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Eurobricks Vassals
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  • Birthday 10/23/1995

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  1. Came back and updated my profile. In hopes I'll find a way to be more active on here.

  2. LOL how that never came to me, genius!
  3. Now its time to do Huilai (From Chinese means Return) Hero Factory campaign, who's with me!?!?!?
  4. Well now that you put that way fine but I was just visioning if Bionicle could have potentially be action figure line for older audience and sorta be Technic subtheme again. And sticked with using technic parts with balljoints and connectors like before. But only more complex between Hero Factory and Technic level. Well.......... I didn't bother think this through now that you mention so much but gear functions!? To me only Onua seems to have it, while some Toa have "extra gibble" I think its for weapon storage but does make wonder if this time its possible to add a gimmick and still give great array of possibility. I seriously don't want Bruizer all over again, I have tried once revamp Bruizer the way that he still has the gimmick and poseable arm but that didn't work out. And to be honest it will take some time to adapt with Bionicle having Hero Factory build because to me it doesn't seem fitting on some. Probably because parts don't look so detailed like on Bionicle sets before them.
  5. The moc doesn't quite tie in with Beast family but I like the use of dinosaur heads for claws!
  6. Walmart on my radar also happens to barely stock any sets, they only now put a handful of IFB Wave 1 sets on shelf's. But whatever doesn't matter because I found a really good toy store near me that has all the latest Lego sets including IFB wave 2 and New Chima Ultrabuilds. On side note I am rather sad Hero Factory draws to its end. I do wish it along with Bionicle co-existed together. With Hero Factory being construction figure line for young fans while Bionicle for older fans. But alas they use Hero Factory build in not complex way so that wont work.
  7. Well better late then never to reply. This is the first time I participated voting in a contest. I congratulate everyone who entered and I am glad to see at least one entry out of 6 I voted for got to the winners.
  8. Well I made him as Iron Man repaint because to me it seems that's how he'd likely be.
  9. It could have been worse if they had Bionicle Build. And I think at least for some not seen painted parts they are worth it.
  10. I'd like to see Lizard, Green Goblin and Thor created for Marvel side while for DC side Martian Manhunter, Superman and Blue Beetle.
  11. In terms of trying to classify where all the Beast fit within the species. I think its interesting to assume some sorta metabolism stage/ranking system and special class/type. Despite Jumpers come in various colors, which indicates that they can metabolize into certain Beast. But for instance, Crystal Beast and Splitter Beast B (The Big One Of course) are in Warrior/Guardian stage/rank. They have to prove royalty to the hive and only worthily one can be picked by the previous Queen to become new ruler over the hive. As for special class that are those outside the ranking system for special occasions we have for instance Flyer Beast, that specializes in combat in sky/air.
  12. No I haven't.......bothered to look over Technic forum for these entries.
  13. Ok looking forward seeing the update!
  14. So when will the entry topic be made? I want to see some entries already. Not that I rush or anything but I am curios to see some.
  15. Highly unusual case with knock offs but they do look quite nice. And its just me or does it seem that construction figure build fits these guys more then to Chima and Super Heroes Ultrabuilds?
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