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Master Gabbold: "Welcome to the Grand Griffon Tavern and Inn!, I am the owner of this fine establishment, and I invite you to come in and share a meal, or a story, or just enjoy our company! The Grand Griffon is the largest tavern in Cedrica1 and has been serving the fine people of Historica for over 200 years."

[Master Gabbold waves you into the tavern and directs your attention to an ornate wooden plaque with a detailed etching portraying a small building. There is a Griffon carved at the bottom corner of the plaque.] "Let me share with you a little history about the Griffon. My great, great Grandsire Gabberdine the first, built the Lone Griffin at this very site. The Lone Griffin was a far more humble building, where simple fare was served, and it could only house a handful of travelers. The Lone Griffin soon became a favored destination for many a traveler, and it was expanded under my Great Grandfather, Gabberdine the Second. My Grandfather Gabberdine the Third eventually replaced the building and upgraded to the three story structure you now stand in, which he renamed the Grand Griffin."

"The Grand Griffin can accommodate over 100 patrons, and has rooms for more than 40 guests. We currently serves ales and brews from all 4 of the guilds,including the Sultan's Spiced Lager, the Mitgard Ice Ale, Dragon Flight Sampler, and the Pumpkin Pie Stout, but it is rare that anyone but Nocturnans order that one, considering the ominous brewing process. Our menu changes daily, and ranges from comfort food to the exotic for those with more expensive tastes."

"As the Griffon is so popular with travelers in the area, it has also attracted it's fair share of regular merchants and purveyors of goods." [Master Gabbold motions you closer and continues in a low voice] "If you would prefer to keep your business more...discrete, you may want to stop by the tables in the back under the upper balcony."

[Master Gabbold steps back and continues in a normal voice] "Since our patrons hail from all corners of Historica, there are always interesting conversations and interesting company, so please get a drink or a meal, and enjoy the Griffon!"

1Cedrica is the capitol territory located centrally between the 4 guilds. It is home to the Ruler of Historica, and is adjacent to all 4 guilds


The Grand Griffon is a place to bring your characters and converse in character. All posts in this thread should follow the format that is laid out above (quotations for all spoken work, italics in blue for descriptive text, and subscript1 for any particular characters or references you with to explain at the bottom of your post. Most importantly, all posts should be IN CHARACTER.

You can use your sigfigs here, or create characters specifically to use in this thread (such as representatives from you sigfig), but you should not jump back and forth between characters unless you have a good reason. You should also try to remain somewhat consistent with the timelines of your builds, so if you are posting your sigfig in a MOC in Kaliphlin, they should not be in mid-discussion here. Night and day are irrelevant here, as are other forms of time, so any reference to time within the Griffon should be vague, like "later" or "soon" unless your referencing something your character will be doing outside the Griffon ("I have to head to Mitgardia to deliver my wagon of turnips, so I'll will meet you there in one month's time")

Members who interact frequently and help enrich the atmosphere of the Griffon will have the potential to earn control of an NPC that works at the Griffon (Bartender, server, merchant, etc.) This will not be anything lightly earned, and will not be possible for at least a couple of months.

If you have general questions about the Guilds of Historica, or this thread in particular, please post them here


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[A lanky fellow with a long black ponytail in a brushed leather tunic with finely inlaid stitching saunters through the doors of the Griffon. He walks up to the bar and looks over to Master Gabbold.]

Lanky Fellow: "Innkeep, I am a traveler in need of a good meal and a hearty brew.

Master Gabbold: "Well then, you have come to the right place good sir. The Grand Griffon will happily provide you with both. May I ask your name?"

Lanky Fellow: "But of course, how rude of me. I am Rodiumus of the Green Fork, an Avalonian by birth, but a Historican by trade. I had heard that this was a lively place, but I see only a few folk here."

Master Gabbold: "It is still early - just wait a little while. We should start filling up soon."

