REVIEW: 75056 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2014
*EDIT COULD A MODERATOR PLEASE CHANGE THE TITLE TO "REVIEW:75056 Star Wars Advent Calendar"* I managed to crawl out of the Sarlacc in time to review the newest Star Wars advent calendar which has become a staple alongside the City version. Some interesting trivia about this set, it has the least amount of figures compared to the other, but does have the most amount of pieces. Is that good or bad? Read on and find out for yourself. Set Name: Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar Set Number: 75056 Pieces: 274 (there are about 20-30 extras) Minifigures: 8 Price: $49.99 CDN $39.99 USD Year of Release: 2014 Apologies for the yellowness, that's what I get for taking pictures in minimal lighting. Anyway, the front of the box shows us most of what we're getting. (except for that green lightsabre which I really wanted). I really like this little detail so I took a close up. The back shows us some more of what we're getting plus a promotion for Yoda Chronicles? I think. The top of the box displays the complete lineup of figures. There is not anything else notable on the other sides. (apologies for the glare, very glossy box) The box can be opened one of two ways, the intended way where you open the doors, or you can slide out the entire tray and go to work. Inside the flap is some sort of Hoth landscape that isn't all that usefull in my opinion. For those who don't know, the instruction is located inside the panel of the corresponding model. Day 1; AAT nifty little model which is pretty good for it's size. Day 2; Super Battle Droid. To be added to the collection. Day 3:Republic Cannon, we received the larger version of this guy a while ago and the micro model is pretty good as well. Day 4;Santa Clone Trooper. Where is his helmet you may ask? You'll find out soon enough. Day 5;Waste of space. Here is the helmet and some extra gear. I really dislike when these things get added in the calendars. Day 6;Droid Fighter. A slight variation from what we got in 2011 but in blue. Day 7;E-Web-snowlauncherdealy. I'm starting to like these stud launchers a bit and it's incorporated nicely in here. Day 8;Snowtrooper, it's nice to see this guy again. Not a big fan of the new version. Day 9; Jedi Starfighter, look familiar? It should, we got the exact same thing in 2013 but in red. Day 10;TIE Fighter, a VAST improvement over the 2011 version. Day 11;TIE Pilot. There are so many variation of these guys I didn't have any others to compare I can't tell if it's new. Day 12;Landspeeder. Nothing much to say other than it's a good little build. Day 13;Luke, He's similar to the Millennium Falcon version, but TLC altered him just slightly so now he's NEW! Comparison to the most recent. New version has back printing. Day 14;Moisture Vaporator, sticking to the Tatooine theme, we get this piece of scenery. Day 15;Snowspeeder, hopping on over to Hoth we get this. It looks very odd to me and I can't put my finger on it... Day 16;Snowspeeder Pilot. Someone has to fly it. TLC, can we just get Hobbie already? Day 17;Snow Turret Hill, it's better than another supply rack. Day 18;General Reikkan. A great way to get him if you didn't feel like shelling out $64.99 for the other set he's in. (Is that the Purina logo)? Day 19;Speeder Bike, a very odd choice of model which doesn't quite work IMO Day 20; Imperial Shuttle. How many rehashes of micro models have we gotten already? Day 21;Y-Wing. Speaking of rehashes.... Day 22; R2-XTREE. I always love getting R2 variants. Day 23; Fireplace. It's a pretty neat concept. Notice the holocron. Day 24; Santa Vader, waht we've all been waiting for. No back printing Extra pieces, mostly just studs. Nothing to fancy. The whole gang, its quite a random assortment from the movies, usually there is some sort of theme amongst them. This year we got; 0 models from Ep. I 4 from Ep. II 2 from Ep.III 6 from Ep. IV 5 from Ep. V 2 from Ep.VI 5 random things. Vader only wanted to celebrate Christmas with his son. So like I said before, the speeder bike doesn't entirely work. All in all I rank this my 2nd favourite. 2012 being the best, followed by 2011. The figures are really the standout, (besides the battledroid). The micro models aren't my favourite though. I'd like to see a calendar where all the pieces you get could be combined into something larger instead of smaller less impressive models, but hey, this is aimed at kids who should enjoy this very much. Thanks for reading! See you next year!
[REVIEW]: 75058 MTT
Great review, your pictures make it look a lot better than previously thought. I'll definitely be passing on this one. The previous version is so much better. I'm getting a bit tired of Lego overusing the same printing on the legs for the Jedi.
[REVIEW] 7965 Millennium Falcon
But didn't you already post the same thing in the 2014 pictures and rumours thread?
New Mannum 2014
You're town's are so simple yet beautiful. I love them, good job.
Future Star Wars Minifigs
Argh, there was a Bariss in the Republic Swamp Speeder set, why does no one seem to know that!
Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
Here's my updated army with the addition of the new battlepacks. I'll have to round up all my Imperials and Rebels for a new photo, plus all the ships. But this is what I've done so far. and I remember some time ago, someone asked to see all of the R2 units together Here they are except for the green one from the old Republic Cruiser.
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Here's my haul that arrived today, going to be verrryy busy.
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Ordered all of the new wave from shop@home, now begins the waiting game.
Lego 75013 Umbaran mhc
Is this a review? or is it a WIP?
Zenith - Old Republic escort cruiser
Oh wow, that is one beautiful ship made better in Lego, great job, always a pleasure to see your work.
Lego Bail Organa's airspeeder.
It's quite obvious you don't think the landing pad and door are important, seeing as how the door is a direct copy of the one from Jedi Defence II. and that the landing pad is just a plate not connected to anything. Also a mention is that you were told before not post topics that are purely for advertisement of a CUUSOO project.
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
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