Great story! I do feel the landscape on Onix is a bit overcrowded with things, but the rocky formations are great! (I can't build large rocks well) I'll be awaiting the next installment!
P.S. I like the Holo-Long!
Alright! I just remembered that my sigfig is in Mitgardia for a family reunion of sorts. I'll start building there later today, and I might work on that challenge.
Well, looks like I might be back! I probably used all my Octan sick days for 3 years, so good thing I'm immune to most diseases, being a cyborg and all. If anyone could fill me in on the important things that have happened, that'd be great. I hope that I'll be back to building soon, if I can find my motivation somewhere in my room.
Oh how I miss building for Kaliphlin. I plan on building again, but i just don't have the motivation. Could someone fill me in on some of the things that have gone on since I left? Hope to build soon,
Hello fellow Octan employees! I did not end up making a build for last week because of wheat harvest here in Kansas. And I probably won't get one in the next two or so weeks to come, so yeah. I'll be checking in every so often like so though.