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Excalibur TNG: Mafia School

Day One: Coming of Age


The Luna Lounge was packed full of students. Some were studying and some were just relaxing after a rough day of classes.


The Science Students were sitting at their table discussing the latest lecture.

"My bicorder says that this crystal here is definitely made of Corbomite!" says Willie Spencer.

"Try combining it with this tri-oxide compound!" Emma says excited.


The Medical Students were discussing a patient that they were assisting while the Command Students talked strategy for the infamous Mobayashi Karu test.


Admiral Nacheyav had just ordered a cup of coffee. While she was not a fan of the replicated coffee, she liked visiting the students and showing a presence amongst them.

It was not a smart idea.


The lights had gone out all of a sudden! There were some screams, the sounds of shuffling feet, and the sound of a cup hitting the floor before the lights went back on.


The Admiral was dead. A datapad was carefully placed beside her.


Security was called, lead by former Excalibur Security Chief George Harper, who had been promoted to Lieutenant Commander after the incident.


"It says here that the League of Purists are responsible for the kill, and that they're back to try and destabilize the Navy!"

Everyone gasped, but some people were faking it.


"Alright everyone, we're going to scan for fingerprints, look for the weapon that killed the Admiral, and lock you all away until the culprits have been identified."

"Not so fast!" a voice called out.


"Oh, Fleet Admiral Bob, sir. I didn't expect you to get here so fast." Harper said, disappointed.


The Fleet Admiral stepped onto the deceased Admiral, using her body as a platform.

"We're going to have a Mafia Game." he declared.

"But I've never played mafia before." someone said.

"Don't worry, students. I'll teach you how to play. In the meantime though, nobody is permitted to leave this room until the end of the day. At night, you'll be escorted back to your quarters where you'll be restricted to them. Understood?"

The students all nodded and went off to discuss the situation amongst themselves.


"Shall I call a crew to remove the Admiral's body, sir?"

"No. Leave the body here as a reminder."

"Very well, sir."



Command School:


Issac Osborne - Played By: TheLazyChicken


Emily Goodwin - Played By: Dragonfire


Warren Thompson - Played By: lego3364

Medical School:


Adam Powers - Played By: jluckhaupt


Greg Kennedy - Played By: Lego Spy

Sciences School:


Willie Spencer - Played By: Tohst


Melinda Fox - Played By: Xenophobic Monoxide


Emma Lane - Played By: vampyre78

Engineering School:


Fred Rhodes - Played By: Adventurer1


Jeff Yates - Played By: Getdamonkey

Security School:


Timothy Daniels - Played By: Calanon


Jordan Foster - Played By: Comrade Commander


1) nstickney


1) Every player has received their own character. You are either aligned as a Loyalist or the League of Purists. The Loyalists need to eliminate the League of Purists and the League of Purists need to outnumber the town.

2) Every day you will be able to vote for a player. Voting should be done as so: Vote: Character (Player). Unvoting is to be done in the same fashion: Unvote: Character (Player). A majority vote is required to lynch a player. You must vote every day.

3) A game day will last 72 hours. You may not vote within the first 24 hours of the day. Once the day is over, you will have 24 hours to send in a night action if this applies to you. Nights will last at most 48 hours. You may not talk about the game outside of the day thread.

4) The alignment of players who have been lynched, as well as those who died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5) You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6) You are encouraged to role-play in this game. I've provided a bare-bones role for you to flesh out if you wish. With that being said, please do not post out of character in the game thread. You may PM other players, but do so at your own risk.

7) If you die, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any players, living or dead. Any information you had is null and void and is not allowed to be passed on.

8) Don't edit your posts.

9) You must post in every day thread.

10) Try to be nice to your fellow players. I won't accept overt bullying.

11) Violation of your first rule will result in a 4-vote penalty, your second violation will result in your death. Since this is a Mafia School, I will try to be lenient, but the best lesson can also sometimes be the harshest.

12) If any player asks you to break these rules, report them to me immediately with proof of their violation.

Voting will open in 24 hours! A lesson will come soon as well!

Oh no! She was my friend! :cry_sad:

I think some of the people in this very room might be scum! And worse yet, some of the people in this very room might be not nice! :cry3:

Oh no! I fear even the most advanced medical technology can't aid her now. :cry_sad:

Commander Bob, I have a question. Do we send you a PM to tell who we want to vote off or do we say here?

Wait, shouldn't we go take the body somewhere else? Its going to start stinking in a few days. Anyways, may she rest in peace. :cry_sad:

Commander Bob, I have a question. Do we send you a PM to tell who we want to vote off or do we say here?

I'm fairly certain we say here.

Adam, Jordan, did you hear anything suspicious? Both of you were sitting behind her? Poor Admiral Nacheyav, the school won't seem the same without her :(

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Commander Bob, I have a question. Do we send you a PM to tell who we want to vote off or do we say here?

In less than 24 hours you'll be able to vote here. All voting is to take place in here.

Oh no! I fear even the most advanced medical technology can't aid her now. :cry_sad:

I fear you're right Greg, we have all lost a true friend. The only thing we can do now is bring her killers to justice!

