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Eurobricks Dukes
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About Toastie

  • Birthday 02/17/1962

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    LEGO, electronics, micro controllers, lasers, making things work


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  1. Oh, crap - EB was beamed into life in 2003 ... I was born in 1962. When the tags created in 2003 are "very old", then that means, I am - well, essentially - petrified. But still punching the keys ... this IS a weird world, isn't it? Time ... Time, flowing like a river time, beckoning me who knows when we shall meet again if ever but time keeps flowing like a river to the sea ... For some reason, Captain Jack Sparrows comes to mind. You'll find all these very old tags, I am sure. All the best and thank you for doing this! Thorsten
  2. Yeah, you are right. So we settle on 2A max. for the Interface B 12V AC juicer transformer? Best, Thorsten
  3. Just let me know what I have to install on my side - no, no wait, the Star Trek folks teleported without any device present on the target site. OK, tell me when you need some free space/area, I clear that. Best, Thorsten
  4. It is good to know that. Because then I won't use bloody numbers but names or "descriptions" (as good as I can, I am wildly guessing here) when asking you for a favor or suggesting some things. Which is so easy to do. You know, every now and then, there are students in my classes having diverse health issues, and every time we (together) have worked out something to get them trough. Time - is relative. I love "success" (define success - it is a myriad of things that may or may not - evolve). Regardless of time. As far as I have read your messages on EB, you have provided so much insight, I would have >never< ever figured out. Hey, like to come over to Germany and have fun in my group? I'd hire you right away. And I am not joking (as I enjoy so much to do under other circumstances). All the very best, and with a bow Thorsten
  5. There is a L78S09 as 9V regulator = 2A max. or it will limit current. So this is it, I guess: 2A. No fuses, just the active power controllers (78** and H-bridge chippies). It is the same in 9750 - the MOSFETs can do 10A each, but the linear 4.5V power driver is a BDX34B = 10A max. The Interface A is one power monster - totally dumb, "just" a TTL driver (plus ingenious sensor circuits), but so nicely designed! I believe they had to do it as a) the olden days were better and LEGO was unbreakable and b) 4.5V motors easily stalled. Best, Thorsten
  6. OK, then your hobbyist level in your world is guru level in my world! 8485 = Control Center II, 9750 = Interface A, 9751 = Interface B ... for some reason I can recall numbers and images - nothing I am proud of, it simply is what it is. Sorry. Best, Thorsten
  7. On another thought: The LEGO PSU for 9750 is also a joke, considering what they soldered as MOSFET drivers into the output circuits: 2x MTP3055's ... they can handle >10A each ... I guess they just wanted to be on the safe side. I mean, a 12 Wall wart just bends over when currents go crazy ... but the box can handle more, I believe. Best, Thorsten Lotsatraffic here Nice photograph! You'll find the data sheet on Philo's pages as well (https://www.philohome.com/motors/mlx10402.pdf) - they do 500 mA each; x 8 = 4A max. Best, Thorsten
  8. Well, fortunately, we have our hardware guru @Gunners TekZone at work: What type are the H-bridge drivers inside the box? As I don't bet: I think they can deliver more than 100 mA each? Best, Thorsten I totally agree! My take as well. Best, Thorsten
  9. Well, then I sure hope it does fit! I am planning to go partly wireless (Bluetooth) on all my control boxes (2 x 8485 CCII, 2 x 9750 and 1 x 9751). So far, my modified 8485 (), which behaves more or less like the outputs of 9750 has currently such a BT thingy (https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/192941-lego-interface-a-97509771-–-lego-technic-control-1-tc1-referenceideas-thread/&amp;do=findComment&amp;comment=3734005). 9751 also does 9600 Baud. Why don't you hook up an HC05 directly to the TTL RX/TX lines (with a 1k/2.2k voltage divider on the TX=input from 9750, HC05 are 3.3V, but tolerate 5V VCC; and the RX of the Siemens chips will be happy with 3 V TTL input)? The 5V are available inside 9751. Result: No more cables, just the power cord of 9751. Well, I'll try and report back ;) All the best, Thorsten Hmm. The brain, for sure, but 8 x 9V motor outputs? ... maybe two motors stalled - that would add up, doesn't it? Philo's page suggests it would. I just replaced three "12V" AC wall warts (they generate anything between 12 and 16 V of course) with one 12V, 8A old-fashioned incandescent Christmas lights PSU weighing a ton, which I got from my neighbor - he said, it may be of value to me . That one powers my 8485, 9750 and 9751 boxes. I would not so much have my laptop providing motor power via USB, but I could work, of course! Best, Thorsten
  10. @Gunners TekZone CONGRATULATIONS! I knew you could do it (provided the Siemens 1001 feet chippie wouldn't be in Chip heaven). Really nice to know. So that means the built-in serial to TTL chip has gone bye-bye, right? Did you need to take that "away" from the RX/TX lines of the microcontroller? Very nice!!! All the best, Thorsten
  11. @aFrInaTi0n Thank you very much - so tomorrow morning, I can enjoy the newspaper as nothing ever happened! All the best, Thorsten
  12. Hi Alex, thank you for the flowers! Yes, that was the same in Sinclair world - and the reason I could crack copy protection of video games, which made my fellow chemistry students happy in the 1980s. I guess they can't cancel my SOE on that ... I never played video games. A nerd I am. However, the strange thing here is, that only a few lines of code are in assembly. Most of the program (featuring quite a number of CHAIN statements for switching between (sub) BASIC programs. I also believe BBC Lines does not have the power setting 0-7 or did it? That would need assembly for sure, doesn't it? But once again: I love the way Beep's BASIC allowed to code assembly: "[" and off you go, with line numbers and assembly mnemonics(!), no CHR$ poking ... nice! All the best, Thorsten
  13. Of course it does! It is your very personal opinion, that may rightfully stand forever! Maybe it does even so universally, who knows. I don't. And it does not in my world - all is good. I am simply getting nervous when "truth" (as a globally voiced thing) comes into play. As if it were proven. That is always the case - in my university, at home, with friends, with not friends. There is no universal truth, there is speculation, guessing, projection, extrapolation, calculation, of one individual, but truth - quantum mechanics bashed that word out of my mind. But in your personal world? Of course there is truth. And right or wrong. For me, it is absolutely the same! Everything I am writing in public is my personal opinion, projection, speculation ... Just my very personal take. As all other comments are in this forum: Personal views. Best, Thorsten
  14. You are very welcome! I like to learn, and I really appreciate that you do get me in touch with all these wonderful machines, I never heard of back in the days. The Beep BASIC is really, really cool - handling of machine code is fantastic! All the best, Thorsten
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