chapel, Monastery, Temple, Shrine Medical: Apothecary, Herbalist, Infirmary, Physician Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery, Butcher, Winery, Brewery, Tavern REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Inn, Stables, Coach House REQ - Laborers: Lumber Mill, Mine, Stone Cutter, Mason REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Cooper, Wainwright, Tannery, Dyer, Glass Blower Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith, Bowyer, Fletcher, Armorer Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Cobbler, Seamstress, Furrier, Woolen Mill Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: Candle Maker, Wood Carver, Bookbinder, Jeweler, Potter Services: Herald, Cartographer, Money Lender, Scribe, Courier, Shipping House Scholars: Observatory, Alchemist, Philosopher, Astrologer Entertainers: Minstrel, Fortune Teller, Performing Troupe, Theatre Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall, Chancery, Forum, Courthouse Now, the examples provided are not the only things you can build in a category, they are just options. Also, the build must be substantial - showing an interior of one room, or throwing a bunch of bricks up on a plate will not be acceptable entries. Hamlet - There are 5 categories that are required for a Hamlet (the minimum recognized settlement) - Agricultural (either one), Military, Hospitality (either one), Laborer, and Craftsmen. Village - For a Village, you must meet the Hamlet requirements plus meet a total of 8 of the 16 categories. Town - For a Town, you must meet the Hamlet requirement, plus a minimum of 2 Craftsmen buildings, both Agricultural categories, and both Hospitality categories, plus meet a total of 10 of the 16 categories. City - For a City, you must meet the requirements for a Town, plus one administrative building, plus meet a total of 14 of the 16 categories. Port - For a Port, you must meet the Village requirements, including one Nautical building. For this task, there is no time limit, and again, is open to all Historicans. I will be starting a separate thread for this once I get home tonight where you can post a link to your topics. Each person should have only one reply in this topic, where they will post all of their entries. You can have more than one settlement recognized if you wish. You should only have one post per Settlement. Feel free to ask questions, but I will delete them once they have been answered, and compile the answers in the thread below. Do not post for a settlement unless you have a build to post. I will delete any topics that do not contain a link to an existing MOC (no MOCs in progress allowed either) Let me know if you have any questions. Some further ideas for the categories are in this list curated by @Grover. But again, even this extensive list is not exhaustive; if you think your build qualifies for a category, put it there. Creativity is always encouraged! Agriculture Grains and Produce Farm Garden Mill Granary Marketplace Vineyard Orchard Livestock Farm Cattle/Horse ranch Dairy Swineherd Sheepfold Marketplace Kennel Beekeeper Fishery Nautical Harbor Shipwright Quay Fishery Ferryman Port Dock Lighthouse Military Keep Barracks Gatehouse Tower Castle Fortified Bridge Wall Beacon Cavalry Stables Ballista Tower Fort Religious Chapel Church Monastery Tomb Cemetery Temple Mosque Shrine Medical Apothecary Herbalist Infirmary/Hospital Mortician/Necromancer Torture Chamber Barber/Physician Hospitality Food & Beverage Bakery Butcher Winery Kitchens Brewery Café/Street Food Tavern Lodging Inn Stables Coach house Celebrations Wedding Festival Laborers Lumber Mill Grain Mill Mine Stone Cutter Wood Cutter Mason/Adobe Maker Stable Hand Cleaning Workers Field Hands Foresters Carter Diggers Quarry Craftsmen/Merchants General goods Cooper Wainwright Tannery Carpenter Dyer Marketplace Fishing Rod Merchant Glassblower Arms & Armor Blacksmith Bowyer Fletcher Siege workshop Armorer Clothing Cobbler Seamstress Textiles Furrier Woolen Mill Specialty Candlemaker Wood carver Stone Carver/Sculptor Goldsmith Bookbinder Florist Jeweler Horse Tamer Merchant's Hall/Guild Coal Merchant Magic/Potion Vendor Tinker Potter Services Herald Cartographer Money lender General Store Scribe Courier Trading Post Shipping house/Warehouse Scholars Observatory Alchemist Philosopher Library University/Academy Astrologer Entertainment Minstrel Fortune Teller Street Musicians Performing Troupe Brothel Sports Arena Theatre Administrative (Town or City only) Town Hall Chancery Forum Council Building Administrative Building Meeting Hall Customs House Palace Embassy Courthouse Edited August 24, 20204 yr by Henjin_Quilones
