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Mike F

Banned Outlaws
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About Mike F

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  1. I am sorry, you may delete this.
  2. I like the 'iron' feel to the tower, and the tan paths go well with the tundra environment. The door frame and the window are also pretty nice and have a lot of detail to them. I only wish that there was some vegetation, maybe a tree or frozen plant, or an icy river or pond. Good job overall though, it looks really nice.
  3. I love the wildflowers, that's a great touch. The round tile on the shield is a good detail that reflects your guild, and you have good photography too. Great job.
  4. My vote goes to these amazing entries- oo7- 5 points I Scream Clone- 2 points oo7's entry is amazing, with all sorts of fancy techniques in the cabinet, the candles, and the chair. The room is elegantly furnished with all sorts of things, making his cabin look awesome. His room is stuffed with all sorts of things that would be in a captain's cabin. I Scream Clone's entry is also stunning. Using Kit Fisto's head for Davy Jones is a great idea. He added the smallest details, such as the bicorne on the dresser and the debris on the ocean floor. The barrels in the corner and the skeleton bodies everywhere look great. A close third would either be Patriot 270 or Guss. Patriot 270 made his 'captain' in the coolest fort, with cannons and men arming the walls of the fortress. The little nightstand looks very cute, and the miniature ships on the table is also a cool detail. Guss's entry also has many objects, and the color scheme is brilliant. I love the blue and tan floor. The piano looks very nice and I love the bed. This contest was great and I loved voting for these awe-inspiring entries.
  5. I'm so glad Raanu put the bonehunter module on his page! EDIT: Wait, that's not the bonehunter module! Uch. -Mike
  6. Thanks, guys. Also, I got the Agori rank 5 badge. What do I do now? -Mike
  7. That's kinda stupid on MLN's part, the mail that Berix sends you says you can trade with other players to achive your accomplishments. You apparently can't trade the spear peices. Wow. -Mike
  8. I just have to get one more spear fragment to complete the spear and then I can be done with that. Can anyone get spear fragment #3 to me? -Mike
  9. Thanks. -Mike
  10. I put 22. -Mike
  11. How many do you want? Where should I put them? -Mike
  12. Thanks. I'd like at most 20 thoranx.What do you want, clicks or items? -Mike
  13. I NEED THORAX and I have great items and tons of clicks and I don't know where all 3 spear peices are. I found 2 out of 3. Help please? -Mike
  14. Nobody wants any of my items? I have a lot, I can make more, and I offer good prices. All I ask for is some bionicle parts. -Mike
  15. I have items to trade for thoranx ammo stuff and thoranx stew: 100 tires 33 heroic stories 1,270 apple pies 2,300 apples 14 diamonds 7 rubies 4 sapphires 3,245 worker bees 290 strawberries 55 honey pies 15 apple butter 55 dino scales 2 dino fang 1 dino horn 2,100 potted plants 5 beavers 250 nails 530 better bees 20 best bees 5 millstones 2 strawberry jam 84 clicks And I can make other stuff, too. All I want is bionicle parts, and I'll send you some of this stuff. -Mike
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