HMS Surprise
A very good job for a first ship! The colours and the rigging look great I do have to agree with Admiral Croissant on the bow though. Adding a few more hinges will make her less bulky Keep up the good work! Greetings, Errorist
The Black Revenge (in progress)
Hello De Sandman, I really like your hull! It has a nice colourscheme and is loaded with some nice details! (Personally I'd remove those swords and halberds on the sides though) Also I think your bow looks really good!! As for the masts, they are way too short! The length of the mainmast on a square rigged man'o war (starting from the main deck) should be almost as long as the entire hull without the bowsprit. If it were a merchantman the mainmast would be a little shorter. The length of the other masts would have to be adjusted accordingly of course Because they are too short on your ship it makes the entire hull look stubby, which is a shame considering how nice the hull is. If you would like more insight into how these ships were built I strongly advise you to register at and look at some of the models and/or building logs on the site . Even if it is just for the general shape (a model will always be a better representation than a painting or a picture) I am sure one could learn a lot! I know I have. Anyway, keep up the good work!! Greetings, Errorist
Dutch VOC ship the Prins Willim, minifig scale!
Actually "berghouten" are called wales in English As I said last time in Amsterdam, your progress is looking great!! But it's sad to hear you won't be able to work on her for some time though. But then again, that gives me the opportunity to do a little catching up. Oh and good luck with your new house matey!! Cheers, Errorist
HMS Surprise and USS Constitution by BlaketheAdmiral
That would be nice indeed. The ships themselves look great. Truly a very nice find
Some old creations of mine
Hello all, Bonaparte told me that there was an LDDforum and that I should post some of my own older creations up here These ships have been made using the first two versions of LDD so there could be some room for improvement. However, I gave up on LDD to start building the real thing (as can be seen HERE.) Still, I enjoyed building these models which were great training for the real thing. So here they are A small frigate A big frigate can be seen HERE And a bunch of other ships can be found HERE Enjoy, and as always C&C is more than welcome!!
VOTING THREAD: The best LEGO sailing ships (minifig illusion scale)
Am I already too late? Otherwise: 4 points to 11. Le Sang Royale 2 points to 15. Le Vesta and 1 point to 8. The Prince of Wales
Our Zorro (Dieter) passing away
I only met with Dieter once in real life and found him to be a nice guy. I was shocked to hear of his death. My condoleances to his family. Dieter, may you rest in peace
New Update French frigate 'Vesta'
Beautiful peace of work Admiral!! I'm impressed with those last few pictures. I love a ship under full sail! Will there be other ships like this in the future? Perhaps a two-decker? Keep up the good work, Errorist
Voting Tournament of Retribution Voting
5 points to "The Red Lympics" by Captain Blue Hair 2 points to "Admiral Croissant and the Mousetrap" by Admiral Croissant
Frigate, a WIP
She will remain a frigate as it is financially impossible for me to add another deck. Therefor no 50 gun ship. The design of the hold is already based on that of a frigate so I'm just gonna go with that. She won't become a24 gunner though. She will become a frigate of 38 long guns, so technically a 38 gun frigate but she will also be carrying 6 carronades. No I haven't given up I just have a limited amount of time in which to build and a limited amount of money. I don't plan to leave such a huge gap in between updates as I did last time though When I have the pieces that I need I can finish the hold. Or at least the magazine. As for the name, I did give her a name "L'Etoile" (the star) when I started construction.
Frigate, a WIP
More then a year since my last update I finally have some progress which is actually worth showing First a bit of an explanation as the ship has changed quite a bit since the last update. For those of you that didn't know, I have abandoned the modular structure because of the rigging and went with a complete hull where ,at first, I used 1 stud steps to create a curve. Presently, the hull is still the same basic structure but I shortened it and starting building her with jumperplates. This is also the main reason why it took me so long to get an update as I needed 7 versions of the bow and about 20 of the stern before I was content with the shape. Needless to say that building all those versions cost me a lot of time. When she was finished she looked like this. But she wasn't meant to last. The reason? My dog was a bit to energetic with her own toys So I had to start over again. Inspired by CGH and this beautiful model(site is in french) I changed course and went with this: Once the hull was finished I started on the cable tier,the magazine and the shotlockers and that's where I am today. The grating only serves to close that hole so nothing can fall inside during construction. Those rown tiles will be replaced with dark grey ones in the future to simulate the lead-lined "tub" which was used for filling From the pictures one can see there is still a lot of work to be done. For example, the cable tier is closest to completion and even that is only about 80% finished. I realize my ship is quite hairy for which I have my dog,4cats and myself to thank More pictures can of course be found HERE(when moderated), the folder includes pictures from the older version and the new hull. I hope you guys will enjoy my "hard" work and as always C&C is not only welcome, it is very much appreciated!! Kind regards to all, Errorist
Dutch VOC ship the Prins Willim, minifig scale!
An amazing update Captain When will you be installing those lights? We will discuss her progress further on other places Keep up the good work!!
WIP Teaser of an American Frigate
Amazing update Admiral! Her masts are starting to look great, the black rigging looks really authentic Her bow looks great as well!! Keep those updates coming Admiral
Searching a colourscheme for rebuilding my 80 gun ship of the line Sup
I would choose 5, those red lines will give a nice effect to the hull I think
Le Alceste
Looking great so far Captain! The lantern design is ingenious as is the capstan! As for the mast, considering the length of this ship it might be best if you were to opt for 2 instead of 1 mast. It doesn't have anything to do with the number of gunports imo. She's just too long for one mast! Just my opinion. The colorscheme works pretty well, I like the white ornamentations Looking forward to seeing the finished product, keep up the good work
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