[Rodimus turns to the bartender] "Then a leg of chicken if you have it and a dark ale should do the trick"

[Rodiumus takes a table against the wall and waits for his food.]


[A pale warrior swathed in a grey cloak passes through the door. The shadows seem reluctant to relinquish him, but he throws aside his cloak and reveals fine, if travel stained clothing of a deep red, inlaid with gold. Upon his head is a shock of brown hair, and at his side a round shield and a fell sword hang. When he speaks it evokes the cold wet dirt of a graveyard, but there is power and nobility there.]

Pale warrior: "Hail and well met barkeep. I am Vladivus of Nocturnus. I have heard tales of your blood wine, and I wish for a goblet before I continue my journey to aid Avalonia against the accursed Drow."

Master Gabbold: "Certainly. Not too many Nocturnians frequent here normally, it is, er, refreshing to see a new face."

Vladivus: "My thanks Barkeep."

[Vladivus nods in the direction of Rodimus] "Greetings traveller."


[The doors swing open to admit the third visitor to the Inn. A cloak of fine elven make is wrapped around his body for warmth. This man is no simple traveller. Polished silver armour gleams beneath his dark purple tabard and his legs are adorned in chainmail. He is bearded, with long, windswept black hair obscuring his face. A longsword is strapped to his side- he is clearly a warrior. He nods to Master Gabbold.]

Traveller: "Greetings, Master Gabbold of the Grand Griffon Inn. I should like a roof over my head for the night and a good meal and drink before I continue on my journey."

Master Gabbold: "Of course, my good fellow, but tell me, how do you know my name? And why have you not given me yours?"

Traveller: "I have many names. My identity is a secret which I will keep until the day I die. I have many....correspondents. Your name is....known to them."

Master Gabbold: "I didn't realise the Griffon was so well-known. [extremely nervous] I'll fix you up with some good food and drink and prepare a room for you." [Master Gabbold hurries off]

[The traveller notices a tall vampire standing near the door, sipping some wine. He makes his way over]

Traveller: "Lord Vladivus of Nocturnus, if I'm not mistaken. What is your business here?"


[Vladivus regards the newcomer with interest, his pale face inscrutable to all others. Perhaps this stranger can help with his mission.]

Vladivus: "Greetings, ye are not mistaken, but I must have missed thy name. My business is my own unless thee care to reveal thy name. I must admit however, that the hiding of your name is prudent, for names give great power to those in the know."

[To the stranger,Vladivus offers his goblet, inlaid with what seem like rubies, although they glow with a fire quite unlike anything natural. The liquid within is cloying and sticky, and the scent of warm iron permeates the Traveller's nostrils.]

Vladivus: "Care for some blood wine, man of many names?"


[The traveller regards the goblet with disgust.]

Traveller: "I care not for the victuals of vampires. But I do wish to know your business here. I go by the name of Hunter in these parts, and many Cedricans know me by that name."

Posted (edited)

[A traveler with a green cloak and a oddle shapped staff walks through the door of the Grand Griffin. He looks around the room but, not noticing anyone he recognizes, walkes up to the counter.]

Green Cloaked Traveler: "I'll take an Ice Ale good sir."

Master Gabbold: "Ah, you must be from the beautiful land of Mitgardia, not too many others blood is up to icy chill that drink gives."

Green Cloaked Traveler: "You're observation skills serve you well Barkeep. I am Natolyth, hailing from Dålig Ulv of Mitgardia. I am here seeking answers."