February 22, 201411 yr Author Q: Are agriculture and laborers really required for every settlement? Won't there be settlements that don't require it? A: Every settlement needs to eat, except for maybe an undead town, and it's residents will still need sustenance. Even barren Kaliphlin and Mitgardian regions still provide sources of food. You will have hunters and gatherers - usually the reason the settlement was able to come into existence in the first place. I realize that some settlements primarily import their food, but they still need places to store and disperse this food, warehouses, slaughterhouses, fish markets, gardens, olive groves, ice houses, there are still plenty of options. I would assume that the undead would still consume flesh, or require some sustenance - a soul keeper might work, but you have to use your imagination. Also - every region has raw material that need to be gathered - miners and stonecutters in the desert - you need the materials to build your buildings, and not everything can be imported. Island settlements might gather palm leaves or driftwood and would still have woodcutters and stonecutters. Keep in mind that the examples I have provided are not the only things you can build in a category. Anything that fits would work. If you want your settlement to have a feather gatherer for your raven rookeries, that would suffice as a laborer. There's limitless options. Lastly - these requirements are not completely set in stone, but none of the reasons I have heard so far would be compelling enough for me to make an exception - although the undead settlement comes close, and may require some consideration if one comes up. Q: What category would merchants fall under? What would a harbor master count as? A: I intended the "craftsmen" category to cover these stores, whether the seller crafted them or not, so I have changed the above categories to "craftsmen/merchant" A harbor master would fall under the nautical category. If there was a warehouse as part of the build with significant labor involved - say from unloading cargo from ships - I could see this counting as a laborer category instead. Q: How will you know when a settlement has passed any given level (i.e. Village, Town, City, etc.)? A: The Royal Cartographer's Guild will make an announcement each time a settlement achieves a new status. They are reviewing Thorshaven as we speak. Q: Can a ship alone count as a nautical build? A: Ship builds can only be counted in conjunction with some structure that is depicted as being part of the settlement. For example, if you build a ferry, if you can attach a ferry dock/landing to your docks, you can count the ship and the ferry 'station' as one build, and the docks as a 2nd build - although they will both fall under the nautical category. Q: Can entries for other challenges or tasks be counted towards a settlement? A: The only entries that cannot be counted in this task are official Challenge entries or Mini-Challenge entries. You may include Challenge entries for completeness, to better flesh out your settlement, but they do not count towards the categories. Mini-challenge entries are typically too small to count towards the categories, but exceptions could be made for particularly detailed builds. Q: Where do collaborative builds fit, such as Albion, Queenscross, or Sultan's Gate? A: Since these depict important sites independent of any builder, they do not fall under this task, and are defined as cities regardless of the number of builds for them; however, for the sake of completeness, they could be entered here. Q: What do I do if I am not the ruler or lord of a particular region, but just a humble peasant or farmer? Can I still build the settlement and claim it? A: You can feel free to build a settlement, even if your sigfig/character is not the ruler/owner, but you