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  1. Thank you. To answer your question, i have no intentions of closing maj. It is unfortunate that i have to change from BrickShelf being as recognizable as it is to the community. As most of you are aware bandwidth to run a site with as many pictures as BrickShelf costs unimaginable amounts of money. I am pursuing alternate courses on a different site(no current URL) that should be up soon. So i beg you, gather your pictures now so they are not lost in the course of time. Once again, I appreciate all of the people in the lego community for your support. ~ Kevin
  2. I have have set the website to be accessed from this point until the thirtyf irst. After that,linking to brickshelf will take you to the new site, url undetermined. sorry for any inconvience and please take your pictures now, they will not be supported by the new site in their current format. ~ Kevin
  3. I have have set the website to be accessed from this point until the thirtyf irst. After that,linking to brickshelf will take you to the new site, url undetermined. sorry for any inconvience and please take your pictures now, they will not be supported by the new site in their current format. ~ Kevin
  4. Hi everyone! I joined here to try to be in touch with the community throughout this process. What I'm doing is moving all of the photos to a new and improved site that I've been working on for a while. I'll try to let you guys know whenever I have more information. Sorry there was not more notice. I was hoping to have this up and running by the end of BrickShelf but I've encountered a few snags. ~ Kevin
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