This is terrible!

But I think I saw this same thing recently on an old data program...Game of Something or other. We should look to blame whoever is shortest for poisoning the King...er...Admiral. Can I do a chemical analysis to see if there is poison?

Can we rebuild her? Do we have the technology?

Hold on.... *looks at spleen diagram* ...nothing like an engine...

...maybe add nacelles onto the shoulders and move the head to the back ... should be more aerodynamic that way...

Want can't people be spaceships?! This is uber frustrating!

But I think I saw this same thing recently on an old data program...Game of Something or other. We should look to blame whoever is shortest for poisoning the King...er...Admiral. Can I do a chemical analysis to see if there is poison?

This is EXACTLY like Game of Drones! I've read all the books and you won't believe what happens next week when.... *trails off and shuts up*

-Warren walks over to his fellow command students-

"Come on guys lets go study for the Mobayashi Karu test. Lets let the officers do their job, we don't want to get in the way. If they need us they will comm us."

N-N-No...No...No...This just can't be. Admiral



Surely somebody saw or heard something??

Perhaps we could research a method to access the Admiral's brain for clues?

C-C-Classes won't be cancelled will they? Please tell me they won't be cancelled, i've already studied everything in advance!

C-C-Classes won't be cancelled will they? Please tell me they won't be cancelled, i've already studied everything in advance!

I hope not too, I'm ready for the infamous Mobayashi Karu test for command students. I hope that the Admiral rests in Peace........

Oh no! How could the Admiral be...dead?

Yes Warren, let's go and keep on studying. The Kobby Yashy Maru test seems right up my street! Although I do still want to find those Purists and kill them...so let's just go away for a few minutes.

This is terrible!

But I think I saw this same thing recently on an old data program...Game of Something or other. We should look to blame whoever is shortest for poisoning the King...er...Admiral. Can I do a chemical analysis to see if there is poison?

I'm not sure how voting on the shortest wi help, it is possible that they didn't do it! It ia certainly not poison, there's a lot of blood. She was hit.

It's a damn shame we lost her. Good observation Tim, I agree that this most likely wasn't poison.

Too bad we are all just students or we might have been able to do something about it.

I'm really in no mood to study. After a tragedy like this, it will be impossible to focus.

Ooh! Ooh! I know! We can build a robot that looks and acts like her! Then it'd be like she never died... right?

Guys, I'm worried. What if whatever not-nice person that killed her comes to kill us soon?

Don't panic Melinda, just focus on revising for the Quantum-Binomial-Transformation-Analysis test that's coming up. We owe it to the Admiral to do well!

I can't study for the QBTA if we're all gonna get killed! :cry_sad:

Actually, she would want us all to study hard and be the best of our class. In honor of her lets all get to work in our respective fields!

Hey Jeff, how bout that warp drive that almost exploded? You know the example we're supposed to study on how not to repair the fuse reactor core insulation tube.

Actually, she would want us all to study hard and be the best of our class. In honor of her lets all get to work in our respective fields!

Hey Jeff, how bout that warp drive that almost exploded? You know the example we're supposed to study on how not to repair the fuse reactor core insulation tube.

I agree the best thing to do for her is do well, as students for Naval Academy, and to bring those Purist Scum to justice.

Hey Jeff, how bout that warp drive that almost exploded? You know the example we're supposed to study on how not to repair the fuse reactor core insulation tube.

I'm still not sure how an engineer with 27 years under his belt was stupid enough to affix a plasma exhaust chamber with hot glue and a rusty nail.

Word is that his group commander had artificially limited supplies throughout the fleet.

'B'-ware the B I guess.

I'm not sure how voting on the shortest wi help, it is possible that they didn't do it! It ia certainly not poison, there's a lot of blood. She was hit.

But in Game of Drones, Myrion Bannister turned out to be the murderer because she was the only person short enough to commit the crime...don't ask me why, it's been a long time since I saw that episode on my holo screen. But seriously, if someone here is the murderer, then they must have seen Game of Drones and might be trying to imitate the episode! I think it's a good idea! Who's the shortest? I think it's you, Jordan...

Guys, I'm worried. What if whatever not-nice person that killed her comes to kill us soon?

That's exactly what's going to happen. My Daddy told me that's what the League of Purists do. He was in one of these "Mafia games" before so he has loads of experience! He told me about what happens in a Mafia game. But don't worry Meli (can I call you that?) because I'm perfectly prepared to take down those Scum. After all, I am the future Admiral of the Defense Fleet.

Actually, she would want us all to study hard and be the best of our class. In honor of her lets all get to work in our respective fields!

I can't work while those bad scum are right here in this room! You're distracting us from the true purpose of this Mafia game! You might be the scum yourself!

This suspicion is getting me all flustered. I did look at the picture though and saw that the man in the chef outfit serving coffee to the Admiral is strangely missing as soon as the Galaxy Patrol arrived. He was in the perfect position for a knife stab or something. I think he's a scum member!

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