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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Veeb0rg

  • Birthday 10/23/1978

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  1. was a pleasure, look forward to doing more business in the future.. +1 for kyphur, he shipped quickly and kept me informed every step. great guy!
  2. I keep watching the mail hoping for one, I know the chances are slim to none that I actually get one.
  3. You might want to switch to actual straight track and see if that improves the pulling power up the hill or not. The various small gaps in the flex track could be letting the train motor wheels slip too much.
  4. I just got back from my local target, I had to ask the people at the customer service desk but they had a whole case of em in the back still.
  5. Looks like I'm heading to target today. I always enjoy these little sets, They make great stocking stuffers.
  6. I have all the PF track from the Red and Yellow Cargo trains, I'm a 9v guy and thus it doesn't hold much use/interest for me. If you'd be interested in trading for it, I'd certainly entertain any offers.
  7. You could always well the 9v track to a 9v guy and buy PF track, or work some sort of trade.
  8. Very jealous, Love the space you have. Its going to be a huge layout.
  9. I bought mine a week or so ago, the Lego store only had the 3 left on the shelf. If you plan on getting this set, I would act sooner rather then later.
  10. This is a little belated, but better nate the lever.. I've always had a soft spot for lego trains, never had em as a kid. Finally found a 9v set for cheap and it brought me out of my dark era. I added to my collection today, I bought 3766 and 7939. I need to update my signature image.
  11. 9/9 - 9/10 TRU has BOGO%50 all Lego construction sets, Plus and exclusive HP Trolley set with purchase of $30 or more.
  12. welp, I feel dumb. Yes, Thank you RoxYourBlox for sharing!
  13. any chance on getting the ldd file?
  14. I have 6399, minus the motor cover. It doesn't bug me, I just can't justify the $30 or so bucks for one right now.
  15. You might also want to open the motor up and apply some grease to the axles/gears inside. http://www.trains-n-town.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=1154 You should also modify the Emerald and remove all the internal gearing on the wheels, it will reduce friction.
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