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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Fantu

  • Birthday 08/05/1982

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  1. I love Warcraft and all its Lore. Because of that I'll send you my decals for the Blood Elves. I hope you like them. Anu'belore Dela'na! Blood Elves by Paolo Enrico (Fantu), no Flickr Silvermoon Blood Elf Torso by Paolo Enrico (Fantu), no Flickr Silvermoon Blood Elf Legs by Paolo Enrico (Fantu), no Flickr Silvermoon Blood Elf Shield by Paolo Enrico (Fantu), no Flickr Elven Army by Paolo Enrico (Fantu), no Flickr Elven City of Hybrasil by Paolo Enrico (Fantu), no Flickr
  2. I´ve been trying to build my own Megaman minifig for years with no good results. I thought I would have it now and Ideas are rejecting them? Shame.
  3. I´ve already said it before in person, but I must compliment you again. Great work on the Beholder, I´ve seen it and played with it and I can confirm that no picture can fully describe how awesome he turned out.
  4. JUST AMAZING! Definitely you are my inspiration for me to arrange my elven army in formation! Congratulations for the beautiful work!
  5. I think that if the WoW itself doesn´t fit TLG guidelines, they could perfectly use the Movie license instead. But Warcraft license has some bigger problems to be dealt, as MB had it (and I think it lost already) and Blizzard folks are quite strict about their lore and characters and perhaps they want theys minifgs heavly molded to fit Blizzard standards. But.. TLG PLEASE MAKE WARCRAFT!
  6. Amazing work (again!) Wardancer! When you posted the first Dark Elves, I started my own clan of Dark Elves. I hope I can find them in the mess that my LEGO space is now, so I can post them.
  7. Amazing Lion! I bought a Chima Wolf to make a White Lion but I never went with something cool enough. Now I´m going to use your design to fill that! Thanks!
  8. I just won the MOC year at LUG Brasil! Yay!
  9. Beautiful and well built! The best part is the adventurer in the forest fighting a goblin for loot and glory!
  10. Thanks Rogue Angel. I've been using this color scheme for my Elven faction for some time. Thanks bricklover! Thanks durazno33. I´m using these colors because my elves are like high elves, and these colors represent that very well. Thanks luizfranca. Perhaps you could post some MOCs here too!
  11. Thanks LegoMathijs! Thanks noworktoday! Thanks x105Black! I wanted to build something between Lothorien and Rivendell for my elves. Thanks Wardancer! I don't remember where I got that hairpiece, but I know its now LEGO. I painted it too.
  12. Thanks neonic! Thanks HawkLord! Lots of MOCcers used those planets as domes before so I just used the idea.
  13. Thanks Lindulan! I've been using CMF stands as roofs since 2012 I think. Tons of those pieces had to have a use! Thanks Tyrannus! Unfortunately I was too busy at this Expo LUG Brasil to take more photos. The guys over LUG Brasil should have far more photos. Thanks Supremo! Like I said to Tyrannus, I were quite busy at the event to take more photos, but the guys over LUG Brasil shall have more photos. Thanks Isundir! I have a few kingdoms but i like to keep them growing whenever is possible. Thanks Balbo! Those ents are from the Orthanc set, I borrowed them from my friends at LUG Brasil to use in the layout.
  14. My Temple of Shanara presented in Expo LUG Brasil 2015. Temple of Shanara is an elven temple to one of the last Trees of Life in my Elven Kingdom Hybrasil. Comments and suggestions are welcome! Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr Hybrasil - Temple of Shanara by FantuX, no Flickr
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