should NOT be trying to build other people's settlements. You can definitely build an entry for another persons settlement, but you should not be building multiple builds for any single settlement by someone else. (If Mike wanted to build another set of temples across all settlements, THIS would be fine though). Q: Can I find out whether a Specialty Craftsmen/Merchant counts towards the Minimum requirements as a General Goods one. Is it that you can have anyCraftsmen/Merchant or must it be the specific type? A: You need to have a craftsmen/merchant build, but fulfilling any of the four categories of craftsmen/merchant will do. Just like either of the two agriculture categories will work, or either of the hospitality categories Edited June 27, 20213 yr by Henjin_Quilones
February 22, 201411 yr Author Harvest Cross, Avalonia Located just inland of the eastern cliffs, Harvest Cross sits at the crossroads between the Coast road and the forest road. It is a small hamlet surrounded by farmers and woodsmen. HSS Ag: Harvest Cross Farm
February 22, 201411 yr Barqa, Kaliphlin Located in Kaliphlin where the great Arkbri river, running all the way from the mountains of Mitgardia, meets the ocean. Also situated on the Oil Road, Barqa is a center of trade between several parts of Kaliphlin as well as trade by sea with Avalonia to the north and along the river from Mitgardia. REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Granary, Irrigated fields, Marketplace Agriculture - Livestock: Ostrich Farming, Marketplace Nautical: Port (by don leopold), Lighthouse REQ - Military: Barracks Religious: Aslanic Temple Medical: Infirmary Hospitality: Tavern (by de Gothia), Fast Food REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Camel Stable (by MiloNelsiano) REQ - Laborers: Cleaning Worker REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Glass Blower Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Siege workshop Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: Candle Maker, Merchant's Hall (by BrickCurve) Services: Cartographer Scholars: Observatory/Astronomer Entertainers: Street Musicians Administrative (Town or City only): Council Chamber (by de Gothia), Administrative Building (by Adair)
February 23, 201411 yr Thorshaven, Mitgardia: located in southwestern Mitgardia, close to the Avalonian border, Thorhaven used to be nothing more than a tiny fishing hamlet. However, after the destruction of Stoneroda, Helgestorp and other Western Mitgardian settlements Thorshaven was chosen as Mitgardia's new trade hub. Craftspeople from all over Mitgardia sought refuge here and helped to build this fairly new city. Link to Main Topic current configuration: HSS Agriculture: Eliza's Garden HSS Military: Gatehouse HSS Hospitality: Basement Tavern, Stables HSS Craftsmen: Blacksmith HSS Nautical: Harbor Crane, Quay HSS Services: General Store HSS Administrative: Town Hall HSS Agriculture: Blackberry Field and Winery By Yooha
February 23, 201411 yr Burnby, Avalonia A small county located in the southeast of Avalonia, Burnby is know for its agriculture. HSS Agriculture: Farming in Burnby HSS Military: Dusty Border Gatehouse HSS Religious: Countryside Shrine Edited July 28, 20159 yr by -Carson Haupt-
February 24, 201411 yr Queenscross DSC_2099 by skaforhire, on Flickr Anyone else that has built for QC, let me know and I will link you here. Since there was never a real "thread" for the buildings at Queenscross, I am just going to attach small pictures with the link back to flickr for the many buildings from that build. HSS Military - The Great Span of Queenscross, at the time of the painting it had towers. DSC_2042 by skaforhire, on Flickr HSS Administrative - The Great Forum at Queenscross. DSC_2084 by skaforhire, on Flickr HSS Hospitality / Lodging - the inn district in Queenscross DSC_2095 by skaforhire, on Flickr HSS Religious - The Tomb of the Forgotten King DSC_2101 by skaforhire, on Flickr HSS Tower? (Ok Made that one up, how about a category for ornamental structure??? I just wanted to display the tower again) DSC_2106 by skaforhire, on Flickr Edited March 3, 201411 yr by SkaForHire
