[MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
Thanks, so happy you spotted the printed window with luke, leia, c3po and r2d2!
[MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
[MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
The rebel transporter GR-75 was made in shiptember 2018. the Saturn V is a official lego set!
[MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
Well, 😊 yes I have a room with lego, so It was no problem with part except 4 engines parts I do not know the brick count, but I guess over 5000. It is 105cm long and 52cm high, over 128 studs long. 27 days, started sept 3 and ended sept 29 took the photos on sept 30th. in hours, I guess 40-60 build hours in total. My LEGO studio 😃
[MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
Thanks, i love greebling. And proud to have done it in the 30 day of september!
anders67 started following [MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
[MOC] Nebulon B Frigate by Anders67
As a SHIPTEMBER challange for my self I decided to MOC a Nebulon B Frigate becouse I love the ship and I want to see if I could manage to build it with the bricks I have in my stash and in the 30 days limit for 0 to 100%. Based on the drawing from here I made the scale to fit 128 studs - and despite being to the skaerbaek fan weekend I managed to complete the build in september incl. taking the final pictures. You can find the WIP pictures here and the final pictures here. Nebulon_B_Frigate_by_Anders67_attack_position_darkmode by Anders Horvath, on Flickr Nebulon_B_Frigate_by_Anders67_rightside_darkmode by Anders Horvath, on Flickr Nebulon_B_Frigate_by_Anders67_leftside_darkmode by Anders Horvath, on Flickr Nebulon_B_Frigate_by_Anders67_leftfront by Anders Horvath, on Flickr
[MOC] The Hills Police Station
Thanks, happy that you like it!
[MOC] SX8 Speeder
Thanks, yes geebling make all moc better! Even on modular houses some greebling/details can make it stand out!
[MOC] Rays Landspeeder
[MOC] Rays Landspeeder
Rays Landspeeder Its good to be rich! - Ray newly purchsed Landspeeder after satteling down on Tatooine Untitled by Anders Horvath, on Flickr Untitled by Anders Horvath, on Flickr Untitled by Anders Horvath, on Flickr Untitled by Anders Horvath, on Flickr
[MOC] SX8 Speeder
Thnaks, yes, the greebling is fun!
[MOC] SX8 Speeder
Greedos cousin's speeder - the SX8 Speeder Repulsor lift drive by Kuat Drive Yards Twin turbo blasters front Turbo charged repulsor craft engines SX8 Speeder by Anders Horvath, on Flickr SX8 Speeder by Anders Horvath, on Flickr SX8 Speeder by Anders Horvath, on Flickr SX8 Speeder by Anders Horvath, on Flickr
[MOC] The Hills Police Station
Thanks, yes the columns was fun but a bit intensive to build and som stud reversal techniques!
[MOC] The Hills Police Station
Thanks, yes the coloring work good together. I try to make my backside equally detailed ss my houses in the Hills often has parks on the inside modules!
[MOC] The Hills Police Station
Thanks Thanks, and no hard feelings to my police friends 😃 couldn’t resist it
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