[Gabbold hands Natolyth his Ice Ale]

Master Gabbold: "Well, depending on the answers you seek you might want to try those tables under the balcony." [When Natolyth shows no inclination to move to the tables suggested Gabbold continues rambling while cleaning some glasses] "There are many travelers these days. The unrest in Nocturnus and Avalonia bring many people through here. Why just the other day would you believe that we had a cyclops here! He mentioned something about dealing with the Drow. I've never met a Drow who was willing to pay for a drink or a bed so I try to avoid them myself, when possible." [Gabbold shivers at some unmentioned memory, no doubt having to do with a run-in with the Drow]

Natolyth: "What a coincidence that you would mention the Drow." [Natolyth sips at his Ale and looks down at his skin as parts of it turn blue for a moment before returning to it's normal color] "It just so happens that I'm here seeking answers about some questions I have concerning the Drow. My companians and I had the misfortune of running into a group of them who did not take kindly to our passing. Obviously I did was not on the losing end of that 'encounter.' My question is regarding their fighting style." [Gabbold raises an eyebrow at that] "It seemed to me that they fought almost silently, no grunts, no shouts or any other noise. I'm currious if you've heard if they have any relation to some of the private assasians I've heard of before, Nunjas were their name, if my memory serves my correctly."

Master Gabbold: "I'm afraid that I cannot answer your questions Natolyth. Information of that nature often comes with a price much higher than someone as simple as myself is willing to pay. However, if you wait here long enough you might meet someone who would be willing to share that with you."

Natolyth: "It seems then, that I have need of a room for awhile Master Gabbold." [Natolyth slides the money for the drink and room across the counter] "This should cover me for a few nights at least."

Master Gabbold: "Yes, that looks to be in order"

[Natolyth then slides some extra coins across the counter]

Natolyth: "And I'd appreciate it if you directed anyone with valuable information my way." [Natolyth leaned in a little closer] "But I'd apprecaite it even more if my name remained off of the noteworthy guest conversation list that the cyclops has the pleasure of being on." [Natolyth then got off his stool] "For now though, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my Ale over at that table."

Edited by MKJoshA
Posted (edited)

["Hunter" notices the Mitgardian mage across the bar. He raises an eyebrow at his questions, then returns to his conversation with Lord Vladivus.]

Edited by Dragonfire

[Vladivus briefly glances at the mage. Natolyth. Vladivus had heard tales of this one. He returned his attention to the Traveller.]

Vladivus: "Few humans have the courage to drink it. I think no less of thee. Hunter then. An apt name I trust? What do thee hunt? For myself, it is the Drow, and those beings who serve the Black Spire."

[Vladivus' gaze is drawn once again to the Mage. What of his powers? Perhaps he could be of help? Only time would tell.]


"Hunter": "Aye, very apt. I hunt whatever and whoever I'm paid to hunt. I've hunted all manner of creatures, from Drow to dwarves, from dragons to Zugal...I've even hunted your kind. You can call me a mercenary of sorts."

[Just then, the door swings open a crack and then closes again noiselessly. A shadow falls across the threshold and then disappears into the inn. "Hunter" slowly rises to his feet, unsheathing his sword.]

Posted (edited)

[An interesting turn of events indeed. Shades like this were all too common in Nocturnus and Vladivus was interested to see his drinking companion rising as he did.]

"Vladivus": "Prey, Hunter?."

[Vladivus drained his drink in one swift movement and motioned to the barman for a refill, and leant back in his chair.]

Edited by Lord Vladivus

[Hunter nods to Vladivus, pushes his chair under the table and quietly walks out of the inn. A few moments later, the dark shadow follows him through the door. Five minutes pass. Suddenly a terrible, visceral screech is heard, the sound resonating around the tavern and startling its inhabitants. A red-bearded dwarf's mug of beer falls to the ground with a clatter as he reaches for his axe. The silence caused by the cry is broken by the door once again opening. The man known as Hunter strides back into the Grand Griffon, his longsword unsheathed and covered in an inky black substance. Ignoring the odd looks coming his way, he makes his way back to the table where Vladivus is sitting. He sits down again and reaches for his mug.]

"Hunter": "Someone really must hate me. I've encountered seven of these blighters in the past week. Come up behind you, they do, when you least expect it."

[He cleans the black liquid from his sword with a rag of cloth.]