February 24, 201411 yr Bow's Arch, Hemresa, Avalonia I've used every spare minute I had this weekend to take apart all projects, to start the new town on Hemresa, so the next few weeks pictures will pop up. The farm I made last month will be my first entry for Task 4. HSS Agriculture: Hemresa Farm The base for the scenery 155 x 84 studs is ready. Time to start buidling the rocks and trees. I'll keep you posted: Edited March 4, 201411 yr by narbilu
February 24, 201411 yr Blackrock Mikel Kalores established Blackrock as a harbor outpost in a bay on the east coast of Gorr during his search for the water crystal. Being the only known entrance to Kaumatua Valley, Bishop Jamon chose it as the location to establish the Knight's of Aslan's main stronghold. It is continually being expanded and fortified. Harbormaster- Link is here. Inn and Tavern- WIP Tower Bridge- WIP Edited January 23, 201510 yr by Mike S
February 25, 201411 yr Vanguard, Vanhorn Vanguard, the county seat of Vanhorn, sits on a rocky island surrounded by Lake Talon. HSS Nautical: Arrival at Vanguard HSS Hospitality: Celebrating New Leadership HSS Agriculture: WIP Edited March 16, 201410 yr by HammerBro33
February 26, 201411 yr Sionnach, Avalonia Located in the southern part of Benoic HSS Military Gates of Sionnach HSS Laborers: Quarry HSS Laborers: Mine HSS Laborers: Forester HSS Laborers: Woodcutter HSS Nautical: Fishery HSS Nautical The Harbour of Sionnach HSS Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith HSS Adminstrative The Town Hall of Sionnach HSS Services The Town Hall of Sionnach HSS Hospitality Lodging Inn HSS Hospitality Food and Beverage Bakery HSS Hospitality Butcher HSS Craftsmen General Goods Cooper HSS Nautical: The Quay of Sionnach HSS Craftsmen/Merchant The jeweler in Sionnach HSS Military Castle Sionnach Castle HSS Services Scribe HSS Military Barracks of Sionnach Edited November 5, 20168 yr by de Gothia
February 27, 201411 yr Belynia , Avalonia: Belynia is the capital of Nalderic, a small isle located in the Mystic Isles of Avalonia. It used to be a small and poor place where only some farmers lived until Simon of Nalderic became King... then everything changed. HSS Military: Belynia Castle HSS Laborers: Stone Mine HSS Nautical: Harbor HSS Craftsmen (General Goods): Carpenter HSS Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Belynia's Blacksmith HSS Agriculture (Livestock): Horse Farm HSS Hospitality: Tavern HSS Entertainers: World Cup Historica HSS Medical: The Eye Collector Edited September 10, 201410 yr by Simon_S
March 2, 201411 yr Author The Royal Cartographer's Guild of Albion is pleased to announce the first official entry into the Royal Registry of Historica's Locations of Note. The Port of Thorshaven, located in Mitgardia, has been official registered. Licensed Cartographers have visited the Thorshaven, and were quite happy to see a thriving population in addition to the businesses, defenses and harbor facilities. Congratulation kabel!
March 2, 201411 yr The tiny village of Raven's Eye nestles at the foot of the Pikesteel Mountain. Travelers pass it by, but it commands a nice view of the valley. From here, you can observe comings and goings between the guild lands, the dwarves, and the Great Elk clan to the north. Recently, Olin the Smith and his horse, Sigrd, have formed a unit of light cavalry and horse archers. They will use the village to keep an eye on the valley while they wait for further adventures. The hamlet of Village of Raven's Eye boasts the following attractions: Religious/Hospitality: The Old Church, showcasing the Dragon-Proof Roof that was a feature of many buildings long before the Guilds arrived. The style is sadly forgotten in most modern settlements. Such travelers as there are are permitted to stay here, though it is somewhat drafty. Military/Hospitality: The brand-new stables of the Light Horse unit of the Mitgardian Army... such as it is. Travelers may stay here as well, as it's warmer (but smellier) than the Church. Sigrd, however, is not the easiest roommate. Craftsmen: At his forge, Olin the Smith crafts weapons, armor, and horseshoes. Lots and lots of horseshoes. There is also a bit of fishing to be had in the pond, and the occasional frog. I hesitate to call that agriculture though. There are also apples on the tree near the church, but those are Sigrd's. Everyone knows that.
