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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hmmm I just noticed that I need more parts.

  2. I start build my first 4-wide with the idea for a gas truck,but as you can soon see, it just got the ball rolling. Here's my first: The Gas Truck Then the delivery truck The railroad inspector (I don't know what to put on the back, so I stuck on a crane, if this is not correct please tell me what to put on the back) Finally the semi And it's trailer The semi and the trailer The whole gallery http://www.bricksafe...n/4 wide trucks C&C welcome Bison
  3. Ok sorry if you could please delete the mini part of the title that would be fine with me.
  4. Have you notice that I need more parts?

  5. This is my first real MOC on this site. It has a 4 wide steering (the only function) which was hard to get perfect. The part number is 102. Here are the pics. This is the cool picture: http://bricksafe.com...s/Bison/087.JPG The parts pics: http://bricksafe.com... a half/072.JPG The others: http://bricksafe.com...uece and a half
  6. Sorry to bring this back from the graveyard, but I e-mailed LEGO a year ago and they said that "all prototypes are kept in company control." So this means that all of the prototypes that LEGO ever made are all still made, so made there is a room of prototypes.
  7. I used a multimeter and got a reading of 4.3 volts. Tried a new motor a it worked just fine, a little high pitched but some 3&1 oil fixed her right up. Thanks for all the help guys.
  8. The motor runs off and on in the forward setting, in the reverse setting it runs just fine and a little faster.
  9. I have a 7722 set, and when I go flip the switch the train sometimes doesn't start up. I have to hit it on top of the train to get it to run for a while, but then it's back to not working. Please help. Thanks.
  10. Need ever more parts

  11. That is so cool. I would love to have the old one. Good job, looks great.
  12. This is a cute little moc. I would like to see some instructions so I can build some. Very small and compact. Nice job.
  13. Butane+legos+torch=.....fire breathing lego killer robots on the loose. sorry could not contain myself.
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