"Hunter": "Poisonous. If you touch it you die."


[seven. It took someone of great power to command the shades to continue to attack a single person. Perhaps this "Hunter" knew more than he was letting on.]

"Vladivus": "Perhaps I can be of aid. May I see that rag? Fear not. As a half-vampire I am immune to it's poison. At least, as long as I don't... Never mind, the rag?."


["Hunter" hands over the rag.]

"Hunter": "Be careful. I'm not sure whether your kind are immune to this kind of poison."

[While the two are conversing, there is a low growl from the back of the bar. A pair of Mitgardians blanketed in furs and mufflers move cautiously towards the pair, hoping not to disturb them. One is the red-bearded dwarf who dropped his ale when he heard the screech. The other is taller, with a fur hat covering most of his face. At their heels pads a shaggy dog, the source of the growl. They stop when they are in earshot of "Hunter" and Lord Vladivus.]

Posted (edited)

[A man wearing the green of Avalonia strode in to the tavern. Nodding to the innkeep, he ordered a bowl of rabbit stew, and sat by himself at a table in the corner, waiting for his meal.]

Edited by -Carson Haupt-
Posted (edited)

[Clad in his dark green robes with mud stained bottoms, Morgan the Wise walks into the tavern. His long grey beard now reaches in mid-chest and his staff is as hearty as ever with the emryte set in its top. He soon finds the bar and leans against it.]

Morgan: "Ah, barkeep. I would very much like a mug of ale. Just a standard Avalonian brew."

Bartender: "Comin' right up, sir."

Morgan: "Thank you, and I shall like a room for the night. I have traveled a very long way and a wizard needs his rest as much as anyone else."

[Once he had his drink, he sat down in a corner of the tavern and watched the ongoing conversations quietly. He was to travel far along Antler River to a small village where and old friend of his lived. It was one month ago that he set out from his house in Vanguard.]

Edited by HammerBro

[Natolyth watches all of the activity in the tavern with interest. The Grand Griffon has started to fill up with patrons. He wondered if any of them would have the answers he sought. He watched Morgan enter and his hopes grew that perhaps a fellow mage would be able to enlighten him on the matter of the Drow. As Master Gabbold was no longer tending the bar there was no one to direct travelers to Natolyth. Master Gabbold was probably over seeing the ruckus that was coming from the kitchen. A number of the patrons looked impatient for their food, and judging by how black the smoke was that was pouring from the kitchen they might be waiting awhile. Natolyth nursed the thought that perhaps he would need to introduce himself to Morgan as he finished his Ice Ale. He had wanted to remain inconspicuous, but he also didn't want to remain away from Mitgardia for more than a few days. He decided to give it a little while longer, the night was still young after all.]

Posted (edited)

[The door of the tavern opens and a man covered in exquisitely crafted black platemail with silver trim enters. His head is covered by a silver galea with a red plume, but his face is clearly visible. His eyes have dark circles around them and his mouth remains in a scowl as he quickly surveys the room before walking over to Master Gabbold, his sabatons clanking noisily against the wooden floor.]

The man in the exquisite armor: "I will have a cup of ice water and whatever the special of the day is, to eat."

[Master Gabbold hesitates and then raises his eyebrows.]

Master Gabbold: "Is it the Mitgard Ice Ale or pure water with ice in it you wish for?"

The man in the exquisite armor: "I wish for the latter, a cup of pure water with ice in it."

Master Gabbold: "Right, sir! Coming right up!"

[Having paid Master Gabbold, the man in the exquisite armor takes his cup of ice water to an unoccupied table where he has a good view of the entire room as well as the door.]

Edited by Mike S

[The door opens again. And again a knight in shiny armour enters. The people inside the tavern stopped their chatting for a moment to see who the newcomer is, especially due the fact the Heraldry on the shield he is wearing is not known by them. The knight looks around, nods to everyone and then goes to the bartender.]