March 5, 201411 yr Circardia, Avalonia The seat of Lord Arlindus in the county of the same name. Located on the main island of the Enchanted Forest. HSS Agriculture (grains and Produce): Duram the Beekeeper HSS Agriculture (livestock): Fishing Camp HSS Military: Circardia Gatehouse HSS Hospitality: Felden the Baker (Row House) HSS Entertainers: The Wonderous Antics of Barnum and his Convivial Troupe HSS Medical: Gorlan the Apothecary (Row House) Edited March 5, 201411 yr by MikeyB
March 5, 201411 yr Hidden Garden Located in the region of Erilea, at the foot of the mountains that forms the border with Mitgardia, Hidden Garden is being rebuilt following the arriving of Alexander Vandangant and the arriving of upcoming war. REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Farm*, Mill, Granary, Orchard Agricolture - Livestock: Eddy the farmer's barn Nautical: Harbor, Shipwright, Quay, Fishery*, Ferryman REQ - Military: Keep, Barracks, Gatehouse, Tower, Castle, Fort Religious (Chapel): Hidden Garden's Church Medical: Herbalist's Shop Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery, Butcher, Winery, Brewery, Tavern REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Inn, Stables, Coach House REQ - Laborers: A rock quarry in Erilea REQ - Craftsmen: - General Goods: Cooper, Wainwright, Tannery, Dyer, Glass Blower Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Steve the Dwarf's Forge Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Cobbler, Seamstress, Furrier, Woolen Mill Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: Candle Maker, Wood Carver, Bookbinder, Jeweler, Potter Services: Herald, Cartographer, Money Lender, Scribe, Courier, Shipping House Scholars: Observatory, Alchemist, Philosopher, Astrologer Entertainers: Minstrel, Fortune Teller, Performing Troupe, Theatre Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall, Chancery, Forum, Courthouse Edited September 7, 201410 yr by Wedge09
May 2, 201410 yr DÃ¥lig Ulv, Mitgardia REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Farm Agriculture - Livestock: Farm Nautical: REQ - Military: Archery Barracks, Infantry Barracks Religious: Cemetery Medical: Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Stables, Inn REQ - Laborers: Lumber Mill, Grain Mill REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Cooper Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: Jeweler Services: Scholars: Entertainers: Minstrel Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall Edited February 7, 201510 yr by MKJoshA
May 21, 201410 yr Urgaul, Kaliphlin A bustling yet modestly-sized town on the southeast tip of Lesser Quataria. It is in the Spice Islands and has an agrarian-based culture HSS Agriculture: Farm Edited May 21, 201410 yr by Scaevola
May 29, 201410 yr Mpya Stedor, Kaliphlin Official Status : Port City West Stedor East Stedor Hamlet (5/5) REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce - (trading): Market place REQ - Military: - (Barracks): Changing Clothes - (Castle): MAESTRO HQ & IAMS HQ - (Gatehouse): Amenorgate & Maingate & Eastgate - (Wall): West Stedor Wall REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: - (Celebrations): Wedding - (Inn): The Horses Head Inn - (Stables): Horse Stables REQ - Laborers: - (Mason): Construction site REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: - (Cooper): Cooper Village (3/3) Agriculture - Livestock: - (Fishery) : Fishing Hospitality: Food & Beverage - (Food): Baker Butcher & Fruit/vegetables & Fish & Seafruit - (Drinks): Winery & Aleseller Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: - (Spinningweel): Capemaker Port (1/1) Nautical: - (Harbor), West Stedor Harbor - (Quay): East Stedor Quays & South Stedor Quay & Arrival (by Nightstalker) Town (1/1) Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: - (Blacksmith): Weaponsmith - (Heraldry): Ruadh Herald Painter City (4/4) Administrative (Town or City only): - (Palace) : Palace - (Conference Room) : Conference Room Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: - (Art): Statue maker - (Luxury): Golden Windows Services: - (Barber): Jade - (Cartograher): Cartographer - (Literature): Library Scholars: - (Alchemist): Alchemist - (University): MUNA Entertainers: - (Music): Minstrel - (Amusement): Fortune Teller International City (3/?): Diplomacy: - (Embassies): Nocturnus (by Hyler Talliwel), Mitgardia (by Kabel) Trade: - (Storagerooms): Avalonia, Mitgardia, Nocturnus & Kaliphlin - (Tradeposts): Nestlands (by Gedren_y) Organisations: - MAESTRO - IAMS Major Historican City (0/2) Medical: Apothecary, Herbalist, Infirmary, Physician Religious: Chapel, Monastery, Temple, Shrine Other: The Battle of Mpya Stedor Wedding I think that's all atm for Mpya Stedor edit: Mpya Stedor has been officially registered as PORT CITY!!!! Edited October 15, 201410 yr by Maxim I
June 24, 201410 yr Berigora, Kaliphlin A thriving port city on the east cost of Kaliphlin, in the fiefdom of Peregrinus. HSS Nautical: Berigora Harbour, the old quarter (Harbour/Quay, Harbourmaster's residence), Arad Dukkar (Lighthouse) HSS Hospitality: Berigora Harbour, the old quarter (The Red Star Inn) HSS Labourer: Berigora Harbour, the old quarter (Gardr Kegbelter's warehouse) HSS Military: West Berigora barracks and millitary academy (Barracks), Arad Dukkar (Fort) Hope i have added everything correctly!
