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See the previous tales:

Wyndor's Saga:

Chapter 1

-What Has Past-

Chapter 2

Part 10: A New Home

Part 10.1:Blunted Edges

Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces

Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker

Part 11.0

Part 11: Mysterious Death

Part 12: Dark Meetings

Part 13: Warm Yourself

Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit

Part 14.2: Proud Farmer

Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household


Olivia had gotten distracted for a moment and the horse caught up with her and snatched the carrot out of her hand. All of a sudden Hashbaz picked her up like a sack of corn and ran towards the house. Tom was running the other way yelling, “Get inside!” Behind him them could see two men with a wolf insignia on their chests running after him.


The women got inside and bolted the door as the men prepared to defend hearth and home against the attackers.


Valanice was wishing she had brought her axe with her, but without it she knew she would only be in the way if she stayed outside. She tried peeking through the window, but all she saw was a blinding flash that threw her across the room.


She came to with Brenda shaking her pleading with her to come outside. She stood on wobbly feet and made her way outside to find Tom stunned but alive and Hashbaz dead on the path.

“What happened?” asked Valanice.

“They were yelling at us to get inside” said Tom, “And we couldn’t figure out why. All of a sudden there was this flash and the next thing I knew I was flat on the ground and Hashbaz was dead.”

“Who would want to hurt Hashbaz?” asked Brenda.

“I don’t know,” answered Valanice. “But I must tell my husband about this as soon as possible!”


No, why would you kill off the midget?! :cry_sad:

Well, he is a dwarf, not a midget.

So mysterious... I guess I'll have to wait for the rest of the story. Oh well...

I have one more part to the story that is built and ready. I just need to finish writing the story part. But the rest of the story will have to wait until I have some more time to build. Glad you are enjoying it though!

Geez... maybe I should rethink my plan of bringing an entire clan of dwarves into Mitgardia, since you seem bent on having bandits kill every dwarf in sight! :laugh:

Well, as my story progresses Wyndor is going to find out how to stop all these killings so don't worry too much :grin:

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