Knight with unknown Heraldry: "Greetings Master Gabbold, can i have a Mitgardian Ale and a good dinner please? I also need a room for the night"

Master Gabbold: "Hello sir knight, your dinner is coming right away. May I be so rude to notice you must come from far?"

Knight with unknown Heraldry: "I have seen many places before I entered this bar, that is true"

[Having said this, he gave Master Gabold the money for the dinner and the room. Quickly he showed a golden medaillon with a black cross and white paladin on it]

Master Gabbold: "Aha, that explains the strange heraldry on your shield. I am really gratefull that your Order of Alleenridders chooses my humble tavern as lodging place for their knights. May I know what your name is?"

Knight with unknown Heraldry: "I am Sir Wiscon Origi, Third Alleenridder. My land of birth is somewhere in the far far really far East, even further then the Guild of Ximus. Nice to meet you. About the "humble" tavern, it has room for a small army, so it is not that humble haha"

Master Gabbold: "haha it still is not a castle. On a serious note, I see many Alleenridders heading to Avalonia lately. I thought Mpya Stedor stayed cowardly neutral in this whole war"

Sir Wiscon: "That's our official declaration. The troops of Mpya Stedor itself are indeed staying in Kaliphlin (especially around Eastgate) so our merchants can pass safely through the lands of Ravaage. But we Alleenridders are not fighting under the banner of our homecity, just like the I.A.M.S. . Fighting for the people that need help, that is what we Alleenridders have signed for."

Master Gabbold: "Lord Damaximus with all his plans :wink: Anyway, there is a chance some people will start talking to you as you know a lot about the Drow"

[sir Wiscon went to an empty table and start eating his dinner]


[Having heard what they wanted to hear, the pair of Mitgardians move away from "Hunter" and Lord Vladivus' conversation and back into the corner of the bar. They find a man in exquisite armour sitting at their table. Both Mitgardians approach the man.]

Mitgardian #1: "What are you doing at our table, you idiot? Move. This is our space."

Mitgardian #2: "Umm, Ralkar, do you think this is a good idea? This guy is clearly a great warrior. We don't want to provoke a fight."

Ralkar: "Shut up. Exquisite armour doesn't make a warrior. I can say what I like, thank you very much."

[Meanwhile, "Hunter" waits for Lord Vladivus' answer.]


[Those Mitgardians are going to get themselves into trouble. What were they doing listening in....]

Vladivus: "This ooze is, well, unusual."

[Vladivus lowers his voice.]

Vladivus: "What do you suppose the two Northmen want?"


[The man in exquisite armor eyes the two Mitgardians with a steady gaze.]

The man in the exquisite armor: "Perhaps this was your table a while ago. But as you see, it is now mine."

[The man in exquisite armor turns his gaze to stare at the Mitgardian named Ralkar.]

The man in the exquisite armor: "Ralkar is it? It would be in your own interest if you headed your companion's advice."

[The man in exquisite armor goes back to meditating on the cup in front of him while he continues to subtly watch and listen to all that goes on in the tavern.]

Posted (edited)

[A man and his lictors noisily stroll into the inn. The elderly man is attired in a salmon-colored silken doublet, and wears a wide-brimmed black hat with a red plumage. Obviously quite nervous the man approaches the bartender]

Man: "I would be inclined to purchase your finest room for three days, as well as a decanter of white Kaliphlinian wine please," "My name is Janus Semperius,"

[Semperius hastily scribbles his name in the yellowing registry book, and pulls out an ivory pipe]

Master Gabbold: "Very well sir," "Please seat yourself,"

[Semperius nods and pulls out a pouch of dried black lotus leaves and sprinkles some into his pipe. A nearby lictor ignites the pipe, and Semperius begins smoking. He selects a table near the edge of the room, but spills the man in exquisite armor's drink, and glass shards pepper the vicinity]

Edited by Scaevola

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