June 30, 201410 yr Ser Beorthan seeks recognition of the Trifork in the annals of The Royal Cartographer's Guild of Albion. Categories: REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Farm*, Mill, Granary, Orchard and Orangerie Drakeshome Manor The mill of the Trifork Orchard and Orangerie** [*]Agriculture - Livestock: Farm*, Cattle/Horse Ranch , Swineherd, Sheepherd, Fishery Drakeshome Manor Shepherds Hut** [*]Nautical: Harbor , Shipwright , Quay , Fishery*, Ferryman, Harbourmaster, Lighthouse, Waterlocks The Trifork River Port The Twins [*]REQ - Military: Keep, Barracks, Tower, Gatehouse, Castle, Fort, Rampart, Towers and Chain Mechanism Ramparts of New Town The Great South Gate The Twins [*]Religious: Chapel, Monastery, Temple x 2, Shrine Aslanic Temple (Credits to Mike S) Temple for a God of War [*]Medical: Apothecary, Herbalist, Infirmary, Physician [*]Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery, Butcher, Winery, Brewery, Tavern Tavern and Ale Trader[*]REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Inn, Stables, Coach House The Crown Inn[*]REQ - Laborers: Lumber Mill, Mine, Stone Cutter, Mason, Lumberjacks, Warehouse Lakeside Lumberjacks The Trifork River Port [*]REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Cooper, Wainwright, Tannery, Dyer, Glass Blower, Marketplace. Kaliphlinite Market[*]Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith, Bowyer, Fletcher, Armorer [*]Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Cobbler, Seamstress, Furrier, Woolen Mill [*]Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: Candle Maker, Wood Carver, Bookbinder, Jeweler, Potter, Ale Merchant Tavern and Ale Trader[*]Services: Herald, Cartographer, Money Lender, Scribe, Courier, Shipping House [*]Scholars: Observatory, Alchemist, Philosopher, Astrologer, Academy The Avalonian Academy of Commerce, Economics and Social Studies[*]Entertainers: Minstrel, Fortune Teller, Performing Troupe, Theatre [*]Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall, Chancery, Forum, Courthouse [*]Other related builds: The Lakeside Quarter Progression Hamlet - Agricultural (either one), Military, Hospitality (either one), Laborer, and Craftsmen. 10/5 categories, Recognized Village - Hamlet, 11/8 categories. Pending recognition Town - Hamlet, 2/2 Craftsmen buildings, 2/2 Agricultural categories, 2/2 Hospitality categories, plus 11/10 categories. Pending recognition City - Town, 0/1 Administrative, 11/14 categories. Port - Village, 1/1 Nautical. Pending recognition. **Entries to the husbandry minichallenge Edited November 8, 20159 yr by Bregir
July 18, 201410 yr Vladivus Stormbringer, Legendary Warlord of Nocturnus, and Lord of Shadowmere, requests that Shadowmere be entered into the annals of the Royal Cartographer's Guild of Albion. Shadowmere Ruler: Lord Vladivus Shadowmere REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: HSS: Blood Fountains Agriculture - Livestock: Farm*, Cattle/Horse Ranch, Swineherd, Sheepfold, Fishery Nautical: Harbor, Shipwright, Quay, Fishery*, Ferryman REQ - Military: HSS: Shadowmere West Gate Religious: Aslanic Temple in Shadowmere (Thanks Mike S!) Medical: The torture chambers of Shadowmere. Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery, Butcher, Winery, Brewery, Tavern REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Inn, Stables, Coach House REQ - Laborers: HSS: Underground in Shadowmere REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Market Stall in one of Shadowmere's squares. Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith, Bowyer, Fletcher, Armorer Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing: Cobbler, Seamstress, Furrier, Woolen Mill Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: Candle Maker, Wood Carver, Bookbinder, Jeweler, Potter Services: Herald, Cartographer, Money Lender, Scribe, Courier, Shipping House Scholars: Observatory, Alchemist, Philosopher, Astrologer Entertainers: Minstrel, Fortune Teller, Performing Troupe, Theatre Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall, Chancery, Forum, Courthouse Edited September 29, 201410 yr by Lord Vladivus
August 2, 201410 yr Daydelon, Mitgardia A growing city located near Mount Mitgard and ruled by Sir Glorfindel. - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Mitgardian Farm, Daydelon Storehouse, - Agriculture - Livestock: Mitgardian Farm, Daydelon Sheep Farm, - Military: Daydelon Castle, Mitgardian Barracks, Daydelon Stockade, Daydelon Wall, Daydelon's City Wall, The Beacon of Daydelon, Daydelon Barracks, - Religious: The Town of Daydelon, - Hospitality: The Town of Daydelon, Daydelon Cottage, Daydelon Manor, Daydelon Market, - Hospitality - Lodging: The Town of Daydelon, The Green Goblet, -Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Daydelon Blacksmith - Craftsmen - General Goods: Daydelon Market, -Medical: Daydelon's City Wall, -Services: Daydelon Warehouse, Edited May 24, 20168 yr by soccerkid6
August 5, 201410 yr Ironhedge, Avalonia -Nautical: Fishery -Hospitality: Winery -Craftsman: Blacksmith Edited September 21, 201410 yr by TheRedViper
August 21, 201410 yr Ruadh, Kaliphlin Artisan community, home of the famed Atelier Ruadh, with an exceptional artisan marketplace and beautiful Contemplative Gardens. A sort of resort for those looking to spend a bit of gold in a more bohemian, laissez-faire location. REQ - Agriculture - Grains & Produce: Farm: A Kaliphlin Farm?!? Agriculture - Livestock: Kennel: Ruadhi Husbandry REQ - Military: Fortification: Wall: Wall: Keep, Barracks, Gatehouse, Tower, Castle, Fort REQ - Hospitality - Lodging: Inn: Dissent at the Blue Dolphin Inn REQ - Laborers: Lumber Mill, Mine, Stone Cutter, Mason REQ - Craftsmen - General Goods: Cooper, Wainwright, Tannery, Dyer, Glass Blower Religious: Shrine: The Shrine of the All-Fathers, Temple: Aslanic Temple in Ruadh (thanks Mike!) Medical: Apothecary, Herbalist, Infirmary, Physician Hospitality: Food & Beverage: Bakery, Butcher, Winery, Brewery, Tavern Craftsmen/Merchant - Arms & Armor: Blacksmith, Bowyer, Fletcher, Armorer Craftsmen/Merchant - Clothing:Mitgardian Textiles Shop in Ruadh (thanks mccoyed!) Craftsmen/Merchant - Specialty: A Mitgardian Pottery in Ruadh (thanks kabel!) Services: Heraldry: A MAESTRO Shop in Ruadh (thanks Maxim!) Scholars: Philosopher: The Amphitheater of Ruadh (thanks mccoyed!) Entertainers: Fortune Teller: Mme. Celeste Delivers Bad News Administrative (Town or City only): Town Hall, Chancery, Forum, Courthouse Nautical: Harbor, Shipwright, Quay, Fishery*, Ferryman Edited January 26, 20169 yr by SarahJoy
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